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Winter's Heart

Page 20

by Warneke, A. C.

  Her heart lurched in her chest, sluggishly starting to pound once again, relieved he wasn’t talking about them but hurting on his behalf. “I wish it was better.”

  “At least we’re talking now,” he said his voice deliberately lighter than it had been just a few moments before. “And that’s a start.”

  “That’s a start.”

  After a moment, he spoke in a lower voice, “Flynn, what did Melissa tell you about me?”

  “Um, she told me about Gina St. John,” she said slowly. At his sharp inhalation, she debated only a moment before she added, “And Ginger.”

  “Oh, Jesus,” he groaned. “What did she say about Ginger?”

  “That she wasn’t a whore and you gave her the best orgasms of her life.” She left out the part about knowing the name of the girl because she didn’t think he’d want to know. And if, at some point, he decided it was necessary to find out the girl’s name, she’d casually mention that Melissa might have mentioned something and to ask her. “And she never knew she was having sex with you. How is that possible?”

  “She was blindfolded,” he said slowly, weighing his words. “Hell, she was more than blindfolded. She had a hooded mask that covered everything but her nostrils and her mouth and I'd never recognize her even if I were to meet her face to face. For all I know, I see her on a regular basis. How fucked up is that?”

  “It’s pretty fucked up,” she agreed softly.

  “And she sure as shit wouldn’t recognize me,” he continued, anger staining his words. “All of the arrangements were made by Melissa through our agent. Ginger would be picked up, have the hood put in place, and then she’d be dropped at an exclusive private club where no one knew anyone else because we all wore masks. Room 13 at Club X.”

  “Did you do the things to her that you want to do to me?” she asked, her skin prickling with unease and arousal.

  He didn’t answer right away and when he did, his words came out carefully, “I’m not sure how I should answer that. I don’t want to upset you.”

  “I’m a big girl,” she told him, feeling the wetness between her thighs. Sitting down hard on the edge of the bed, she tried to figure out why she was trembling only to realize it had nothing to do with Winter having sex with someone else long before he met her. It had everything to do with Winter having kinky sex and wanting to be the one he had kinky sex with. “I can handle the truth.”

  “Yes, I took her ass,” he bit out and she had to bite back a moan, picturing him behind Addison Holmes as he pushed his thick cock into her tight ass. Picturing him taking her instead of a nameless, faceless actress. “I’d warm her bottom and then I’d fuck her until she screamed. I fucked her in front of others, the way I want to fuck you. Do you hate me?”

  “Winter,” she scolded, trying to keep her panting under control. Her body was vibrating with arousal at the thought of being fucked by Winter while nameless strangers watched. God, she was just as fucked up as he was because she was aroused beyond belief. “Didn’t I just get done telling you I love you? You have a seriously short attention span if you could forget that so easily.”

  “Say it again,” he begged, sounding almost desperate.

  “I love you,” she said, the words coming easier and easier the more she said them. “I love you, I love you, I fucking love you.”

  He swallowed thickly and when he spoke, his words were throaty, “Are you going to be okay being my secret girlfriend?”

  She didn’t even have to think about it because in the end, she knew that they would be together. As much as she wished the timing were better, she just wanted Winter. “Absolutely.”

  Chapter 14

  Flynn let herself into the apartment late Friday afternoon after a grueling day at the office. Her period had started with a vengeance, Gwyn was a bigger bitch than usual and she missed Winter like mad. Their phone calls were always too short because it was important for him to spend time with his family, and they did a lot of family activities trying to make up for lost time or regain what was lost or to make new memories. While she was so happy for him, she missed him. She hated that she only got fifteen minutes a night to hear his voice and she hated herself for being envious of the much needed time he spent with his family.

  Turning on the light, she froze because Winter was leaning against the opposite wall. His lips quirked upwards into a sinfully sexy smile and his dimples winked as he growled, “Hey there, sexy,”

  “Winter!” she cried out, flinging herself into his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist, and hugging him for all she was worth. Raining kisses over his face, she managed to ask, “How did you get in here? And what were you doing in the dark?”

