Zaxon B: The Final Struggle (Galaxies Collide Book 4)

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Zaxon B: The Final Struggle (Galaxies Collide Book 4) Page 12

by Andrew McGregor

  Riaz raised his eyebrows in curiousity, the captain indicating for him to speak, his eyes straining in concern, ‘What of the animals on the upper pasture…are we going to feed them?’

  Dugachard grimaced, shaking her head, ‘Until we establish what the Silaks will be up to after today, I am not taking any chances…’ She rested her hand on his shoulder armour comfortingly, ‘You fed them yesterday so they should not be too concerned today…the mammoths are used to feeding off the vegetation up there and I will look at the possibility of sending troops up there tomorrow…’ She winked at the asian officer, slapping his shoulder, ‘Perhaps you two can visit them again…you should be back by then.’ Pointing to Tregan staring upwards from the passageway below, she smiled reassuringly, ‘Now get going or else you will be venturing back in the dark…there are snow tigers in the mountains, and they will be hungry!’

  Shino’s eyes widened as Riaz grinned deviously, nodding to his oriental companion, ‘At least their short legged starter is ready…I only have to outrun her!’

  Dugachard grinned as Debra stepped forward and pushed his shoulder playfully, Shino abruptly sticking her tongue out, sweeping the short machine gun around her back and folding her arms defiantly. Debra turned Riaz with her free hand and coached him towards the steps, ‘Just get your behind into the passageway…both of you. I am not having you resort to your behaviours at work…we are in the army now…and I am too wounded to keep a close eye on your antics!’

  Shino smiled in agreement, sniffing in annoyance and pushing past the asian officer to descend the steps, her voice almost taunting as she giggled at him, ‘The day you outrun me is the day you get shot in the back!’

  Progressing along the dark underground passageway, the pin lights from their helmets swept across the walls, casting eerie shadows across the jagged rocks and broken surfaces. Several side caverns and narrow walkways split from the main passage, Tregan explaining most were booby-trapped or contained concealed mines to entrap any possible enemy advance and provide warning to the covert base in the mountains. The pin lights surged into the openings, eyes straining into the darkness as the shadows bounced off the walls, the darkness seeming to draw in around the three figures as they stepped cautiously forwards.

  Stone scarabs and strange insects scuttled from the pin lights of the helmets, startled by the penetrating glow that swept across the rock walls and openings, afraid of the advancing frames and heaving chests in the impure and stale air. Tregan ushered the two other figures forward, his voice a hiss as Shino and Riaz stared down at the many scurrying creatures, ‘Just keep moving…they will not harm you…well unless you are dead.’ He grinned as Riaz grimaced, staring downwards as the scarabs swept past his boots on either side, ‘They live together, the stone scarabs and the others…feeding off dead animals and any other bodies they can find…they are not interested in living flesh!’

  Riaz continued staring downwards, the pin lights illuminating the rocks and path below as the dull grey scarab bodies clicked and scraped across the rock dust beneath, his feet pushing through the swarming insects as his frame tensed. Pushing further, he reached the edge of the lines of insects, their bodies advancing in lines through a low hollow in the rocks.

  Stepping out of the seemingly moving floor, he extended his hand behind, Shino grasping it firmly as she pushed through the mass beneath, her teeth gritted and eyes half-closed. Tregan grinned behind Riaz, amused by the human revulsion of the harmless insects, his head shaking as he turned away, stepping further along the passageway and realising there was a dim light ahead, the walls lighter some thirty metres further forward.

  Slowly emerging into the dull light, the snowflakes swirling around the entrance to the rocks, Tregan glanced at the path ahead, the narrow track leading up steeply between high steep rock faces on either side. The Trevakian grimaced as he raised the binoculars slung round his neck to his eyes, the electronic lenses spotting the tiny red glinting lights in the distance, the sensors for several recessed guns scanning the terrain and rocks for movement above a certain size.

  Riaz and Shino stepped out behind Tregan, their visors shading against the dim light and combat uniforms gradually transforming into whites and greys. The Trevakian raised his hand, ‘We should wait here…they will notify us if and when we can proceed…’ He raised the field glasses to his eyes once more, scanning the minute red lights, the flashing barely visible to the naked eye.

