Zaxon B: The Final Struggle (Galaxies Collide Book 4)

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Zaxon B: The Final Struggle (Galaxies Collide Book 4) Page 13

by Andrew McGregor

  Professor Laran glanced in relish across their faces once more, ‘We believe their empire or extent of control will be very despotic…enslaving and consuming races as they progress…becoming more powerful but with key weaknesses we are as yet unable to exploit as we are on the defensive. They have attacked across several galaxies at once, demonstrating not only their arrogance, but also the overwhelming lust for power.’

  Shino raised her hand pensively, the professor indicating to her and smiling warmly, ‘But what of their DNA? Where do they come from?’

  Professor Laran’s eyes narrowed behind his goggles, his admiration for the determined young Philippine rising, ‘Now that is where my excitement has proven unpopular young lady…you see, your race has perhaps more knowledge of the Morgons than we ever have…’

  Riaz’s eyes widened, Shino swallowing hard, ‘W-what do you mean?’ Tregan stepped forward, his eyes straining in confusion.

  The professor turned and indicated up at the Morgon warrior, ‘The DNA of this race is highly aggressive, potently so…they thrive on domination, slaughtering their prey or hunting it down and eliminating it. They will eat their enemy as a sign of power, but also from natural instinct…the urge for blood and a trophy of their victims is the evolvement of their species from more basic urges. Their lust for expansion feeds their urge to reproduce, and we believe their females reproduce each year if not more frequently.’

  Professor Laran sighed, staring up at the statue as the others stood behind, eagerly awaiting him to continue, Shino’s patience finally expiring, ‘You said as humans we may have more knowledge of the Morgons than you do? I just don’t get that…you have been at war for one hundred years…’

  The scientist spun round, running his hand through his hair excitedly, ‘Yes of course…I got side tracked, my apologies.’ He turned and stared back up at the Morgon warrior, ‘A professor recently joined us from the other side of the Empire, his extensive research having been accumulated across most of our allied planets…we had a bit of a breakthrough…’ He giggled reflectively, ‘Actually, over his honorary dinner…not during our research time. We had studied the behaviours and reactions of our enemy in singular actions as well as campaigns. This professor had a differing view and met with one of our young soldiers at this welcoming meal, a man that had studied your history intently…from your widely circulated ‘internet files’ I believe. As the evening progressed, they became more and more engrossed in conversation until we eventually began to solely listen to what they were saying, their tones rising as they excitedly linked their information together.’ The professor glanced round, staring at them in almost intense excitement, ‘They believed the Morgon DNA either originates from or is linked to your planet in some way…’

  Shino gasped, her eyes wide with anticipation, ‘But how?’

  Professor Laran smiled cunningly, his goggles sparkling, ‘The Morgons are scaled thick skin animals with aggressive appetites, DNA has formed across galaxies for thousands of your years and your planet holds the key we believe or at least an insight. Our histories are very different…although our DNA and physical states could be explained as comparable, we have evolved in different ways as has your race over centuries…influenced by external forces.’ His voice lowered to an almost whisper, ‘Have you ever imagined what your dinosaurs or reptiles would have become if there was no ice age or the rise of human beings was altered. Because of your advancement, all other creatures became secondary, the dinosaurs died out from an ice age, believed caused by a large meteor strike on your planet…’

  Shino and Riaz shook their heads in confusion, the professor smiling warmly, ‘Imagine the Herrerasaurus, Deinonychus, Yutyrannus or even Carnotaurus were able to evolve faster than human beings…even a Tyrannosaurus Rex or Spinosaurus…’ He shook his head dismissively, ‘No perhaps both too big…an alligator or crocodile merges with this Deinonychus style animal over time, their DNA forging together as one to become the most aggressive and merciless predator you can ever imagine…that is what we believe happened.’ Professor Laran smiled reassuringly in response to their confused expressions, ‘I believe the Deinonychus was displayed in one of your entertainment films as a Velociraptor.’ He drew an excited breath, ‘Now allow these ‘Velociraptors’ to evolve and freely develop on perhaps on a planet without the natural influences that ultimately stemmed their advancement as happened on your earth. Imagine that maybe this occurred in one galaxy that even nurtured their evolvement and there we have it…through sheer probability…the force that faces and threatens to wipe us all from existence may have actually been distantly related to something from your planet!’

  Chapter Thirteen: The Battle for Alexion One

  As the bitter hand to hand fighting continued on Deck 67, Morgon fighter bombers with their escorts flashed through space, the sparse Trevakian defenders unable to respond as they were chased by a numerically superior enemy across the front and rear of Alexion One.

  The Morgon pilots checked their instruments for the bombing sweep, tapping the final coordinates into the on board computers as the blast shields rose up over their cockpit windows, the sights of the vast Space Station before them gradually disappearing as the dim internal combat lights flickered on.

