Winter's Heart

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Winter's Heart Page 15

by Warneke, A. C.

  “Oh, Flynnie,” Fallon sighed, crossing the room and taking his Flynn into her arms and giving her a comforting hug as if he wasn’t there at all. “You foolish girl.”

  Flynn laughed as she stepped out of her sister’s embrace. “Yeah, well, I love you, too.”

  Shaking her head, Fallon grabbed the cake and brushed past him, seething under her breath, “I have my eye on you, mister.”

  Chuckling as he pressed a quick kiss on Flynn’s lips, he had no choice but to follow Fallon back to the dining room. Stills was staring at him as if he had gone mad and perhaps he had. Motioning towards the cake, he grinned, “If you wouldn’t mind?”

  “Of course, sir,” the older man said with alacrity, rushing forward and taking the cake from Fallon and setting it on the center of the table. With amazing dignity, the man sliced the cake into pieces and passed them out. Luckily, Daniel and Jeff seemed oblivious to the little altercation in the kitchen but Fallon kept a wary eye on him.

  With his thoughts a million miles away, or rather, a few feet and slightly to the right, Winter bit into the cake and it was as if his entire life rushed forward and stopped in its tracks. With a moan, he looked at Flynn and asked, “Harry made this?”

  “Like I said,” she grinned. A spot of color on each cheek was the only indication of what they had been doing, or about to do, five minutes before. He wanted to gather her up in his arms, carry her up to his room, and savor her but he kept his baser instincts under control. “Harry is a culinary genius.”

  “I think I want to have his babies,” he said, knowing it was illogical and impossible even before the words left his mouth. But, holy fuck, the cake was ambrosia and sin and heaven all rolled into one. “Do you think he could make the cake for Storm’s party?”

  “I don’t see why not.” But Flynn wasn’t looking at him; instead she was doing something with the cake. Slicing off a piece, she stood up and handed the plate to Stills. When the butler shook his head, she waved it beneath his nose and grinned impishly, “You have to try it, Stills.”

  Reluctantly, the man took the plate and cut a tiny piece off. Almost delicately, he brought the small morsel up to his mouth and tasted it. His lips parted and his eyes widened in surprise. “My goodness, sir. If this is the cake for your son’s birthday, there will be riots in the streets.”

  The entire table laughed, eating the rest of their dessert in companionable silence. Even Fallon seemed mellow, though she kept looking between him and Flynn as if trying to figure them out. He had thought he would feel guilt for talking about his status with Missy but he didn’t. Quite the opposite, he was glad he told Fallon a part of the truth because it gave Flynn someone to talk to about their strange relationship.

  It was complicated and it was messy but he didn’t even care because it was Flynn.

  Chapter 10

  They had stayed at the estate through the weekend, her dad and brother unable to talk about anything else but the pirate ship. Flynn could have sworn they were more excited than Storm, and the little boy had been pretty excited. Unfortunately, Flynn didn’t get any time alone with Winter because her sister always managed to pop up whenever they tried to slip away. While part of her was frustrated, the other part was grateful because she wasn’t sure if she was really ready, no matter how hot his kisses or tempting his touch. Oh, God, his kisses were really hot and his touch was so tempting!!

  Spending a weekend with Winter made going into work Monday morning that much more difficult, though, because she found she loved spending time with him, even if they didn’t even kiss. Perhaps it wouldn’t have been so bad if she hadn’t had to battle traffic and the airport to drop her dad and brother off so early that morning. The rest of the week dragged by because there was only so much that needed to be done for Storm’s party and a lot that needed to be done as an assistant and she found her thoughts drifting to Winter at the most inappropriate times. If it weren’t for their nightly phone calls, she would almost think she dreamed him up. That was the problem with having a clandestine relationship: trying to find a time and place where they could be together, which was made even more difficult by the amount of time he had to spend on set filming.

