Mutilator from the Grave
Page 3
Egor thanked him profoundly and hurried off to fetch the essentials to at last make his desires come true. He had many pictures of Indria he had taken over the year, and knew her dorm off by heart. He knew her lifestyle better than she did herself.
He could not wait, in a short while, Indria would be all his to love, to honour and to obey. He would no longer be deprived of love, he would be indulging in it to his heart's content. He thought of every romantic scenario he could partake in with Indria, the nights of love making they would engage in, with a passion that would surpass the one she once had with Victor. That name would be irrelevant to her, buried in the annuals of the past.
The only name to hold a meaning in her life would be Egor. She would be remembering it well after tonight.
Egor would be ignored by the woman he loved and adored, no more. The ghost would be manifesting himself to her, very soon.
It was a very special night, an occasion reserved solely to Victor and Indria, a grand event to celebrate their first ever meeting.
It was their one year anniversary, Victor had planned something wonderful to commemorate their wondrous relationship.
He had booked two tickets to see Indria's favourite opera with the best seats to have a clear view of the action above, watching a powerhouse of a tale about two close lovers who were torn apart from a terrible circumstance, orchestrated by a jealous individual.
In an act of madness, the rival shoots the girl's lover dead. She attempts to fight back, only to be shot too in self defence.
Distraught by the crime he has committed, horrified that he had killed the woman he loved, the rival takes it upon himself to use the third bullet on his own self. The three all lie sprawled out on the floor, dead at the hands of love gone out of control. It was in that moment of tragedy that a beautiful scene emerged from the immense sorrow.
The two dead lovers rise up, although their physical bodies may have been killed, their immortal souls lived on. The lost loves were once again reunited, their love can never die, it carried on even in death, to go on for all eternity.
Nothing can stop their infinite love, not even death itself. It was such a beautiful and strong story on the eternal power of everlasting love. It never ceased to move Indria to tears every time she thought about it, watching it got her even more worked up to the point she had to lean onto Victor's shoulder who held her firmly in his arm and cried silently with her.
It was a real emotional story, the most beautiful and touching work of art he had ever witnessed in his life, it hit right at home and made them reflect on their own love and how everlasting it was too. Death could not take them away from each other either, they would be together through all the infinity of their eternal spirits.
The uplifting and expressive music blaring away from the orchestra added to the mighty impact, it was like a hand had reached inside them and was playing with their heart strings to trigger the exact emotional response the monumental opera was conveying.
Victor did not have to be convinced to see why it was Indria's favourite opera. He wasn't a fan of the genre until that instant he was overtaken by the opera's full force gripping him. It was safe to say, that would be his number one personal preferred opera.
With the expectations he had after seeing that emotive work, any other opera would have an extensively huge hole to fill.
The opera had finished, the impression it left on them was strong. It was still felt long after stepping out the grand theatre.
It was more than any couple could have asked for, a romantic and emotional story was ideal for celebrating a night dedicated to romance and the emotions it brought. Victor and Indria loved each other that extra bit more, cherishing the bounty of their relationship even more to the peak than they already had done.
Victor and Indria finished their anniversary night out with a dinner by candle light in a restaurant packed with a magical atmosphere to get the mood flowing so strong at the highest emotional level between the two devoted lovers.
Throughout the romantically charged meal, one factor was present in their heads, when they returned to the university, they would complete the celebration with a long and moving session of flourishing love making.
They were going to show just how much they loved one another and how it was impossible for them to ever live on the earth without their kindred spirit.
Victor and Indria made the whole world so absolutely unique in the entire dazzling galaxy because this planet had what all the other planets would not have: each other. The most special and precious man and woman of all creation in all the whole universe.
Victor and Indria headed back to her dormitory, on the verge of concluding their special one year anniversary the best way they could. It was the sole manner to complete a night devoted to a loving couple. They would make love till the sun rose and spend the entire next morning held in their arms, resting together and savouring their company.
They could hardly contain their romantic eagerness to start feeling their lover in the closest detail, idolizing and worshipping every inch of their being. The wait through the entire day and evening was long enough to be joined under the heated, snug covers.
Stopping at the door, stepping foot inside the shrouded, quiet dorm, it would not be so dark and empty for much longer. It was about to be livened up with their esteemed arrival. The night was far from finished, it had only just begun.
The two lovers were in for the night of their lives, about to receive more than they ever could have ever bargained for.
A husk in the darkness whisked towards Victor, lunging for the unsuspecting young man. A heavy thud rattled in the room.
The unmistakable sound of a violent struggle gripped the dorm, Indria could not see a thing, she could detect bodies being heaved off the walls, grunts of frustration and aggression, forceful punches connecting and gasps of winded breath. The one shape was holding his own against the array of other bulkier husks moving through the darkness.
The shadow of Victor was outnumbered by the swarming shapes of the hardened thugs, that was not stopping him from knocking them down and making them think twice about breaking into this dorm. One charged from behind, Victor got him in a headlock and smashed his knuckles into the thug's forehead, taking him down.
