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Dark Days (The Childe Series, #2)

Page 18

by Kunz, C. A.

  “Matt! He said he saw you!”

  “Wait a second, Matt’s hurt? Well, it wasn’t us. We haven’t seen him since the dance.”

  “He said monsters, vampires came after him, and that just about describes you guys to a tee now, doesn’t it?” Hannah glared at them.

  “Hannah, Isaac’s telling the truth. We left the dance and came straight here. We didn’t touch your little boyfriend,” Amelia huffed. Isaac started to move toward his sister.

  “Stay away from me. I’m going to tell Mom and Dad about this. And you better have a good explanation for hurting an innocent.” Hannah stomped up the stairs and slammed her bedroom door.

  “That was entertaining,” Amelia quipped.

  “Quiet Amelia, someone or something hurt that boy, and since it was definitely not us, who did it? We’re the only ones of our kind in this town that cause trouble, but we never hurt anyone, scare them yeah, but-”

  “I don’t know why you’re so upset. You liked the idea of someone stirring up trouble last year,” Amelia sneered, covering up her hurt feelings after Isaac snapped at her.

  “Not while we’re getting the blame for it,” Isaac replied. “Anyway, Hannah’s right. Our parents do need to know. I’m going upstairs to try to convince her we had nothing to do with this. You guys go to your parents. They must still be at the meeting. I’ll catch up with you later,” Isaac said, moving quickly up the stairs.

  Cat sprang up in her chair when she heard moans coming from Matt’s bed. She saw his eyes open, looking bewildered as he scanned the room. He began panicking as he saw the tubes hanging from his arms.

  “Shhhh, Matt, it’s okay. You’re safe, you’re in the hospital. You had a little accident, but you’re going to be alright,” Cat whispered, patting his hand.

  “What…happened?” Matt’s gaze held Cat’s as he waited for her answer.

  “You were in a car accident. You were the only one hurt. The police said you must’ve lost control on the icy roads or something. Do you remember anything?”

  “No, the last thing…I remember, is driving away from Hannah’s house.”

  “Hey dork, what did you go and have an accident for? We’ve been here all night watching your butt sleep instead of being in our own warm, comfy beds. You’re lucky you’ve got friends like us,” Amanda’s voice sounded normal, but her face revealed her true feelings.

  “Sorry…why didn’t you all go home? Cat what are you doing here? We haven’t been…talking lately,” Matt grimaced.

  “Go back to sleep, Matt, we’ll fill you in when you feel a little better. See this button? It’s for pain. Do you want me to push it?” Matt barely nodded. Cat heard the beep as she pressed down. “Now that will make you feel better. Close your eyes and relax, we’ll be right here if you need us.”

  “Thanks,” Matt mumbled and then closed his eyes.

  As Cat and Amanda turned around to return to their seats they saw Julie and Elle staring up at them. “He’s fine, we should see if we can get some sleep ourselves,” Cat said wearily, plopping down in a chair, and then stared out at the darkness beyond the hospital windows.

  “Ow,” Cat said, sitting up from the uncomfortable position she had slept in all night. Touching her bottom lip she pulled back her finger and it was bathed in blood. Oh crap, my fangs are out. Fan-flippin-tastic! She thought. Cat covered her mouth and looked from side to side. She was relieved to find everyone was still asleep. She concentrated and tried to make her fangs retract, but they wouldn’t. Glancing at the bed she noticed a new IV pole with a bag, filled with a red substance, hanging from it. Of course, blood, Cat thought realizing that the coppery smell must have triggered her fangs. When was the last time I took my pill? Stupid, Cat, just stupid. I’ve got to get out of here! She told herself as she quietly made her way past the sleeping bodies. Carefully opening the door, Cat slipped out into the corridor, still covering her mouth with her hand. It was brightly lit and people in colorful scrubs moved in and out of rooms lining the hall. Cat stood outside Matt’s room wondering what to do next.

  “Cat?” Dr. Bane’s voice seemed loud in the quiet corridor.

  “Dr. Bane, I need your help. I’m kind of having an issue at the moment. If you know what I mean,” Cat whispered, removing her hand from her mouth, revealing her obvious predicament.

  “I’d say you are. When was the last time you took your pill?” he asked as he took her arm leading her down the hallway to a closed door marked Personnel Only.