  Eight of the black fighters swept ahead, the pilots fully aware of their mission and ultimate destiny…to draw laser fire and allow the bombers through to their targets. The eyes glowing in their helmets, they powered their vessels forward, the individual craft armed with fragmentation missiles, the ordinance designed to shatter and blind the automatic guns with their high density tiny Nano drones as a further countermeasure.

  Manoeuvring into attack formation, more fighters gradually lowered before the bombers, the velocities synchronizing as the on board computers most recently developed programme began to coordinate the attack through instructions to the pilots. Focus from within the helmets moved to the consoles before the pilots, their orders clear as the numerous craft surged forward, the computerised displays continually re-evaluating progress and the positioning of the vessels.

  Nearing the vast space station, internal lights dimmed further, the only illumination now from the small consoles feeding information to the pilots, their flight plans and controls now moving to manual as the distance marked as the ‘point of no return’ for the mission was reached. Red central lights flickered on as the pre-programmed marker passed, the adrenalin rising within the chests of the flight personnel as the importance and reality of the flight was established.

  In the upper laser turrets of Alexion one, the targeting officers were studying their scopes and navigations screens intently, static and interference surging across the views as Morgon jamming and infiltration techniques escalated dramatically. Occasionally the command room vibrated violently, the three large calibre laser cannons above the deck and the six smaller ones below firing out at the passing enemy fighters and floating debris approaching.

  Across the nine consoles of the circled upper inner control centre, the operators frantically ran their hands across the panels in front of them in desperation, the views and scans before them distorted and flickering uncontrollably. Thirty-five-year-old Battery First Officer Archiad rose to his feet from the central command chair, his dark brown eyes darting from side to side as the warning lights began to illuminate across the desktops, hands waving towards the maintenance engineers as he shouted in rising nervousness, ‘Get the sensors back on line or we will lose automated targeting…then the station will be virtually defenceless!’ He spun round, indicating to his second in command, the young female Trevakian stiffening in response. ‘Inform the gun crews, have them assign their best operators to the manual aim sights…keep the guns firing, the enemy must not know they have broken through our codes!’

  The Second Officer slammed her fist to her chest, the blue uniform lined with red piping as a sign of their battery unit, her hands dropping to the console before her to activate alarms within the individual gun turrets.

  Archiad raised a hand to his ear as he turned away, his greying black hair swept under the blue officer’s cap, his voice an alarmed hiss, ‘Covert link to Admiral Shadian immediately!’

  Static surged through his earpiece, a deep male voice responding curiously, ‘What is it Archiad?’

  The Battery First Officer drew breath nervously, his eyes narrowing in suspicion as he lowered himself slowly back into the command chair, ‘Admiral…I regret to report we have lost automated targeting…the Morgons have broken into our system, probably deliberately…be ready for their next move! I have moved to manual response whilst the engineers work on the problem…’

  Admiral Shadian spun round, staring across the bridge of Alexion One, his eyes scanning the upper viewing screens as he shouted to the few remaining controllers, ‘Eyes on screens! They are up to something new…all computers to outer viewers…see if we can spot what they are up to before it happens!’

  Eight command deck operators, three of them wounded, flicked their hands across the sloped screens before them, icons of the exterior viewer appearing in the upper corners as they enlarged them, their eyes lowering to scrutinise the images below.

  The Morgon commander clicked his console, the message flashing on all attacking and bomber vessels, the speed of the two waves accelerating as engines roared behind, the after burns flashing as the craft rocketed forward.

  Panicked shouts erupted across the bridge of Alexion One, Admiral Shadian staring wide eyed at the viewing screens at the end of the deck, the tiny heat sources being enlarged frantically by the operators as they scrutinised the sources, willing the vessels not to be an enemy attack wave whilst the automated systems were inactive. Shadian raised a hand to his ear, his voice trembling, ‘First Officer Archiad….’ He grimaced as there was a delay in the communication link, the battery commander finally replying as the Admiral spoke, staring at the pictures flashing before him as he scrutinised the images, ‘Multiple incoming enemy craft…fighter bombers by the look of it…fire everything you have!’

  Archiad nodded slowly, his stomach twisting as he glanced round at the frantic actions of his targeting crews, his tone filling with dread, ‘They will be coming for us Admiral…we will do our duty…Our time is now!’

  The Morgon frontal fighter wave banked hard left, swinging to fly before the upper laser turrets, the pilots tensing as the gunners swung their targeting mechanisms round to face them. Red and blue intense light swept out from the upper guns of Alexion One, the Morgon craft weaving and breaking from formation to draw fire, attempting to keep the gunners transfixed on their craft, their own guns firing wildly to add to the confusion. Solar flares erupted in their wake as they dropped their fragmentation devices, the intense light flickering and twisting in space as the diversion continued, the station guns firing repeatedly towards the sleek black craft.

  The console lights flashed before the pilots, their frames stiffening as they banked hard back towards the station, rising to fly directly towards the upper cannons as their own guns blazed. In the surrounding space, the battle continued, two Trevakian craft hurtling towards the new threat from the other side of the vast station, their pilots gritting their teeth in determination as the on board computers indicated how many enemies they faced.

