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Out of Bounds: Love of Sports book 1

Page 1

by T. A. Chase

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  About the Author

  eBooks are not transferable.

  They cannot be sold, shared or given away as it is an infringement on the copyright of this work.

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

  577 Mulberry Street, Suite 1520

  Macon GA 31201

  Out of Bounds

  Copyright © 2008 by T. A. Chase

  ISBN: 1-59998-877-1

  Edited by Tera Kleinfelter

  Cover by Anne Cain

  All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  First Samhain Publishing, Ltd. electronic publication: April 2008

  Out of Bounds

  T.A. Chase


  Thanks to my CPs. Your help made this story better. To my awesome editor, thank you for seeing my mistakes and making them disappear. To Anne, the cover goddess, you always manage to bring my guys to life. And to C, through all the years, you’ve stood by me and encouraged me. Thank you.

  Chapter One

  Kasey Johnson leaned against his doorframe, fumbling with the keys in his pocket. A road trip this early in the season always wore him out. The team had headed up to Salt Lake City and over to the West Coast, ending in L.A., before heading home to Phoenix. He looked forward to finding his bed and sleeping. As he managed to slide his key into the lock, the door jerked opened.

  “About time you got here.” His twin brother stood in the doorway.

  “I’m not in the mood, Garrett.” Kasey dragged his ass inside the apartment, dropping his duffle bag on the floor next to the couch, and fell face first onto the cushions.

  “You’re always like this during the season. I’ve never understood why you play basketball if you feel like shit after every game.” Garrett slapped Kasey’s ass as he walked to the kitchen.

  “I’m good and I enjoy playing. I just don’t like the road trips.” He turned his head to look at his brother. “What the hell are you doing here? I thought you and Rich were visiting his parents this week.”

  “Ah, yeah, well.” Garrett frowned.

  “You broke up.” Kasey pushed his aching body up. “How many times has it been?”

  “Four, but we’re not counting. He took off and I decided to stay here. We need time away from each other.” Garrett sighed, leaning against the counter and running a hand through his hair.

  “Why do you keep getting back together? All you do is fight and break up.” Kasey thought about standing up, but his knees protested and he settled back against the cushions. “Can you bring me some water?”

  “Sure.” Garrett grabbed a bottle out of the fridge and tossed it to him.

  He caught it, raising an eyebrow at his brother. “Are you going to answer me? You two never fought this much before you made it big.”

  Garrett frowned down at the fancy black leather dress shoes he wore. “I know. I don’t think Rich wants to be a Hollywood wife. It was fun to talk about when it didn’t seem very likely it’d happen. Now it’s a reality and he’s getting upset with the fact I’m in the tabloids all the time. As one of the few openly gay actors, I’m far more interesting than the other guys.”

  “Add to the fact your twin brother is a starting point guard on a pro basketball team and you’re a tabloid reporter’s wet dream.” Kasey twisted the cap off the bottle and took a drink. “What are you doing here?”

  “Take a shower and get dressed. We’re going out.”

  Garrett’s chin stuck out and Kasey knew there was no point in arguing. He’d go out, have a drink and hope some of Garrett’s friends would show up to distract his twin, so he could come back home and sleep. “I hate you. You do realize that, don’t you?”

  Garrett gave him a quick hug as Kasey made his way past him down the hall way to his bedroom. “I know you do. Thanks.”

  Kasey shut the bedroom door and leaned against it with a sigh. He didn’t want to go out. He tried to avoid doing anything besides staying home during the season. Most of his time was taken up by basketball. He didn’t have the energy to be social. Also, being gay and playing professional sports didn’t mix well. More like oil and water. He’d learned to be lonely most of the time. He’d come out to his family and close friends at the same time Garrett had. He wasn’t out to the public yet. Never found any guy he considered worth the trouble of constant scrutiny from the public and his own teammates.

  Stripping, he tossed his suit on the bed and headed into the bathroom. He turned on the water, climbed in, and let the hot spray beat down on his aching muscles. There was a bruise on his thigh where an opposing player landed the night before. Reaching for the shampoo, Kasey scrubbed his hair.

  It was his first full season as a starter and after each game he felt like he’d been in a war. He braced his hands against the tiles and lowered his head, allowing the suds to cascade over his body. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the pounding of the shower.

  “Are you done yet?” Garrett’s voice came from the other side of the shower curtain.

  “Yeah. I’ll be right out.”

  Kasey shut off the water, toweled down and got dressed. He checked out his reflection in the mirror. His black slacks fit his ass well. He didn’t go in for “tighter than a glove” clothing. Wasn’t into showing that much of his body off. Not after running up and down the court in a tank top and shorts all night. A dark blue button-down shirt completed the outfit. He slipped on a pair of dress shoes. Dark circles under his eyes attested to his lack of sleep, but he figured no one would really pay much attention to him with Garrett around and he liked it that way.

