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Winter's Heart

Page 12

by Warneke, A. C.

  Sitting, he put their refreshments down then pulled her into the adjacent seat. With a grin she was becoming all-too-familiar with, he raised the arm rest between them. “Look. No barriers.”

  A slow smile curved her lips as she finally realized they weren’t there to watch the movie at all. A small, infinitesimally small, part of her brain was disappointed that she wasn’t going to be watching the movie but the rest of her was doing backflips at the thought of spending two hours in the dark heading to second or third base with Winter. Reaching up, she lightly tugged on the beard, “And will this be joining us?”

  “Not today.” He tore the synthetic hair from his face and stuffed it into his pocket before he turned to her and took her hand in his, entwining their fingers. Looking at their joined hands, he murmured in a suddenly serious voice, “I don’t want you to feel rushed, Flynn. We can sit here and watch the movie….”

  Sliding her free hand into the silky blackness of his hair, she leaned forward and covered his lips with hers, shutting him up with a kiss. His firm lips offered the slightest resistance before he opened and his tongue pushed into her mouth. Minty heat swept over her, through her and her eyelids drifted shut from the sheer overwhelming-ness that was Winter. But there was something that was stopping her from drowning completely.

  Tearing her mouth away from his, she rested her forehead against his and whispered, “I like the seats and I love being here with you but maybe we should wait until the lights go down.”

  His laugh was a little breathless as he nodded his head and pressed a soft kiss against the shell of her ear, “I think that’s a good idea.”

  Twisting back in his seat, he scrubbed his fingers through his hair and heaved a deep breath. There was a slight tic along his taut jaw and his lips were flushed with blood and he was beautiful beyond words. With his slightly tousled hair, he looked like he had just rolled out of bed and it was a good look on him. Of course, she didn’t think he had a bad look and she took pleasure in just watching him up close and personal. He caught her staring at him and gave her a slight smile, “You want some popcorn while we wait?”

  At her nod, he handed her the bucket while grabbing a handful of popcorn for himself and then they both faced forward. Knowing that they were just waiting for the lights to go down so they could get back to the kissing, she felt so naughty. This was so unlike her that she hardly recognized the girl wearing her skin. But none of that mattered because she was with Winter and it had nothing to do with her girlhood infatuation with the actor and everything to do with her intense attraction to the man. If she could bottle this feeling, this euphoria, she’d be able to sell it and make a small fortune.

  Or she could keep it on a shelf and use it when all of this was over and done and she was back to her usual mundane world, when Winter moved on to other girls.

  Six months.

  The lights dimmed a little and her belly fluttered in anticipation but it was only the previews. It would be a while longer before the theater went completely dark and the movie started. She glanced at Winter out of the corner of her eye and found him staring at her with an enigmatic smile on his lips. “What is it?”

  “I’m just trying to figure out where you came from,” he grinned, reaching out and taking her hand in his, as if he couldn’t help but hold her hand. “And I’m really looking forward to discovering what makes you scream.”

  She was in way over her head and she knew it but it didn’t matter. The things he said turned her to mush and made her want to experience… everything, as long as it was with him. Feigning a boldness she was just learning she possessed, she reached over and dragged her nails over the length of his erection and purred, “I’m sure I have a fairly good idea.”

  He sucked in a breath and closed his eyes, almost as if in pain. But when he looked at her, the smile was still there and he chuckled, “It’s going to be so good between us, Flynn.”

  She swallowed back her fears and doubts and smiled at him, not knowing what to say because she had so little experience to compare it to and she had never felt like this before. As the previews played in the background, with the loud explosions and dramatic voice overs, she was barely aware of anything beyond Winter and the butterflies that were shaking in their boots in her stomach.

  She still wasn’t sure how she had gotten to this place, sitting in a darkened theater with Winter Mitchell. One minute she was showing him her dad’s brilliant work and the next she was his alter ego’s fake girlfriend. And now she was Winter’s fake girlfriend. It just sort of… happened. If his star wasn’t connected to Melissa Irish’s, would she be his real girlfriend? Well, that’s assuming they happened to meet, which was as farfetched as her becoming Winter’s fake girlfriend.