  Of course, Fallon was in seventh heaven, getting to go on set Thursday morning to run a few lines with the other actors so the director could get a feel for her strengths and weaknesses. She had come home with a dreamy smile on her face, telling Flynn that the director indicated he wanted to expand her role a bit because he had been so impressed. Needless to say, Fallon was floating a thousand feet off the ground and, in her eyes, Winter could do no wrong.

  Winter had pretty much won over the entire Rogers family with that one sweet act.

  Flynn had wanted to be there to offer her sister support but A.) that would have been unprofessional and B.) she had to work. Winter had been disappointed as well, telling her that he would make sure she had an open invitation to the set any time she wanted to stop by. It was an incredibly sweet offer, and one made with ulterior motives she knew. If she showed up on set, they’d be able to see one another and maybe steal a few moments to… kiss.

  Now it was Friday and she couldn’t help but smile because she was going to be seeing him in a few hours. He had called before she left for work and told her that he had the entire weekend off and they could go to Catalina on his sailboat. She had never been sailing before so she was nervous as all get out but because it was with Winter she was also indescribably excited.

  Ah, hell, she was old enough to give up her virginity to the man she loved.

  After a busy morning, her phone rang and she was surprised to see Melissa’s number pop up. Grabbing her tablet, she quickly brought up Storm’s party information in case there was a question as she answered, “Flynn Rogers speaking.”

  “Flynn, just the girl I was looking for,” Melissa chirped in exaggerated eagerness.

  “Melissa,” she said with a smile as she looked over her quickly expanding notes. “What can I do for you today?”

  “I have just the hugest favor to ask of you,” Melissa started. “I have an appointment at eleven so I was wondering if you could meet with Winter instead. At the house, of course. At ten forty-five.”

  Oh, crap! Panic hit fast and hard even though she had no idea how she had forgotten an appointment with Melissa. Looking at the clock, she saw that it was already ten and if she left immediately, she’d just be able to make it with no one realizing how badly she had screwed up. Clearing her throat to cover her bout of nerves, she croaked, “Of course.”

  Melissa’s light laughter trilled in her ear, the sound a little forced. “Just let yourself in, dear. Winter will be waiting for you in the office.”

  “No problem,” she said, gathering her stuff together and rushing to Diane’s office to let her know the change of plans and that she’d have to find someone else to help Siobhan. Thank God her sister hadn’t needed the car today otherwise she would have missed the appointment. She would have missed Winter!

  Racing out the back, she threw her things into the car and took off, barely getting her seatbelt on as she pulled into traffic. A brilliant smile split her face and she was pretty sure she looked like a mad woman driving through the streets but she didn’t care because she was going to see Winter. A mad little giggle burst from her lips and she knew she had it bad when she couldn’t contain her joy.

  Maybe they’d be able to spend some time together. Alone. Possibly naked. She could stay for a few hours because she was sure Diane would understand if she said she was working on Storm’s party. As long as they mentioned the plans in passing she wouldn’t have to feel too guilty about her subterfuge.

  She made it to the mansion with five minutes to spare. Standing outside the door, she ran her hands over her hair and down her skirt, smoothing out the wrinkles. Inhaling deeply, filling her lungs with much needed air, she tried to wipe the smile from her face as she slowly exhaled. Nope, not gonna happen. She was going to see Winter so the smile was a permanent fixtu

  Pushing the door open, she stepped into the light-infused and eerily quiet house and made her way to the office, ignoring the niggling sensation that she hadn’t really had an appointment with Melissa. And if Winter knew she was coming, why didn’t he meet her at the door?

  With her hand on the doorknob, she took another moment to collect her scattered wits, shoving all of her questions away. Pushing the door open, she froze when she saw him. His back was towards her with a towel low on his hips and she had to remember how to breathe. His back was sheer masculine perfection, with the smooth muscles of a man who earned them. But he held himself stiffly and he didn’t even flinch when she entered.