  Stumbling backwards, he laughed at her enthusiasm, managing to get a few kisses in as well. “Your sister let me in about five minutes ago and I wanted to surprise you.”

  “Oh, I could get used to surprises like this,” she breathed, running her tongue along his neck, tasting the salt and musk of his skin. His hands tightened their grip on her ass and he groaned so she did it again. Capturing his earlobe between her teeth, she whispered, “I went to the doctor yesterday and got the Pill but we have to use condoms for a week until it takes effect.”

  “I’m cool with that,” he breathed, his words ragged.

  Leaning back, she looked down at him with regret, “But I got my period today, so we can’t have sex until it’s done.”

  “Who says?” he growled. At her look of disgust, he smiled wickedly, “While it’s true that I won’t be able to do everything I want to do to your delectable body, I can still fuck you to within an inch of your life.”

  She adamantly shook her head no and he groaned in obvious pain, adding “But they say orgasms can help cramps.”

  Sliding down his body until her legs were on the floor, she cupped his massive erection and looked up at him through lowered lashes, hoping she looked sexy and not silly. “Or I can take care of you and once I stop bleeding we can fuck for a week straight.”

  “I think I just came a little bit in my pants,” he teased, wrapping his hand around the back of her neck and plastering his mouth against hers in a quick, hard kiss. With his lips against hers, he rasped, “Where’s your bedroom?”

  “This way,” she grinned, taking his hand in hers and leading him the five feet to her bedroom door. As soon as she opened the door, he scooped her up into his arms and tossed her onto the bed before returning to the door and slamming it shut. Taking one look at her, he grabbed a chair and put it beneath the doorknob. Answering her unasked question, he said, “To make sure we’re not disturbed.”

  “You could have just locked the door,” she grinned.

  He shook his head no, “Your sister might have the key. Now, where were we?’

  “I was about to take you into my mouth and suck your brains out through your dick.”

  “You really know how to sweet talk a man,” he growled, stripping off his clothes as he prowled closer.

  She held up her hand and he came to an abrupt halt, arching that eyebrow of his. “Give me five minutes to, um, take care of girl business and I promise I’ll give you the best blow job of your life.”

  His head fell backwards and he stared up at the ceiling. Finally he looked at her in mock seriousness, though it was ruined by the laughter in his eyes. “Okay, but only five minutes because my dick is sick of my hand and it really, really wants to be in your mouth.”

  “How often did you take care of yourself this week?” she asked, standing up and inching towards the door, taking her time because she really wanted to know the answer.

  “Far too often,” he rumbled. “I have blisters on both of my palms from excessive masturbation.”

  That stopped her cold and she stared at him, “Really?”

  “No,” he laughed, walking over to her and smacking her bottom, the sharp sting doing unexpected things to her body. “Now go because you only have four and a half minutes.”

  Holding her butt, she scurried into t
he bathroom and took care of business. After a short debate, she stripped off her clothes, leaving on her bra and panties since she wasn’t going to be getting lucky. With a few seconds to spare, she went back into her bedroom and came to an abrupt stop. Winter was laying on her bed in all of his naked splendor, a massive smile on his face. His arms were crossed beneath his head making his biceps bulge, and his legs were spread wide, giving his mammoth erection plenty of space. The thick penis curved upwards to his stomach as his heavy balls rested on her bed and she was suddenly famished.

  “You know,” she said, swallowing her trepidation down since she had never actually given anyone a blow job before, the one in the movie theater not withstanding since it was over before it really began. “If you want to make sure my sister doesn’t barge in on us, you’re gonna want to put a chair beneath this door as well. The bathroom connects our bedrooms.”

  “Well, hell,” he said, but he was chuckling. Sliding off the bed, he sauntered over to a second chair and put it beneath the doorknob. His penis bobbed in front of him, practically its own entity. How in the world did that thing fit inside of her? He stopped in front of her, putting his hands on his hips, and his penis seemed to stare at her from that slit at the top. It was hypnotizing, the way it bobbed and swayed, and if she stared long enough it would wrap her in its spell.

