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Buying My Bride_A Bad Boy Motorcycle Club Romance

Page 70

by Zoey Parker

  “First, I don’t want you going off again. I don’t want you to leave. I know you’ve been ‘staying’ here, but I want it to be more than that.” I made the quotation marks with my hands.

  “What are you asking?” she asked me.

  “I’m asking you to move in. Full-time, not just sleeping under the same roof. Sleeping under the same covers, in the same bed. I want you to live with me. I want to see you through school and help you achieve your dreams. I know we talked last night about you getting back to school and changing your major. If that’s what you want to do, you have my support, but I don’t want you to feel like you have to do that for me,” I said.

  She wrapped her fingers tightly around mine and opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out. She stared and blinked at me like she couldn’t believe what I was saying, but also like she wanted to hear it.

  “The job at the shop is always yours. You created that job. You helped me achieve my dream, and you helped make me a bigger part of the MC by doing it. You’ve done so much for me; I want you to be able to pursue your dreams, too. But I want you to do it from here, from our home,” I continued.

  “Are you asking me what I think you’re asking me?” she finally said.

  I smiled, and she blushed. Her face was so cute when her cheeks turned red. She pulled her hands up and covered the smile spreading across her face.

  “Maria, I want you to be my old lady,” I said. “I want you to be by my side. You’re already my partner in crime, and we even teamed up to bring down a powerful local member of the mob who was more involved than anyone else had realized. You’ve used our relationship to strengthen my bond with The Twisted Ghosts. We’ve already been together for a few months now. You’re already my old lady, whether we’ve wanted to admit it or not, but I want you to call yourself that from now on,” I told her.

  “I will,” she said. She threw her arms around my neck. “I’m yours, Brawn. I have been and I will continue to be.”

  I kissed her deeply. Our lips pressed against each other, and our mouths opened to let our tongues tangle. I felt her pressing her body towards me. The table was between us, keeping us apart, or else we would have been tearing each other’s clothes off. We eventually pulled apart.

  “Does this mean we can be affectionate in public now?” she asked.

  “You tell me.”

  “I’ve wanted to be for so long,” she said.

  “Well, then, don’t get mad when I grab your ass in front of people or walk down the street with my arm wrapped around your waist,” I told her with a grin.

  “So, what does this mean now?”

  “This means I’m going to take you to the clubhouse and formally introduce you to the MC as my old lady. They need to know you as that. They need to know that we’ve finally admitted that our relationship has made it to that point.”

  “What all does it mean, though?” she asked with a concerned look on her face all of a sudden. “The girls at the office have made it sound like the guys are really controlling.”

  “It depends on the guy, and the old lady. Some of our old ladies run the show. You don’t tell them what to do. They tell you. Others are completely submissive to their men. I don’t see that being a problem between us. We are both very independent people. I think some of the guys already look at you as a member of the MC anyway, so you’ll fit in just fine,” I assured her.

  “What about a kutte? Do I get to wear a vest?”

  “You can wear a vest if you want, but you won’t get any colors as an old lady, and we don’t allow full female members.”

  “So what’s the point of calling me something besides your girlfriend?” she asked.

  “It’s different. There’s a different kind of loyalty in the MC. Not only do you have me, but you’ve got all the other old ladies, and you’ve got the members of the MC. If anything happens, we’ll all be there. We’re a family. Those are my brothers, and if you want to look at the other women as your sisters, that’s perfectly acceptable,” I explained.

  “I never thought about it that way.”

  “Yeah, that’s part of the appeal of the whole thing. You’ve got a lot of people who have your back, pretty much immediately. You know, we don’t accept full members lightly. And senior members, you’ve got to prove yourself before you get there. So, everyone who wears The Twisted Ghosts kutte with full colors has been vetted. We’ve all proven ourselves with full or senior members vouching for us. If you’re chosen by a member of the MC to be his old lady, all of his credentials sort of transfer over to you,” I explained.

  “Wow. So, what you’re saying is, we’re reflections of each other in the MC,” she clarified.

  “Pretty much, but it sounds a lot more complicated than it really is,” I explained.

  “Yeah, it really does sound like a lot.” She’d started to sound nervous, like all this talk was scaring her away.

  “It’s not. It’s just so simple that sometimes it takes a lot to explain it.”

  “It doesn’t matter. I’m happy we’re finally together, and it’s finally official. We don’t have to hide it anymore,” she said with a smile on her face again. “I’m happy to know you feel the same way I do about you.”

  I wanted to kiss her again. I wanted to put her on the table right there and take her again. I wanted to make her mine physically as well as emotionally. Sure, we’d slept together a couple of times already over the last few months, but we hadn’t actually been together. Not officially.

  “Let’s get showered and everything. I want to take you by the clubhouse tonight to introduce you to everyone,” I said, distracting myself from my desire. I wanted to wait until the time was right.