Victor hadn't just been working out, he had been sharpening his fighting skills at the university's gym for the annual boxing tournament, these punks were proving to be a great bit of exercise to prepare him for next week's match.
With competition like these, he would cut through the opposition in the ring with no sweat. Victor's shadow uppercutted one husk straight under the jaw, another a jab to the gut and the third was taken down with a swing right to the face. The unconscious and injured opponents would not be getting back up.
It was not over yet, a hard blow was struck off by one of the many shapes, the cry of pain belonged to Victor, they had gained the advantage on him, striking him with a devastating punch to the kidney.
The shape of Victor dropped to his knees, coughing and gagging heavily, spurting out what sounded like a droplet of blood. He was downed and would not be getting back up to resume fighting in a hurry.
The husks pummelled at the fighter, beating him to what appeared to be a bloody mess. The orgy of punches and kicks ground to a standstill. There was no hope of him showing resistance against them after that pummelling.
Indria was petrified on the spot, she dreaded what she would see when the lights came on. Her mental picture was nothing compared to what greeted her eyes as the switch was flicked. She gasped in horror at the blood soaked cheeks, purple eyed, swollen lipped face of Victor looking back at her, held down at gunpoint by one bulky, bald headed suited thug looming behind him. The firm hold, Victor had felt it in the dark, the hulking gangster was the one who managed to take Victor down with a single jab of his stubby, rock solid fist.
The stone fisted enforcer would gladly reintroduce the young fighter to his
punch again if he tried anything. Victor remained on the seat, he was in no condition to fight. His ribs were cracked, his arm and leg bones fractured, his head seriously concussed.
There was only one option for him, against his will, he had to sit and watch whatever was about to take place, and by the look of everyone's attention, it involved Indria. He spat out blood, he had a terrible feeling this was not just a quick robbery.
The orchestrator of the home invasion stepped into the dorm, sat himself nice and comfortable on the chair like he owned the place. He was the big boss, the cock of the walk, he had claimed his new territory and the little fishes had to deal with it.
Victor and Indria were perplexed, what was going on, why was the Russian Mafia storming in and assaulting two students on the campus, they had done nothing to them, they were minding their own business, too busy enjoying their paradise called love to get involved in anyone else's business. The sharply dressed and intimidating crime lord corrected them on that statement, they did get mixed up in somebody's personal affairs, hence why they were here to fix that. Lighting up one of his cigars, stirring up a fog in the compact little dormitory, he introduced the bewildered couple to the man whose life they had entangled into their own.
The timid and skeletal student walked into the room with his edgy and slick friend. Victor and Indria recognized him, they could not place his name but they had seen him wandering the grounds on his own, conversing with himself as if he was talking to somebody. Pity was what they had felt for such a pathetic sight of the solitary young skeletal man, one was the loneliest number and he was living proof of that. They had not thought anything of it, had no clue he was seeking to come between them.
The crime lord made it clear, Egor was taking over in the relationship, Victor was being replaced and if the boyfriend did not like it, and it was obvious with the angered glare in his bruised eyes he did not, Evengi could sort that out with a bullet.
Two of the crime boss' henchmen escorted the distraught Indria to the bed, moved aside to permit the hopeless romantic to do the honours.
Egor grinned madly, his grin stretched across his sagging face. He laughed shyly, he did not know where to begin or what to do first, he had imagined the scene so many times in his head like a pro, when it came to acting it out, he was lost. He had no clue how to actually pleasure a girl and it was hard to go at it with an audience all keeping an eye on him, or more importantly on her, they could not risk any funny business the girl could try.
Officially, Evengi was at his club, maintaining his legal business as usual. Off the record, Evengi was at some student's dorm, committing something that was anything but lawful. He would not be going down and doing time over some sexually frustrated virgin looking for a good screw with some random girl he had a hard on for.
Although, Evengi could understand why he had a massive crush on Indria, she was a very attractive young woman, she could stir up the blood of any man, including himself if he was interested in that sort of thing. He saw Alyosha licking his slick lips at a tasty morsel like her on display, his close friend was interested.
The crime boss looked to the nervous skeleton standing in the same spot, hesitating to get at it. He was wasting Evengi's time and one thing he could not tolerate was precious time being squandered. It proved to be costly in his line of work.
The crime boss had a sure-fire idea, he called out to Alyosha, he was friends with the embarrassment to the male sex, why not show him how it was done with a girl, he obviously required someone to show him otherwise they would be spending the entire night waiting for the skeleton to grow a pair and make his move.
Alyosha had no qualms with that, he liked what he saw a great deal, a sexy and sensual looking girl like her needed a real man with a backbone to get her warmed up. He fully understood Egor's reasoning for wanting only Indria. If he saw someone like her, he would find it impossible to settle for anyone else either, any other girl would be second best when compared to a golden prize like her.