  A splash of cologne and he headed out to where his brother waited for him. Garrett was dressed in black leather pants leaving nothing to the imagination and a tight mesh shirt. Kasey laughed. No matter how much alike they looked, they couldn’t be more different. Garrett was flamboyant and interested in everyone around him while Kasey was introverted. Garrett looked at him and grinned. “Come on. We’ll go to the Liverpool. There’ll be a ton of straight people there, so you won’t get harassed for being in a gay club.”

  “Thanks for understanding.” Kasey grabbed his keys and wallet, locking the door behind him.

  “No problem, bro. Hollywood is more accepting of gay leading men, but it doesn’t mean the rest of the world will be as open.” Garrett flipped open his phone. “I’ll call Quentin. He’s bored waiting around for me. Letting him drive us to the club will give him something to do besides guarding me. Samantha and Tina are going to meet us there with a few friends.”

  Kasey nodded, but didn’t comment. Sam and Tina were two of their closest friends, plus they knew about Kasey as well and weren’t opposed to playing his girlfriend if he needed one. They’d all been friends since high school. He wouldn’t feel bad about leaving Garrett with them when he decided to call it a night.

  “Why take a
car when it’s only a couple blocks to the club?” He followed Garrett to the elevator.

  “I can’t be seen walking up to the club. Big stars don’t walk places.” Garrett shook his head at him.

  “Stars who aren’t complete assholes and don’t think too highly of themselves do.” Kasey jabbed an elbow into his brother’s side.

  “You’re right, but I don’t feel like walking and being stopped in the street by rabid fans. Yours, not mine. It’s not like you don’t stick out.” Garrett winked at him.

  The only differences between them were their eye color and weight. They stood six-five, but Kasey weighed in at around two hundred pounds. At one hundred and eighty pounds, Garrett was several pounds lighter. Kasey’s eyes were a darker green, moss colored, and Garrett’s were grass green. It was their stunning platinum blond hair and green eyes that had gotten them named two of People’s 50 Sexiest People. It helped they were twins and both famous in their chosen professions.

  “Genetics. What can I say? I got the looks and you got the talent.” Kasey smirked.

  They laughed as Garrett punched him.

  “The car’s here. Let’s go.”

  Kasey felt his exhaustion lift. Maybe his brother was right. Relaxing with friends might be what he needed to unwind from the grueling road trip.

  “Garrett Johnson just arrived, boss.”

  Ingram Fletcher turned from his study of the security cameras to face his club’s manager, Bo. “You know what to do. Clear out the V.I.P. room and make sure you put Tim and Roger in there as waiters. Cecil and Alex can be security.”

  He fought back the surge of anticipation rushing to his groin. Trying to keep a casual tone in his voice, he asked, “Did his brother come with him?”

  Bo’s black eyes gleamed with understanding. “Yes, he did. The team got back from their road trip this afternoon, I believe.”

  Gram grunted. “Go get everything ready.”

  Bo nodded with a smirk and left. Gram shook his head. That was the problem with hiring his best friend as manager of his club. The man knew him too well. He couldn’t hide his interest in Kasey Johnson from Bo. Moving to the control panel, he brought up the camera covering the V.I.P. lounge.

  There he was. Kasey Johnson stood head and shoulders above the other members of his brother’s party. His spiky blond hair glowed under the dim lights. Gram knew how Kasey’s green eyes held a mischievous sparkle not many people got to see. It was only in the presence of his twin brother, Garrett, Kasey let his true personality show. Gram adjusted his erection in his jeans, trying to find more room. Something about the younger man turned Gram on to the point where he’d have to go to his office and jerk off sometime during the night. It’d been a while since he’d met any man who could do that to him.

  Kasey glanced around the room and Gram knew the blond was looking for him. Every time Garrett dragged Kasey to Liverpool, Gram made it a point to go and talk to the basketball star. He didn’t know if Kasey shared his brother’s sexual preferences. Gram wouldn’t push him if Kasey wasn’t ready to come out or if the man was as straight as his brother was queer. He enjoyed their friendship while wishing he’d get some sign of which side Kasey played on. Then maybe he could get started fulfilling his fantasies or finding some other gorgeous man to take Kasey’s place.

  Gram gave his cock a thump, hoping the pain would get it to behave and settle down. Thank God the room was dark, so Kasey wouldn’t be able to see the hard-on tenting his jeans. His hand scraped over his chin and he frowned. He needed a shave. Shit. He was acting stupid. Kasey didn’t care whether he’d shaved or not, and it wasn’t like he’d have to worry about marking the guy’s face up with his beard.

  “Get over yourself,” he muttered as he headed out of the security office and toward the V.I.P. lounge.

  Gram nodded to employees and regular customers as he weaved his way around the dance floor and up the three steps that raised the V.I.P. lounge above the rest of the crowd. Cecil and Alex, the security guards, unhooked the velvet rope and he slid in, trying not to search out Kasey.

  The V.I.P. lounge at Liverpool was furnished with large couches and low tables. The fabrics were velvet, silk and satin. Leather trimmed chairs were scattered around as well. There was a private bar and bartender, serving up the special guest’s favorite drinks. Usually Gram had more warning that a V.I.P. was coming and he stocked the bar, but he knew Garrett wouldn’t hassle him. For all his flamboyant antics, Garrett Johnson was pretty down-to-earth. Maybe Kasey helped keep his brother from getting an inflated ego. Though Gram admitted to himself that if Garrett wasn’t in a mostly committed relationship and if Gram wasn’t hung up on the man’s brother, he would have made a play for the actor a long time ago.