  Shino backed against one of the rock sides to the opening, slowly lowering her back down the cold stone and sitting with her legs crouched, the uniform inflating around her small frame for warmth as she stared up at the Trevakian inquisitively, ‘Shall we eat now?’

  Tregan spoke softly, his eyes still scanning the rocks through the binoculars, ‘Not yet…I have a feeling the contact will be very shortly….’ His mouth curled into a grin as the red scanners stopped flashing abruptly, a green light surging before sustaining a low glow.

  A muffled voice surged from above them, startling Shino and Riaz, the tone seeming excited and high pitched. The two officers strained their ears as Tregan turned to glance upwards, a console set back in the rock above as the words flowed in a language they could not comprehend. The conversation was mostly one way, the Trevakian smiling widely as he obediently answered the more commanding tone from above.

  Turning to face the two awaiting security officers, their expressions expectant, Tregan grinned, ‘They want us to make our way up the path to the entrance…it sounds like they may have not had visitors for some time…’

  They gradually trudged up the steep incline, the snow fluttering down to earth around them and gradually covering their footsteps behind. As they progressed up between the narrow high and jagged rocks, the air seemed to get thinner, a cold breeze sweeping frozen flakes from the weather beaten stone above, the snow swirling around them within the close confines of the narrow mountain path.

  As their breathing became more laboured, the path wound its way up through the rocks, the temperature dropping as the frost began to spread across the cracked and worn surfaces on either side, the ground broken occasionally by a frozen bush or creeping lichen. Gradually their bodies began to shiver, the path seeming to climb more steeply as their breathing became condensed, the gradient beginning to strain against their calves and thighs.

  The oxygen thinned further, Riaz and Shino’s chests beginning to wheeze as they progressed, their steps becoming shorter as pain began to spread across their temples, the path rising even further as their boots began to drag through the settling snow. Tregan glanced round with concern, glimpsing the vacant expressions as the oxygen drained from their faces, the helmets and uniforms attempting to compensate by excreting stimulants through their follicles.

  Struggling on, Tregan dropped back to walk behind them, the slope beginning to become less challenging as he voiced encouragement, raising his tone in an attempt to break through their unbroken stares. Slowly the two nodded as he urged them forward, stating the facility opening was just ahead…an opportunity to rest their tired limbs and minds…that there would be food and warm drinks.

  Eventually they emerged into a small clearing, the snowflakes billowing around their bodies as they gasped for air, the cold gripping their chests as they stared across the rock faces, the smooth stone having been worn down over time from high winds and abrasive sands. With high jagged rocks all around, the light was poor, the dim rays from above filtering through the heavy snowfall as Riaz and Shino bent double to open airways further, coughing as the weak oxygen struggled through their systems.

  Gradually their eyes moved to fix on the silver doors set into the rock, two smooth pillars either side of the double opening. Above the doorway, strange and unfamiliar lettering and shapes were carved into the rock, the fallen snow resting on the lower indents.

  Riaz indicated to the words, his chest heaving as he breathed, his eyes straining as he took in the many curves and symbols, ‘So what does that say?’

Tregan glanced upwards, sniffing and dusting the snowflakes from his shoulder armour, ‘It’s the sign of the Military Science Division…it seems this is their headquarters for Zaxon B.’ The Trevakian stared across the pillars, the stone seeming to glint in the dim light as the door mechanisms whirred, then swept open.

  Two Trevakian marines stepped uniformly out of the opening, both brandishing long barrelled assault rifles, their uniform armour similar to that of the Red Leopards, with silver edging around the bubbled shoulder armour and a front resin breastplate. Reinforced resin plates also adorned the soldiers’ shins and calves, with similar protection afforded to their upper and lower outer arms.

  Both soldiers stepped in front of the two pillars, raising their weapons across their chests in unison, their silver edged helmet visors shining and a reflective deepest black as clouds of exhaled air swirled between them. With their uniforms transforming into shaded whites and grey stripes, their helmets remained dark grey with silver embossed outlines across the surface.

  Stepping between the pillars, a thin figure approached, his arms welcomingly outstretched. The scientist’s frame was hunched, Shino considering this slight disfigurement had occurred over years of studying or staring through microscopes. With a full head of sharp silver hair, the man had a lined and uncomfortably pale face, his eyes covered with dark circular goggles and body adorned with a white and silver boiler style suit and a grey rubber or resin apron covering the front of his figure.

