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Buying My Bride_A Bad Boy Motorcycle Club Romance

Page 14

by Zoey Parker

  I swallowed, wiggling in my restraints. “Please, sir, you said y-you would finish me.”

  He pretended to think about it. “I did say that, didn’t I?”

  I nodded quickly.

  After a moment, I felt his hand creep across the bed and finally slide against my side. “Well, I’m a man of my word. I guess I’d better do as I promised.”

  His hand moved up my side to my hip where my leg was bent thanks to the restraints. He gave me a hard squeeze, then let his hand slip down to the inside of my thigh. I whimpered. He smiled at me, almost sweet, but with wickedness beneath. He let his fingers dip down and slip between my thighs to find that hot, wet core. I knew that his own fluids still coated me, could feel them on my lips and my thighs, but he didn’t seem to mind it.

  “I made a mess of you, pet,” he commented, tracing my outer lips. “Did you enjoy that?”

  I whimpered again, then managed a, “Yes, sir.”

  “Good. I brought you something else you might enjoy.”

  I didn’t have time to ask him what it was, because after he said that I heard a light buzzing sound and then felt the vibrations as he pressed a small, round bead against my buddle of nerves. I screamed involuntarily as a shock of hot pleasure shot up my body. His large finger pressed the little bead against my nub and held it there, letting it vibrate rapidly against my flesh.

  My body jerked against it, the sensation more than I could handle, but so good that I wanted it badly.

  “That’s it, pet,” he told me in a deep voice. “Take all of that. Let the sensations overtake you. I want you to come and we’re not going to be done here until you have. At least three times, so you’d better get started or it’s going to be a long day for you.”

  I barely even registered his words. The vibrating little toy was working like an electric shock being sent through my body over and over again. I could feel my body clenching and releasing, trying to find relief amidst the powerful sensations.

  He moved the bead around slightly, tracing a circle around my bundle. I cried out something incoherent, not even sure what I was saying myself.

  Pressure inside me began to build. Heat washed through me brought on by the intense shocks eating me up inside. My legs twitched, my toes curled, and if I could have, I would have clenched my legs shut and arched my back. But the straps kept me firmly in place. I was completely at the mercy of this man and his deliciously cruel little toy.

  “Feel it,” he told me sternly. “Cry out your pleasure. Beg for more – or for mercy. And then come for me. I want it. Now.”

  I couldn’t say what it was about his orders, but I obeyed them exactly. I cried out in pleasure. And I begged him to stop and to never stop. And then I came. White hotness washed over me and my whole body seemed to convulse. I knew that I found release on his hand, two fingers playing with my entrance as I nearly wept from my climax.

  I came down from my high slowly only to realize that the little bead hadn’t stopped yet. It was still vibrating against my swollen, sensitive nub. Aftershocks mixed with new ones to begin the wonderfully torturous climb toward release again.

  “Please, sir—” I croaked, but I didn’t even know what I was begging him for.

  His fingers fondled my entrance before plunging in again. I groaned and he spoke in a deep, rumbling voice, “I told you, pet, I want you to come at least three times. We won’t stop before you do.”

  And those words set off my second one.

  I cried out and let the pleasure roll over my body like a tidal wave. Fire burnt down along my skin and my breaths were short, labored, almost painful. I came down faster from this orgasm, but the bead was still there and his fingers were now pistoning in and out of my wetness.

  “That’s it. Just one more for me and then I’ll let you rest. Just one more, pet.”

  I couldn’t believe he wanted another. I couldn’t believe that I was still responding to the vibrations that were relentless against my nub. And most of all, I couldn’t believe that I wanted to come for him just as much as I wanted to come the first time.

  His fingers thrust into my opening and the bead buzzed against my clit and I was losing my damn mind. I was a ragged mess, my body shaking and trembling, my lungs desperate for air. My heart beat like a hammer in my chest and sweat poured off my naked body to soak the sheets below me. I couldn’t give him one more. I couldn’t do it. It was all too much—

  And then it ripped through me a third time. My voice was hoarse, barely letting me even utter the broken sound.

  That was it. The third and final orgasm. My body was so sore and exhausted that I could have slept right there, even wrapped up in that harness with me legs half pulled to my chest. I didn’t care. All I knew was that I needed to sleep.

  But I didn’t have to sleep in the harness.

  Gentle hands undid the cuffs around my thighs and slowly eased my legs out onto the mattress until they were straight. They ached, but stretching them out felt so good. Those same hands reached behind my back and undid my hands. They rubbed at my wrists to soothe where the leather had rubbed my skin. Then finally, they took off the straps completely and set them aside.

  I was free and so tired that I didn’t think I could walk even if I had to.

  Those same hands traced over my body, not sexually, but soothingly. They belonged to Jules, of course, and some part of my sated brain marveled at how soft he could be.

