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The Last Bride (DiCarlo Brides #6)

Page 21

by Heather Tullis

  He pulled out his laptop and sent the emails he had intended to send before Natalie came by. Gage was working on a report for the insurance company as the doorbell rang.

  He smiled, happy to see Jonquil’s curls outlined in the wavy glass and opened the front door to find Ellie standing there instead, a hot dish in her hands.

  “Oh, good, I wasn’t sure if I’d catch you or if you’d be with your guy friends tonight. No one should be alone on a day like this.” She breezed past him into the kitchen and set the food on the counter, removing the oven mitts. She continued on without giving him a moment to respond as she pulled dishes out of the cupboard. “I’m glad I thought of coming by. There is enough food for you and the guys of course, just in case you had them here with you, or your sister. But since it’s just the two of us, you’ll have leftovers. I know you don’t cook.”

  Gage was flustered, wanting her gone before Jonquil arrived, but not wanting to offend her. “Ellie, this was really sweet of you, but I already have dinner coming.”

  “You ordered in pizza, didn’t you?” She waved that away. “I know how you are. Takeout isn’t real food. This, on the other hand is my famous vegetarian enchiladas with carrot shavings and spinach. It’s fabulous. Just wait until you taste it. All of the girls at book club rave over it.”

  Exasperated, Gage wondered how to get rid of her without being rude. “You’re very thoughtful, Ellie, but I really do have plans.”

  “I just love spending an intimate evening with you,” Ellie said, as if Gage hadn’t spoken at all. She whirled to the fridge and started rooting through it. “I always knew that I would be there for you in your time of need. And that you’d know it too.” She pulled out the last two beers and set them on the table beside the plates she’d already set out. “Looks like you have some nice neighbors who’ve brought over some meals for you.” She shut the fridge door and grinned. “That’s what I love about this town—it’s so friendly.”

  Ellie turned to him and closed the distance between them, setting her hands on his chest. “A big, strong man like you needs someone to lean on once in a while. I hope you know you can lean on me.”

  Wishing he had somewhere to go, but with the counter at his back, Gage opened his mouth to tell her thanks but no thanks.

  Jonquil’s voice filled the pause instead. “Why, that is so sweet of you, Ellie! I swear, Gage is one lucky guy to have someone like you to look out for him, but I’ve already got it all under control.” She sauntered in—wearing a snug tee and shorts that molded her thin hips, and the long, long bare legs beneath it—when had she changed into that outfit? Surely she hadn’t gone to work wearing that. Gage couldn’t think of her walk as anything less than a saunter. Or maybe even a slink.

  His mouth watered, and it had nothing to do with the large bag of food she carried. He shifted away from Ellie, not wanting Jonquil to think anything was going on between them.

  “But I made this with my own little hands.” Ellie put said hand on her hips and gave the Chinese a sneer.

  Jonquil glanced at her rival’s hands. “They are rather little, aren’t they?” She dismissed Ellie and walked right over to Gage, set the bag on the counter and leaned up, covering his mouth with her own.

  Gage released his hands from the edge of the counter, which he’d been gripping, bringing them up to pull her a little closer as the scent of her perfume swirled around them. It would be so easy to sink into the warmth she offered, but he managed to keep his head on straight. “Thanks for picking that up for me. Did they pack the right food for you?” His voice was a little husky as he looked into her eyes.

  “Yeah, it’s fine. Ready to eat?”

  “So ready.” He looked up at Ellie and caught the angry scowl on her face. “Thanks for bringing the food over. It was really thoughtful of you. I’ll be sure to return the dish in a few days.”

  Jonquil turned to face Ellie, sliding in closer to Gage. “It’s so nice how neighborly everyone is around here. I sure do appreciate the way everyone has stepped up to support Gage. I hope people are as thoughtful with Natalie.”

  “As much as she lets them be, I’m sure.” Ellie’s teeth clenched a little and she held her head high, marching back to the counter to grab her oven mitts. “I hope you have a lovely dinner together.”

