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Break My Fall (Broken)

Page 2

by Chloe Walsh


  This was not the early night in I had planned. There were people all over the house, and I felt unusually unsociable. Most of the time I enjoyed a good party but after the last couple of days of bullshit I had put down, I just wanted to crash. I had been in New York all week and had stopped by the office on my way home. It was just as well I had because my nosy fuck of a father was snooping around again. Christ he was like a dog with a bone. It had been over a year, he needed to accept my grandfather’s decision. Hell, I needed to accept my grandfather’s decision. My roommate Cam phoned me at the office with some sob story about a friend of hers needing a dig out. I had a spare room at the house so I gave her the go-ahead. Cam had said Lee would pay board and what not but to be honest I hadn’t paid much attention to the conversation. I had been too busy dealing with dear old dad, and Cam and her crazy ass drama had been the furthest thing from my mind. I however curious as to whom this Lee dude was and with Cam, you never knew what to expect. She knew her fair share of creepy bastards. I wasn’t going to have some free loader scamming on my friend’s good nature. Anyway, rent was not the issue for me. I owned the house outright, had done without knowing since freshman year. My grandfather had lead me to believe I was leasing the place. I didn’t discover the place my mine until his will reading. He’d bought it when I started C.U, it was another asset of my his estate I had inherited. Cam and Derek lived here because they were friends, not because I needed extra cash. The old man had left me well cushioned. They had been my roommates from day one, and their being here gave my life some semblance of normality. I could act my age when I was here, and just be a normal twenty-two year old and not the owner and CEO of a fucking multi-million dollar corporation. I kept the house minimalistic in its appearance because of this fact. I wanted a normal damn life, the life I had before my grandfather went and fucking died on me, leaving me in the driving seat of his empire.

  I scanned the room, my eyes zooming in on the tiny brunette standing next to Cam. Holy shit balls she was something else. Her small face was partially concealed by a dark head of curls. I focused on those curls and the way they hung over her tits, damn what a pair she had. Even in the boring white shirt she wore, it was easy to tell she was blessed in the breast compartment. Her narrow waist cinched in the middle, curving out to form the sexiest pair of hips I had ever seen. Her pants were snug on her and I could only imagine what her body looked like minus the clothes. Now those were the curves of a real woman. She wasn’t a matchstick like most of the girls’ I knew. She radiated healthiness. My eyes slipped to her waist again. Fuck I could think of nothing else but burying myself between those goddam hips. I took a double look at her and my cock twitched. I had a fucking semi from just looking at her. Derek was standing beside me, noticed my staring and chuckled, “That’s her man isn’t she something?” I looked at him with my narrowed eyes; I was feeling oddly possessive. Shit, looking back at her, I was ready to beat my fits against my chest and call dibs on this girl. “That’s who? Who is she?” Derek pointed at where Cam and little miss titties were standing. “Our new roomie, Cam’s latest rescue baby.” I gaped at Derek, and he burst into a fit of laughter. I was in shock. Damn she was beautiful. “Lee is a she,” I pointed out. I knew right there that Rachel was going to flip out. I was under strict orders as to what and who I could do and hell, this girl was going to cause a few problems for me. “And what a she, she is.” Derek grinned, shaking his head.


  This was not a good idea. Five shots in and I was a little worse for wear. At least the party wasn’t bothering me anymore. Nothing was bothering me now. I felt a presence behind us. “Oh baby you softened the ice queen,” I heard Derek say. “I resent that,” I managed to slur as I glared at him. He had nicknamed me ice-queen after our first meeting this morning. I had obviously offended him but he didn’t know a thing about me, or why I was the way I was. I wasn’t a naturally cold person but life had dealt me some crappy cards, and experience had taught me to guard myself, especially around men. After all my father was the perfect role model for the type of man I needed to stay away from. Derek obviously didn’t care for my standoffishness. Cam giggled and cooed when Derek wrapped his arms around her, and then they began to suck face. I flamed in embarrassment; this was not something I was used to seeing, ever. “Get a room,” I grumbled, leaning over the kitchen counter for support. I had never been allowed date a boy, let alone live with one. My father had been strict in the extreme. The only place I was allowed to go besides school was my job. I had no friends and people tended to avoid me. Well everyone except Cam. She had lived next door until I was twelve, and even though she was over three years older than me, we had hit it off instantly. She had been my lifeline in a world of isolation. She knew my situation, but stayed friends with me anyway. That meant a lot to me, more than she would ever realise...

