Winter's Heart

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by Warneke, A. C.

  What he had told Flynn was true, that he wanted what his parents had. But he also wanted to be forgiven, to be included in their lives once again. They were just barely talking after years of estrangement and there was supposed to be time to mend what had been shattered. What if his dad took one look at him and kicked him out, refusing to see his son even on his death bed? His fingers clenched and Flynn squeaked, making him realize he had squeezed a bit too hard. “Sorry.”

  “It’s okay,” she said quickly with a warm smile, pulling into the hospital’s parking lot. Taking her hand back so she could maneuver the car into a space, she parked and then turned to him, “Are you going to be okay?”

  He hadn’t thought about it, hadn’t wanted to think about it, but now that she asked, he realized that he was okay and it had everything to do with her. Nodding, he murmured, “I think so.”

  Taking his hand in hers once more, she twisted in her seat so she was facing him fully. “Do you want to take a few minutes before we go in?”

  He smiled because he had had seven hours to prepare himself, once she had pulled him out of his catatonic state. Jesus, they had sex! His heart flipped over itself in his chest as he realized they had had sex! And it had been amazing. Better than amazing. The best he ever had. Ever. Swallowing convulsively, he looked at her and saw the concern darkening her eyes as she lurched forward and put her slender hands on his face, his forehead.

  “Are you okay?” she asked, smoothing his hair away from his forehead, running her cool hands over his neck.

  He grabbed one of her hands to halt her panicked groping and brought it up to his lips. Kissing her knuckles, he felt his heart rate return to normal. “I am okay.”

  “Jeeze,” she sighed, caressing his cheek with such tenderness it made him want to curl up into a little ball and weep like a fucking baby. “You looked like you were about to pass out. We could get a hotel room and come back if you want.”

  How could he tell her he had a panic attack because she had given him the best sex of his life and he hadn’t even thought about it until just that moment? It’s as if his mind had deliberately blocked it out because it knew if he thought about it, even if only for a moment, they never would have left the office and he had to see his dad, his family. She gave him the strength he needed to face the past. “No, I’m ready to do this.”

  They climbed out of the car and in the next moment, she was by his side, giving him support without saying a thing. Automatically, his arm circled her shoulders and he pulled her against his side. He hated the fact that he was trembling like a newborn foal but she just put a comforting hand on his stomach and continued walking. The hospital loomed in front of them and he staggered a step but kept going because he didn’t want to falter in front of Flynn.

  When they reached the front desk, he wasn’t sure if the world was tilting on its axis or if it was drunk but everything was kind of hazy. Through the fog, Flynn whispered, “Breathe.”

  He sucked in some air and the haze cleared away. Offering a rueful smile, he murmured, “Thanks.”

  “Wait here,” she said, practically pushing him onto a seat. Making sure he was okay, she walked over to the front counter and talked to the lady who sat there. A few moments later, or maybe it was hours later, she was back, holding her hand out for him to take. “Ready?”

  “No,” he admitted with a light, pathetic laugh. But he slid his hand into hers and stood up. “Lead the way, Miss Rogers.”

  The antiseptic smell and fluorescent lights made him want to vomit but he held tight to Flynn as they made their way up an elevator and through the maze of corridors. And then they were standing in front of room 517 and he knew that his father was on the other side of the door. He looked at Flynn and she was watching him, as if willing him not to bolt.

  “I’m going to run across the street and get you a hotel room,” she told him, but it was as if she was speaking a foreign language and he wished they had never left the office. Then he could be buried in her body right this very moment instead of standing on the precipice, afraid of going over. “But I’ll be right back.”

  He nodded, his throat dry as he let go of her and pushed the door open. His mom was sitting next to the bed, her head bowed as she read from a book. His brother and sister were on the other side, playing a game of cards. Slowly, he forced himself to look at the bed and what he saw almost stopped his heart. His dad was sitting up and staring at him as if he had seen a ghost.

