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Out of Bounds: Love of Sports book 1

Page 6

by T. A. Chase

  “In a hurry to watch the game, Kase?” Paul gestured to the liquid dripping from Kasey’s nose. “You might as well go back and towel off. They haven’t even dropped the puck yet.”

  Kasey looked uncertain, glancing between Gram and Paul. Gram’s cell phone took the decision away. Fuck. It had to be an emergency or Bo would never have called him. He stood, dug his phone out of his pocket and headed across the room.

  “It’s Bo, the club manager.” He slid open the door and stepped out onto the balcony.

  “What do you want to eat?” He heard Kasey ask Paul as he shut the glass door.

  Turning his back on the men in the living room, Gram stared out over the bustling city below him. Night had fallen and lights twinkled among the shadows.

  “What’s up, Bo?”

  “Remember the customer who hassled Jess last night?” Bo’s voice held barely controlled anger.

  “Yes.” He wasn’t going to like what Bo had to say.

  “He cornered Jess in the hallway when Jess started his shift.”

  No wonder Bo’s rage was evident. No one touched one of their employees. “Fuck.” He slammed his fist down on the rail. “Is Jess okay?”

  “He’s a little shaken. Got a few bruises and a cut lip, but at the moment he’s more angry than anything.” Bo chuckled. “The kid got in a few good punches before Cecil got there and pulled the guy off him.”

  “Good for him. Have one of the security guys take him home, or to the hospital if you think he needs it. Did you call Gonzales?”

  A friend of Gram’s and a Phoenix police officer, Raul Gonzales was the one Gram went to when he had problems at his club. He’d never had a reason to believe he’d be treated differently by the police because he was gay, but it was easier to deal with a man he knew wouldn’t hassle him.

  “Yes. He’s on his way over.”

  Gram turned to lean on the railing and study Kasey through the glass door. The younger man scrubbed a towel over his blond curls while talking to Paul. Gram pinched the bridge of his nose, shut his eyes, and sighed.

  “I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

  “Sorry, boss.” Bo did sound regretful. “I know you were looking forward to your date tonight.”

  “It’s all right, Bo. Something tells me it was over with about ten minutes ago.” He ran his fingers through his hair. “I’ll see you in a few.”

  Gram ended the call and slid his phone in his pocket. Both men looked up when he stepped back into the room. His anger and disappointment must have showed on his face because Kasey tossed the towel on the back of a chair and came over to him.

  “What’s wrong?”

  He could tell Kasey wanted to touch him, but Paul’s presence in the room kept that from happening.

  “There was trouble at the club. I have to go and meet the police there.” Gram nodded to Paul. “Nice meeting you. Hope to see you at the club soon.”

  Paul stood and offered his hand this time. “I’m sure you will.”

  They shook hands and then Gram headed to the front door. Kasey followed him out into the hall, shutting the door behind them. Worry shone in Kasey’s eyes.

  “Is everything okay?”

  Gram gave into the need to touch Kasey’s golden skin. “It is now. One of my customers assaulted one of the waiters. I’m sure Jess will want to press charges, but I want to be there to talk to the police.”

  Kasey closed his eyes and pressed his cheek into Gram’s palm. “I’m sorry about tonight. It didn’t go quite the way I planned.”

  “It’s all right. These things happen and it wasn’t all bad.” He checked the hall to ensure they were alone. He leaned forward and crushed Kasey’s mouth with a quick, hard kiss. Stepping away, he gave Kasey a leering grin. “I got to fuck that tight ass of yours again. I think that makes it worth it.”

  Gram felt an unfamiliar tightness in his chest when Kasey blushed and sent him a shy smile.

  “I’ll feel it tomorrow. I have practice in the morning, but maybe we could meet for a late lunch.” Kasey stroked a hand over Gram’s shoulder.

  “Sounds good. Give me a call when you’re available.”

  Gram turned and headed for the elevator. He needed to get to the club and check up on Jess. He looked back after pushing the call button. Kasey rested against the door, watching him. He blew Kasey a kiss and then waved his hand, signaling for Kasey to go back inside. Kasey nodded and went back in the condo while Gram stepped into the elevator.

