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Hot For The Boss - Complete Edition

Page 12

by Ariadne Wayne

  ‘No baby, I just thought you could do a few hours here and there, bring the kids into the office. I'm not talking about coming back to work full time, I want you to do what makes you happy,’ he said.

  ‘I wouldn't be working enough to justify a full time assistant though,’ I said.

  ‘We'll talk to Mary, maybe there is something else we can do with her. I think anything would be a step up for her.’

  I kissed his cheek and he grinned. ‘What's that for?’ he asked.

  ‘For being the most amazing man I've ever met,’ I said.

  ‘It's only because I found the most amazing woman,’ he said and kissed me, his tongue finding mine. His body was pressed against me and I could feel him growing hard.

  ‘Ewww gross you two,’ said Kate who had come into the room with Lily in her arms. ‘Lily needed a diaper change so I took the liberty of doing it for you.’

  ‘You didn't have to do that,’ I said.

  ‘Today has been great. I've got to hang out with my friend who I haven't seen in forever and her baby and meet her man. Then I get to be bridesmaid.’

  ‘I'm glad you enjoyed yourself,’ said Scott, turning towards the counter so she wouldn't notice his erection.

  ‘Let's go back into the living room,’ I said, ‘I'm sure Scott's got everything under control.’ I squeezed his butt checks with my hands. ‘Haven't you baby?’

  ‘Everything's fine,’ he said, ‘Go and watch TV or something , dinner will be soon.’

  Chapter 28

  There has only been one person in my life who scared the hell out of me, after him I swore I would be afraid of no one and that had started the building of the barriers I had put around myself.

  Mom had several boyfriends in her time who beat her or hit me but since the one who took it way too far none of them had scared me.

  The last one she had, Robert, Scott had scared off after having him arrested and charged for beating her. We had not heard anything from him since then and she had moved out of town to live with Scott's mom so that was the end of it. Or so we thought.

  Planning for the wedding had gone perfectly, now nearly four months pregnant I was beginning to show and we had finally come to the week before the big day.

  I hadn't wanted a hens night. The girls in Scott's office had clubbed together and bought us some baby things and I was spending more time with Kate which I loved. Scott had created a new job for her in his office, and she was now learning accounting which was what she had always been keen on.

  Scott had gone out for a quiet drink with Dan rather than have a stag. Well that was the plan. They both came home at around three in the morning, staggering in the door having indulged. Too drunk to pay for the taxi, I sorted it out just happy that Scott was home safe.

  ‘Bit of a rough night?’ I asked them. Scott grinned. ‘We just got a bit carried away baby.’

  ‘Then he got all soppy and wanted to come home to you so we decided to leave,’ said Dan.

  ‘Come here baby,’ Scott said, pulling me down onto his lap. He smelled of stale beer and bourbon and I wrinkled my nose to show my disgust.

  ‘You are trouble,’ I said, ‘I was having a good sleep.’

  ‘Didn't you miss me?’ he said, his hand worked its way between my legs and I pushed it back before he got to touch what he wanted.

  ‘I did but you are home safe now so I am going back to bed.’

  Dan picked up a remote control and the sound of a sports game filled the room. I didn't know what it was and I didn't care, I was going to get some sleep.

  ‘OK baby,’ Scott said. I could hear the disappointment in his voice but I was tired and knew I would have to get up for Lily in the morning.

  He rubbed my belly. ‘How's my baby?’ he asked.

  ‘Hey, might be my baby,’ said Dan.

  I rolled my eyes. ‘My baby is doing fine thanks.’

  ‘You're so uptight Alisha, maybe we should all go to bed,’ said Dan, a big grin on his face.

  ‘Fuck you,’ I said, ‘I'm going to bed alone. Unless you are joining me?’ I directed the question to Scott whose head had fallen back on the headrest of the chair, his eyes starting to close against his will.

  ‘Go on, you can't get more pregnant,’ Dan said. He laughed, ‘I'm kidding. Go get some sleep and I am just going to crash here if it's all right.’