  “Dad,” he croaked, the sound little more than a breath. Clearing his throat, he repeated himself, “Dad.”

  His mother’s head shot up, his brother and sister turned around, one of them making their chair squeak, and his dad… his dad smiled. “Son. Welcome home.”

  Chapter 11

  Flynn quickly made her way across the street to the convenient hotel, her stomach in knots over the fact that she had to leave Winter behind. But she knew she couldn’t go in there with him and if he was going to be there for any length of time he needed a place to stay. There had never been anything in the gossip rags about a rift between him and his family but then he had said they weren’t on speaking terms and she wondered what had happened. As much as she knew about him, there were vast, fathomless oceans that she didn’t know.

  Pausing in her thoughts, she realized that what she did know might be just as false as his relationship with Melissa Irish. Slowing her steps, she knew that he was intelligent and gorgeous but he was so much more than that. He was also witty and tender and an amazing lover. She pushed through the door to the hotel and strolled across the lobby, lost in thought.

  “Can I help you, miss?” the man behind the counter asked, interrupting her thoughts.

  “Yes,” she smiled, shaking her head to clear the cobwebs, or rather, Winter webs. “I need a room for the night, possibly longer.”


  “Um, Flynn Rogers,” she told him, digging out her credit card and sliding it over the counter. Her hand trembled slightly because the credit card was only supposed to be used for emergencies. Ignoring the twinge of unease, she had no doubt that this was an emergency. It was just unfortunate that she couldn’t afford the luxury she was certain Winter was accustomed to but that was neither here nor there. This was close to the hospital and he needed a place to sleep. “Can I pay for a week?”

  “Certainly.” Taking the credit card, he did some typing on the computer, presumably entering her information. Studying the screen, he told her, “It looks like we have a double and a single available; which would you prefer?”

  She wanted the single but then she wasn’t staying. Chewing on her lip, she thought for a moment before murmuring, “The double room, please.”

  “Okay.” He went back to the computer, typing some more stuff in before handing her a key card. “Room 320. You’re going to go up the elevator and turn right and the room will be on the left. Complimentary breakfast is from 6:30 until 9:00 and if you need anything else, we’re here to help.”

  “Thank you,” she said, taking the key and her credit card. She decided to go up to the room for a moment to make a few phone calls since she had left without telling anyone where she was going. Also, she really had to pee.

  After she had refreshed herself and talked to both Fallon and Diane, she sat on the bed and dialed Melissa’s number. Her hand was shaking so badly she had to hit dial twice before she realized her entire body was shaking. She concentrated on her breathing as she called and kept calling Melissa’s phone, hanging up and redialing every time it went to voice mail. This happened seventeen times before Melissa finally picked up.

  “Didn’t I tell you that I don’t answer my phone, Flynn?” Melissa said in lieu of hello.

  “Yes but this is important,” Flynn continued, not letting Melissa’s viable annoyance get to her. “It’s about Winter.”

  Melissa heaved a sigh that Flynn could feel hundreds of miles away. “I know about his father, Flynn. Why do you think I called you?”

  “Oh,” s
he blurted, blinking her eyes a few times as that morning finally came together. She hadn’t had a meeting with Melissa and she wasn’t losing her mind. “That makes sense. Um, thank you for that but that’s not why I’m calling.”

  “Then why are you calling?”

  “You need to bring Storm because Winter needs his son with him and I think you should be here, too, because if it gets out that his dad’s in the hospital and you don’t show up to offer your support it might get ugly,” she said all at once, her words rushing together and fumbling forward.

  There was nothing for the longest time and Flynn thought that perhaps Melissa had hung up but she could still hear the other woman breathing. “What do you care?”

  “I care about Winter,” she admitted baldly. “And Storm. Look, I still don’t fully understand the game the two of you are playing and right now I really don’t care. But Winter needs your support and he needs Storm.” When the woman didn’t speak, Flynn continued, “I got you a room at the hotel across the street. It isn’t much but it’s discreet and the room is in my name so you shouldn’t be hounded by the paparazzi or anything.”

