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Hot For The Boss - Complete Edition

Page 10

by Ariadne Wayne

  “We need to call him baby,” said Scott, “just as well he gave you the number.”

  “I just wish we could do this and not bother him. There’s a 99.9% chance that it is yours and not his. I had sex with him twice, I’ve had sex with you lots of times in that time and you weren’t wearing a condom.”

  “Alisha we have to consider the child,” Scott said, “If there’s a remote possibility he’s the father then we need to tell him. He’s a good man; I think it’s only right.”

  “What if it is his baby?” I asked, “what happens to us?” I was crying by now, terrified that Scott would leave me if the worst happened.

  He held me in his arms and kissed me. “Then we deal with it, it was my idea. I have to wear the consequences if there are any. It doesn’t change the way I feel about you.”

  But I wondered about the impact this might have on us in the coming months and then picked up the phone to make that call.

  Chapter 23

  Today was the day I was going to tell the guy I had an one-night stand with that I was pregnant. Only it was a bit more complicated than that. My fiancé Scott told me his fantasy was watching me being fucked another guy. We found one who was interested and did it and now I'm pregnant and although there is only a tiny chance he is the father, we decided to tell him so we can all be prepared if he is.

  I called and told him I had something to tell him and arrived down at the ambulance bay of the hospital to meet as arranged. My daughter Lily was five months old now and I put her in the stroller so we could walk from the car park.

  As I drew near I saw Dan, he appeared to just be hanging out with the guys. The paramedics were talking sports and TV, I could hear them a mile away laughing when one looked over at me.

  ‘Who are you looking for love?’ he asked.

  ‘That would be me,’ said Dan.

  ‘I didn't know you had a girlfriend, let alone a kid,’ said one of the others.

  ‘She's just a friend,’ he said.

  There were winks and cat calls at that. I just glared at them. Where it would have once been entertaining here I was an old engaged woman (at the grand old age of 22) and I just could not be bothered with their crap.

  Dan led me to the cafeteria where he ordered coffee for both of us and smiled at Lily who had a grin on her face a mile wide.

  ‘You're a new face for her, she gets really excited at meeting people,’ I said.

  ‘I saw you a couple of months ago sweetheart, you've grown so big,’ he said to her.

  I smiled. ‘She is growing too fast,’ I said.

  Lily was my surprise baby, having found out I was pregnant at 20 weeks but I adored her. Every day she was more and more like her father and as I was head over heels for him she had been so easy to love.

  The coffee arrived and Dan looked at me. ‘So, what is all this about? Are you two looking for another night together?’

  I shook my head. ‘Nothing personal but I think we are done with that. We had our fun but there has been a complication.’

  He looked confused. ‘What kind of complication? Are you two OK Alisha?’

  ‘We're fine, really good actually. I just found out that I'm pregnant.’

  Dan grinned. ‘That's wonderful. You two are so perfect together and I'm sure Lily will be a great big sister.’

  ‘There's a very, very small chance that you are the father.’

  The grin disappeared from his face. ‘Fuck.’

  ‘Yes,’ I said, ‘Fuck indeed. Scott and I talked it over and while we are certain he is the father, we respect you enough to let you know. It might very well turn out to be nothing.

  ‘I appreciate it,’ he said, ‘look Alisha, even if it turned out that it was I would not get in your way. You and Scott belong together, it's pretty clear just from the way you look at each other.’

  ‘We are really happy together and I just want it to stay that way. I am so glad you think the way you do. I have no idea what we will do in the future if the baby turns out to be yours but Scott and I both think if it is, then we still want you to be around.’

  ‘You know that puts me in the way of temptation Alisha,’ he said, ‘the second time we fucked it was more than just sex, it was intimate. We made love.’

  I nodded. ‘I know but we both knew it was a one off, would never happen again. I love Scott and he got what he wanted. I had a good time and that is it. We will be married soon and together for the rest of our lives.’

  He smiled. ‘I know you will and you deserve it. It's not that I mean to give you grief about it, I just have some feelings to sort out where you are concerned especially if this child turns out to be mine.’

