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Dark Days (The Childe Series, #2)

Page 28

by Kunz, C. A.

  “Why does she always have to be right?” Leif muttered under his breath, following behind her.

  “Damn, he locked us in here,” Amy growled as she tried to push open the gate that led to the next chamber.

  “Why did Andrei leave us? I don’t think he’s coming back,” Becca whined.

  “Oh shut up, Becca! All you do is complain! And would it kill you to put a smile on your face, Linda? You act like you just lost your best friend or something…oh right, I guess you did,” Amy sneered. Linda grew angry.

  “You’re just mad because Becca’s right! Andrei’s not coming back! He’s left us here to face that thing back there!” Linda yelled.

  “Oi!” Duffie called out drawing the three’s attention. “Evening, ladies, so we meet again,” she said coming into their view.

  “Oh look, girls, it’s our mystery guests, right on time,” Amy said snidely. “Come here to protect your little Cat, huh?”

  “No, we’re just out for a nice little stroll.” Leif nodded. Duffie watched the three girls, noting the angry flush on Amy’s cheeks, the shock on Becca’s face, and the tears drying on Linda’s. “So are you three going to come quietly, or are we going to have to force you? Either way, it doesn’t matter to us,” Duffie remarked, watching Amy clench her fists and bare her fangs.

  “This won’t be like the last time!” Amy roared.

  “I agree, I came prepared,” Duffie replied, pulling out a syringe. “A combination of nightshade, silver, and a splash of holy water. The perfect vamp tranquilizer!”

  “Is that supposed to scare us?” Amy laughed.

  “Let’s find out shall we?” Duffie stated smugly. Amy growled and propelled herself forward.

  Duffie waited until the last minute and sidestepped out of the way, sending Amy flying past her. Landing on her feet, Amy yelled in frustration as she whipped around to face Duffie again.

  “Quit playing around and fight!” Amy demanded. Duffie smirked. Amy lunged at her, swiping at her face with her long black fingernails. Duffie ducked and swiftly moved behind Amy, shoving her away. Shrieking, Amy leaped into the air toward Duffie. Again Duffie dodged her attack. “Why won’t you fight me?” Amy asked angrily. Making her way toward her, Amy began to stumble and her vision became blurry. “What…did you…do to me?” she slurred and then fell to the ground unconscious. Duffie held up the empty syringe, twiddling it between her fingers.

  Looking over to the other two girls, “So who’s next?” Duffie asked. Becca pushed her hand forward in a sweeping motion, sending Linda flying into Duffie’s arms, and then tried to run. Becca’s exit was blocked by Leif who quickly grabbed her. She let out a scream of protest as she bared her fangs and tried to bite him.

  “We’ve got a wild one here, Duffster,” Leif commented. As he fought to keep Becca restrained, Duffie tossed him a syringe. After a moment of struggling, he was finally able to plunge the syringe into Becca’s neck, making her collapse to the ground.

  “Now, are you going to tell us where Cat is?” Duffie asked looking sternly at Linda. Linda nodded.

  “Follow that tunnel and it’ll lead you straight to her,” Linda replied, pointing as her voice and hand shook. “Please hurry.”

  “We will, thanks,” Duffie replied. Linda flinched as Leif proceeded to stick the syringe in her arm. He cushioned her fall and he laid her down next to the other two.

  “Come on, Leif, we need to find Cat.”

  “I can’t believe I killed him,” Cat murmured to herself in a melancholy tone.

  “He would’ve killed me if you didn’t do anything,” Matt replied, his eyes fixed on Edgar, his mind still not comprehending what he just witnessed. Werewolves are real? He thought to himself. Chains clanking in the distance drew their attention. “What’s that?” Matt asked panicked.

  “I don’t know.”

  “Cat, we need to get out of here! It’s probably another one of those things!” Matt yelled, pointing at Edgar’s body.

  “Help,” a faint cry rang through the tunnels. Cat rose to her feet.

  “Melvin! Is that you?” Cat called out.

  “Melvin? Mr. Pierson’s down here?” Matt asked confused.

  “Help,” the cry sounded again, followed by chains clanging.

  “It came from that direction,” Cat said, looking at one of the tunnels. Matt slowly stood up with the assistance of the wall as Cat began moving cautiously toward the tunnel.