  Beginning to speak in Trevakian, his voice tailed off as he glimpsed the strained expressions from Shino and Riaz, Tregan grinning behind them as he shook his head. Correcting himself, the scientist continued smiling, ‘…my apologies…I do not get much opportunity to talk in the language we were instructed to learn…I am Professor Laran of the Scientific Battalion assigned to this place, and I presume from your facial bone structure that we have some humans amongst us…our new allies…’ He stared across their strained breathing, realising the oxygen level was low for his human guests, ‘Please come inside quickly, the air is a lot purer in the halls and laboratory…’ He turned, extending his hand towards the open doors, the two sentries glancing round nervously as Shino and Riaz struggled to their feet.

  Stepping through the corridor-like doorway, they stared upwards at the high domed ceiling carved onto the rock, the spotlights glinting off resin and crystal deposits through the stone. As the marines stepped in behind them, the doors swept closed once more, a set of inner armoured doors closing across them, Riaz’s eyes widening as he glanced round, the scientist noticing his reaction, ‘This is a highly secure facility…it would take days to break through the doors once the blast shields are deployed from the floor.’ He indicated to a further strip of metal alloy lining the inside of the doors, ‘If we activate high alert status, the additional measures deploy automatically…’ He approached a large metal console set into the wall, running his hands over the flat screen and tapping a couple of flashing icons, a smile spreading across his face, ‘There…the laser turrets and pulse mines are reactivated…that will make us all relax a little more.’ He pointed to the smooth walls on either side of the door, ‘The rock is several feet thick all across our front and the majority of the complex extends further down into the mountain…’ He pointed to the openings at either end of the almost square reception area, four sensors blinking above their heads.

  They followed the bent figure as he shuffled towards the right opening, the smooth rock corridor beginning to descend on a gradual turning gradient, small pin lights lining the curved roof as they progressed. With the two marines remaining in the facility reception area, they descended the slope for a couple of minutes, their visors rising as the narrow passageway seeming to slowly spiral downwards into the mountain.

  Riaz began to consider the herculean efforts that would have been required to excavate such a structure, the scientist beginning to describe the facility, ‘When we first came to Zaxon B, some of these tunnels in the rock already existed, something that excited us about a possible previous civilisation. We have extended them over time, and now the base houses a small company of scientific marines as well as the weaker beings like myself…’ He grinned, turning to look at them, ‘There are three main laboratories with living quarters and a dining hall…a small armoury and a conference room.’ He indicated to Tregan with a curious expression, ‘We are still amazed we have visitors…so I welcome you to our little facility.’ He hesitated, seeming confused, ‘Tell me, is there any specific reason you have come? How is the war progressing on the planet?’

  Tregan shrugged, his eyes darkening, ‘The news is not good…we are stationed at Zangara Outpost, so have only the reports that concern us on the outer western edge. They are stripping the defensive forces here to add to the troops to the east of Morasat. The Morgons have driven us from Contax Base and are being held there by the Red Leopards and it appears Alexion One is under direct attack.’ He drew breath as the scientist’s eyes fell, ‘We came with some information, but also to request if you have any soldiers to spare…the Silakians are in the valley below and outnumber us.’

  Professor Laran turned away, indicating for them to continue, Shino and Riaz breathing easier as they felt the fresh oxygen pumping through the corridors. Finally reaching the lower level, they emerged suddenly into a rectangular reception area with some silver seating at either end, Shino gasping in horror as she stepped back startled, Tregan and Riaz staring wide eyed at the sight before them.

  Two bigger than life sized statues stood against the middle wall, their weapons brandished high and pointing diagonally across the space towards the two openings leading to the long room. Staring straight at them, the assault rifle raised threateningly, the black exoskeletal armour of a twelve foot Morgon grenadier with eyes glowing red stood at a half crouch, the statue seeming to glisten and exude hatred. Riaz stared at the figure, a fully kit laden Trevakian marine stood nearer to the group, the statues weapons aimed across each other.