  I felt someone behind me press closer. I tensed and pushed closer to the counter to make room for them to pass. I urged my body to relax, and I inhaled slowly. I was a nervous wreck after what happened back home, and I tried so carefully every day since to stay in the background. I never wanted to be called a tease again…Breath on the side of my neck made me jump. “You gonna share that?” a deep husky voice said. A male arm, a very male arm swooped around me and grabbed the bottle of whatever the hell it was in front of me. “It’s all yours.” I turned to move out of his way, and stopped in my tracks. Whoa, maybe it was the alcohol or maybe I was turning into a PG version of Cam but damn the guy in front of me was incredible. I took in his grey suit pants and half buttoned white shirt. My god he was well built. Arching my neck to see his face I gasped. A head dark unruly hair, ‘After sex hair’ as Cam would put it framed his face. His eyes were a striking shade of deep ocean blue, seductive and entrancing with long dark eyelashes and perfect eyebrows. His eyes danced with humour, his full lips turned up into a half smile exposing the cutest dimple in his cheek…

  I was drunk but not drunk enough not to notice him. Good Lord, he was beautiful. Did boys like him really exist? I thought I might be imagining him. “You wanna have a shot with me sweetheart?” he smiled crookedly and lifted the bottle up. The huskiness of his voice made me him sound dangerous, yet he was soft spoken…an enigma. “Uh” was all I said, all I could say. His voice was spine tingling, and very sexual. Not that I knew much about that was but a girl could guess. A boy had never asked me to do anything with him, well except for Perry Franklin who had asked me to senior prom. I had snuck out, desperate for night of normality. Going to prom was a decision I would regret for the rest of my life…

  What surprised me now though was the fact that I wasn’t afraid of the boy in front of me. Well boy was the wrong choice of word to describe him, he was all man, one hundred percent. He turned his head to the side, his eyes studying me. Frowning he asked, “Do you speak?” Oh fantastic, he thought I was slow. “Yes” I said, my voice coming out little more than a whisper. He smiled down at me and leaned closer. I leaned back until I was flush against the counter behind me. My body burned with heat, good grief I was on fire, what was happening to me? He smiled, “Yes to a drink with me or yes you can speak?” He was flirting with me. I knew enough to at least know that. However, this guy was way out of my league. He could eat me up for breakfast. I was not going to encourage him. I couldn’t handle him. I needed to keep a low profile. “Both” I said. Wait I shouldn’t have said that. I slapped my hand over my mouth in surprise, and he chuckled, eyes twinkling, exposing that damn dimple again.

  Music was pumping from the stereo in our living room but I swear I could hear my heart hammering above it. I wondered if he could too. Pressing close enough to my body that I could count the abs beneath his shirt. He reached over my head and pulled two glasses from the cupboard and poured our drinks. I concentrated on keeping my breathing even. This was the closest a man had been to me in a while and my body seemed to be awaking from eighteen years of hibernation. He handed my glass to me and tipped it with hi
s. “Cheers” he drawled and tipped his glass back. My legs weakened when I watched his throat move as he swallowed. He looked at me expectantly and I cleared my throat and tipped the drink back my throat, gulping it down quickly. He took my glass from me and I reached behind me and held the counter with both my hands for support.

  A drop of liquor spilled from my chin to my throat. I watched him watch me. His eyes flickered from mine to my neck. He smiled darkly, a low growl escaping his throat. Oh Sweet Jesus. He bent his head to my neck and I felt something hot and wet sweep across my throat. I panted. He eyes flicked back to mine “Hmm, sweetest fucking shot I ever had.” I gaped, my mouth dropping. I didn’t know what to say. Did he just lick me?