  He stood at the back of the car, deep in thought. What was it about Kasey that made Gram want to protect him? He had sworn off getting involved with men who were in the closet. Those relationships led to heartache because he always ended up falling for the guys who wanted to stay in their “normal” straight lives while screwing around with him in secret. He didn’t want to be any man’s secret. Just once he wanted to find a man confident of his sexuality and place in the world.

  Yet here he stood, cock hard and aching, feeling like shit because he wouldn’t be spending any more time tonight with Kasey. Where were his instincts, which should be telling him that forming a deeper attachment to Kasey was a terrible idea? Why, instead, did his heart tell him that Kasey could be what he’d wanted in a partner?

  The ding of the elevator reaching the lobby floor brought him out of his thoughts. Gram stalked outside to hail a cab. He’d worry about where he and Kasey were going later. He had to deal with the police first.

  “Sorry about dropping by like this,” Paul said, staring at the TV screen.

  Disappointment shot through Kasey for a moment and then he shook it off. He wouldn’t be able to fall asleep in Gram’s arms like he wanted, but his ass did ache nicely from getting fucked. “It’s all right. We were just planning on watching the game and having a pizza. No big deal.” Kasey grabbed his phone. “I’ll order it now. What do you want on yours?”

  Paul didn’t look convinced, but told Kasey what he wanted. Kasey ordered and then hung up.

  “Do you want something to drink? I probably have beer along with soda, water and juice.” He stood and moved toward the kitchen.

  “Water will be fine. Who’s the beer for? I know you don’t drink.” Paul relaxed against the couch.

  “Garrett crashes here sometimes while I’m gone. He drinks once in a while.” Kasey pulled two bottles of water out of the fridge and tossed one to Paul as he came back into the living room.

  He settled on the opposite side of the couch and looked at his friend. Paul had gotten traded to the Suns at the beginning of the season. They’d hit it off within minutes of meeting each other when they discovered a mutual love of hockey. Usually on road trips, the players were given their own rooms, but Paul and Kasey always shared. Kasey wasn’t going to bring men back for sex and Paul was an introvert. They didn’t worry about annoying each other. Their friendship was solid and they shared a lot of secrets with each other. Well, most of their secrets—except for Kasey’s biggest one.

  “What’s wrong, Paul? I thought you and Rhiannon were going out tonight. Did you have a fight?”

  Paul shrugged, keeping his gaze on the TV. “It wasn’t much of a fight. She didn’t like what I was saying, so she left.”

  “I knew you were having problems, but I didn’t think it was this bad.”

  Kasey frowned. He had to be the most unobservant person in the world. First Garrett and now Paul. Of course, who would go to him for relationship advice? It wasn’t like he was an expert or anything.

  “We weren’t having problems, Kase.” Paul’s head fell back and he stared up at the ceiling. “How can you have problems when you didn’t really have a relationship to begin with? I was lying to her and finally had to tell her. She threw her shit in a bag and headed out.”

  He studied Paul, remembering different moments throughout the season. Expressions and conversations he’d had with the center. A thought burst into his head.

  “Damn. You’re gay.”

  If it’d been possible, Paul’s café
au latte skin would have turned white. He shot to his feet and headed toward the door. Kasey caught up to him before he could open it.

  “Where the hell are you going?” He took Paul’s hand and pulled him back to the couch.

  “How did you figure it out?” Paul’s hands shook.

  Kasey watched Paul pace. “Just put two and two together, man. My twin is gay.” He took a deep breath. Did he have the courage to say it? Nothing would happen. It wasn’t like Paul would kick the shit out of him since his friend was in the same boat. “I’m gay as well.”

  Paul laughed, smacking him in the back of the head. “I knew that within five minutes of talking to you. A few of the other guys know too.”

  “I’ve never noticed them acting differently around me.” He frowned. “Why didn’t anyone say something sooner?”