  Slowly, cautiously, she stepped closer and noticed that though he was wearing a towel, his hair was no longer damp and he looked like he was frozen and the slightest sound would break him. Tears clogged her throat because she knew without doubt that he was suffering. Without hesitation, she closed the distance between them and put her hand on his arm, “Winter, what’s wrong? What happened?”

  He turned his head and looked at her with such hollowness, her heart clenched in her chest. “Flynn.”

  “I’m here,” she whispered, stepping into his space, putting a hand on his chest, willing to offer any comfort he would take and not needing to know why he needed it. With a low, mournful groan, he wrapped his fingers around her wrist and jerked her closer. As she put her hand up to brace for the impact, he grabbed that wrist, too, until her body was flush against his. Holding her gaze, he raised her arms above her head while he walked her backwards, until her back pressed against the wall. Until he was pressed against her.

  His gaze caressed her face, singeing her skin with blue fire, before he lowered his head and pressed his lips against hers. He moved his mouth over hers before beseeching, “Kiss me, please.”

  Without hesitation, she fell into the kiss, opening her mouth for his demanding tongue. She could taste the pain on his lips, feel it in his kiss, and she desperately wanted to take the pain into her body. The velvet roughness of his tongue moved over hers, exploring her mouth, her teeth, and she was filled with the need to give him everything he asked for, everything he wanted.

  Shifting his grip so he held both of her wrists in one hand, he trailed his newly freed hand down her arm. Shivers wracked her body and she whimpered. He pulled his lips away long enough to whisper against her mouth, “Shhh.”

  His hand drifted over her collar bone and his fingers loosely circled her neck and she knew he’d be able to feel her racing pulse. With a slight smile, he deftly unbuttoned her blouse and as the material fell open, he flattened his hand against her stomach. The touch set off a flurry of butterflies as they each tried to get closer to the warmth of his palm. Slowly, oh so slowly, he dragged his hand higher until it covered her breast. A low moan of pleasure escaped from the back of her throat as his thumb moved over her hardened nipple. Heat pooled low in her belly where the butterflies fluttered and her entire body trembled.

  She had to touch him.

  Twisting her hand, she managed to free one arm. Her fingers moved over the curve of his cheek, the sharp line of his jaw, along the rough skin of day-old stubble. She traced the line of his throat, loving the way the muscles moved as he kissed her. His shoulders were firm, strong, beneath her touch and she reveled in the feel of his hot flesh.

  He sucked in a shuddering breath as her fingernail dragged across his nipple but he never broke the kiss. Instead, he kissed her harder, with more fervent passion, with abandoned desperation. She traced the rippling muscles of his corrugated stomach, the smooth plane of his flat belly, the edge of his towel. Drowning in the kiss, she tugged at the towel and felt it drop to the ground at her feet.

  Despite the need building within her, she was still nervous. Taking the plunge, she ran her hand along the outside of his muscular thigh before she dragged it upwards towards his straining erection. She could feel the heat before she even touched him, a living warmth that wrapped around her hand moments before she wrapped her hand around his solid penis. Slowly, she stroked him from base to tip, smearing the drop of moisture over the bulbous head as he rocked against her hand.

  His breathing was ragged, harsh, and she knew he was no longer lost in pain and misery. As she stroked him, he ran his hand over her ribs, the curve of her hips, the length of her thigh. His palm burned her as he dragged his hand up her leg beneath the material of her skirt. Her breath hitched as he brushed his thumb over her damp core and then his fingers were there, pushing past her panties and thrusting into her wet depths.

  He still held her hand over her head, only now he turned his hand so they were palm to palm and their fingers entwined. His tongue fucked her mouth, his fingers fucked her pussy, and his penis fucked her hand. She was panting as her body tightened to the point of pain when he slid a second finger into her. He rubbed her in a relentless rhythm until her legs began to tremble and her heart pounded in her chest and her body vibrated with oncoming release. Tearing her mouth from his, she cried out as he took her to the edge and pushed her over.