  “You’re thinking too much.” Winter’s voice interrupted her thoughts a moment before his thumb rubbed the spot between her eyes that crinkled when she was lost in contemplation. His warm breath fanned over her face as he whispered, “Enjoy the moment, Flynn. When I have more to offer, it will be yours.”

  Her heart flipped over in her chest and a shiver whispered through her body at the heated promise in his words, the promise of more. When he leaned closer and the heat of his body wrapped around hers, she almost forgot to breathe. His lips moved against her ear as he murmured, “You’re the first thing I have wanted for myself in a very long time, Flynn. Let me have this.”

  “Yes,” she mouthed, the word coming out as a sigh as his lips brushed against the delicate skin beneath her ear. His hand slid around her neck and cupped the back of her head as he captured her lips with his and she was lost. It didn’t matter that the previews were still playing or that her popcorn spilled as she dropped the box or that she could very well get her heart broken. Running her hands up his chest, she slid her fingers into the black silk of his hair and held on, knowing she was going to drown.

  His tongue moved against her lips and she automatically opened for him, taking his tongue into her mouth and tasting mint and popcorn and Winter. Her heart pounded furiously in her chest, her skin tingled, and she was pretty sure she was going to need a new pair of panties before their date was through and she loved it. She loved the enchantment of kissing Winter, of being kissed by Winter.

  His warm palm slid beneath the hem of her shirt and she startled, which made him pull away. “Is this all right?”

  Holding his eyes, she nodded even though she didn’t think she’d ever get used to having his hand on her skin. It was too much pleasure for one person to handle and it was always going to overwhelm her, especially that first touch that sent shocks of awareness through her body. With a hungry grin, he reached past her and leaned her backwards until she was sprawled on the seats and he was hovering over her. “The lights have gone off.”

  Blinking, she realized that they were surrounded by darkness, the only light coming from the screen that could have been in a different country for all she cared. As a voice, as Winter’s voice, came over the speakers, she jumped and then laughed, “You have such a sexy voice.”

  Without answering, he took her lips in another fierce kiss, his hand going back to her waist. This time when she trembled, he didn’t stop kissing her, only smiled against her lips. Slowly, deliberately, he rocked his erection against her thigh and she could have sworn she felt it grow even bigger and she wondered how he was ever going to fit and then she wondered how soon she could find out.

  “Stop thinking,” he breathed into her ear, nipping her earlobe with his teeth and sending a trill of pleasure down her spine. Pushing off her a little, he held her eyes as he pushed the hem of her shirt upwards until her breasts were exposed to his gaze. When he dropped his eyes, he sucked in a breath and in that moment she felt like the most beautiful woman in the world.

  Almost reverently, he lightly ran a finger along the lacy edge of her bra, giving her goose bumps. Hooking the finger in the lace, he tugged downwards until her breast was freed and her nipple was exposed to the cool, theater air. She struggled against the in
stinct to cover her naked breast and instead concentrated on breathing so she wouldn’t pass out from lack of oxygen. If he didn’t do something, her heart was going to explode in her chest from fear and anticipation.

  “Exquisite,” he breathed, drawing a circle around her taut nipple. Her breath shuddered out of her and she started to tremble in earnest. Licking his lip, he bent his head and took her nipple into the heat of his mouth and a low groan came from the back of her throat at the delicious contact. He sucked the hard nub deeper into his mouth, pulling the blood to the surface and making her ache in divine agony.

  Her fingers curled into his hair, holding his head in place as he ravaged her breast. As he tormented her breast, her nipple, his hands were moving down her body to her pants. Distantly, she was aware of him unwrapping her, unfastening her pants and dragging the zipper down, but it didn’t register. Until he slid a finger along her swollen sex and she nearly screamed.