  “Wait, Cat, you have no idea what that was!”

  “It’s Mr. Pierson, it has to be!”

  “We should go get help, not investigate it ourselves!”

  “Then stay put, I’ll be right back,” Cat replied.

  “You’re not supposed to say that! People never come back after saying that.”

  “This isn’t a movie, Matthew. This is real life!”

  “Well, if you’re going, could you at least wait up for me?” Matt asked, hobbling over to her. “I want to go on the record and say I think this is a terrible idea.”

  Two sets of eyes watched as Cat and Matt went farther into the tunnels. Duffie and Leif caught the tail end of the confrontation. They witnessed the death of Edgar Girven by Cat’s hands in self-defense.

  “Come on, Leif, we’ve got to go wrap our packages,” Duffie stated.

  “Well, shouldn’t we help them?” Leif asked.

  “They’ll be fine, there’s no more danger here,” Duffie said while looking at Edgar’s lifeless body on the ground.

  Retracing their steps, Leif and Duffie found their way back to the woods. Pulling out her cell phone, Duffie called Gerard.

  “Melvin! Where are you?” Cat shouted out, listening for an answer. Hearing groaning around the corner, Cat and Matt peeked around it to find another open chamber. Three dingy mattresses were laid on the floor, and Melvin sat propped up on the back wall, chained, his head tilted to the side. His clothes were tattered and his face covered in spotty facial hair. The pale color of his skin worried Cat. “Melvin!” Cat cried, running up to his side as Matt stayed behind as a lookout.

  “Cat? Is that you?” he asked, raising his head slightly.

  “Yes, it’s me. We need to get you out of here.” Cat could see the numerous puncture wounds on his neck and arms. Tears filled her eyes as she felt how skinny he was when she hugged him and lifted him to his feet. Matt watched on and became a little emotional as well.

  Two cars barreled down the road toward the beach. “Aldon, what else did the caller say?” Sam asked, sick with worry.

  “I told you, Cat is in the tunnel system below town and I was given the directions of how to get there,” Aldon replied.

  “Are you sure they said that Catherine’s okay?”

  “Yes, Sam, that is what they said.”

  “So you didn’t recognize the voice?” Dr. Bane asked, sitting in the back seat.

  “I thought at first I did, but then when he told me about Cat, I stopped paying attention because I was taking in all the details,” Aldon replied as he looked to Sam, not liking how pale his friend was. “Sam, she’s fine, Ryan taught her well.”

  I should’ve been with her tonight! It’s all my fault if she’s hurt! I hope the caller’s right and she’s okay, Ryan thought, sitting next to Dr. Bane and staring out the window at Olde’s Bay.

  Coming to an abrupt stop, “We’re here,” Sam announced anxiously.

  “We should wait for Lucien and his men before we make a move,” Aldon said, grabbing Sam’s arm as he tried to jump out of the car.

  Lucien’s car pulled up next to theirs moments later and the two groups headed toward the clearing.

  “Now let’s go in quietly, I know the caller said there was no danger, but now is not the time to throw caution to the wind,” Aldon explained. “There’s the trap door they mentioned. I’ll go first. Harold, follow me, then Sam and Ryan. Lucien, your group will bring up the rear.” Aldon’s flashlight lit the way in the dark and dank tunnels. After a short trek, Aldon suddenly stopped and sniffed the air.
“They went this way,” he said, pointing down the left side tunnel. “Quiet everyone, I hear something,” Aldon whispered, holding up his hand signaling for them to hold position.

  “Matt, hush, it was loose. I told you it was loose,” Cat said.

  “Uh-uh, those chains were embedded in that wall! You yanked them out like they were nothing. What is going on Cat? Please tell me!”

  “Just keep moving, we’ve got to get Mr. Pierson out of here!”

  Aldon stood to the side, letting Sam rush past him toward Cat’s voice. Cat’s eyes lit up at the sight of her father coming down the tunnel. Dr. Bane moved quickly to relieve the pair of their burden. Sam grabbed his daughter, pulling her in close, holding on for dear life. The moment Sam let go, Ryan took his place, hugging her tightly.

  “I’m so sorry. I’m glad you’re okay,” Ryan whispered, kissing her forehead. After smelling the blood on her, Ryan noticed it wasn’t hers and felt oddly relieved.