  Lowering his voice he leaned over the table. ‘I'll never forget what it was like to kiss you, to be inside you, to taste you Alisha.’

  The words made me shiver and he looked at me for the longest time before looking away. ‘I know we are not to be, it hasn't stopped me thinking about you.’

  ‘I know,’ I said, not wanting to tell him I had thought about it more than once. But I realised now, sitting and talking with him that there was nothing there. He was completely out of my system, well so to speak.

  Finishing my coffee I stood and we hugged before we went our separate ways. ‘I'll call on you some time,’ he said, ‘just to make sure you are all right. I will make sure it's when Scott is there.’

  ‘I appreciate that,’ I said, ‘After the baby is born we will be able to get a DNA test to sort it out once and for all but meantime I have a wedding to plan.’

  He grinned. ‘Maybe you could invite me to that, there must be some attractive single women that you know.’

  I laughed and he bent down to say goodbye to Lily. She beamed her smile at him again and he blew her a kiss which made her laugh. ‘She's too young for you,’ I said.

  Dan pulled a face. ‘Give her 20 years and I bet she will be just like her mother.’

  ‘I hope not,’ I said.

  Chapter 24

  I went by the office on the way home to tell Scott that I had been to see Dan. Mary lit up with a huge smile at the sight of Lily. While I had not been her favourite person at first the Administration Manager for Scott's business had warmed to me when she saw how happy Scott and I were together.

  Today she only had eyes for Lily and my baby beamed at Mary as she pulled her from my arms into hers. ‘Look at you,’ she said, ‘lovely girl.’

  She indicated with a nod of her head towards my old desk. There was a blonde with big blue eyes sitting at it, with a terrified look on her face. ‘This is Brooke,’ said Mary, ‘it took me a while to get around to replacing you but I found someone.’

  I raised an eyebrow at her. When we had discussed her finding a replacement I had specifically told her to find a girl Scott would not want to fuck. Not because I didn't trust him but because using those words made Mary grimace.

  Brooke stood up and came over to shake my hand. The poor girl was trembling as I took her hand in mine. ‘I'm Alisha Jackson,’ I said, ‘Scott's fiancée.’

  She smiled. ‘I did not know Mr Peters was engaged, how awesome. You have a lovely baby.’

  ‘She is amazing,’ I said, ‘don't let Mary scare you, her bark is worse than her bite.’

  Mary snorted and I grinned. ‘He's in his office,’ she said, ‘just go through.’

  ‘As if I'd let him being busy stop me,’ I said with a laugh.

  Scott was trying to concentrate when I walked in. I knew he had been going over a business proposal that had to be just right and me being here wouldn't help. It would not take long to tell him what I had to though.

  He did not even hear me come in. ‘Hey,’ I said.

  Scott looked up and smiled. ‘Baby,’ he said, ‘what are you doing here?’

  ‘I just wanted to let you know that I've been to see Dan but I can see you are busy with your little blonde bombshell in my seat.’

  He looked confused. ‘What on earth are you talking about?’

gorgeous office junior out there.’

  ‘Alisha I swear I have not noticed her, Mary did all the hiring.’

  I laughed. ‘Is that right? So mine was the only job interview you crashed?’

  Scott walked around his desk, just looking at him brought a lump to my throat, even though we'd been together for some time now.

  ‘Alisha, you know I wanted you from the moment I saw you. Why would I care who Mary employs as an office junior?’

  He was in front of me now, and I felt my nipples respond. What this man did just by looking at me was insane. I could not trust my own body to behave.

  ‘I know you can't have looked too hard at her,’ I said, ‘she's so shy if you looked at her the way you looked at me she would end up melting under her desk.’

  His breathing was heavier now. He was as aroused as I was. ‘I do not look at just anyone like that you know,’ he said, ‘Only you.’

  ‘Oh,’ I said, ‘only me?’

  He kissed me, his tongue finding mine while he slid his arms around me, groping my ass. There was a timid knock on the door.

