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Break My Fall (Broken)

Page 5

by Chloe Walsh

  No fucking way, innocent little Lee had a stash of girl porn. “If you say so. Let’s see what style music you have.” I moved closer and took the iPod from her lap. My fingers accidently brushed the bare skin of her thigh and she whimpered. I leaned forward to hide the massive horn I was getting. Jesus Christ this was a bad idea. “It’s Cam’s iPod,” she muttered handing me an earplug, “This one’s my favourite,” she said as she took the iPod from my hands and fiddled with the screen, “I feel like I can relate to the words.” I popped it in my ear and listened. Lee copied me, and we sat silently. I was expecting some cheesy boy band to fill my ears. I was surprised to hear Kings of Leon’s Closer. Lee had good taste in music.

  I leaned back on my elbows and listened to the words. This song always made me shiver, there was something haunting about the intro. ‘She took my heart, I think she took my soul,’ ‘far from the carnage of the fiery sun,’ ‘I see your storm buckling up from the sea’? How the fuck was Lee relating to those lyrics? I was relating to the lyrics, shit I was reacting to the lyrics. This song was the epitome of sex songs and I had an embarrassing bulge in my jeans. She flopped onto her back and I had to follow or lose the earplug. This was too close. I laid down beside her, closing my eyes to block the view of tits rising when she breathed.

  “Do you ever wish when someone listens to a song, they are thinking the words about you?” What was she asking me that for? “What do you mean?” I asked, turning my face to look at hers. “I wonder what it would feel like to have a man want me the way these singers want the women who inspire their songs.” She turned her face to mine, her grey eyes burning a hole in mine. Hot damn, “Men want you Lee. You don’t need a song to know that,” I muttered. “I’m sorry, that was a weird thing to ask you.” Her cheeks reddened, fuck, I didn’t want her to get skittish again, “Sometimes I do that,” I said. Like right now, right now I was imaging her, “Do you?” Lee exhaled heavily, and looked up at the ceiling, “All the time.” If it weren’t for the fact that she was so naïve, I’d think she was hitting on me. Shit, was she hitting on me? I couldn’t tell. I tried to gage her expression, but her eyes were closed as she listened to the music. “Who do you think of when you listen to this song princess?” She sighed deeply, and turned to look at me. “I don’t think you want to know the answer to that.” The hell if I didn’t. I was going to kill Derek for putting notions in her head. “Is it Dixon? Do you like him?” She laughed and that only irritated me more, “Is there something funny?” I asked, pulling the earplug and standing, “Are you already with him or something?”

  She laughed harder and shook her head. I was going out of my mind with jealousy and Lee thought it was a joke, “You don’t get it do you?” she said, her voice suddenly serious. No, I didn’t get it, and I didn’t want to hear anymore. “Fuck this,” I hissed and stormed out of the room.


  I slept in this morning. I figured since I worked double shifts all week at work that I deserved the rest. I decided to have breakfast before showering. I made a coffee and sat down at the table. I heard the doorbell ring. A few moments later Rachel’s high-pitched voice was drumming in my ears.

  “Why the hell didn’t come over last night when I told you to. When I ask you to do something Kyle, do it.” She stormed into the kitchen and threw her bag on the table. She didn’t seem to notice me. I guessed Kyle must be back from his latest excursion, because he still wasn’t back last night when I went to bed, and wherever he was, Rachel wasn’t too far behind. He had been so angry last night when I laughed at him. I couldn’t help laughing though. How he could think I was interested in Dixon was ridiculous. My lame attempt of flirting had seriously backfired. I wasn’t going to try it again. The angry redhead stamping around the kitchen was a reality check; Kyle was unavailable.

  I hated to admit it but she was gorgeous. She had on tanned slacks, with skyscraper heels and a pink cashmere sweater. She had her red mane scraped into a sophisticated bun, and her makeup was flawless, exenterating her green eyes and high cheekbones. The only thing about the girl that was less than perfect was the smallness of her thin lips. However, she looked like the type of person who could afford to have that corrected if desired. I lowered my pyjama-assed self further down in my chair.

  Kyle strolled in and made his way to the fridge. I thanked god he was fully this morning in his black pants and a soft blue shirt. I doubted my blush would go unnoticed by Rachel. He pulled out a bottle of water and walked over to the sink. He didn’t acknowledge me either. Lord, I was truly invisible to these people. “I didn’t get around to it, I was late home. You know I’m busy.” He sounded tired. I worried that his job was taking it out of him. Then I tucked that worry away. He wasn’t mine to worry about. I kept my head down and pretended to ignore them but the way she spoke to him got to me and I couldn’t help but peek at Kyle. He wasn’t looking at her; he wasn’t even facing her. He was standing poker straight with his back to her, looking out the window.