  “I’ll be there in the morning.” Flynn thought that was it but Melissa surprised her by adding, “Thank you, Flynn. I almost wish I didn’t like you so much.”

  That was a really strange thing to say but Flynn wasn’t going to dwell on it too long. She had to get back to the hospital to make sure Winter was okay and then she had to drive back home. “Just let me know when the three of you return to L.A.”

  “I will.” And then the phone went dead as Melissa hung up.

  If she were wise, she’d climb back into her car and drive back to L.A. But she wasn’t wise because she wanted to let Winter know she was heading back so he wouldn’t worry. He didn’t need the added stress of worrying about what happened to her on top of everything else. Plus, she had to give him the room key.

  On shaky legs, she walked back to the hospital, waving at the kind receptionist who had given her the information she needed. She was just so tired and on top of everything else, she was a little tender down below. Heat climbed into her cheeks as she thought about that morning, the intense pleasure of being fucked by Winter Mitchell. As much as she wished the circumstances had been different, she had no regrets. Just a pleasurable ache deep within her body that she wished Winter could soothe.

  Smiling to herself, she stopped outside of the door to his father’s room and paused. The sound of laughter filtered into the corridor and her smile faltered. Crap, she couldn’t burst in on their family reunion. Now, if she had heard wailing and the gnashing of teeth, there would have been no force in all of the worlds that could have kept her from Winter’s side. But they were laughing, thank goodness, and it wasn’t her place to interrupt.

  Grabbing a small notepad from her purse, she scribbled out a quick letter to Winter, letting him know about Melissa and Storm and about the hotel and which room she had gotten for him. As a nurse passed, she called out, “Excuse me, do you think you can deliver this note to the visitor in room 517?”

  “Of course,” the woman said with a kind smile, taking the note and plastic card. “Can I tell him who it’s from?”

  “He’ll know when he reads it,” Flynn said, swallowing against the flood of tears that were working their way up her throat. If she didn’t get out of there soon, she’d be a blubbering mess, unable to drive the seven hours back home. “Thank you.”

  Turning, she hurried through the corridor and down the elevator, taking huge, gasping breaths to keep from crying, though she had no idea why she felt the need to cry. Okay, so she lost her virginity, drove seven hours, delivered her lover to an unknown reception with his family, she was exhausted, and now she was leaving her lover behind. No wonder why she was so close to tears.

  Instead of crying, a pathetic laugh escaped as she sluggishly made her way towards the exit. It was as if she was leaving a vital piece of herself behind and the rest of her didn’t want to go. Scrubbing her hand through her hair, she pushed the door opened only to find it stuck. A large hand wrapped around her arm and heat filled her as her blood began to boil. Without looking, she knew who it was and her heart trembled in love and longing. “Winter.”

  “You’re just going to leave?” he asked in a soft, hurt voice.

  Turning, she faced him and her chest nearly split apart as her heart crashed ruthlessly against her ribs. “I have to, don’t you see?”

  “No,” he said stubbornly. “I want you to stay.”

  “God, I want to, too,” she breathed, reaching up and cupping his cheek before forcing her hand to drop back down to her side. “But look around, Winter. If I stay everyone will know and I don’t want to be in the center of some celebrity scandal.”

  Glancing around the lobby and seeing the curiosity that was starting to grow, his jaw tightened as he dragged her to a private room. Locking the door behind him, he stalked across the small room until he caged her between his hard body and the wall. Burying his fingers in her hair, he held her head steady as he stared intensely down into her eyes. “I. Do. Not. Want. You. To. Go.”

  She tried not to smile at the ferocity of his declaration but it warmed her to her very soul. Circling his wrists with her fingers, she held onto him, “You’ll have Melissa and Storm.”

  At the mention of those two names, an expression of anguish rippled across his face but he didn’t release her. Instead, he pressed his forehead against hers, “This is so fucked up.”