  “I don’t remember,” she lisped, covering her mouth again.

  “Well, you’re too far gone now for the pills to have effect. We need to get you some real blood,” he whispered as he unlocked the door and flipped on the light switch. Three refrigerators stood in front of them surrounded by cabinets labeled with their contents. “Have a seat in that chair Cat, and let’s see what we can drum up for this condition of yours.” Dr. Bane opened one of the refrigerators, and Cat saw rows and rows of labeled bags filled with a red substance that she assumed was blood. In the door were several bags sitting by themselves. Dr. Bane grabbed a few of them and shut the door. Holding them up to the light, “Well, these bags don’t seem to have labels. They’re probably excess. I’m sure it’ll be okay for you to have these,” he said, handing one of the bags over to her.

  “What do you expect me to do with this?”

  “Okay, I’m going to need you to bite the bag, and let your fangs do the rest.”

  “Ewwww! I don’t want to drink it. Please tell me there’s another way.” She scowled when he shook his head.

  “Open up, Cat, and place the bag to your teeth. Come on, be a big girl and take your medicine.”

  Opening her mouth, Cat closed her eyes as she felt the cold plastic bag caress her lips. She cringed as her teeth pierced it, feeling the blood entering her teeth. Cat was amazed there was no taste. Dr. Bane’s handsome face broke into a smile. “Not bad, huh?” Cat shook her head and watched as the bag emptied. Dr. Bane took another bag and held it out. Pulling the other one gently from her teeth, she pushed the second bag in. “I think two bags should be enough to suppress your appetite. It’s a good thing this happened here. The last thing we want is for you to have to find a warm-bodied blood supply on your own.” Cat silently chuckled as she visualized herself trying to feed from Fredricka, getting a mouthful of fur in the process.

  Cat suddenly began to feel dizzy, her vision blurring slightly. She felt an uncontrollable urge to giggle out loud, but the plastic bag stuck to her fangs made it difficult. I better keep this bag in my mouth. I wouldn’t want to get blood all over me. They’d call me Bloody Cat, or blood-sucking Colvin, or Undead Cat if I did, she hysterically thought. As Dr. Bane removed the bag from Cat’s mouth, she let out a loud giggle and hiccupped

  “Cat, are you okay?”

  “Yes,” she said, followed by another loud hiccup. “Yeeeessss, I’m just great, Doc!” she giggled again at the alarm she saw in his face. Bringing the second bag up to his nose, Dr. Bane immediately realized the cause of her strange behavior. The blood was tainted with alcohol. Great, how did Dr. Gregg’s experimental blood get put in here? Then he remembered the broken refrigerator down in the lab. Fantastic, now she’s drunk! How am I going to explain this? He thought.

  “Doc, do you…know how many feeeeeeeemales…drool over you. Even my mom…thinks you’re hot!” Cat laughed, lying back in the chair. She would’ve slipped out of it if Dr. Bane’s reflexes hadn’t been so quick. Holding on to her, he grabbed his cell, and pressed a few keys.

  “Aldon, we have a slight problem. I need you to meet me at the hospital’s back entrance. Yes, as soon as you can. Thanks, I’ll explain when you get here.” He hit the end button and then caught Cat as she suddenly leaned forward, planting a big kiss on his lips.

  “Mmmmmm, wait until I telllll everyone I kissed the hunky doctor. Of course I can’t do that…Ryan would be soooo maaaadd. Cause he loves me. He’s so sweet.” She frowned, looking into Dr. Bane’s eyes, “You wo
n’t tell him will yoooou?” she loudly whispered and then hiccupped again.

  “No, Cat, I won’t. In fact, we won’t tell anyone, okay? This will be our little secret.”

  “Soooooo mannnny secretssss I keeeeeep. I-” Cat’s head fell forward as she passed out. Dr. Bane sighed, pressing numbers on his phone again.

  “Carol, it’s me, please meet me on the 2rd floor of the hospital. I have a little issue that I need you to help me with. Yes, and bring me a wheelchair. I’m in the temporary blood room. Thanks. And please hurry.” Hanging up the phone he knew in the next few hours he’d have a lot of explaining to do.

  Half an hour later Cat was safely buckled into Aldon’s back seat. As Carol took off with the wheelchair, Dr. Bane watched Aldon pull out of the back parking lot, merging into the traffic. Sighing, he made his way back to Matt’s room preparing an explanation for Cat’s absence.