  I could vaguely hear wolf whistles in the background but my focus was completely on his blue eyes. My eyes glued to his. He poured me another shot and pressed it into my hand. “Drink.” I held the glass with trembling hands and brought it to my mouth. I could barely concentrate; he pressed so close against me. I could feel something hard against my belly and I reddened with realisation. He smirked; he must have noticed my train of thoughts. I tossed it back quickly ignoring the burning in my throat, there was a far hotter fire, burning deep in my belly.

  He moved quickly, one hand swooping around to clasp the back of my neck, the other clenching my hip. I opened my mouth in surprise and he pulled my face to his, crushing his lips against mine. Holy Mary mother of God, I couldn’t breathe, I was drowning in him. He growled against my lips and I swear I nearly melted. I should be afraid of this, of him. But the only emotion bubbling to the surface was desire. My body betrayed my sensible nature and my arms wrapped around his neck, squeezing him closer to me. I strained my head up towards him. He was so much taller than me that it was a struggle to reach him. His lips were soft but demanding. When his tongue invaded my mouth, I forgot where I was, I forgot who I was. I stroked my tongue against his, not sure if I was doing it right. I guessed I was because he groaned and dug his fingers into my hip. My hands gripped his hair, pulling him any which way I didn’t know. I clung to him, my knees weakened and I sagged in his arms.

  He sucked on my lip, running his across my lip before probing his tongue deep inside my mouth. I bet he could touch my tonsils with that tongue of his. When he stroked the roof of my mouth, I cried out embarrassingly loud. His hand moved from my neck to clutch my throat. That move should scare me; instead, it was thrilling. My body responded to his touch, my breasts tightened and I pressed closer to him. I could feel his muscles working in his broad shoulders. Somewhere in my mind, I knew this was bad, this was everything I wanted to leave behind but my body was in control and my body wanted him, more of him. I moaned into his mouth and he held me tighter. His hands moved to my waist, his lips never left mine as he hoisted me onto the counter. Mmm this was much better. His pushed my legs apart and stepped between them. One of his hands curled under my shirt and I felt myself dampening down there as he used his other hand to pull me against him roughly.

  In the next moment, he wrenched away from me. I whimpered from the lack of contact, scrambling to clear my frantic mind. “What the hell do you think are you doing?” I opened my eyes to see very angry redhead standing between us. She looked at blue eyes with disgust, then turned to glare at me with a look of pure poison. He merely shrugged as he stared at me, wiping the corner of his mouth with his fingers. I blushed scarlet. He reached past me and grabbed a bottle of beer. He leaned towards my ear, “Best fucking shot ever,” he whispered. I just sat there, mouth open, staring at the back of him as he left the room, the redhead following close behind him.

  “I said enjoy yourself Lee, but Kyle? Aside from the fact that he is your roommate and that’s all shades of messed up, I know. The guy is beyond complicated. What were you thinking?” Cam asked as she slouched beside me. I had no answer for her. I had no answer for myself. My mind had frozen on the fact that Cam had said the sex god was Kyle. Oh my god, I just made out with my roommate. Cam stared at me for a while longer, and shook her head. “Stay away from him Lee. He has some weird thing going on with that nasty bitch. Girls like you aren’t cut out for guys like him. We’ll talk about this later.” With that, she turned and headed back outside. Girls like me. What was that supposed that mean? Was I that so plain that a guy like Kyle couldn’t be interested in me? Yeah sure, I wasn’t tall and skinny like Cam or the redhead, but dammit I wasn’t ugly.

  I needed to get out of here. I slid off the counter and made my through the kitchen to hallway on shaky legs. I climbed the staircase quickly, silently praying my bedroom was now vacant. If not I was grabbing a pillow and sleeping in the damn bathtub, the guests could pee in the street for all I cared. Voices in the upstairs landing halted me in my tracks. “Don’t ‘Rachel’ me Kyle Carter, who the fuck is she?” a female voice shouted loudly. I stopped at the mention of his name and listened. “She just moved in Rachel. She’s a friend of Camryn’s from down south. Fuck, why am I explaining myself to you? Her being here has nothing to do with me.” I heard him answer. The tone of his voice was one of exasperation. Oh my god, was she his girlfriend? Did I just make out with another girl’s boyfriend? “Because you promised me Kyle, you swore to me after everything that happened. You owe me.” What the hell was going on in this place? What happened last time, what did he owe her? “And I will keep that promise. Rachel she is NOTHING to me. But don’t pretend that you own me sweetheart, because until that day comes, I’m a free man.” Kyle said, enunciating he word ‘nothing’ clearly. I didn’t want to hear anymore.