  Breathing in the familiar scent of him, she murmured, “I’m only a phone call away.”

  He nodded his head but remained still, his eyes closed as he held onto her.

  “Is your dad… is he okay?” she asked softly, dragging her fingers along his forearms, his biceps, over his ribs, and resting her hands on his hips.

  “Yes,” he choked, wrapping his arms around her head and pulling her into a hug. Kissing the top of her head, he spoke into her hair, “He’s going to make a complete recovery.”

  “That’s wonderful,” she rasped, sliding her arms around his waist and hugging him tight. Her nose was squashed against his warm chest and she inhaled deeply, breathing in the scent of Winter.

  “My dad says he’s proud of me,” he choked out, emotion making his words rough. Hot liquid splashed against her neck and she hugged him tighter, giving him whatever he needed at the moment. His big, hard body shuddered against hers and she could only hold him as he dealt with everything. Jerkily, he pulled away, using his shirt to wipe at his eyes, “God, you must think I’m such a baby.”

  “Don’t be daft,” she scolded, reaching up and brushing her thumb beneath his eyes. He stilled, looking down at her with caution, as if he was afraid she was going to berate him for crying. Silly man. Flattening her palm against his stubbled cheek, she held his eyes, “I think you’re wonderful, Winter Mitchell, and nothing would give me greater pleasure than to remain by your side as you reconnect with your family but you know it’s impossible.”

  At his silence, she added, “It’s only for a few days.”

  “I know. It’s just….” His words trailed off as a mischievous light lit his eyes. At her silent prodding, he shook his head, “It’s just that I didn’t give you the three months I promised.”

  “Oh!” she squeaked, pushing against his stomach before laughing.

  Suddenly serious, he studied her eyes before asking in a soft voice, “No regrets?”

  “Not a one,” she assured him. He sighed in relief, smiling as he took her into his arms for one final hug. “I should go before I can’t.”

  “Then I should hold onto you until you promise to stay,” he said lightly, though he couldn’t disguise the disappointment. Pressing a soft, tender kiss against her lips, he whispered, “Goodbye, Flynn. You will be the first stop I make when I come home.”

  “I’m counting on it,” she grinned, her lips trembled but she refused to cry in front of him. “I wish the best for your dad, Winter, and I’ll be counting the day
s until you return.”

  With that, he let her go, and it killed her to walk away.


  Winter watched her go, feeling the loss like a physical blow to his gut. When the nurse had handed him the note, he had torn out of the room without even bothering to read it since he knew who it was from. If she was leaving a note then that meant she was leaving him and the panic that hit was like a hurricane, fierce and devastating to everything in its path. He couldn’t let her leave and so he had chased after her. And she still left.

  Digging the note out of his pocket, he had to smile because it was so Flynn. She had taken care of everything and had done it without hesitation. Shaking his head, he stalked out of the room, looking at the door in the unlikely chance that he’d see her. But, of course, she was already gone and that punch-gut feeling hit him again. Rubbing his sternum, he quietly made his way back to his father’s room.

  “You’re back,” his mother said with a warm smile, holding out her hand as he stepped back into the room. Automatically, he crossed the floor and took her hand in his, the familiar touch so welcoming after almost a decade in the desert.

  “Where’s Dixon and Kalie?” he asked, inquiring after his brother and sister.

  “They had to get home to their families,” his mom explained. “What made you tear out of here like your house was on fire?”

  “It was just something I had to do,” he said, sitting down on the chair someone had brought in for him. Still holding his mom’s hand, he nodded towards his dad, who was finally sleeping. “How’s he doing?”

  “Good,” she said, bobbing her head as she looked at her husband. “He’s so pleased to have you back, Winter. He just wishes it hadn’t taken a heart attack to make it happen.”

  “After what happened the last time we were together I wasn’t sure if I’d be welcomed,” he admitted, listening to the steady beat of his father’s heart on the monitor. “I fucked up so badly, mom, and I didn’t think you’d ever be able to forgive me.”


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