  “It’s just a penis, Flynn,” Winter’s warm voice said softly. Blinking her eyes, breaking the strange spell his erection had cast, she looked up at him to see him struggling not to laugh. “Come to bed.”

  “Uh huh,” she nodded dumbly, slipping her hand into his and letting him pull her over to the bed.

  Sitting on the edge of the mattress, he pulled her between his legs and wrapped his arms around her waist. “I could take you in the ass but I don’t think you’re ready for that.”

  “Uh uh,” she agreed, her eyes wide as she shook her head no, unable to tear her gaze away from the penis that captured her attention once again. Licking her lips, she wanted to run her teeth over the smooth skin of his erection; she wanted to kiss it and massage it and suck it dry. Glancing briefly at Winter’s beautiful face, she fell to her knees and worshipfully ran her hands over the object of her new obsession. It was hotter than she expected it would be and so smooth. She curled her fingers around the thickness, testing how much give it had. None. It was a solid piece of flesh, hot with blood and desire and she wanted to feel it in her throat knowing it would cut off her air supply.

  She might have to work up to pushing the horse down the slide but she knew she’d do it eventually.

  “Just take what you can, Flynn,” Winter rasped, tracing her cheek with the pads of his fingers and looking at her with such tenderness she wished she could take all of him. In that moment, she hated her lack of experience because she wanted to be the best he ever had and instead she was going to ruin everything. “Even if it’s just a little bit.”

  “I think I oversold you on the best blow job of your life.”

  “No matter what you do, it’ll be perfect because it will be you doing it.”

  Taking a breath, she nodded her head and bent her head forward, breathing in the masculine musk of Winter. The strong scent wrapped around her brain, drugging her, urging her to breathe deeper. Closing her eyes, she pressed her nose against his groin, his black curls tickling her skin. “You smell incredible.”

  He choked out a laugh, brushing her hair away from her face. “I’m going to embarrass myself if you keep this up, Flynn. I’m already so close to the edge and for a man who prides himself on his stamina, you’re unmanning me here. Hell, you’ve been unmanning me since the beginning.”

  A slight smile curved her lips as she opened her eyes and looked at him. “Oh, God, Flynn, don’t look at me like that or I’ll never last.”

  She laughed softly as she parted her lips and took the tip of his penis into her mouth. His butt arched off the bed as he hissed in pleasure and a surge of confidence welled up within her. Holding his eyes, she tongued the slit, lapping up the pre-cum that oozed from it. The tangy-salty flavor filled her mouth and she vowed to swallow all of his ejaculate this time, since last time had startled her so much she had jerked away after barely tasting it at all.

  His chest bellowed in and out with each breath he took as he watched her with burning eyes, keeping her hair out of her face so he wouldn’t miss a thing. “I want to video tape this someday.”

  “You’re insane,” she breathed. Wrapping her lips around the bulbous head, she slid her mouth down his shaft until the tip of his penis nudged the soft palate of her mouth.

  “It’s the hottest fucking thing I’ve ever seen,” he rasped, fisting her hair until her scalp stung. She doubted he even realized he was holding on so tight but she didn’t care because she thought it was sexy as she slowly bobbed her head and took him deeper. God, she could suck on him all night, never taking her eyes from his, if it meant he kept looking at her like that, with hunger and desire and tenderness.

  Wanting to give him as much pleasure as her untried mouth could give, she slowly moved her hands up and down the shaft of his penis in alternating rhythm, adding a little twist near the top, occasionally cupping his balls. As her mouth sank lower and his penis touched the back of her throat, she pulled upwards, and as she slowly released, she dragged her hands down, her saliva making his hot flesh slick.

  Sweat beaded on his brow as he fought against the instinct to move, as he held his body perfectly still while she continued to slowly torture him and she appreciated his restraint. But she wanted him to move, to lose control, to gag her, and fill her with his seed. Humming deep in her mouth, she felt his flesh twitch and his hips rocked forward, sending his penis deeper. “Relax your throat, Flynn. Swallow when I push.”