  ‘Shit,’ Scott said and I giggled.

  ‘Come in,’ I called and the door slowly open. It was Brooke with Lily in her arms.

  ‘I'm so sorry Ms Jackson but I think Lily's diaper needs changing and I didn't want to go into your bag.’

  I laughed and Scott moved towards Lily whose eyes lit up at the sight of her father. ‘Come here pumpkin,’ he said, ‘let daddy take care of that.’

  Brooke handed him the baby, looking at him in awe. So she had noticed him. ‘Thanks Brooke,’ I said.

  She smiled at me and I hoped I helped put her at ease. She shrugged. ‘No problem Ms Jackson.’

  ‘You have to call me Alisha, I doubt I am much older than you and I was the last person to have your job.’

  Brooke laughed nervously and nearly ran from the room.

  ‘You are far more intimidating than I,’ said Scott from the couch where he had changed our daughters diaper and was now tickling her. I grinned at the sound of the giggles coming from Lily, they were so contagious.

  ‘Probably,’ I said, ‘it took years of practice.’

  Scott stood up and handed me Lily back. ‘You two should get home so I can concentrate on this and I will be home with you as soon as I can.’

  ‘The purpose of my visit was to let you know how things went with Dan. It went well, he is not going to be a thorn in our side I don't think but he does want to know how things turn out.’

  Scott nodded. ‘I would too if I was him. What would you think if I asked him to be my best man?’

  ‘Are you kidding? We are trying to stay away and you want him at our wedding?’ I said.

  He shrugged. ‘The last male friend I had was Jack and he ran off with my last fiancée. I haven't had any close friends since then except for you and since you are the bride you're not really going to be able to be the best man as well are you?’

  I laughed. ‘Not really, just seems a bit odd.’

  ‘Well of all the people I do know he is probably been the closest, I did let him fuck you after all but if anyone ever touches you again I will kill them.’

  ‘Oh Scott,’ I said with a laugh, ‘you drive me crazy. Whatever you want; as long as we can get married and be together.’

  He kissed me and I took Lily back out, saying goodbye to Mary on the way. ‘Don't worry, I won't let Brooke be alone with him.’ she said.

  I laughed. ‘Don't worry about it, he's not into blondes.’

  Chapter 25

  Other than the slight chance our baby was fathered by someone other than Scott, our life together was settled and for the first time in my life I had no inclination to rebel against anything.

  It was a refreshing changed from the life I was used to, growing up had been hard with just my mom. When I had left home I'd fought the system before finally getting the job with Scott, which lead to this, the domestic harmony we now shared.

  We fought of course, no relationship is ever that perfect but we loved and that was worth more than anything else in our lives. Now we had Lily who had brought us so much joy and now this new baby.

  I fought the guilt that I had every day that this baby might have a different father to my darling Lily. While Scott had expressed his fantasy as watching me be fucked by another man I could have said no. He took all the blame on his shoulders but it was equally mine.

  Planning our wedding was next, I just wanted something intimate in our back yard with family and close friends. The only family we had were our Moms who had moved in together starting a relationship of their own a while ago. It was weird at first but they seemed happy and good for one another so Scott and I were happy for them.

  Other than that it would be a mix of the staff from the office and a friend from my old life. I had completely neglected Kate since hooking up with Scott but I hoped she would be my bridesmaid.

  As far as I knew she still worked at the grocery store that I used to. When I'd got the job with Scott I neglected to tell my old boss I quit and she had kept the whole thing quiet as well so Craig, my ex-boss hated my guts. I realised I really should talk to Scott about finding a job for her and get her out of that shit hole.

  Feeling a little guilty about that I went to the part of town I used to live in, putting Lily in the pram and wheeling her into the store I used to get minimum wage for working in. The working conditions had been pretty awful and I had such a bad attitude customers had constantly complained.