  “Live and let live, I guess. You don’t flaunt it, Kase. In the locker room, you’re another one of the guys, even though you don’t brag about the women you’ve slept with or the size of your cock. Most of them could care less who you fuck as long as you keep doing your job.” Paul flung himself back on the couch.

  “What about you? Was Rhiannon cover?” He didn’t like the thought of Paul using Rhiannon like that, but he understood why his friend felt he had to do it.

  “Yes and no. I’m bi. I like fucking women, but being with a guy is more exciting to me. So dating her wasn’t a stretch for me.” Paul chuckled. “Wasn’t a smart move on my part. I should have told her I didn’t want to see her anymore and leave it at that, but I had to be honest and tell her the truth. I want to fuck men as well as women. Guess it’s a good thing I never married her.”

  “I don’t know Rhiannon well. Will she go to the press with this juicy bit of gossip?”

  Kasey shuddered. He couldn’t imagine having the possibility of his personal life being spread all over the news. After that thought, he realized it could happen to him if Gram decided to say anything. A pair of warm chocolate brown eyes appeared in his mind. Gram wouldn’t do that to him. There was too much integrity and understanding in Gram’s actions, telling him that Gram would never make their relationship public if Kasey didn’t want it.

  “I doubt Rhiannon’s that spiteful.” Paul shot a glance at Kasey. “What do I do now?”

  Kasey shrugged. “I guess either you go on the way you’ve been or you can tell everyone and deal with the fall out.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  Kasey shifted on the couch and stared at the TV. “About what?”

  “Kase, I’m not stupid. Fletcher owns one of the most popular gay clubs in the city. You’re gay. He was here and you had a nice just-fucked look when you opened the door.” Paul reached out and tapped his hand. “Are you together?”

  “Not really. We had sex for the first time last night.” He blushed and grinned. “We’ve been friends for a while though. Playing basketball doesn’t leave me time to get involved.”

  “Gram’s different enough for you to be willing to break your rule?”

  Kasey jumped to his feet, moving to the balcony door. He focused on his reflection. “Don’t know. Maybe it’s because we’re friends. Gram’s gone out of his way to accommodate me. Even when he wasn’t sure if I was gay or not, he never did anything to make me uncomfortable or to make anyone question my sexuality.”

  Pressing a hand against the cool glass door, he thought about Gram. “I could fall in love with him, and I don’t want to miss this chance because I was scared. I’m going for it and the world be damned.”

  His friend nodded. “Good luck. When some of the guys on the team find out, they’re going to do their level best to destroy you.”

  Kasey nodded. “I know they will, but I’m not willing to make my choices out of fear. I can handle them.”

  “Maybe, but what about your endorsement deals? You could lose a bunch of those by coming out.” Paul seemed reluctant to be the voice of reason.

  “That’s what I have an agent for. It’s his job to get me endorsements or make sure I keep the ones I have.” He hoped his agent felt the same way. Kasey wandered back to his seat and slouched down in the corner of the couch. “Let’s just watch the game.”

  They settled in and nothing more was said about either of their problems.

  Gram slumped, resting his head in his hands. He didn’t look up when Bo sat down across the desk from him.

  “I gave Jess a couple days off with pay. The hospital said he’d be okay. I think the kid was more angry than hurt.”

  “God, I loathe people who think they can get away with shit like that. Jess works at a gay club. It doesn’t mean he’s a rent boy or a hustler.” Gram slammed his fist on the desk.

  “True, but there are a lot of clubs where waiters and rent boys are one and the same.” Bo leaned back in his chair and crossed his legs. His friend narrowed his eyes. “Did you fuck him again?”

  “It’s none of your fucking business.” Gram glared at his club manager.

  “It is, because you know what kind of publicity the club is going to get when people realize you and Kasey are more than friends.” Bo steepled his fingers and pressed them against his lips. “I need to know how serious you are about the kid.”

  Gram turned his back on his friend. It was the same conversation he’d been having with himself on the way to the club. “I haven’t figured that out yet.”

  “I thought you swore off men who are in the closet.” Bo laughed.