  I climbed the rest of the steps up. Kyle and the redhead ‘Rachel’ were standing close together and both turned to face me. I blushed when I met their surprised gazes. “Excuse me,” I muttered as I brushed passed them, and half ran to my bedroom door, opening the door, relived to find it dark and empty. I dared one last peek back at the pair who were now entering the bedroom next to mine. “Keep walking little girl,” Rachel spat as stormed into his bedroom. I blushed and my eyes met Kyle’s, who was standing at the bedroom door looking at me curiously. I tore my eyes away from his and darted inside my room. I locked the door behind me and climbed fully clothed into my bed, but sleep never came, not with the loud moans coming from the room next door.


  “You better mean it Kyle, I’m not messing around. You know the rules.” Rachel huffed, storming into my room. She stripped off her scrap of a dress and my stomach churned, it always happened when I saw that scar low on her stomach. I cringed. Of course, I fucking meant what I said; I wasn’t the type of person who broke promises. That girl had my balls nailed to the wall. I was trapped and she knew it. But I’d be damned if I regretted kissing little miss titties. Jesus, I was rock hard still thinking about her.

  Yeah I knew the rules, and so did Rachel. I fucked who I wanted and so did she. It wasn’t an exclusive arrangement, so why did it bother her when I kissed Lee? Even the sound of her name in my head made me horny. But the hurt look in her eyes in the hallway made my stomach flip. Fuck. Why did that even concern me? I was like a robot; I didn’t feel things for girls other than wanting to get them naked. I closed off those emotions a year and a half ago when I experienced first-hand the way women really worked. But her sad face… Shit I was getting soft. God she was beautiful, but young…too young for the likes of me. The taste of her was still in my mouth. Why did she look so sad? She didn’t know me, and if she did, she wouldn’t want to. I was a waster, a fucking genius with numbers and figures but I hurt anyone who got too close to me; it was a supreme talent of mine, just look at the girl standing in front of me now. I shuddered, thinking of all the ways I had hurt her. Things I could never fix. “I’m here with you aren’t I?” Rachel walked over to face me, resting her hands on my hips, “Are you? Are you really here with me?” I pulled my shirt over my head. “Yeah,” I pulled her into my arms, “I am.”


  I was never drinking again. An out of tune marching band was banging around in my head for half the day and I h
onestly didn’t know how I wasn’t fired because I had vomited loudly in two of the ensuite bathrooms I was supposed to be cleaning. I had been close to a panic attack when I got dressed this morning. My uniform was so tight around my chest that I was in fear of bursting the seams. The length wasn’t much better, falling a good two inches above my knees. However, I was covered in the in the important areas so I focussed on that slightly positive piece of information. I had stripped and freshened fourteen bedrooms and used every second to analyse last night’s events. My mind was all over the place by the time I got home.

  It was late, after ten, I went and changed into my pyjamas, then went straight to the kitchen to make a coffee, walking past the closed living room door. Cam and Derek must have cleaned up most of the post party mess and I was grateful. I didn’t think I could deal with the smell of stale beer. My stomach felt raw after the amount I drank last night. I boiled the kettle and leaned over the counter while I waited. Instant coffee was going to have to do, I didn’t have the energy to prepare anything more lavish. A door opened and I heard voices. I groaned hoping they weren’t going to having another party tonight. I wasn’t used to the party lifestyle, wasn’t used to these kinds of people. “You back Lee?” Cam’s voice called from behind the closed door. I debated whether to answer, before deciding not to. I had ducked away to bed quickly last night after the whole Kyle incident and when I left for work this morning, she was still asleep. I couldn’t answer her questions any more than I could answer my own. I was appalled at myself. Cam had been right about one thing. He had a very weird thing indeed going on with Rachel, and I didn’t want to get in the middle of it. They were so strange; they didn’t behave like boyfriend and girlfriend.


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