  “Well, if you kept it in your pants a little more, then maybe you wouldn’t be so busy. You can be such a bastard sometimes.” Kyle shrugged off what she had said as if he heard it every day. It made my blood boil. What was her problem? She did not own him. “Don’t make a big deal out of this Rachel. I have to work. You have no complaints when you’re spending my money.” Why was she spending his money? Did she not have her own job? I wished he would make a big deal of it. I wished he would kick her sorry butt to the curb. “Don’t make a big deal of it? I don’t ask you for much Kyle, just a little of your time. It’s the least you could do considering what you did. You owe me.”

  “Leave him alone,” I snapped, “So what if he doesn’t call you, big deal. He doesn’t owe you for that.” The look on Rachel’s face when she looked at me was actually scary. Kyle swung around and stared at me. He looked genuinely surprised that I was in the room. I guess he hadn’t been ignoring me. I was just invisible to him. A small smile crept across his face, causing me to blush. I shrugged, and returned his smile. What the heck, Rachel didn’t like me anyway; I wasn’t losing any fans. “Oh look who it is Kyle, your little friend from Cam’s party. Awh and she’s defending you as well as warming your bed. How cute,” she hissed, as she walked towards me. I was proud of myself for not shrinking away from her, even though every instinct in my body told me to. She was a mean ole bully. I hated bullies. I couldn’t stop the blood from rushing to my face though. I could feel my cheeks burning.

  She rested her hands on the table and leaned over me. “Keep your nose out of my business little girl, and keep your eyes off my man. He doesn’t need you defending him. He doesn’t need you to do shit for him. He’s mine.” I snorted and stood up. My legs were rattling but I couldn’t let her know she was intimidating me, that’s what she wanted. “Your man? Oh im sorry, I didn’t realise owned him, maybe you should have brought his slave papers with you.” Kyle chuckled loudly, which had only made Rachel angrier. “Don’t you dare laugh,” she snapped, turning her glare on Kyle. I used her momentary distraction as a means to escape.


  I hated being here. I wasn’t a fucking prostitute, although since I was the one handing out all the cash that remark was futile. If I hadn’t come over Rachel would have gone bat shit crazy on Lee. In my own sick way, I was trying to protect her. “I want you to stay away from that girl,” Rachel said as she straddled me.

  I wanted to peel my skin off. I wanted to throw her off me and get the fuck out of her bed, and as far away from her as I could. “What girl?” I leaned back on my elbows, forcing myself not to recoil. I didn’t want her to fucking touch me. I didn’t want to breathe the same air as her. I was a poor excuse for a man. Rachel glared at me as she unbuttoned my shirt. “Don’t act stupid Kyle. You know exactly who I mean.” I did know, but I didn’t understand why she had such an issue with her. “What’s your problem with Lee? She’s a roommate, just like Cam.” Rachel grimaced at the mention of Cam’s name.

  Cam gave her a hard
time at every opportunity and I loved her for it, since I couldn’t do it myself. “You have shitty taste in friends.” No, I had shitty taste in women I wanted to say, her being the shittiest. Rachel finished with my buttons and pulled her top over her head. She was braless, her plastic tits fell into my face and I didn’t even stir. “I see the way you look at little miss southern belle. I’m not blind.” She moved for my belt, “You’re different with her. Why is that?”

  I was threading dangerous waters. I needed to be careful. Rachel was testing me. “I don’t look at her any differently than I look at Cam,” I lied. I unzipped my jeans and pushed them down. The only fucking reason I was even semi hard was because she brought up Lee. I focussed on the mental image of Lee in that hot little nightdress giving Rachel shit. “She’s too much of a mouse to look twice at. I don’t fuck hillbillies.”

  Rachel grinned and I wanted to die. “Just so long as remember that. You made me a deal two years ago,” she sheathed my cock and lowered herself onto me, “And I plan to make you keep it.” I closed my eyes and thought of Lee.


  “I still can’t believe you spoke up to Rachel like that,” Cam said as we stood in line at the movie theatre. Neither could I. “I don’t know what came over me Cam. I’ve spoken to anybody like that. I don’t even like Kyle. But she’s just so mean to him, and what’s worse is he lets her. It’s disgusting.” Cam grinned, “Well I for one am glad you did. I’m usually the one who chews up that gold-digger. I know Derek cannot stand her but Kyle’s his best friend so he doesn’t get involved. We all hate her.” I smiled at that. At least everyone else hated her too; it made me feel a little better over my outburst. “She’ll probably be gunning for you now babe, especially since you took her down peg in front of Kyle.” Rachel didn’t like me as it stood, how much worse could it really get? “And you committed the mortal sin when you kissed Kyle.” I cringed. Did she have to bring that back up? I tried not to think about the kiss, at least not until I was tucked up in bed at night.