  ‘You look like you've made yourself comfortable already,’ I said, gently removing myself from Scott's arms.

  I closed my eyes and drifted back off to sleep only to be woken an hour later by Scott climbing into bed. Turning my back to him I snuggled into his body, his arm draped over me and closed my eyes again.

  Feeling the bed dip again I realised Dan had climbed in on the other side of me. I sighed. There was no chance of moving either of them so I would just deal with it. I was too tired to try to do anything else.

  And then they both began to snore. It was just after four in the morning and I was getting it from both sides. Burying my head in the pillow didn't help and in desperation I climbed out from between them and moved to the spare room.

  I grabbed a nightgown along the way, I had been sleeping naked as I normally did but I knew the bed would be cold and that was not going to help me get back to sleep.

  Finally I drifted off again and when I woke I quickly realised it wasn't early and I wondered if Lily had slept in. Opening the door I could smell bacon cooking and my curiosity led me to the living room where Dan sat on the floor with Lily while Scott made breakfast in the kitchen.

  I was right, it was ten and I smiled at my baby who beamed at me that radiant smile I loved so much. ‘It took a lot of effort to distract her from making noise, it was not me or Scott she wanted this morning,’ Dan said.

  ‘I appreciate it,’ I said, ‘you two wore me out.’

  ‘If only that were true,’ he said with a laugh.

  I picked up a cushion from a nearby chair and threw it at his head. Lily shrieked as it hit him and he pretended to fall over from the force.

  ‘Are you making trouble Dan?’ asked Scott as he walked into the room. He was smelling much better I noticed as he got closer and kissed me with minty fresh breath.

  ‘You must have been up early, I have no idea how you did it,’ I said.

  ‘It wasn't easy but once I showered and had a coffee I felt a bit better.’

  ‘I am so tired I feel like I have a hangover without drinking,’ I said.

  ‘Then you put your feet up and I will get you some breakfast, take it easy today and we will look after everything,’ Scott said.

  ‘It's the least we can do after last night. Though it was disappointing this morning to wake up in bed with Scott,’ Dan said.

  I laughed. ‘The noise you both were making snoring it is a miracle anyone got any sleep. It was fine until then.’

  ‘So you didn't mind sharing the bed with both of us again?’ he said.

  ‘Don't tease her,’ Scott said, ‘you know she is all mine now and will be forever.’

  I grinned at him and he kissed me again before going back to the kitchen to get me breakfast and coffee.

  Sitting on the floor with Lily and Dan, he looked at me with a grin on his face. ‘You do know I am teasing and not really trying to flirt don't you?’

  ‘I know that you know it's a waste of time trying to get me into bed so yeah I do know you are teasing.’ I poked my tongue out and Lily tried to grab it. Covering her face with kisses she giggled and I held her close. Life was awesome.

  Chapter 29

  Hearing he was getting married Scott's ex best friend Jack had turned up and Scott had told him where to go. Now Dan, the other potential father of my baby and Scott, the man I was about to marry had become best of friends. I wasn't sure how I felt about that.

  We had tried to match up Dan with Kate but there was just no spark which made me feel guilty as hell but they became friends

  When the day finally arrived we treated it almost like any other day. There was no way S
cott was going to leave my side despite tradition so we decided that we would get dressed separately so he wouldn't see my dress. That was enough tradition for us.

  The staff from work had arrived and were eating the nibbles we had put out on a table in the garden for them. The mothers were also here, gushing over Lily and I had dressed her up for the day so they had disappeared into the garden too.

  Scott and Dan were already out there, getting people into the right place for the wedding with the celebrant helping. Today was going to be amazing.

  Kate helped me into my gown and I helped her with his. We looked the best I thought we had ever looked. Her dress was a lemon colour she had chosen herself and it went nicely with the lavender gown I had gone with.

  My baby belly was just noticeable to me but Kate assured me no one else would see it, we had decided to announce the news tonight to everyone.

  The knock on the door caught me by surprise and though in my bridal gown and ready to go out for the wedding I thought I should answer it in case it was something urgent. I never saw his fist coming.