  The fighters gathered speed, weaving and bucking as the incoming fire concentrated on their position, the distance narrowing. Two explosions, the black vessels imploding as they disintegrated under the power of the laser guns, their comrades driving the attack forward as the Trevakian gunners screamed in desperation, their five crew turret temperatures soaring as the large weapons fired continuously.

  Another craft detonated, the flames and burning debris forming along the flight path as the machine disintegrated, another craft bucking and banking away as fire engulfed the cockpit, the pilot incinerated in the inferno.

  The two Trevakian fighters swept round the outer edge of Alexion One, the Morgon vessels firing blindly towards the upper turrets as they sliced through the formation, their under wing lasers tearing through another craft as it fell away, the engines burning fiercely.

  First Officer Archiad stared into his viewer, grimacing at the explosions, his eyes narrowing as a jolt of energy swept down his spine, his mind just comprehending the possibility of a diversion as he panned the viewer controls frantically across the outer darkness. Then he drew breath, seeing a glint in the distance, the larger formation manoeuvring further for their attack, a hand rapidly rising to his ear as he screamed into the gunner crew earphones, ‘Further out…bombers incoming…’ His voice trailed away as the torpedo engines ignited, a gasp coming from his lips as numerous rockets swept in towards the upper gun turrets, the vessels following after their missiles to fire into the detonations.

  As his voice trembled, he shouted frantically, ‘Brace for impact…numerous enemy torpedoes!’ The young crews in the gun turrets glanced at each other wide eyed, the lasers still firing as the missiles closed on their positions, the added realisation that their protective shields were now virtually exhausted numbing some into futile inaction.

  Explosions ripped through the thick reinforced armoured plate that housed the laser cannons, fireballs searing though several of the gun turrets as screams filled the earpiece of First Officer Archiad, his eyes closing tightly as the intense heat incinerated several of his crew. The command centre shook violently as the turrets on one side erupted, throwing controllers from their desks and Archiad onto his knees. Further muffled explosions echoed around them as fighter laser fire swept through the torn gaps in the turrets, more torpedoes detonating above as two of the larger batteries fell silent, their crews killed or sucked out into space.

  Sparks flew across the control panels, the internal sirens sounding as seals cracked and shattered, the oxygen being drawn rapidly through the perforations. Struggling to his feet, First Officer Archiad shouted frantically, ‘Emergency seals! Engineer crews secure this deck!’ Then he turned, his hands shaking, ‘Turret crews report!’ He listened as two of the lower turret officers responded, then one of the bigger upper turrets…then silence. His muscles tensing at the response, he spun round, shouting frantically at his crew, ‘Get an emergency crew to the turrets…get any survivors or the wounded out!’

  Biting his lower lip and drawing blood, he tapped the earpiece once more, ‘Direct link to Admiral Shadian…Sir…upper gun turrets now at one third strength…and on manual targeting…it is only a matter of time now…’ He lowered his voice to a whisper, ‘With Morgon troops on the decks beneath us and the enemy able to attack at will I doubt we will meet again…it has been a pleasure to serve with you Sir…we will keep firing to the end!’

  Static surged through his earpiece, the Admiral’s weary despondent voice breaking through, ‘The pleasure has been mine, Archiad…do your best and convey my admiration and thanks to your crew…your sacrifices will not be in vain!’

  Admiral Shadian slumped back into his chair, the few bridge operators staring at him as he swept his hands across his face in defeat. Slowly he lowered them, shaking his head as he spoke softly, ‘We have lost our main defence…the lower guns cannot protect the upper hull.’ He hesitated as his thoughts wandered across his diminishing options, ‘Send out deep space distress signals…it doesn’t matter if the Morgons hear now…they will soon know its nearly over if they don’t already. Without the upper guns, they can land troops at will…we will soon be overwhelmed…’ He slowly rose to his feet, grasping forward for his helmet and assault rifle, ‘I am going up to Deck 67…that’s where it all matters now!’

  Three operators rose abruptly from their seats, their fists raised to their chests, one young intelligence officer stiffening, ‘Admiral…we are the last of the fully fit…we will escort you. It is not over until the enemy take this command deck!’

  Shadian smiled reflectively, his chest tensing, ‘Very well…all injured bridge personnel will remain…I will move a medical station down here for the walking wounded.’ He indicated
to the three bridge operators, a wry grin forming across his lips, ‘Get your rifles and helmets…let’s show the Morgons what weapons training we received at the flight academy!’

  On Deck 67, Captain Gurung struggled to his hands and knees, coughing hoarsely and spitting blood and dust from his mouth, the liquid splattering against the inside of his visor. Glancing around through the thinning smoke, his chest shook as he glimpsed the numerous bodies, a number attempting to crawl away from the shrieks that filled the air from near the stairs leading upwards.


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