  There was a small, intimate dance floor in the lounge if the clients didn’t feel like heading out to the crowded one on the lower level. He saw several of the hangers-on who followed Garrett around, already dancing and drinking up a storm. A voluptuous brunette wiggled up to Gram and gave him a hug.

  “It’s great to see you, Gram.” She kissed his cheek and winked.

  “Tina. How are you?” He kissed her back while keeping a discrete eye out for one tall blond.

  “I’m fine and Kasey’s in the back on the couch. Garrett dragged him out when all he wanted to do was crash.”

  He flushed. Maybe he hadn’t been as subtle about his interest as he thought. “Am I that obvious?”

  “No, I’m observant. You usually don’t make an appearance to greet us until later in the night when it’s just us and Garrett. I’ve seen you smile at Kasey. You like him.” Tina’s dark eyes were serious as her whispered words reached his ears under the driving dance music.

  “Yes, I do.” He didn’t see the need to deny it. “But I’m not making a move if he isn’t into the scene, sweetheart. No need to hurt either of us.”

  She gave him a bright grin and another smile. “I think you might be surprised.”

  Frowning, he watched her walk away. What did her comment mean? Gram didn’t get a chance to think about it before he was caught in a tight hug.

  “Gram, love, I’m thrilled you came down to say hi.” Garrett smiled at him.

  Unlike Kasey’s smile, Garrett’s was bright and practiced. It was patently false for the most part, except this time Gram could see it reached his eyes.

  “Had to say hello to my best client.” He waved a hand around at the milling throng of people. “You’re the only person I know who can throw an impromptu party and still manage to round up hundreds of people.”

  Garrett leaned in, pressing his lips to Gram’s ear. “I don’t know who half of them are.”

  Gram pulled back, searching Garrett’s face. “Do you want me to get rid of the crashers?”

  He would. He prided himself on being able to give any client what he or she was looking for. A good time without being bothered by fans.

  Garrett shook his head, eyes gleaming. “No. Might find someone interesting in the crowd.”

  Garrett’s green eyes were a brighter shade than Kasey’s and more able to hide what the actor was thinking. Gram couldn’t tell if Garrett was looking or simply trying to get a rise out of him.

  “Okay. Be careful and remember, let me or Bo know if you want the lounge cleared out.”

  “Will do, man.” A sincere smile blossomed on Garrett’s face. “Kasey’s hiding in the back.”

  “Fuck. Have I been that fucking obvious?” He glared at Garrett.

  Garrett chuckled. “Not really. You prefer to talk to him instead of me. Can’t blame you. He’s far more interesting than I am.”

  “Maybe I like the fact he’s a little less sure of himself,” Gram mumbled.

  Garrett brushed a kiss over Gram’s cheek and murmured, “Go talk to him. You’ll have to approach him. He won’t take a chance.”

  “Thanks.” Gram couldn’t figure out why everyone was giving him advice and hints. Was something going on he didn’t know about? He thought he’d been more subtle in
his attraction to Kasey. He hoped it hadn’t caused the younger man any embarrassment.

  Making his way to the back, he grabbed a bottle of water from Tim as the young waiter went by. Gram took a swig, trying to wet his dry mouth. His mind raced. Should he make a move and see how Kasey reacted, or should he keep their relationship the same as always and not risk ruining it?

  He stopped and smiled. Kasey sat, curled up in the corner of the couch. His blond head lay on the back cushion, and the young man was sound asleep. Kasey’s body was mostly made up of his legs. There had been more than one night Gram had fallen asleep and dreamed about them wrapped around his waist as he rode Kasey’s tight ass. Swallowing a moan, Gram sat down next to Kasey and placed his hand on the knee closest to him.

  Chapter Two

  Kasey shot up when he felt a touch on his knee. Rubbing his hands over his eyes, he grimaced. The trip must have worn him out more than he thought if he could fall asleep in the middle of a dance club with pounding music blaring in his ears. The hand squeezed and he glanced over to see long, elegant fingers resting on his knee. A simple, silver ring encircled the middle finger.

  His gaze trailed up a well-muscled arm covered by a deep red silk sleeve. It connected to wide shoulders and a lightly furred chest displayed in magnificent splendor by the tailored shirt the man wore. Without thinking, he reached out, stroking his fingers down the arm to entangle with the digits on his knee. Wide-eyed, he looked up to see Ingram Fletcher, the owner of Liverpool, smiling at him.

  “You should have stayed home, Kasey.” Gram’s tone held concern.

  “Couldn’t. Garrett wanted to go out.” Kasey tried to ignore the fact he still held Gram’s hand and when he tried to pull his hand away, Gram wouldn’t let go.

  Gram reached out and ran a thumb over Kasey’s cheek. “You didn’t need to come. Garrett’s a big boy. He can entertain himself.”


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