  “Can’t wait to show me off, huh?” she joked.

  “Absolutely not. I want to make everyone jealous that I’ve got the hottest old lady there.”

  Chapter 35


  When we arrived at the clubhouse, James and Shank were standing outside with Shift and another guy I didn’t recognize. He had a few very visible tattoos so I started to think I was about to meet Brawn’s other brother, Hero. There were bikes lined up all along in front of the building, and I could hear music coming from inside as soon as we parked and cut off the engine.

  I’d been by the clubhouse a lot in the time Brawn and I had spent together, but this was the first time I’d ever really been nervous. It was like I had something to prove when I walked in with him this time. I wasn’t just walking in as Maria, the girl from the woodworking shop. I was walking in as Maria, Brawn’s old lady. I had a whole new position in life.

  We walked up to the open bay door, where the guys were standing, waiting to meet me again for the first time. They stood in order of rank, with the new guy standing in front.

  “Maria, this is my little brother, Hero,” Brawn said. Hero wore a baseball cap turned backwards. The only distinguishing feature I really noticed was that he had a few more distinct tattoos than everyone else seemed to.

  Hero gripped my hand in his, and I thought he was going to break it. “It’s a pleasure,” he said, and he pulled me in for a quick hug, throwing his other arm around me to pat me on the back. A man-hug. After our quick embrace, he patted Brawn on the back, muttered something to him, and ran off inside.

  “Of course, you know the rest of the guys. Shift. Shank, our VP. And Ghost, or James, our president,” Brawn said, running through the re-introductions. Everyone shook my hand in turn, and Brawn put his arm across my shoulder at the end.

  “It’s nice to finally have you on board,” Shift said with a smile. “He’s been trying to act like this isn’t a thing.”

  “I know,” I said. “I had to whip him into shape.”

  Shift laughed with me as Brawn pulled me inside. The place was packed wall to wall. There were guys in kuttes playing pool, shooting darts, hovering around the TV, watching a movie, drinking at the bar, and just hanging around the center of the room running their mouths. I expected more of a spectacl
e. Instead, our arrival inside was very uneventful.

  Then, I saw the old ladies. They were huddled off to one side, drinking and laughing. They all looked guilty as hell, as if they’d been talking trash. They waved me over.

  “Go ahead,” Brawn said. “Join in. You’ll probably end up spending a lot of time with them from here on out.”

  I squeezed his hand and ran over. There was a cold beer waiting on me when I got there. The old ladies sort of formed their own little club within the MC. They stuck together, partly to stay out of the way and partly so they had women to hang out with when the guys all got together.

  A couple of thin arms wrapped around my neck, and I realized I was standing in between my ladies from work. They were hugging my neck on either side of me and not missing a beat from their conversation.

  “So he finally made you his old lady, huh?” one of the girls asked.

  “It’s about time. We were wondering how long you two were going to go before you said anything,” the other said.

  “Anyway, here’s to our boys. May they never grow up to be men,” another of the old ladies said, stepping forward with her beer. She had long black and gray hair. She looked tough as nails.

  “Maria, this is Maggie, James’s old lady,” one of the girls said.

  “Shit, he’s my old lady,” Maggie said in a raspy voice that sounded like too many cigarettes and too much whiskey. “Listen, any one of these broads gives you any shit, you come to me. If one of the guys gives you a hard time, you come to me. I’ll set ‘em straight for ya.” She offered me her hand, and I reached to take it. Her fingers were thin and hard, almost bony. She pulled me into a hug. “Girl, you’re family now. We don’t shake hands here. We hug,” Maggie said as she wrapped her thin arms around me and held me close for a moment.

  “So, what are we doing?” I asked as I stepped back from her embrace.

  “This is it. Drinking, sitting around shooting the breeze. We grilled some steak and chicken earlier. Should still be some up at the bar.” She nodded to a couple of the ladies, and I was whisked away to the food.

  I started to feel like the old ladies insulated each other from the guys. We were part of the MC, but we were separate unless we were with our men. When we made it to the end of the bar, where the food was, I looked up and saw Brawn talking to the bartender. He caught a glimpse of me and moved over. The girls sort of melted away, stepping aside as he slid an arm across my waist.

  “Hey, Chip,” he called to the tall, long-haired, full-bearded man behind the bar. “This is Maria.”

  “Nice to finally meet you, Maria,” he said. “I see you’ve got a beer. Need anything else?”

  “I’m good. Just going to grab a plate and get some of this food you guys made,” I answered, shouting over the noise just like I would have at a real bar.

  “It’s good. Enjoy it. Let me know if you need anything special.” He nodded and went back to the members of the MC crowding the bar.

  “So, what do you think of the ladies?” Brawn said.

  I looked over my shoulder and nodded to the girls waiting for me. They smiled and held up their beers before walking off to rejoin the group on the other side of the room.