  “You did such a good job,” he murmured into my ear as his body stretched out to lay down beside me. I felt his warmth along my length and found myself turning to snuggle into it. “I’m very pleased with your performance.”

  My eyelids were heavy, but I managed to get out a meek, “I’m glad, sir.”

  “I know you’re very tired now,” he murmured, softly stroking my damp hair. “But you need to get cleaned up. That’ll be stiff and sticky on your skin if you let it dry.”

  I whimpered a little, definitely not liking the idea of getting up. Not even if it was for a practical reason.

  I heard him tut me. “Now, now. We have to clean up after we play, Allison. That’s part of it. If you don’t do as I say, I’ll have to punish you.”

  Part of me debated resisting anyway. But I wasn’t really feeling resilient or rebellious. Just tired. And if cleaning up now meant I could sleep after, then I’d do it. Better than finding out punishment meant I wasn’t allowed to sleep at all.

  That would not fly with me.

  So I sighed and said, “Yes, sir.”

  “Good girl.”

  He helped me up. My body was so tired that my arms went limp almost immediately and I even sagged against him. I could barely keep my eyes open, even standing, but Jules was kind. He braced me with his own body and half carried me to the bathroom downstairs. Then he helped me shower, taking extra care to wash my sore and sensitive womanhood, and making sure that my hair was clean. When we were done, he even dried off my body for me.

  I almost asked for a robe, but remembered what he’d said earlier.

  You will spend the weekend naked.

  So I just let him lead me, completely naked, my wet hair dripping cold water down my bare back. He took me back to the bedroom and tucked me beneath the covers. I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

  Chapter Fourteen


  I let Allison sleep. What happened in my playroom had been… an accident. It was hard to call it that, because you don’t accidentally fall into a thigh sling spreader and go to town. But it was an accident in the sense that when I took Allison down to my playroom, I hadn’t meant for us to have sex. It had been an attempt to scare the living hell out of her so that she would reconsider her intentions to stay.

  But it had seriously backfired.

  Instead of scaring her, Allison had lifted her chin boldly and challenged me. I couldn’t just leave a challenge alone, not from my sub. And whether I tried to get her to leave or not, I’d already come to think of her like that.

�d taken her virginity.

  She called me sir.

  She did as I commanded and accepted punishment when she didn’t.

  I dictated what she wore.

  I controlled what she did.

  I told her how many times I expected her to come.

  She was mine. These things confirmed what my body and heart already seemed to know. And that scared me, but I couldn’t deny them. I just wasn’t sure what to do with them.

  She wants to stay, a voice in my head reminded me. So let her stay. Take this as far as it’ll go. It’s only a weekend.

  I knew that I was trying to rationalize things so that I wouldn’t have to send her away, but it sounded good in my head. After all, I had promised her that she was in control and I wouldn’t do anything that she didn’t want. Didn’t that include forcing her to leave?

  That was probably not the right way to think of that, but it was the only way I could live with right now.

  I was sitting in the chair in my room, watching as Allison slept. She was out like a light, clearly exhausted. I wasn’t sure how well she’d slept the night before – I’d given her body a workout, but she’d also been really nervous – but after our little adventures in my playroom, I wasn’t surprised that her body needed a recharge.

  Hell, if I hadn’t been there to lean on, she wouldn’t have made it to the bathroom on her own.

  The thought made me frown a little. Did I push her too far? No. She loved it. She curled up with you. She clung to you. She enjoyed it.

  I settled a little at the thought, but there was still that something in the back of my head warning me how easily I could take all of this too far. And I wouldn’t even know it. Not until it was too late.

  For the next hour, I watched her rest. Her brown hair dried on the pillow, splayed out in thick strands that blended with the black and stood out against the red to create interesting designs. Her pale face was flushed lightly still and her expression was soft, peaceful. Her dark lashes fanned out against her cheeks and there was a tiny smile curving up the corners of her mouth. In sleep, she looked satisfied and content.

  I hoped when she awoke, she would feel the same.

  When she’d slept for a decent amount of time, I finally stood. I wouldn’t waste the weekend with her asleep, though I wanted her to be well rested. But since I had so little time with her, I wanted her to understand what the rest of the lifestyle would be like. It was one thing to understand the sex; it was another to live as a submissive.

  Getting up, I went over to where she lay on the bed. I sat on the edge there and leaned over, tracing my hand over her cheek softly. “Allison, my pet, it’s time to wake up. You’ve slept long enough.”

  She barely stirred. A tiny sound escaped her mouth and her face scrunched up like she was trying to ignore my words or return to a good dream.

  I smiled a little, but couldn’t let her go back to sleep. “I said wake up. If you sleep any longer, you won’t be able to sleep tonight.”

  Her eyelids reluctantly fluttered as she pulled herself from sleep. “Jules?” she murmured.