  “Shhh,” he breathed against her breast. Tilting his head up, he met her eyes as he used his teeth to pull the other cup of her bra off her breast. As he slowly moved his finger against her, as he continued holding her eyes, he took the tip of her other breast into his mouth and pulled. Her eyes rolled back into her head as pleasure swamped her body and she wanted him to tear her clothes off and just fuck her.

  Pulling his hand from her pants, he painted her nipple with her own wetness and she would have been embarrassed except for the way he looked at her. The hunger in his eyes burned bright enough that she could see it in the dim theater. As an explosion on screen lit up the room, lit Winter, she saw that his entire body radiated hunger and heat. She would give him everything.

  He gathered moisture several times and painted both breasts before he delved between her thighs one last time and then slid his fingers between her lips. “Taste yourself.”

  Her feminine musk was strong but it couldn’t completely hide the taste of Winter as she sucked his fingers clean and held his eyes. His chest bellowed with each panted breath he took as he watched, his erection pulsing against the front of his pants. Pulling his fingers from her mouth, he growled, “Enough.”

  And then his lips were back at her breasts, sucking, licking, devouring. Her hips rode up, desperate for the friction that would bring her release. “Please, Winter.”

  “Oh, God,” he groaned against her damp breast. “Say my name again.”

  “Winter,” she breathed.

  In a frenzy of movement, his hands were at her waist, pushing her pants further down her hips but not any further. Shoving a hand between her thighs, he slid a finger, two fingers into her heated depths. “My God, you are so tight.”

  A little whimper squeaked past her tight throat as she felt the touch of a man’s hand inside of her for the very first time. Why had she waited to feel this unimaginable pleasure? Probably because none of the boys in her life had been Winter. Her hips rocked with him as he slowly pumped his fingers in and out of her body. Her breath caught as he worked a third finger into her and she felt as if he was going to tear her apart. “It’s going to take three months just to stretch you out enough to accommodate me. You’re as tight as a fucking virgin.”

  Before she could say anything, he claimed her lips in a savage kiss, as if he couldn’t get enough of her and he wanted to inhale her. It went on like that for hours, days, weeks, as he tortured her, bringing her to the edge and backing off until there was an explosion on screen and he pushed her over and she knew it was to cover her cries as she came. Thank God there were a ton of explosions.


  As the credits started to roll, Winter rolled off of her delectable body. Against his fervent desires to keep her nearly naked, he straightened her bra and then pulled her shirt back down to cover flesh that was meant to always be seen. His cock was going to kill him but it had been worth it. She had been so responsive to everything he did to her and he could hardly wait three months to fuck her in earnest. But she had been so tight, almost too tight, and he knew she needed the time to grow accustomed to his size.

  “I would have let you slide all the way home,” she grumbled adorably as she straightened the rest of her clothes.

  “I know,” he grinned, affixing the ridiculous beard to his face once again. “But as I said before, you’re not ready for that.”

  She shook her head but he could still see the smile she tried to hide, “You have amazing self-control.”

  “And right now I wish I didn’t,” he said without a trace of shame as he adjusted the erection that was pressing against the front of his pants. Hissing, he swore, “Damn, that hurts.”

  Her eyes dropped to his lap and her tongue darted out and moistened her lips and he could swear his dick almost exploded. “Do… do you want me to take care of that?”

  God, more than anything. With a smile that almost hurt, he shook his head, “It’s too much for you at the moment.” At her wounded expression, he sheepishly admitted, “And I don’t want to embarrass myself. If you touch me, I will explode all over this theater and there will be spunk everywhere.”

  His words made her giggle, which he knew they would, and he felt a million miles tall. But he was going to have to make a stop in the men’s room because there was no way in hell he was going to be able to sit between her luscious thighs and have any hope of driving responsibly.

  What was it about Flynn Rogers that appealed to him so much? Sure, she was pretty but he had known tons of beautiful women, women whose sole job was to be beautiful. Flynn smiled at him and he felt as if he had flown to the moon, swam the English Channel and won Mr. Universe. How did that happen? When did it happen?

