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Sing Me a Song

Page 22

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Come in,” he called out, his eyes still lingering on the papers on his desk.

  He heard the door opened then sensed the large figure. He looked up and was shocked to see Atlas and Hart standing there.

  He swallowed hard. Why were they here?

  “We need to talk,” Atlas said then walked into the office, followed by Hart.

  “Come on in then,” Rusty said and motioned with his arm for them to enter.

  Atlas closed the door behind them.

  They stood there in front of him. His four, large, strong, handsome sons. Elaine would be so proud.

  “What’s going on?” he asked.

  “How did she die? Where were you when it happened? We want to know your side,” Atlas barked at him. Rusty hadn’t expected that. He was shaking. He’d feared this moment for so long. But he also prayed for the opportunity to explain.

  He took a deep breath.

  “We were enjoying the day together. We had eaten, talked about some changes here at the Rusty Horn, and about Sissy being the new manager.”

  “She had a heart attack and was found all alone in the fields,” Hart said with anger in his voice.

  “She was going to make a pie for dessert. She told me she would go gather some berries while I ran into town to check on Sissy. I had just hired her as a manager so I could spend more time with your mother,” Rusty told them.

  “You did that? That’s where you went?” Hart asked.

  Rusty nodded.

  “Son, I was devastated when I came back and found her in the fields all alone. If she had suffered the heart attack thirty minutes earlier when we were together, maybe I could have saved her. Things were going great between us. We spent so many hours together during the day it gave a newness to our marriage. I loved her so much. I’ve always regretted that day, and leaving her to check on Sissy. That’s something I’ve had to live with all these years. Losing the four of you hurt just as much.”

  “Why didn’t you explain what happened to us?” Atlas asked.

  “Because we didn’t give him a chance. We assumed the worse. We didn’t even know that they were spending so much time together. We focused on the things we witnessed as kids and young adults. About having to work and help pay bills while he ran off after his own dreams,” Orsin said.

  “I didn’t try very hard to convince any of you about what happened. I was drowning in my own sorrow, my own regrets. I wish there was a way to go back and change what happened. But there isn’t. All I can do is tell you to not make the same mistakes I’ve made and wait too long to let the woman you love know that you love her. She has to come first in everything you do, because when she’s gone, it’s too late to tell her, to experience those moments of love, kindness, and even pleasure. I’ve never loved another woman. I’ve never been with any other woman. I’ll regret that Elaine was alone when she died for the rest of my life. That’s something I have to live with.”

  “Well, maybe now that we know what happened I mean, maybe one day we’ll be able to work things out, too,” Hart told Rusty.

  Rusty felt the tears reach his eyes.

  “You think so?” he asked, hoping for that chance.

  “We’ll see. It will take some time,” Hart said.

  “We should let him get back to work,” Atlas said, and he looked at them. His two sons as they eyed him over before leaving the room. Would they give him that chance, or was it too late? How could he prove to all four of them that they meant the world to him, and that he wanted a second chance, before it was too late? Rusty loved them still, and he wanted to be a part of their lives and of Sydney’s. He smiled as he thought of her now, knowing that she had something to do with this. She had to. Sydney really was an angel after all.

  * * * *

  The week had passed and even the weekend. Matt, Jimmy, and Stella had gotten to see Sydney perform on stage while Ella worked for the agents. She was able to give them a series of small drug buy locations and times that took place the last few days and one larger one that opened up the opportunity for a big raid. The feds had plenty of information and evidence to put Graham, Bruno, Lenny, and their friends away for a long time.

  Sydney had gotten to talk to Ella and make amends. If all went well, Ella wouldn’t be serving time in jail but instead community service hours for quite some time.

  As Sydney finished up rehearsing at the Rusty Horn, she walked toward the back room to talk to Rusty. Atlas and Hart had taken the time to talk to Rusty this week. They found out that Rusty had been with their mom earlier that day when she died. They had a romantic breakfast and lunch together and he was going to check on Sissy, the woman he hired as a manager so he could spend more time with their mom Elaine. He left her knowing that she was going to pick some berries to make a pie for after dinner that night. He was devastated to find her in the back yard by the berry patches. If he hadn’t left, or if she had sustained the heart attack earlier when he was around, perhaps he could have saved her and gotten her the help she needed to live. Rusty told the men that he had to live with that regret for the rest of his life and also losing his sons because they thought he didn’t love and care for their mother.