  “They seem a bit feral,” I told him.

  He laughed. “That’s just because everyone’s here,” he said.

  “Okay, so there are a couple of people I haven’t met. Where is Shift’s old lady? And where is Mark?” I asked.

  Brawn looked around. “Mark’s around here somewhere, and you probably met Penny but she didn’t introduce herself.”

  “Yeah, I met James’s old lady, and that was it,” I told him.

  “That’s how they are.”

  Brawn nudged a couple of guys to get us seats at the bar so I could eat. On one hand, nothing was different, but on the other, everything was different. I was somebody all of a sudden. I had some kind of status among the women at the clubhouse, and the other members seemed to recognize that I was important.

  I grabbed a bun from the plate next to the food and made a sandwich out of my chicken. I sat and ate, and caught myself listening to the room around me.

  “Hey, when you finish eating, let’s head back to the house,” Brawn whispered in my ear, his hand sliding up and down my back.

  “We just got here,” I told him, my mouth almost full.

  “I know, I know, but you’ll get plenty of time to mingle with the ladies. It’s not like they’re going anywhere,” he said. He pushed his hand under my shirt and started sliding it up my back. The soft skin of his hand pressed against the bare skin of my back. Pleasure and desire rippled out from his touch.

  I nodded while I ate. I couldn’t finish fast enough. He pulled his hand out of my shirt and placed it on my leg, stroking my thigh and sliding his hand nearer and nearer my center. I spread my legs to let him press his hand between my legs. He was able to find me even through my jeans. He pressed against the folds of my skin and parted them through the layers of fabric.

  I gasped as he rubbed against my clit at the bar.

  “Brawn,” I hissed, lowering my head and putting my sandwich down on my paper plate. I was only a couple of bites away from finishing, but I didn’t trust myself not to choke on it as he stroked me. My body rocked involuntarily as he continued to hit the center of my pleasure. I squeezed my legs together around his hand.

  “I’m sorry,” he said, pulling his hand away. “I’ll let you finish eating.” He looked straight ahead but cut his eyes toward me, a wicked little smile playing across his face while he sipped his beer.

  “Oh, you’re going to be sorry,” I threatened him. I took the last couple of bites of my sandwich and took a swig of beer to wash it all down.

  I turned to him after I finished my food and my beer, and I grabbed him by his cut. I pulled him to me and locked my lips onto his. We kissed furiously at the bar, leaning between our barstools. I held onto his vest and he put an arm around behind my back. Our tongues wrestled between us. Our lips worked against each other. I could feel our bodies reaching to be closer together.

  “Let’s go,” I said when we parted. “Take me home.”

  We slid off the barstools. Brawn nodded at Chip, and he hurried me through the bikers standing around in the main room of the clubhouse. There were a couple of guys standing outside, keeping an eye on the place.

  We hopped on Brawn’s bike. He handed me the spare helmet. “I’ll have to get you one of your own,” he said as I put it on.

  “This is fine” I told him.

  He smirked as he put his on and climbed on in front of me. I put my arms around his waist while he cranked up the motorcycle. The engine rumbled beneath us. The bike vibrated between my legs. It was intensely pleasurable, considering what Brawn had just been doing back inside.

  We rushed off and flew to his house. He parked in the yard and had barely cut off the engine before he was pulling his helmet off his head and pulling me off his bike. He carefully slid my helmet off and kissed me while he put it on the bike. With both hands on either side of my face, he led me inside with his lips, kissing me as he walked back toward the house.

  We walked in through the door and he closed it behind me, pressing me up against it. The full weight of his body pushed against me, pinning me against the door. His lips left mine and kissed my neck, my shoulders. His hands pulled at my shirt as I tilted my head back, gasping in pleasure at each touch.

  Soon, the shirt was coming off over my head and his hands were on my breasts, gripping me through my bra. His lips were kissing down between them as he knelt in front of me. He pulled at my waist as he undid my jeans and pulled them down, leaving me standing against the door in just my underwear with my hands on his massive, strong shoulders.

  He kissed back up my body slowly. He put a hand behind my head and held my face against his. His lips pressed against mine while his other hand slid down between my legs. His fingers parted me and slid between my wet lips. I shuddered as he stroked my clit a few times befor
e sliding is finger into me.

  I lightly bit his bottom lip and gripped his bulging biceps as he slid his wet finger out of me and stroked my clit again. He started running his finger over it quickly. I sucked my breath in as my body began to shake almost immediately under his touch.

  I’d never wanted anyone as much as I wanted him right then.

  “Take me,” I said as my body jerked under the force of my orgasm. “Take me, baby. I’m all yours.”

  He shrugged off his kutte and his pulled his shirt off over his head before dropping his jeans to the floor, revealing his thick, throbbing erection. It was standing for me. He grabbed me and picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he carried me to the bedroom.


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