Egor's grin faded in an instance as he saw his friend undressing in front of his true love, brandishing his erect rod for her. He looked pleadingly to Evengi, the crime boss shrugged, told him flatly that he had lost his turn, he would have to wait.
In the meantime, the hopeless romantic was instructed to watch, he would be learning something vastly important tonight.
Alyosha was doing his friend a massive favour and presenting him how to please a woman of her type the proper way. Egor wanted to make her happy, did he not, he had to give her more than just his heart, he had to give her his cock too and if that was not up to her standard, all his romance would mean jack shit in the long run. He didn't want her to cheat behind his back with a man who could give her what she craved for the most.
Egor simmered down, he saw what he meant and agreed to having his close friend demonstrate how to make love to her with the right approach. Alyosha promised him that once he watched this, the skinny romantic would be going at it with her all night and she would be loving every second of it, begging for it to last forever, she would be breaking it off with her boyfriend, there would be no need to dispose of him.
Egor liked the sound of that a lot, he did not want to see Victor eliminated, just replaced with himself, that would lessen the trouble he would be in for conspiring with the syndicate and ease his paranoia of going to prison.
The cool customer took it upon himself with a rearing enthusiasm to undress his beguiling lady for the night.
Her body was more than enough to keep his rod solid as steel and rile him up, making him even keener to ravage her good. She wouldn't be able to walk once he was finished with her, his burning prick ached to be cooled in her deep well.
Victor had seen and heard all he could withstand, he could not sit idly by and witness the woman he loved being ravaged by a pack of wild animals on two legs. He lunged forward, went to go for the slick beast lying Indria down on the bed, manhandling her body, groping at her breasts, kissing at her neck, rubbing her womanhood.
A sharp jolt of sheer agony shuddered through his stomach, the brutish hulk had struck him in the gut with his rock hard fist. Victor buckled over, yielding to the searing pain in his tenderized body. His soul wanted to run over there and save his beloved from such torture, his flesh could not permit it. He loathed the pain she was enduring more than the excruciation he was feeling. Victor tasted the bitterness on his tongue, the sour mocking reminder he was unable to protect her all down to his own mortality.
The weakness of his own humanity made him sick inside, he should have stood back up and forced the grunting, thrusting sack of sweating putrid flesh off his pure Indria. Instead all he could do was lie on his knees and look at her being violated by a raging animal, grunting and panting as he pounded and pulled his length into her cavity.
Indria did not scream, or moan, or beg, she remained calm and lifeless through the intrusion into her self. She stared into the eyes of her lover, blocking out the thought of the brute invading her womanhood, she focused on the man she loved, he was all that was on her mind, nothing else existed, everyone else in the dorm were invisible to her. She could see he was suffering, he had endured all a man could take.
She could not let him see her enduring such a painful torment too, she had to be strong and see it through. Indria would not give those beasts the satisfaction of her, she would give them her body. Her soul would remain tied lovingly around her beloved Victor.
Alyosha was feeling anything but sexually relieved with his dead lay, she was causing him more sexual frustration. He wanted to see a response to his hammering movements, desired to hear her moans at the electrifying volts he was pumping through her thighs. All he got from her was silence and coldness on his hot rod.
The cool, edgy animal erupted in a disappointed climaxed. He did everything that got his other women blistering hot, why was she so cold towards him. It angered him to think he was sexually inadequate to this woman. She was making him look bad i
n front of everyone, tarnishing his reputation as a sexed up dynamo in the sack.
In a fit of frustration, Alyosha lost his cool demeanour, becoming the uncontrollable beast that he was. The palm of his hand struck hard on Indria's cheek, leaving a lasting hand print on her delicate face.
Victor clenched his fists tightly, gritted his blood smeared teeth, the fury was burning his soul like a raging fire out of control. He could not take much more of the torment, it was like being trapped in a living nightmare. He hoped they would wake up from it, find themselves in the comfort of their bed after making love, and everything would be as it was. No such luck, they were forced to endure this zoo of pandemonium where nothing would ever be the same again.
The night was just getting started, the festivities were warming up.
Alyosha gathered his clothes, tried to regain his coolness, he spoke agitated to his skeletal companion, told him that she was all his. He wished him good luck in trying to get her to emote in the sack, he would need it. It was like screwing a mannequin, except even they were more lively than her.
Egor approached his enchanting love lying motionless on the bed, her eyes had not averted from Victor, not even when she was struck by the boorish thug.
He would reach her, his love would bring her out of her trance, warming her cold heart and bringing her closer to him. She wouldn't be distant from him, his true love for her would unite them together, pulling her away from her former lover, he was positive of that. Egor removed his clothing, shedding to his bare skin. His body was like that of a skeleton covered in a sheet of skin that did not fit around the bones.
He trembled in surging apprehension, he had been waiting for this moment for so many long, excruciating years, it seemed too good to be true that it was actually there for him. The woman of his most private fantasies was lying naked under his thin, erect penis, ready to be taken by him. She was so beautiful and so alluring, he could hardly hold back his swelling tide of love flowing around his slender length.