  Easing out of the seats, careful not to bump his cock too much, he draped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her against his body where she belonged. It was as if she was made for him and he liked having her next to him. When they got to the bathrooms, he didn’t want to let go but he really had no choice. Dropping a quick kiss to her forehead, knowing that if he kissed her lips he wouldn’t be able to stop, he murmured, “Give me five minutes.”

  Her eyes sparkled as she fought not to laugh, which only made him want to laugh and Jesus Christ he had it bad. With a rueful smile, he stalked into the bathroom and into one of the stalls. He tried to shut the stall door but a delicate hand stopped him and before he could put two thoughts together, the little minx was in the stall with him, blushing to the roots of her hair. If he were to strip her naked, he was pretty sure she’d be red all the way to her toes.

  “What are you doing in here?” he asked in a rough whisper, even though he had a fairly good idea. Instead of answering, she was tugging at his pants and every time the material rubbed against his aching dick, he thought he was going to blow his load. Grabbing her wrists, he rasped, “Gently, babe. I’m teetering on the edge and you’re pushing me right over.”

  Her eyes widened in alarm and her lips parted but he stopped her apology with a quick kiss. And then he quickly released his erection the rest of the way before she could touch him and light him up like a volcano. “We have to be quick.”

  She gave him a siren’s smile as she tentatively reached out and ran a finger along the thick vein of his penis. He hissed in pleasure and she stopped immediately, making him want to weep. Softly, she asked, “What do you want me to do?”

  Her pink tongue darted out again and her eyes dropped down as a drop of pre-come oozed down the slope of his dick. “Anything. Just do it fast.”

  She looked around as if to see if anyone was watching even though they were alone in the bathroom, alone in the stall, and then she fell to her knees until she was eye level with his dick. Not wanting it to be over too soon, he grabbed his cock and squeezed to keep from coming. As if following some unspoken instructions, she wrapped her hands around his penis and gulped, looking up at him with wide eyes, “You’ll have to tell me if I’m doing this right.”

  Fuck, he just about came! As it stood, he wasn’t going to last very long at all. Unable to speak, he made s
ome inarticulate sound and she grinned up at him before opening her mouth and sliding her lips over the head of his aching erection. His hand shot out and slammed against the wall of the stall as pleasure flooded his brain, his body, his balls. Wet heat moved over his dick and he was gone. Three fucking licks and he was done.

  “FUCK!” he roared as come spewed from his body, spilling down her throat, splashing her face, splattering on her shirt. Grabbing his dick again, he squeezed it to make it stop but he kept going under. Her nervous giggle nearly brought him to his knees and when he opened his eyes and saw his spunk all over her beautiful face, he did go down, plopping unceremoniously onto the toilet. An aftershock of pleasure rippled through him and a final drop of spunk oozed out. “Jesus Christ, woman, what did you do to me?”

  She used her hand to wipe the mess from her face, wearing a baffled yet oddly pleased expression. Glancing around the stall, she grabbed some toilet paper and cleaned up his mess the best she could, dropping the used tissue into the toilet. With a look of concern, she gently wiped the mess from his spent penis, placing a tender kiss on its tip before tucking it back in his pants. Sitting back on her heels, she looked up at him with a teasing half-smile, “I take it that was good?”

  Grabbing her beneath her armpits, he hauled her to her feet and smashed his mouth against hers, needing to kiss her as if his very life depended upon it. The sound of the toilet flushing automatically jolted him out of his lust-induced madness and he tore himself away from her, realizing that they were standing in the men’s restroom. Even he was disgusted at the thought of what he would have done if he had kept going.

  Resting his forehead against hers, he sucked in painful breaths of air to calm his body and try to regain some sense of balance. “Sorry about the mess.”

  Her delightful little giggle washed over him and she murmured, “It’s a few drops of sperm, not a big deal. If it were coffee or chocolate then we might have a problem because those things stain like nobody’s business and I really like this shirt.”


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