  “Thanks.” Jonquil waved her out the door and shut it behind Ellie, flipping the deadbolt.

  Gage tried to assess her mood. She didn’t seem mad, but he couldn’t imagine that she wasn’t upset after walking in on that. He watched Jonquil return to him, every move casual. “You’re taking that all very calmly.”

  Her brows lifted. “You mean finding you with another woman in the kitchen, her hands on your pecs?”

  He tried not to squirm. “I really wasn’t, I mean, I’m not even remotely interested in her. She just came on to me.” Oh man, how was he going to get out of this? It sounded worse with every word he spoke.

  She walked over, her arms folded over her chest, stopping in front of him. “If you hadn’t been expecting me and had a look on your face that could be nothing but panic when I walked in—even before you saw me—you’d be in trouble now. You’d have to be completely clueless to try to get it on with her when you knew I was coming over. I wouldn’t even hesitate to blacken your eye. And probably other areas as well.”

  He swallowed at the direct, serious look in her eyes. “I believe you.”

  “Good.” She patted his cheek. “Let’s eat.”

  Jonquil moved back, but he snaked an arm around her waist and reeled her back in for another kiss. This woman was incredible. He let himself show her through their kiss for a long moment.

  When she looked up at him and a smiled spread over her lips, he realized he was a goner. No way was he going to unwind himself from her sticky web anytime soon.

  As she turned back to their dinner, he wasn’t sure why he would want to.

  Jonquil ignored that nagging voice while she got ready to go hiking with Gage the next week. The voice that whispered that she was dead gone in love with him and falling faster and further every time they met. The voice that said he liked her a lot, but he was never going to be serious about her. That he refused to let himself be serious about anyone. And that would probably never change.

  The strong, independent woman inside her said she was being foolish, telling herself she wasn’t strong enough, good enough or whatever else enough she would need to be to hold Gage’s attention. The still-scared, insecure teenager inside herself, though, wouldn’t stop reminding her that she had never been enough for anyone else—not even for her father, apparently. So why should she be enough for Gage?

  She finished her braid, not wanting her hair to get in the way or tangled in the breeze that day and debated over her collection of lip gloss. Coral, pink or that brownish color?

  There was a knock at her bedroom door.

  “Come in.” Jonquil picked up the coral gloss and opened the lid as Angela entered. “Hey, how did the show go last night?”

  “Good. We had a full crowd. You weren’t around when I came home afterward.”

  Jonquil slathered on the gloss, focusing on her reflection instead of her little sister. “I was with Gage.”

  “I kind of figured that out. You’ve all but lived at his place lately. I keep expecting to hear that you’re spending the night.” She perched on the edge of Jonquil’s bed.

  Jonquil stuck the gloss into her light backpack. No reason she couldn’t look nice while she hiked. “Nope.” Soon she would have to take a stand with him and make him decide if this was a real relationship or not, but she couldn’t walk away now. Not while he was still getting his feet under him, so she’d give it a little more time.

  Angela sat on the bed and tucked her feet beneath her, sliding her short, dark hair behind her ear. “What’s really going on with you two? You keep saying it’s nothing serious, but you have serious stars in your eyes when you talk about him, see him or, well, anything else to do with him.”

  Jonquil checked the clock on her nightstand and pushed away from the counter where she sat. “We’re dating. It’s not serious.”

  “You mean it’s not serious, or he’s not serious?” Angela stood and blocked Jonquil’s exit. “Because I don’t believe for a second that you’re not seeing diamond rings.”

  Jonquil snorted and pushed past. “You can think what you like.”

  “You deserve better than some guy who’s going to break your heart,” Angela said.

  “What, you want me to dump him so the way will be clear for you?” Jonquil asked, smarting a little from the comment. Didn’t Angela think Jonquil was well aware of what she was getting herself into?

  “I don’t want him.” Angela folded her arms over her chest.