  Rachel placed a cool washcloth on Cat’s forehead, and grumbled worriedly at the fact her sixteen-year-old was lying in front of her inebriated. She thought back to when Aldon had called during breakfast.

  “Drunk?” Sam had asked after answering the phone and hearing what happened. “But she’s staying in Matt’s room with the others. How did she get drunk? Oh, I see. We’ll see you soon then.”

  “What? Cat’s drunk? How?” Rachel exclaimed.

  Taylor laughed. “Way to go, Red Freak! Little sis is looking to be grounded for life.”

  “Quiet Taylor, Cat didn’t drink on purpose. It seems our little girl forgot to take her pill, and Dr. Bane had to improvise by giving her blood bags. I guess a few of them were tainted. Aldon’s on his way here with Cat. She’s unconscious, but okay,” Sam explained

  “She’s gonna have one heck of a hangover though. Hey, does this mean I can drink too?” Taylor asked, trying to look innocent.

  “No young man, it does not. This was an accident,” Sam said, and Taylor jumped up to answer the door when the bell chimed through the house.

  “Let’s go take care of our little drunkard,” Sam joked, smiling as he grabbed Rachel’s hand, leading her out of the kitchen toward the foyer.

  “So my little ones, tell me again of this cloaked figure who has thwarted you for a second time,” Andrei said, leaning back in the chair while crossing his legs with a puzzled expression on his face.

  “We have no idea. They come out of nowhere,” Amy complained.

  “Out of nowhere?” he asked.

  “And they’re really strong too, like super strong!” Becca chimed in.

  “Well, girls, it would seem that we have a little issue that needs to be dealt with. But for now, I think we should plan for something a tad bigger, and see if we can’t draw this person out. Yes, Amy, I see your hand is raised, what do you want?”

  “I think we need a cow, because cows give us milk, and we really need milk,” she snickered, causing Andrei to roll his eyes.

  “Okay, ladies, we shall find you a cow. Has to be a strong one, though. One that’s able to sustain you three.”

  “Andrei, I think I know just the perfect person,” Amy’s sinister smile caused Linda’s stomach to churn, dreading who Amy had in mind.



  Sitting on the bench just outside her oval bay window, Cat fiddled with the locket her aunt Ròs had given her. As she studied the pictures within, Cat felt a sense of sadness overcome her. “I look just like her,” she said to herself in a reflective tone, tracing the picture of her mother with her index finger. He looks so regal, and I definitely know where I get my fiery red hair from, she mused, gazing at her father’s photo. Tears formed in her eyes as Cat clasped the locket shut and clutched it tightly in her hand. Looking up into the night sky at the full moon looming overhead, she tried to ward off the oncoming flow of tears.

  Staring down at the locket once more, Cat noticed the Celtic knot on the back of it was now flush with the face, and not raised like before. Examining it further, she found herself turning the symbol one full rotation, trying to reset it. With the Celtic knot back in place, Cat set the locket down on the bench beside her. Standing up, she leaned against the balcony railing, closed her eyes, and let the frigid wind caress her cheeks and tussle her hair. She turned around abruptly when she heard a clanking noise behind her. Cat watched in awe as the locket bounced along the bench. She moved forward and it stopped. As she reached out to pick it up, the locket moved away and began to glow with a faint violet light. “What the heck?” Cat asked, her eyes wide with shock.

  The locket suddenly popped open and the violet light shot into the sky. Watching its path, Cat saw the light intersect with a trail of purple smoke making its way toward her house. It seemed like it was coming right at her, but at the last minute switched directions, heading for the widow’s walk at the top of the roof. Cat hurried up the icy ladder, her Ugg boots giving her traction. Reaching the widow’s walk, her eyes met her aunt Ròs’.

  “Catherine, Catherine, what’s wrong?” Are you in trouble?!” Ròs asked in a panic, pulling her up onto the roof, and grabbing her in a hug.

  “I’m fine. What are you doing here?” Cat’s voice was muffled, being smothered by Ròs.

  “Well, you called me!” she replied, pulling Cat away to look at her.

  “Wait, I did?”

  “The locket, you used it right?”

  “I called you with that?” Cat asked.