  Blood sprayed from my face as his punch connected with my nose and I stumbled back towards the furniture, the red drops staining the carpet as I went.

  ‘Where the fuck is your mother,’ Robert yelled as I tried to recover from his assault. I realised he hadn't given a fuck who had opened the door, lashing out at whoever was in his way.

  ‘Get the fuck out of my house, I will call the police you nut job,’ I screamed. I could hear Kate running behind me out the bedroom door to get Scott.

  Robert stood over me. ‘Your Mom disappeared and we need to have a little chat about how you called the police on me and what I've had to go through.’

  ‘What you had to go through?’ I yelled, ‘what about her you asshole? What about what she went through with you.’

  He grabbed the front of my dress and pulled me towards him.

  ‘You've got a smart mouth on you girl, one day it'll get you into real trouble.’

  ‘Maybe but today is not that day, you've interrupted my wedding day,’ I said and lifted my knee, smacking him hard in the balls and causing him to double over in pain.

  Scott and Dan pulled him off me and held him while Kate called the police. Mom ran over to me and put her arms around me. ‘Oh my darling,’ she whispered, ‘I never meant to cause you any of this.’

  ‘It's not your fault Mom,’ I said, ‘You're an asshole magnet, except for Dad and Kathy.’

  It didn't take long for the police to arrive, by that stage Dan was looking at my face where I had been punched. ‘Despite the blood your nose is not broken but you are going to have a bruise Alisha,’ he said.

  Brooke brought over a bowl of warm water and a washcloth to help me clean up. I saw them exchange a look and raised an eyebrow at Dan even though it made my face ache to do it.

  He cleaned my face and I wailed when I realised my dress was splattered with my blood. The police were still dealing with Robert, reassuring Scott that they would take him away and he would not be bothering us again.

  Turned out he had been watching us for a while, waiting for my Mom to show up so he could harass her about being arrested the first time. It made my skin crawl thinking of that and Scott held me until I stopped shaking. I wasn't really sure if I was shaking from fear or anger as the thought of him being anywhere near my Mom or my baby made me so angry.

  ‘We need to get you looked at too Alisha, make sure the baby is all right,’ he said.

  ‘What baby?’ asked my mother.

  ‘I'm pregnant,’ I said, ‘we were going to tell everyone tonight but you might as well know now.’

  ‘She seems to be OK,’ said Dan, ‘I'd be more concerned with the bruising that is going to come up soon, we need to get this wedding over and an ice pack on her face.’

  ‘Holy shit, the wedding,’ I said, in all the excitement I had almost forgotten. My dress was a mess as was my face, I didn't know if I had the heart to do this now.

  ‘How about we get married, get your face looked at and sort out the rest later,’ Scott said.

  ‘What about the photos?’

  ‘Fuck the photos, we'll get your dressed cleaned or replaced or whatever and take photos another time. I love you Alisha and I want you to be my wife. Nothing is more important to me.’

  I grinned. ‘I fucking love you Scott Peters.’

  ‘I fucking love you too, now let's get out there.

  So we got married in the back yard with our friends and family. I looked a sight but we still got photos of the ceremony and the day and we were happy. It was the best day of my life.

  Chapter 30

  We had booked a motel for the night; it would be the first night away from Lily which made me nervous but she was six months old now and I was sure Mom would be fine with her her. I fed my baby for the night and left Mom with some expressed milk in case she did wake up. Since she had been born I had barely been away from her but for a few hours at a time going out for dinner with Scott and I didn't know how I would cope with the whole night.

  The earlier events of the night were all but forgotten and Scott drove us across town to the motel. We must have had some funny looks as we checked in but we were far too wrapped up in one another to notice. I had massive bruising coming up all around my nose. It hurt but Scott had promised to kiss it better and I could not wait to be alone with him.

  We barely got into the room when he had me on my back on the couch, his face pressed into my pussy, his tongue making me gasp at the intensity of his touch. I swear I screamed when I came and I came harder than I had for some time. Both times I had found pregnancy had made orgasm more intense and fuck it was good.