  “How did you guys know we were here?”

  “It’s a long story, Cat. Are you okay, honey?” Sam replied, hugging her again.

  “No…I killed him,” Cat choked out.

  “Killed who?” Sam asked puzzled.

  “I’ll show you,” Cat replied, turning and leading them down the tunnel.

  The group smelled death before they entered the chamber. Cat pointed to Edgar’s body lying on the ground. “It all happened so fast…I didn’t mean to do it…please believe me,” Cat pleaded, staring at what she had done.

  “Of course I believe you, honey,” Sam said as Cat clung to him, sobbing as if her heart was breaking.

  “Mr. Colvin, I saw everything. That man was a wolf and he attacked us!” Matt blurted out, looking paler by the minute. With quick reflexes Ryan caught Matt before he hit the ground, passing out.

  “I left my men to search the tunnels for the three girls the caller mentioned. What in the world?” Lucien Bancroft exclaimed as he made his way into the open area.

  “It’s Edgar Girven. From what I observe, the poor man has been down here for a while. Held captive by these chains. The way he was tortured and starved would explain his actions tonight,” Aldon said sadly, shaking his head.

  “Uncle Aldon, I’m so sorry. I know he was…your friend. I didn’t…mean for this to happen.” Cat raised anguished eyes to her uncle.

  Taking her chin in his hand, “You have nothing to be sorry for, this was not your fault,” he said kindly.

  “Cat, one question. What is Matt doing down here?” Sam asked, looking at the unconscious young man.

  “I don’t know. He must’ve followed me or something.”

  “Lucien, we found the girls!” Ivan called into the room. “They were tied up and knocked out just like we were told.”

  “We need to make a decision about the boy’s memory,” Lucien said.

  “You’ll do nothing to his memory!” Cat said hotly, staring at her friend lying on the ground. “He’s one of my best friends, and I won’t sit by and let you do that. He’ll never tell anyone about this if I tell him not to! Dad, you won’t let them do this, will you?”

  “I think Cat’s right. Wait, before anyone protests, I trust this young man, and I trust him with my daughter’s life. She’s right, he’ll keep this secret,” Sam replied confidently.

  “If you say that he will not divulge anything, then that is all I need to know,” Lucien said, and then received a smile from Cat.

  “Me too,” Ryan piped up.

  “Okay, so we agree. We shall not erase his memory,” Aldon stated.

  “Harold is tending to Mr. Pierson. Sam, take the youngsters to your house. I’ll make arrangements for the body to be picked up and photographed for proof of the torture and starvation. And, I guess Druanna, Elsie, and I will be having houseguests for a while in our basement. I’ll need assistance transporting the three girls there,” Aldon explained.

  “We shall take care of that matter,” Lucien announced.

  The phone rang in Blanche Caulder’s quarters. “Hello, councilwoman Blanche Caulder speaking.”

  “It is done,” Andrei said quickly and then hung up. Blanche smiled smugly in the knowledge that her plan had worked. She made her way to Reynard’s office, the head of the Varulv Council, with a bounce in her step. Knocking on the door, she impatiently waited. “It’s Blanche,” she said through the door when there was no answer.

  “Come in,” Reynard said, sounding distracted. Opening the door, Blanche saw him on the phone shaking his head sadly. Hanging up, he raised his eyes to her. “We have quite the mess to contend with,” he muttered.

  “Whatever do you mean?” Blanche replied, attempting to look surprised.

  “It involves the Colvin girl,” he sighed.

  “Has something happened to her?” she asked, trying to keep the glee out of her voice.

  “No, not her. Edgar Girven. The poor councilman is dead, and it seems she was involved. Aldon says it was self-defense. He assures me that he has evidence to prove this, which he plans to show at Catherine’s council hearing…which is inevitable.”

  Blanche’s eyes narrowed. The plan had backfired. That stupid Colvin girl’s still alive! How dare Andrei lie to me like this! She thought as anger filled her.

  “She killed him? Poor, poor sweet Edgar? I told you that girl was dangerous! But no, no one listens to me! Well, now maybe things will change,” she stated.

  “Blanche did you not hear me? If what Aldon says is true, and Edgar was starved and tortured in those tunnels, then someone must have planned on this happening.”