  Orsin and Juno took the information to heart, and all four men promised to make an effort to work things out and try to have some sort of relationship. It would take time, but at least they were talking and knew the truth.

  Sydney just knocked on Rusty’s office door when she heard a struggle, some banging around and things falling. She opened the door and someone grabbed her, pulling her into the room and covered her mouth. There was Rusty fighting off Bruno. As she tried getting free, she was in a panic when she heard Lenny’s voice.

  “Been waiting for you, sweetheart. Got a real sexy voice. I didn’t know you were so talented.”

  “What are you doing here? What’s going on?” she asked. Lenny shoved her up against the door. Rusty struggled to get free as Bruno tied him to the chair.

  “We came for you. Seems your sister is working for the feds. Fucked us over on a deal with her boyfriend and we’re out dough and product. We warned her that if she didn’t come through and fucked up that we would take you and kill you. Well guess what? She fucked up big time. Our whole business is in jeopardy and we need out of town fast and your sister needs to learn how to not fuck with us. By the time Bruno and I are done with you, Syd, you’ll be a completely different woman.” He cupped her breast and she tried shoving him away. He grabbed her hands pulled them behind her back and pressed her against the wall. His tattoos, dark slicked back hair, and evil look in his eyes made her shake with fear. She knew he was no good and was trouble. But why was he still thinking he was in clear and wouldn’t get caught? Did he not know the feds and detectives from New York were onto his entire operation? She played dumb. Hopefully there would be police or agents waiting outside to save her from this creep.

  “That’s not my problem she screwed up. That’s your problem. I had nothing to do with any deals or negotiations with cops. If my sister was stupid enough to get involved with the likes of you, then so be it.” The smack to her face came as a shock to her. He shoved her hard against the wall, and Rusty struggled to get free. He was yelling and growling behind the gag.

  “You’re wrong. You’re coming with us.”

  He pulled her toward the door and she glanced at Rusty. He looked so angry and scared. “It will be fine. Tell them I love them,” she said to Rusty.

  “Come on. Move.” Lenny slapped her in the back of the head then gripped her upper arm.

  “You make a sound, you alert anyone to us taking you, and the old man dies,” Bruno threatened as he pointed the gun at Rusty while Lenny made sure the hallway was clear. They headed out the back exit door and right into a black car with tinted windows.

  “We’re going to get reacquainted in the back. You drive, Bruno,” Lenny ordered, and Lenny shoved Syd into the backseat, grabbing her by her hair when she tried to open the side passenger door to escape. A moment later t
hey were pulling out of the parking lot of the Rusty Horn and heading toward the highway.

  As Lenny pulled her closer and eyed over her breasts in the blouse she wore, a dark pickup truck caught her eye. Her heart hammered inside of her chest. That belonged to Hart. He was going to the Rusty Horn. He would find Rusty and they would send help. She hoped.

  “Didn’t know you were so talented when it came to country music. You really like this backwoods twang shit?” he asked as he tugged on her hair. She swatted his hand away and he pulled her onto his lap. He grabbed a handful of her hair and forced his mouth over hers. She struggled as he pressed her over the seat back and shoved between her thighs. Her head was over the edge of the backseat when she heard Bruno curse and slow down.

  “Cops,” he whispered.

  Lenny held her down and looked between the two front seats. Sure enough there was some kind of road check.

  “Keep calm and pass through slowly,” he warned Bruno. Lenny then pulled Sydney up next to him and shoved the barrel of the gun against her rib. “One fucking word or attempt at escaping or getting their attention and you die right here.”

  Sydney swallowed hard and tried not to cry. She was scared out of her mind. Lenny would think nothing of killing her. He would think nothing of raping her right here in the backseat. She’d rather die.

  She thought about her men, her cowboys. She didn’t want to die. She didn’t want to not ever see Hart, Juno, Atlas, or Orsin again. God this was insane. How could this be happening?