  I dialled room service to get ourselves something to keep us going for the night and Scott left the room to run water into the large spa bath. Neither of us were going to get any sleep tonight.

  Waiting for the food I wasn't surprised to hear a knock on the door though I opened it much more cautiously this time after the surprise I'd had previously. Standing on the other side was the room service trolley and after a start the guy who brought it in smiled at me. ‘It's a long story,’ I said.

  ‘Is the food ready baby,’ said Scott from the bathroom.

  ‘Sure is, I am starving,’ I said.

  ‘I'll leave you to your food,’ the room service guy said and I smiled at him.

  He had been gone only a couple of minutes when there was another knock on the door. ‘What the hell,’ I said and went back.

  This time it was the Manager of the motel. He looked nervously inside the door as if he was afraid of something.

  ‘Can I help you?’ I asked.

  ‘If you want to leave now just tell me and I will get you out of here, we have called the police already.’

  ‘What are you talking about?’

  ‘Your injuries, it's clear you've been hurt so I am offering you a chance to get out and the man you are with can deal with the police,’ he said.

  ‘What the fuck… look, this isn't at all what you think it is. We got married today, this is our wedding night. Some asshole with a grudge against my mother attacked me earlier, this is the result.’

  This time Scott emerged from the bathroom, hearing the agitated tone of my voice.

  ‘Baby, what's going on?’ he asked.

  ‘The Motel manager has called the cops on you for beating me up,’ I said calmly.

  ‘What the fuck,’ he said.

  I laughed. ‘That's what I said.’

  ‘Alisha, this isn't a laughing matter.’

  ‘Look it's just a misunderstanding. Clearly they've seen what that asshole Robert did to my face and because I'm with you they've assumed it was you.’ I said.

  I laughed even harder when the police turned up, they recognised me from their previous visit to my mother's when we'd had Robert arrested the first time and we told them what had happened earlier that day.

  ‘Sometimes I feel like I am living on another fucking planet
, the random shit that happens to us,’ I said to Scott.

  ‘We are so sorry to bother you madam,’ said the manager, ‘obviously we have got the wrong end of the stick and we really should leave you alone for the rest of your wedding night.’

  ‘I assume we're not going to have a bill to pay after this inconvenience,’ said Scott.

  The man went white, presumably trying to work out how to explain this to whoever was above him in the organisation. ‘We'll work something out Mr Peters, again I am so sorry.’

  When the door was closed and we were alone again I collapsed into Scott's arms. ‘Babe, you're shaking, are you OK?’

  I nodded but was laughing so hard now that it was barely noticeable.

  ‘Alisha, are you all right?’ Scott asked.

  I looked at him and when he saw the look on my face he laughed too and pulled me tighter to him. ‘Let's get on with our wedding night now those stupid people realise I'm not trying to beat my bride up.’

  ‘You know it's because you made me scream when I came just before,’ I said.

  ‘Do you think I should try it again?’

  ‘I know you should try it again,’ I said with a laugh.

  So he did.

  Chapter 31

  The spa bath was full and I went into the bedroom to get ready for our bath together. As I took my clothes off I caught sight of myself in the mirror. My body had changed so much with the birth of Lily and the current pregnancy. I had curves where previously there were none and my breasts looked about three times the size.

  The bruising on my face looked worse than it felt but it was tender to the touch and I stroked my skin, the impact of what had happened that day finally hitting me. When the tears started I couldn't stop them and that was how Scott found me, naked and crying in our room.

  He picked up the bathrobe I had been ready to put on and wrapped it around me, holding me close. ‘It's all right baby, everything is OK now.’

  ‘What if it hadn't been? He was watching us Scott. What about the times I was at home alone with Lily?’

  ‘Well I guess we should be grateful nothing happened and you managed to take care of him yourself today. If or when he gets back out we will look at security but right now he is behind bars and they will tell me if he is released. Right now you are safe and so is Lily, I took the added precaution of organising a guard just like I did at your Mom's house that day so that we know our mothers and Lily are safe tonight.’


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