  The boss was easily bought off with a blowjob though and although I hated him I did it so I could pay my rent and not become homeless because fuck that. I had even started swearing less since I'd been with Scott, he didn't care but it just was not me anymore and I did wonder how that would affect my friendship with Kate. She had become friends with the old Alisha, this new Alisha wasn't hugely different but maybe enough for things to change.

  I could see nothing much had changed as I walked through the store, heading towards the back when I couldn't see her at the checkout. Knocking on the staff door I waited and was so happy to see her when she opened the door.

  ‘Alisha!’ she squealed and flung herself at me, wrapping her arms around my neck.

  ‘Hi Kate,’ I said affectionately and hugged her back.

  ‘Oh My God,’ she said looking at Lily, ‘Are you a nanny now? That is so cool.’

  I realised with horror that I had told her nothing since I'd left. What sort of friend was I?

  ‘No, Lily is my daughter,’ I said.

  She just looked at me. ‘I think you should come for a coffee and tell me all about it, I just started my lunch break so I have a bit of time.’

  ‘I'm so sorry Kate, I did not mean to be a shit friend. The past year and a half has been a real whirlwind,’ I said.

  Kate took hold of my hand and squeezed it. ‘Well the main thing is that you are here now and you can tell me all about it.’

  She pulled up the hand noticing something different about it. ‘Holy shit, what the hell is that?’

  ‘Just make me a coffee and I will tell you everything. That is my engagement ring.’

  She raised an eyebrow at that and I followed her into the staff room where a couple of the others recognised me and said hello.

  It was now I realised how horrible this place truly was, the staff room was run down and just looked dirty. How on earth had I put up with this? It made me feel sick.

  ‘You look so different,’ one of the others said. I didn't think I did, my clothes were new but other than that I still had my trademark short black hair though not so spiked at the top. My nose and tongue studs were still intact, I might have not bothered but Scott loved me sucking his cock with the tongue stud in.

  ‘You're still Alisha though,’ said Kate proudly. She turned to Lily, who was staring at this new face with those big blue eyes of hers.

  ‘She is gorgeous,’ she said, ‘how old is she?’

  ‘Around five months,’ I said.

/>   ‘So who's this guy you're engaged to, I assume he is her father?’

  ‘That would be right and his name is Scott. He was my boss at the job I got when I left here.’ I said.

  ‘Holy fuck,’ Kate said, ‘you did well.’

  ‘I'm here to ask you if you want to be my bridesmaid for our wedding,’ I said.

  ‘You're getting married? Cool, I am in if you need me.’

  ‘I'll take care of everything, you will not have to pay for any of it. I've just been such a bad friend for so long and I want you there Kate, everyone else apart from my Mom will be someone from Scott's side.’

  She smiled. ‘So I finally get to meet your Mom as well?’

  I had deliberately kept my Mom away from this part of my life. When I was feeling like a failure I did not want her to see what my life was like.

  ‘Yes, and Scott and his Mom too. I am so excited Kate and I cannot wait for you to be a part of it.’

  She made me my coffee and we sat while she ate her lunch. If she was over her time even slightly Craig would be a real asshole to her.

  Speaking of the devil he walked in and looked twice at me. ‘What the fuck are you doing here? You walked out on this place, I do not want you back.’

  He looked at Lily. ‘Let me guess Mr Boss who is so good in bed dumped you and you've come crawling back.’

  ‘Actually I've come to ask Kate if she will be my bridesmaid for my wedding to Mr Boss who is fucking amazing in bed thank you.’

  He just looked at me and I could hear Kate choking on her lunch trying not to laugh.

  ‘So you are better than all of us now I suppose?’ he asked smugly.

  I knew what he was doing, trying to turn my ex workmates against me, he was so incredibly stupid though I think the cockroaches I sometimes found near the bins were smarter than he was.

  ‘No, but I am better than you as is everyone who works for you,’ I said, ‘perhaps I should talk to someone about your little sideline in getting your staff to fulfill your sexual requirements to keep their jobs.’

  At that he went red. ‘Get the fuck out of my store,’ he said, ‘I do not want you back in here.’


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