  “Do not be ridiculous, Reynard. Who would have planned such a thing?”

  “I have no clue, Blanche, but my brother would not lie about something like this. That I can assure you,” he answered.

  “So, you do not think Aldon would be biased?” Blanche asked sarcastically. “I mean, why would he be, right? Even though he loves that little half-breed.”

  “I suggest you be mindful of where you take this conversation, Blanche. If my brother has evidence, then he does,” Reynard said, looking pointedly at her.

  “Well, we shall see, of course. But I’m warning you Reynard, his evidence better be perfect! If not, I shall ask for the harshest punishment for what she’s done to our dear friend.” Blanche declared, and then stormed out of his office not allowing him to have the last word.

  Lisbeth stormed through the long, arched, white marble corridor leading to the observatory. Her angry footsteps were deafening in the large hall. The rage in her eyes was framed by the unruly and wiry black hair that hung in front of her face. Throwing open the double doors leading to the observatory, Lisbeth spotted Andrei standing in the glass enclosed balcony. He was drumming his fingers on the banister that surrounded the balcony as he looked down at the Romanian village below. “Why didn’t you tell me that my brother’s condition improved?” she shouted. Andrei didn’t answer. Crossing her arms, “I am waiting for your response!”

  “Oh Lisbeth, I didn’t notice you were there over the shouting, forgive me,” Andrei drawled unenthusiastically. Lisbeth shrieked violently, slightly cracking the panes of glass surrounding them on the balcony. “You are infuriating, Andrei!”

  “Uh, uh, uh, let us try and use our inside voices, Lisbeth. I do not think Cain would be too happy to hear that we had to replace this glass for a second time,” he commented smugly. Lisbeth gained her composure and smirked evilly.

  “It is funny that you mention our master Cain. He has awoken. Oh, and I am sure he will love to hear that three vials of his blood have been taken from the vault,” she said confidently. Andrei glared at her but became nervous at the thought of Cain’s reaction to what he’d done.

  “What are you talking about? I had no idea that those vials were missing!” Andrei replied vehemently.

  “Why so defensive, Andrei? I said no such thing. You better hurry, though, you do not want to miss Cain’s awakening ceremony,” she said slyly, as she walked out of the room.

; Andrei scowled at her. You have really done it now, Andrei! How could I be so foolish as to leave the evidence behind in Astoria! I have to fix this. Cain must never find out I changed those girls using his blood. After the dust settles I shall return to Astoria and finish what I started.


  Truth and Consequence

  Rachel was waiting on the front porch as Cat arrived home after her ordeal. She rushed to Aldon’s car as it pulled into the driveway and ripped open the passenger side door. Grabbing Cat in a hug, Rachel began to sob happy tears. “Oh Cat, you’re safe!” she wailed, squeezing her daughter tightly. Taylor pulled Matt from the backseat and carried him into the house. As Taylor laid him on the couch, his dad filled him and Rachel in on what had happened.

  Ryan helped Cat up to her bedroom and sat on her balcony while she cleaned up. Looking into her bathroom mirror, Cat didn’t recognize the person staring back. She was covered in blood and was as white as the towel she was using to wipe her face. Tears welled up in her eyes as she turned away and headed into the shower. As the water washed the blood from her skin, she watched as it swirled down the drain. I’m a killer, she thought.

  Ryan heard the bathroom door open and peered in at Cat through the open bay window. Seeing her strained demeanor he went to her side, took her hand, and led her to sit on the bright orange couch.

  “How you holding up?” he asked.

  “Isn’t it painfully obvious?”

  “I feel like I’ve let you down. I hate the fact I couldn’t be there for you tonight.”

  “Ryan, I told you it’s okay. I just wished Matt hadn’t seen all of this. And if you had been there, you might have been hurt,” she said, snuggling up close to him.

  “Well, maybe Matt should have his memory wiped then.”

  “I meant what I said. I trust Matt. He won’t say anything. Speaking of Matt, maybe we should go downstairs and see if he’s woken up yet. I wonder how he’s going to take all of this.”

  Much to everyone’s surprise, Matt took everything pretty well. “Let me get this straight, you live with werewolves and you’re a half-vampire? But don’t they hate each other?” Matt’s forehead creased heavily as he pondered his question.


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