  “Oh really? That’s a change of direction.” Jonquil exited her room and took the stairs two at a time, not wanting to hear more.

  “Okay.” Angela reached the top of the stairs on Jonquil’s heel and grabbed her arm to make her stop. “He’s hot and he’s nice. Much nicer than most of the guys I know.” She waved a hand and went back to the main topic. “But you were right, we have zero in common and you two are great together.”

  “So why are you telling me to dump him?” Jonquil asked. “Why can’t you just be happy for me, for what I have right now? Why are you always trying to ruin my comfortable little status quo? Can’t you ever just accept and love me for who I am?”

  Angela blinked several times, as if trying to process what Jonquil was saying.

  Jonquil wished she had kept her mouth shut.

  Another set of footfalls came up the stairs and Delphi joined them, pressed and looking perfect in her coordinating skirt and blouse. Jonquil glanced over at her then back at Angela.

  “What are you talking about? I think you have this all backwards. You’re the one who is always bagging on what I do and who I am. You probably still think acting is one of those featherbrained stages I’m going through and will get over in a little while.”

  “I didn’t say that,” Jonquil denied.

  “You don’t have to.”

  “Don’t mind me,” Delphi said under her breath. She grabbed a banana and muffin and turned to the garage. “Whatever you do, please just work this out or I’m moving in with Jeremy early. I wonder what my mom would do to me if I eloped.” She disappeared into the garage.

  “Rosemary would kill her first,” Angela predicted. “Her cake design is spectacular.”

  “Ditto on the flowers. Serious throttling on my part.” Jonquil didn’t take her eyes off Angela, turning the topic back to what they had been arguing over. “Look, I finally get the acting thing, okay? You were terrific on that stage. Much better than I expected. You should pursue it if that’s what you love. Just like I went after floral training. You have been kind of flighty over the years, but sometimes it takes a while to figure out what you want to do with your life, and you’re only twenty-one.”

  “For the record, I think you’re terrific the way you are,” Angela said, her face still flat and unsmiling. “You intimidate me sometimes, doing everything, going everywhere. You had a lot of opportunities the rest of us didn’t get. That’s what happens when you have a rich daddy and the rest of us don’t.”

  Jonquil dropped the backpack onto the tile floor—she’d had the “Poor me, I don’t have a rich dad” thing up to her ears. “Two points. First, yeah, George had money, he made sure I could do fun things. He wasn’t there for me though, not every day, not the way your dad was. And your dad is terrific to me, but it’s not the same as how it is with you—you know it isn’t.”

  Angela opened her mouth, a look of disagreement on her face, then paused. “He didn’t treat you differently.”

  “Not openly or obviously. He went to school stuff, was supportive, claimed me as his own in public, treated me decent, but I’ve never had the closeness with him that you and the boys have. And because you three were younger and needed more attention than I did, you always seemed to get almost all of Mom’s energy and attention. Then both of their attention. She loves me and everything, but I don’t know if she actually sees me. Sometimes I think I just get in the way. And George sent money every month, you know. Even after I was out of school, he helped pay the bills at home. He paid a bunch of the medical expenses and he helped with school expenses for you guys. I may have had more opportunities than you did, but you had a whole lot of opportunities because of him that you wouldn’t have been able to have without his money.”

  Angela shook her head. “No, Mom works so hard because Dad can’t help out.”

  “Are you completely clueless? You honestly think Mom makes enough money to pay Dad’s medical bills on her own? Never mind all of your school expenses, and their living expenses. Dad’s disability pay is hardly anything. You think they are still in the house where you were born because she’s making such good money at her job? Don’t be stupid. She barely makes enough to cover basic expenses. I’ve been paying the mortgage since George died. And helping some with medical. I think Todd sends money home too. When I get my inheritance in the fall I’ll be able to clear out the rest of their debts, but Mom cannot pay all of those bills on her own. And who knows how long Dad will live?”

  Looking shocked, Angela leaned back against the kitchen counter. “Are you serious?”