  “I did.”

  He remembered the last relationship he’d had with a married man. He hadn’t known about the wife until he spied the couple together. It wasn’t a serious relationship and his heart hadn’t been broken by the lies, but he’d decided he wasn’t going to be any man’s mistress. From that moment on, his encounters had always been with very “out” men.

  “When the first sexy young thing comes shaking his ass in your face, you turn into a dog in heat.”

  He heard a rustle and then Bo moving around the room. He knew Bo was pouring a shot of whiskey.

  “He never shook his ass at me once. I was the one who made the first move.” Gram sighed. “There’s something about him, Bo. I can’t describe it.”

  “There always is.”

  “What?” Turning, he accepted the highball glass from his friend. He frowned into the amber liquid.

  “There’s always something different about each guy. You’re old enough to know better. They’re all the same. Just out for sex. None of those young guys are looking for a relationship.” Bo’s bitterness tainted his words.

  “I know what you’re trying to tell me, Bo, but I don’t think it’s going to be that way with Kasey. If it is, I plan on having as much fun as I can before he cuts me loose.” He grinned, thinking of Kasey’s tight ass and pretty cock.

  “You’re no good at hiding who you are, Gram. Be careful. Don’t make a mistake and ruin the kid’s career.” Bo held up a hand to stop Gram’s protest. “I’m just saying. He’s young and impetuous. His brother’s career has flourished in spite of being gay, but professional sports aren’t the same as Hollywood.”

  “Thanks for being the voice of reason. At the moment, it could be nothing more than a couple of guys looking for sex.” The lie rolled off his tongue. He already knew it was far more than simply sex.

  Chapter Eight

  Five days later—

  Kasey paced to the balcony doors while he listened to Garrett rattle on about the movie he was shooting. He was tired. Three home games, plus trying to see Gram whenever either of them had a spare moment was eating up his energy. He grinned. Of course, if he and Gram wouldn’t end up fucking each other all the time, he might actually get some rest.

  The silence on the other end made Kasey realize he must have drifted off during the conversation. “Did you ask me something?”

  “Yeah. I asked if you were still seeing Fletcher?” Garrett’s voice was low.

  Shit. He didn’t want to discuss his relationship. “Yeah. As much as we possibl
y can without getting caught. I’ve had the girls go out with us one night.”

  There was no way he could lie to Garrett. It was less painful to spit it out since his twin always managed to weasel the truth from him.

  “Why a relationship now, Kasey? Why not wait until you’re ready to retire? No one can hassle you or hurt you for your choices then.” Garrett sounded puzzled.

  “That means I’m supposed to be lonely for eleven years, at least.” He wanted to go out on the balcony and enjoy the Arizona sun, but he wanted to keep their talk private.

  “You’re not alone. You’ve got the team. You can’t get rid of me and our friends.” Rustling in his ear told him Garrett was more than likely making himself comfortable.

  Kasey knew it could be a long afternoon. “I didn’t say I was alone, Garrett. I said I’d be lonely. There’s a difference. I love you and the girls. I enjoy hanging out with most of the guys on the team.” He closed his eyes. “Being lonely means there’s no one special waiting for me to come home. There’s not one person who thinks I’m the center of his universe and wouldn’t want it any other way. Do you understand?”

  The silence on the other end of the line told Kasey that his brother did understand. “It’s how I felt when Rich and I first got together. But why Fletcher?”

  “When we met, he wasn’t impressed by either of us. We’re the Johnson twins, for fuck’s sake. Amazingly good-looking, smart and talented in our chosen careers. Both of us get more air time than most stars, but Gram didn’t care. He treated me just like any other guy. We became friends. I’ve wanted to ask him out way before this, but I wasn’t ready to take a chance.” He gripped the phone. “I’m scared, Garrett.”

  “About what?” Garrett was puzzled.

  “I don’t know how to have a relationship. I don’t do relationships. They’ve always been a threat to my dreams. Suddenly, Gram kisses me and I’m thinking about things besides basketball.” Kasey shook his head.


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