  As Bruno slowed down and the police glanced at the car, she prayed the cops noticed them. She thought they did, but then the cop waved his hand for them to pass. Bruno let out a sigh of relief.

  Sydney looked out the back window, catching the two cops’ eyes. She saw them immediately pull out their radios and she prayed they were calling in for help.

  * * * *

  “Rusty!” Hart yelled as he and Juno entered Rusty’s office looking for Sydney. There was a mess up on the raid. Lenny and Bruno got away and the cops couldn’t find them. Ella informed Fisher that Lenny had a thing for Syd, something Sydney never told any of them.

  “Are you okay? Where’s Sydney? Who took her?” Hart asked as Juno called Atlas on his cell phone and explained.

  His father was beaten and bloody.

  “Two men, Sydney called them Bruno and Lenny. They were waiting for her. They hurt her and forced her to go with them, son,” Rusty told Hart as Sissy entered the room and gasped.

  “Did you see them leave? Did anyone see the car they left in and about how long?” Hart asked.

  “They have them in their sights, Hart. Two officers were doing road checks and there’s APBs out on two different vehicles. They identified Sydney in the backseat with one man and another man driving. Atlas said him and Orsin are on their way with the feds and other deputies from the department.”

  “Fuck, he’ll kill her,” Hart stated.

  “How did this happen? What’s going on? I heard her call them by their names, and the one guy said Ella screwed up a drug deal,” Rusty asked.

  “We’ll explain later. We have to head out there. Juno, find out where we can meet them or what’s happening next.”

  “I’m coming with you,” Rusty said and stood up, grabbing the table for support. Hart grabbed him to steady him. I think you need medical attention.”

  “I can help more. I couldn’t do a thing to stop that man from hitting Sydney. They had guns and came out of nowhere.”

  “It’s okay, Dad. They planned this. You did as much as you could. You tried fighting them off and they could have killed you.”

  Hart felt his chest tighten. He felt badly, but he was also proud of his dad for trying to protect their woman.

  “Hart, they’re in pursuit heading toward the highway.”

  “We have to go.”

  “Go sons. Go,” he said, and Hart and Juno ran out of the office and headed toward their truck.

  “That was the black car we saw as we pulled in come out from the back. Fuck, they were right there. She was in that car,” Hart yelled.

  “Do you think she saw us?” Juno asked.

  “I don’t know, but if these men hurt her, I’ll fucking kill them,” Hart said and they sped down the road out of town and to the entrance to the highway.

  * * * *

  “If they hurt her they’re dead,” Atlas said to Orsin, who was in the patrol car with him. They were behind other police cars and unmarked cars, two state troopers were in pursuit of the vehicle Sydney was in. Roadblocks were being set up ahead of them, and two Texas Ranger helicopters were directly overhead, following and recording the pursuit.

  “How could this happen? No one ever even thought they would go after Syd,” Juno said.

  “Because she didn’t tell us this dick had a thing for her back in New York. She left that part out, and when we find her and make sure she’s safe, I’m spanking that ass of hers for holding out crucial information,” Atlas stated firmly.

  “She’ll be getting four spankings, I’m sure. God, I hope he doesn’t hurt her. What if he—”

  “No. No thinking that. Syd is smart and she’s stubborn, and she’ll think of something. The troopers and Fisher have her in their sights. They won’t risk her life. They’ll get to her and save her,” Atlas stated, but he was scared, too. He wasn’t sure how this would end, but if he lost Sydney he would never be the same again.

  * * * *

  Sydney could hear the helicopters and the sirens. Lenny was yelling at Bruno, who was screaming back at him. They were stuck. The police were going to stop them.

  “Just give up and stop the car. It’s over. They have helicopters following us,” Syd screamed at them.

  “Shut the fuck up, Syd,” Lenny yelled then backhanded her with the butt of the gun. The hit to her head sent her backward and she cried out in pain. He hit her again with his hand then grabbed her by her blouse, ripping it open. “I’ll kill you. Don’t think I won’t.”