  Nodding to let him know she understood, she swallowed as he pushed and she felt him ease into her throat. His eyes closed and his lips parted and he looked like a man experiencing Nirvana. In a guttural voice, he rumbled, “I won’t fuck your throat tonight but someday I’m going to own it.”

  He eased out of her and kept his thrusts shallow, holding one of his hands beneath hers to make sure he didn’t go too deep. The other hand was still curled into her hair, directing her movement and increasing her speed. His hips were coming off the bed as he edged closer and closer to release and she mentally prepared herself. But nothing could have prepared her for the moment he lost control and his body jerked and twitched. As he let out a pained, animalistic growl, hot semen flooded her mouth, the viscous, musky fluid jetting down her throat. He held her head steady as he thrust and spurted, thrust and spurted, thrust and spurted, filling her mouth over and over as she drank it down as fast as she could.

  With one last agonized groan, he gave her one last mouthful and then collapsed backwards onto the bed, “I think you’ve killed me, Flynn.”

  With a sultry smile, she crawled over his body and lay down on top of him. Crossing her hands over his heart and beneath her chin, she looked down at him, “So, was it any good?”

  “The best ever,” he breathed, his chest rising and falling beneath her. “It makes me almost grateful that you’re on your period.”

  Rolling off of him and onto the bed, she faced him, “I missed you.”

  Turning his head, he reached up and brushed a strand of hair from her face and gave her a tender smile. “I missed you, too.”

  Then he yawned, making her laugh softly. “Get some sleep, Winter.”

  “I think I will. I’ve been awake since four,” he murmured, his eyes already closing. “I was serious when I said I want to video record us.”

  “I don’t think it would be a good idea to make a sex tape,” she protested, already knowing that if he truly wanted to make a sex tape she would go along with him. In a heartbeat.

  She was a fool.

  He just smiled and wrapped his arm around her and pulled her against his body before frowning. Shifting, he swung his legs onto the bed and scooted until his head was on her pillow, taking
her with him. Blindly tugging the blanket out from beneath them, he covered them up and passed out.

  It was only seven in the evening and despite the fact that she wasn’t tired, Flynn closed her eyes and fell asleep, listening to the steady thump-thump of his heart.


  Loud pounding startled Flynn from her sleep. Winter’s hot body was wrapped around her, his chest against her back, his legs along her legs, his erection nudging her bottom, and she didn’t want to move. Snuggling further into his embrace, she let her eyes slide shut until Fallon’s shouting voice made her realize her sister wasn’t going to give up. “Flynn, are you in there? Are you okay? The front door was open when I got home… Flynn?”

  With a groan, she extracted herself from Winter’s arms, freezing the moment she got out of bed. Grabbing the robe from the end of her bed, she slid it on and then pushed the chair out of the way. When she opened the door, Fallon was standing there with a troubled expression on her face. “Flynn! I was worried.”

  “Sorry,” she muttered, still half asleep. Rubbing her eyes, she asked, “What time is it?”

  “It’s only nine,” Fallon said, running her eyes over Flynn’s face, her body. “But we were supposed to meet at Harry’s at eight so what are you doing in bed?”

  “I fell asleep?” she offered.

  Fallon’s eyes widened a moment before a wall of heat pressed along her back. Automatically, Flynn leaned against Winter as his sleep-rough voice said, “Hey.”

  “Winter,” Fallon murmured, her eyes dropping to his waist, making Flynn wonder if he bothered to put some pants on. When her sister’s eyes flew back up and she started looking anywhere other than below their chins, Flynn presumed Winter forgot to get dressed.

  His arms wrapped around her stomach and he rested his chin on her shoulder, his stubble tickling her cheek as he gave her a sleepy kiss. “Hey, you.”

  “Hey,” Flynn murmured, unable to not smile. Pressing her head against his, she looked at her sister, “I’m really sorry, Fal. I hope I didn’t freak you out too badly.”


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