  She didn’t really say my name much, which was a result of my own rule to call me sir, and I found that I enjoyed it leaving her lips. Not enough to let the sir thing slide, but it wasn’t bad to hear it every once in a while. I decided I’d make a rule that allowed for that exception once in a while.

  “Yes, pet. It’s time to get up. I have work to do and I’m not going to leave you here by yourself while I work on it. I want you with me – or doing chores.”

  She blinked at me, a little hazy and confused still. I saw it through her eyes as her mind worked out first where she was, what I was doing, and what I was talking about. Maybe all this submissiveness had been her good dream.

  I smiled a little at the thought.

  Finally, she woke up enough to put the pieces together. “Chores, sir?”

  I nodded as she sat up. “That’s right. I’ll expect you to perform certain duties while you belong to me. Cooking, as you’ve noticed already, and some cleaning. Sometimes you might be asked to run errands, for which you will be provided clothing, though I wouldn’t worry much about that.” I almost said, right now, like I expected her to continue to be my sub after this weekend.

  Pushing that delightful and terrifying thought aside, I pressed on. “It’s almost time for lunch, so I’ll expect you to make that, and I expect you to wash all the sheets you’ve dirtied.”

  Her pretty face flushed then, her cheeks that lovely shade of red that I was becoming so attached to.

  “For now, however, you’ll come with me. I have to work, and I expect you to sit obediently in my studio until I say otherwise. Understood?”

  She nodded her head, lowering her eyes. I got up and she got off the bed after me. I glanced back at her once to make sure she was following, then headed downstairs to my studio. I had a couple of them, each serving different purposes. Some were meant for working on motorcycles. I helped with several of the Wild Aces’ bikes whenever they broke down and obviously worked on my own. But the one I was headed to now was set up for sketching. I needed to work on my project for the competition. I needed something ready for entry – and I really needed it ready today if I wanted to follow through with my plans of marking Allison. I had some concepts already, but I needed to tweak them so they fit not only my style, but Allison’s. After all, she was my canvas.

  In my drawing studio, I had several easels set up already. Five had sketch pads on them while three others had canvases on them for painting. There were some empty ones, too, and several that had in progress works.

  I headed to an easel that had just a blank Inkpad on it. Glancing over my shoulder, I saw that Allison had followed me about three steps behind. She was completely naked still as per my orders and I was turned on by it. Her body was exactly what I liked in a woman. Curves, but a small waist. Large breasts with pink nipples. Hips that were big enough to get a hold of while thrusting deep into her hot, tight opening.

  My thoughts were causing my dick to rise in anticipation. Having her here at my whim, behaving as my submissive, was something I’d gone without for a long time now and my cock wasn’t missing an opportunity to take advantage.

  Resisting my baser impulses, I motioned for her to come forward. She quickly did so. Pointing at a spot on the tile floor beside the stool I’d be sitting on, I commanded her, “Sit. Put your butt on your heels and wait like that until I tell you otherwise.”

  She swallowed and looked up at me, her eyes large, but she didn’t argue or complain. Obediently, she tucked her legs beneath her ass and settled into a sitting position on the floor. Then she looked up at me, the angle doing wonderful things for my hardening cock.

  “That’s a good girl.”

  I settled onto the stool and faced the blank page. I was aware of her sitting beside me, waiting for further orders. I was also aware that all I’d have to do was unzip my leather pants and give her an order to suck me until I blew my wad. She’d do it. I definitely believed that now. She wanted to obey me as much as I wanted her to; sign of a true submissive. It turned me on as much as her naked body.

  It took everything I had to force myself to work on my sketch for the tattoo. Starting with just a medium pencil, I began a soft outline. Since the funds for the competition were going toward a medical funding program, I knew that I wanted to include something that was associated with that. Money or other types of funding weren’t my thing as far as tattoos went, so I thought I’d go a different route. I began with a hazy outline that looked mostly like a blob. It was oblong, larger at the top then tapering off at the bottom. Like an engine, it had two exhaust pipes sticking out from the bottom right edge, then an additional one at the top.

  A heart. Like the real one.

  I added in some spindly veins and pockmarks to make it look more realistic. When I’d sketched that out, I considered what else to include. I thought about wings, maybe cradling the heart, to refer back to the medical staff assoc
iated with doctors and hospitals. But wings were so overdone. I decided bandages would be better.

  A bleeding heart.

  I glanced down at Allison. She was sitting still, though I could tell she was struggling. Most people had an intense need to fidget when sitting slow for so long a time, and I doubted Allison was an exception to that rule. But she was doing well.

  Considering my tattoo, I tried to picture it on her. Her back was bare and it was the easiest place to put a tattoo. Lots of smooth space. Easy to sit still…

  But that wasn’t where I wanted it. I wanted to put it on the side of her smooth, pale breast. The left one, right above where her real heart would be. Would she allow that? Would she agree with a wounded heart trying to be patched up and mended?


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