  He shoved her down and she could feel her head throbbing. Her lip was bleeding and sore, and she was bruised on her arms and her thighs from his strikes and aggressiveness while he forced his mouth on hers earlier. He had shoved her thighs opened and lay between her legs while he kissed her and fondled her breasts. But then the sirens blared and the loud speaker directed them to pull over. It saved her from getting beaten further and raped.

  Bruno was driving erratically. He was yelling about an upcoming roadblock or police barrier.

  “Step on the gas. Fuck those cops,” Lenny yelled.

  It really pissed her off, and as Lenny gave Bruno directions to go past the roadblock and step on the gas, she used all her might to strike Lenny in the head. Loud popping sounds filled the air, and the car swerved and jerked from right to left as if Bruno no longer had control of the vehicle. The gun fell to the floor and she struggled to get it as the car spun out of control. Lenny had the gun and pulled the trigger, once, twice somehow missing her. She was so scared as the car hit something and airbags went off. Lenny fell back and she bit his wrist, causing him to drop the gun but not before firing it again. She felt the hit to her side. A burning, sharp pain as she fell to the floor in the backseat. In a flash there were cops pulling Lenny and Bruno out of the car abruptly, and a lot of yelling and orders for the paramedics.

  “Are you hit, Syd?” She was losing focus and she caught sight of the familiar face. Texas Ranger Fisher Lent.

  “My side. Oh God, it hurts.”

  “Stay still.

  “Sydney! Sydney!” She heard Atlas’s voice then felt the door behind her head open up.

  “Don’t move her, Atlas, the paramedics are on their way. She’s been shot. Looks like a gash to her forehead, too,” Fisher told him as he moved her hair away from her face and then looked at the wound to her side.

  “Shot? Oh God, baby, hold on. Be strong, sweetness. We’re here. We’ve got you,” Atlas said.

  “Here, place this over the wound to stop the blee
ding,” Orsin told Atlas, passing him his shirt.

  Sydney tried to move from the floor.

  “No, baby, lie still. I hear the ambulance coming. You’re going to be okay.”

  “Rusty, is he okay?” she asked, and Atlas couldn’t believe she was worried about him.

  “Yes. Hart and Juno got to him. He’ll be all right,” Fisher told her.

  “Are Ella and Mom safe?” she asked.

  “Yes, they’re fine,” Fisher told her.

  “My dad and Jimmy?” she asked.

  “God, Sydney, yes they’re okay. Let’s worry about you Goddamn it. You’re the one with a bullet in your side.” Atlas raised his voice.

  She cringed and then leaned against his arm.

  “Okay deputy, if you say so.” She closed her eyes as the paramedics arrived, and Atlas and Orsin moved out of the way. Just then Juno and Hart arrived on the scene.

  “She’s been shot and beaten up. The paramedics are with her now,” Atlas told them.

  “Shot? That fucking son of a bitch,” Hart stated and turned to see where Lenny and Bruno were but the detectives already had them in a car and leaving.

  “We’ll follow the ambulance. Orsin, go with her,” Atlas ordered, and Orsin nodded his head then stood by the car.

  “Is it bad, Atlas?” Hart asked him.

  “There’s a lot of blood, but she was worrying about everyone else but herself. Even Rusty.”

  “God, she’s incredible,” Hart said and watched as the paramedics pulled over the gurney and got Sydney onto it and strapped down.

  “Rusty tried to stop them from taking Sydney, Atlas. He’s all banged up.”

  “Call him. Tell him to meet us at the hospital. Maybe Matt and them can pick him up on the way,” Atlas said.

  They watched Orsin get into the ambulance then the doors close and it take off, sirens blaring.

  Please God let her live and be okay. Please.


  Sydney sat on the back porch with her new extended family. She had gotten out of the hospital two weeks ago and things were finally settling down. Still a little achy from where the bullet grazed muscle and tissue, she was happy to be alive and to see her men and her family again. The fact that the men were talking to their father, Rusty, and accepting him involved in their lives was a major positive as far as Sydney was concerned. What happened just two weeks ago to Sydney proved that life was too short and you never knew when it could end. Instead of worrying about holding grudges and being angry, why not spend life forgiving, helping, being happy, and working to make the world a better place?


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