  “Yeah.” Jonquil caught sight of Gage pulling up in his truck out of the corner of her eye and grabbed the backpack again, unzipping it to throw in the veggies, granola bars, and water bottles she’d bought for the hike. He said he was packing a lunch, but she liked to be prepared.

  “Look, I’m sorry, I guess I should thank you,” Angela started.

  “Don’t bother.” Jonquil waved the apology away. “Mom didn’t want you to worry. When my money comes through, I’ll make sure she doesn’t have to either. Just forget it.” She checked for her first aid kit and found it under the roll of purple duct tape. Nodding, she zipped up again as the front doorbell rang.

  “No, really,” Angela said.

  “Really. Family doesn’t keep count, but it would be nice if you would stop ragging on me for something I have no control over.” Jonquil snagged the light jacket she’d pulled out of the closet when she came up for breakfast earlier and opened the front door, smiling when she saw Gage in all his male, going-out-for-a-hike glory. She was still churning up inside from the confrontation with Angela but wanted to forget it. “I’m ready if you are.”

  He stepped in and pulled her close for a kiss. “I’m ready now.” He grinned a little cheekily at her. “How are you doing, Angela?”

  “Good. Have fun.” Her voice sounded less than certain.

  Jonquil followed after Gage without another word to her sister.

  Gage helped her into the truck and they drove through the mountain passes, talking about this and that—mostly not talking about anything. Jonquil still felt uneasy about her conversation with Angela. She had a point—back at the beginning of the conversation anyway. Jonquil knew it. Was Gage really interested in her—in making a real relationship—or was the fact that he seemed happy with the status quo a sign that he wasn’t going to fully let her into his life?

  “You’re being kind of quiet. Is everything okay?” he asked after a while.

  She looked at him, thought of the day ahead together and nodded. “Yeah. Angela and I had some words, but it’s nothing serious. Just stupid sister stuff. It’s funny how you can grow up in the same family and see things so differently.”

  “Tell me about it. Natalie called again this morning to try to find a reason to keep Mom’s house. She just won’t give it up. She wanted to come over this afternoon and hash out some ideas, but I told her today it would be you, me and the open trail.” He grinned at Jonquil and then turned into a small parking area. It would only fit a few cars, and already had a little leaf-green Beetle parked beside them with Arizona plates.

  “You always have to carry your backpack, even though I have one too,” Gage teased her as he
helped her out of her side of the truck.

  “I’m an independent woman. I always come prepared.” She grinned at him and slung the pack over both shoulders. “So, just how rigorous is this hike? Do you think we’ll be back before it starts to rain?” Clouds hung overhead, still light and fluffy enough it was hard to know if the fifteen-percent chance of storms that the news had projected would really translate into a storm for them.

  “For us, no problem. Even if it rains, we’ll be fine. I wouldn’t suggest it for Delphi or Cami, though.” He pulled her close for a long kiss, then grinned at her. “For luck.”

  “I didn’t know this would be challenging enough to need luck,” she teased.

  “Luck is always helpful.”

  He took her hand and headed toward an opening in the railing. “It’s about four miles each direction. There’s some spectacular things out there. The creek crosses our path a few times, waterfalls, some beautiful rock formations. I swear, it’s paradise.”

  “Good. I really need the break.” She’d been working long hours at the hotel for a couple of weddings the previous weekend and had worked nearly twelve hours yesterday preparing new arrangements for a convention today.

  They headed slightly downward on the path, boots crunching on rocks, birds singing in the trees around them and a soft breeze rustling through the branches. Jonquil decided to put all of her thoughts behind her and focus on the day ahead. There was nothing quite like being out in nature. And doing it with someone she loved was even better.

  As they hiked, Gage showed her a spot in the tree where someone had carved in their initials, pointed out a natural bench he’d sat at with Jeremy and Vince when they were in high school and thinking they were cool when some hot girls walked by. And told a story about the creek crossing where Natalie had fallen in when they were preteens.


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