  Laran grinned widely at their reaction, shaking his head as Tregan grimaced at him, ‘We built these to remind us of the eternal struggle across the galaxies…and of the urgency to our work…’ The scientist walked slowly before the statues indicating proudly upwards to them, ‘Two opposing races destined to fight to the death…the loser facing ultimate extermination…or to be chased across far space to the end!’

  He turned briskly, the three figures stepping gingerly from the entrance and noticing two further corridors either side of the statues, ‘What do you know of the Morgons?’ Professor Laran pointed to Shino and Riaz, his tone becoming demanding, ‘What have you learnt about them since you came here?’

  Shino stepped behind Riaz sheepishly, finding the scientist and his piercing goggles a little too daunting, the asian male in front of her shrugging and shaking his head, ‘They are very vicious…take no prisoners and want skulls as trophies? Their armour is very thick and their weapons are just as good, if not better than ours?’

  The professor grinned widely, almost salivating as his hands rose with excitement, ‘Yes…that, but there is so much more…what makes them so aggressive? Why do they seek trophies and the basic urge to kill or to eat their victims? Why do they have to dominate every race they come into contact with?’ He gestured at Tregan, ‘Have you even considered why us Trevakians are so similar to you humans?’

  Riaz shrugged, becoming slightly uncomfortable and embarrassed, his cheeks flushing, ‘Well…there has not really been time…we have been trying to stay alive!’ He slung the assault rifle over his shoulder, folding his arms and staring at the scientist in defiance.

  Professor Laran indicated to Shino and Tregan, his excitement seeming to mount, ‘What about you, young lady…and our Trevakian frontline soldier here…what do you think?’

  Shino lowered her eyes, staring at the shining floor, ‘We have had no thoughts…’ Then she looked up abruptly, her eyes straining in irritation, ‘I think it is totally inappropriate that you are so excite
d about such monsters…we have seen our friends and new allies slaughtered and you stand here asking us stupid questions?’

  The short Philippine stepped out and forward, Riaz’s eyes widening as he whispered under his breath, ‘Here we go…diplomatic incident…’

  Shino glared at the professor as he took one step back, startled by her demeanour as she raised a gloved hand to point at the statue, tears filling her eyes, ‘All I want to do is kill them…your people have suffered for a century at their hands and you think it is some sort of exciting game?’

  Tregan placed his hand reassuringly on Shino’s shoulder, feeling her frame shake in anger, his voice an annoyed hiss, ‘We mean no disrespect…but I feel your lack of understanding of just what sacrifices we have suffered and the slaughter that has ensued around you and across the galaxies has clouded your judgement. All three of us have lost colleagues and friends, and find your tone offensive…Sir!’

  Professor Laran raised his hands in defence, his head glancing away in uncomfortable embarrassment as he smiled nervously, ‘I am sorry…it’s just we have so few visitors, we are keen to share some of our findings and thoughts…to hear what is happening outside.’ He shifted on his stance uncomfortably and turned to stare upwards at the statues, his voice adopting a reflective tone, ‘Existence is fragile and formed from energy of an unknown source…the stronger of creatures becoming more dominant with the determining strands of DNA…the schematic of our own unique race and of the human one. We have established that only some forms of cells and DNA will survive and flourish in the correct…and I must state, most unique environments. This has formed the species that reside across the galaxies and their DNA and cell varieties, thus the differing races we experience…atmospheric and natural situations from the planets they reside upon have an influence limited to approximately twenty percent. Trevakian and human DNA is similar, although not linked…Herrakian and Alixian also proving to have some comparative strands that form their evolution and history.’ He glanced round, seeing the three were now listening intently to him, almost willing him to say more, a faint smile of anticipation spreading across his lips as he continued, indicating to the Morgon soldier, ‘Intelligence wise, we all virtually the same…the Herrakians having a leaning to fearsome and aggressive fighting ability, the Alixians and most of the other races in the Empire proving to be more peace loving and diplomatic.’ He hesitated, considering whether to continue, then turned once more, ‘The Morgon soldier is highly aggressive, an alpha creature with immense strength and power, designed to kill and devour its prey. But they too have evolved…their intelligence and physical characteristics changing over time to enable them to produce advanced weaponry, tactical knowledge and planning. This has been further enhanced by the planets and populations they have conquered and consumed.’


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