  His lips moved across her jaw and along her neck and she was falling as he drew her down to the floor. Her skirt was around her waist as he settled his weight between her thighs and her legs fell open in shameless invitation. His smile was pure carnality as he twisted his fingers in her lacy panties and tore them from her body, the slight pinch of pain only increasing the pleasure that was raging through her blood.

  Then he was back, his erection burning her sensitive flesh as he slowly pushed into her, filling her inch by throbbing inch. Instinctively, she raised her hips to take him deeper, the ache of losing her virginity nothing compared to the need to have him claim her completely. As she moaned, he swallowed the sound when he took her lips in another fierce kiss. His tongue mimicked the motion of his body, pushing in and out as he worked his penis deeper and deeper into her sex.

  Their hands were still joined.

  With every thrust, she pushed against him, working with him until he was buried in the depths of her body. Being filled by him was an exquisite pain, the burn of being stretched too far fired the deep need within her to be fucked fast and hard. To be torn apart and utterly destroyed. Wrapping her legs around his waist, her free arm around his neck, she held onto the only thing that was real, the only thing that existed.


  Her muscles clenched as he thrust into her, over and over. Pounding deeper and deeper until she no longer knew where she ended and he began, until there was nothing but one body burning up in the atmosphere as they hurled through eternity. Ecstasy tore through her as his body stiffened and she felt the pulsing jets of his release deep within. His name exploded from her lips, “Winter!”

  With a deep, vibrating groan, he collapsed onto her, crushing her with his weight but she didn’t care. A soft smile curved her lips as she stroked his damp hair, his broad shoulders, his luscious back. Her smile only widened as he turned his head and tenderly kissed her neck, his breath hot against her skin as he rasped, “Thank you.”

  “What happened?” she asked softly, her hand moving slowly, comfortingly, over his upper body.

  He propped himself up on his elbow and looked down at her with such a warm look in his eyes she almost cried. Gently, he swiped a strand of hair from her cheek and trailed his fingers along her skin. “God, you are so beautiful, Flynn.”

  With a shy smile, she murmured, “Thank you but what happened?”

  His eyes shuttered as he lowered his forehead to hers. In a rough, quiet voice, he said, “My father had a heart attack this morning.”

  “Oh, God,” she cried out softly, tightening her hold around his neck, her fingers in his hand. Hugging him, she rasped, “Is there anything I can do?”

  He raised his head and looked down at her, a slow smile spreading across his face until she blushed. “I meant, is there anything else?”

  He kissed the tip of her nose and rolled off her, taking his heat with him. Still holding her h
and in his, he said, “I don’t know what to do. We weren’t really on speaking terms but I never thought….”

  “You should go to him,” she whispered, rolling over so she was facing him.

  He huffed out a desolate laugh, “I’m in no shape to drive.”

  “I’ll take you.”

  He turned his head and looked at her, “It’s seven hours away.”

  “I’ll take you.” With grim determination, she straightened out her clothes and tugged him to his feet. “Where’s your bedroom?’

  “You’re a fierce little task master, aren’t you?” he asked with a reluctant smile.

  “Yes,” she said, smacking his bare ass with her hand and wincing because it freaking hurt. “Now show me your room so we can get going.”

  “Yes, mistress,” he teased, wrapping the towel around his waist, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. Kissing the top of her head, he inhaled deeply, and breathed, “Thank you.”


  Melissa watched from the shadows as the pretty, little nobody was able to reach Winter when nothing else could. What she had to do killed her but she did it for everyone. It was the right thing to do. Well, it was the only thing she could do.


  Flynn had held his hand the entire way, letting go only when she had to shift. They were half way there when he realized he could have called up a driving service to take him, though he had to admit he much preferred Flynn’s company. His thoughts were racing a million miles an hour and he wasn’t sure he wanted to have his first meeting with his father in years to be like this. He also didn’t want to lose this chance if it was going to be the last time he was ever going to see the old man.


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