  “I guess I did not explain that properly. Well, you see, it’s enchanted with witch magic. A transportation spell to be exact.” Noticing Cat’s confusion, Ròs said, “It’s a long story.”

  “Of course it is. Why wouldn’t it be?” Cat joked. My life keeps getting weirder and weirder.

  “You have to be careful with that locket. Its magics are very sensitive,” Ròs explained.

  “I’m really sorry,” she apologized.

  “Oh, it’s okay. Just try not to use it again unless it is a dire emergency,” Ròs said with a laugh.

  “Got it,” Cat replied.

  “Since I’m here now anyway, how are things? Has anything interesting happened lately?” Ròs asked.

  Oh, if only you knew, Cat thought. “No, not really. Just trying to survive high school,” she chuckled. Cat didn’t want Ròs to know about what was really going on. She didn’t want to be forced to leave the Colvins, her friends, and most of all, Ryan. She knew lying to Ròs wasn’t right, but she was willing to do so in order to not jeopardize her “normal” life more than it already was.

  “Survive high school?” Ròs sounded confused.

  “Yeah, you know,” Cat began and then realized Ròs was from a different world. “Oh, I guess you don’t. Well, you have your bullies, horrid teachers, and gawd awful homework! Plus, peer pressure and the list goes on,” Cat explained.

  “Sounds positively dreadful,” Ròs replied.

  “Yeah, so goes the life of a teenager,” she drawled unenthusiastically.

  “Well, as long as you’re okay, that’s all that matters,” Ròs stated, putting her hand on Cat’s shoulder.

  “Yeah, everything’s fine, no worries here,” she replied with a slight smile.

  “Alright then, I’ll be off. Oh, and try not to tinker too much with the locket unless it’s a true emergency. The ride is quite intense, never really liked it in the first place, but it is a quick way to get somewhere,” she explained and laughed. “I love you, Cat, please be safe.”

  “Love you too, Aunt Ròs, and I will be, don’t worry,” she replied.

  “Oh, and one more thing before I go. Please do call on me if you are in trouble. Don’t be afraid to confide in me,” she said with a slight smile and a look of concern.

  “Will do.” Ròs winked at Cat and then leapt off the roof, disappearing into the night. Man, if Robert Craven knew about my life, he’d have another best seller on his hands for sure! Cat told herself.

  “Cat? Are you going to make the incision? Ugh, I can’t do it,” Hannah moaned, completely disgusted at the sight of the frog stre
tched out in front of them. Cat looked down at the poor thing lying there motionless, and then glanced over at the scalpel in her hand.

  “I don’t think I can do it either,” she replied, gagging at the thought.

  “Problem, ladies?” Mr. Pierson asked, approaching their lab table.

  “Uh, sir, is all of this really necessary? You know the whole frog massacre thing?” Cat asked with a disgusted look.

  “Oh, come now ladies, it’s not that difficult.” Mr. Pierson chuckled as he took the scalpel from Cat’s hand and put it to the chest of the frog. As he began to make the incision both Cat and Hannah put their hands to their mouths trying not to gag. Thankfully the bell rang, and Mr. Pierson placed the scalpel down on the table. “Okay class, we’ll pick up where we left off tomorrow. Please read the chapter in your lab book about frog dissection if you haven’t done so already,” Mr. Pierson said smiling, his dimples adding the final touch.

  After swim practice, Cat sat in Mr. Pierson’s classroom, helping him organize his files. “So, I probably shouldn’t be asking a student this, but what do you think of Amaya Phillips?” he asked, sifting through some papers, avoiding eye contact with Cat.

  “I love Miss Amaya. She’s amazing,” Cat stated. “Why, what’s up?”

  “Oh, nothing. Just curious is all,” he replied with a grin, and then pushed his glasses up off his nose. “By the way, thank you so much for helping me stay organized, I know what kind of stigma can come from being a teacher’s assistant.”

  “It’s been cool, plus no one’s really given me a hard time anyway,” Cat replied. “Hey, Mr. Pierson?”

  “Yes, Ms. Colvin?”

  “I don’t mean to be rude, but what’s with the pocket protector?”

  “Oh this?” Mr. Pierson asked drawing it from his shirt pocket. “Well, it’s kind of my security blanket. Don’t leave home without it.”


  He chuckled. “Let’s just say, I had a little pen incident once, and this keeps that from happening ever again.”


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