  “He kissed me first.” Cam laughed as she paid for her popcorn. “He kissed you. You kissed him. Is there really a difference?” Was there? No, no there wasn’t. “He doesn’t like me Cam. Rachel has nothing to worry about. It’s the other women he’s with that she should be angry with, not me.” Cam studied my face for a moment, then her gaze slipped to behind me. “Hmm I’m not so sure about that babe.” She grinned and walked off in the same direction.

  “Hey boys, what a surprise it is seeing you here. You’re not checking up on me now are you?” I turned around and quickly turned back. Why God, why? Of all the nights… “Of course not, come here and give me a little kiss,” I heard Derek say. That was a big fat lie. From what I’d seen, he was always checking up on Cam. There was a truckload of trust missing from their relationship. It wasn’t my business though, so I didn’t ask. “I’ll meet you inside Lee.” I didn’t bother answering her. My night had just taken a major nosedive, not because of Derek showing up. It had more to do with Mr Tall dark and sarcastic next to him and the way my heart wouldn’t calm the heck down.

  I paid for my soda and popcorn, while plotting all the ways I could get out of seeing this film. Cam drove here, and it was a twenty-minute car ride, with lots of different turn offs. I would never be able to find my way home. Falling on empty, I turned around and slowly made my way over to the doorway with the sign ‘screen one’ over it. With any luck, they had chosen a different movie to us. I didn’t believe that though. Derek hadn’t shown up for any other reason than to keep an eye on Cam. Maybe I could just wait outside in the lobby until it was over. Dammit I had been looking forward to this. How was I supposed to relax with him nearby?

  “Hey princess.” I yelped, startled, and ended up spilling my entire tub of popcorn all over the floor. “Whoa, there’s no need to be so jumpy. It’s just me.” Yeah it was just him; the walking, talking bane of my hormones. I turned around to give out to him for sneaking up on me, but the words wouldn’t come out. Why did he have to look so good? It wasn’t fair. God must have been in a real good mood the day he made Kyle Carter. I took in the dark jeans and tight grey t-shirt he was wearing. Couldn’t he wear clothes that made him less…edible? It wouldn’t matter much what he wore though. Kyle smiling that perfect smile of his was enough to turn me into a puddle of mush on the floor. That dimple did strange things to my chest. “Why did you sneak up on me?” I asked when speaking was manageable again. He threw his head back and laughed a deep virile laugh and my heart accelerated. I couldn’t turn my eyes away from his throat, and the way his adams apple vibrated when he laughed… “I was just waiting for you. The others have gone in already. Cam said it was your first time at the movies, I thought you might get lost.” Gee, thanks for that Cam, as if I needed to look anymore country.

  Kyle took a step towards me and I gasped. I needed to get a grip. I backed up but managed to snag the heel of my shoe on an unturned piece of carpet. My coke flew out of my hand, as I flayed my arms out. Oh great I was going down. Before I could holler, two arms snaked around my back, pulling me into a chest of ribbed muscle and toned abs. I knew that because I had to endure looking at it every day. “You’re a little clumsy tonight aren’t you princess,” Kyle chuckled as he held flush against him. “Uh…” I could not think of one thing to say. I involuntary shivered. He straightened and put some space between our bodies, but his hands were still on my hips. He seemed to notice where his hands were and moved them away quickly, clearing his throat, “We should go in.” He turned and strode through the doors. I followed him, desperately trying to get a handle on my nerves. My nerves were causing the butterflies in my belly, nothing else.


  This was the biggest load of crap I had seen in years. It was a typical chick flick; girl meets boy, girl falls in love, boy screws up and girl runs off. Then boy fixes the shit pile he’s gotten into and gets nailed. What a croc. It was fucking painful to sit through and I had paid ten bucks for the privilege. Derek owed me big time. His paranoia over Cam cheating was the reason I was now sitting in a movie theatre packed with women weeping and crying and shit. Fair enough, Cam had a past, but Derek needed to trust her. He couldn’t leave the girl alone for a minute. Sometimes Derek acted like a vagina. “That’s it Cam baby, suck it.” Those two had no fucking shame. Even I drew the line at getting head in public. Well at least not while sitting next to my friends…I shifted as far in my seat as I could from them. It could get messy. I wasn’t taking any chances.

  A soft groan from the other side of me alerted me to the fact that I was now squashing Lee. We were in one of those love seats, the double seats used for making out. It was ironic considering I couldn’t touch the girl who was pressed up against me. I had been trying to keep my distance from her all night. Cam had cock blocked me. “Uh sorry…” I muttered pulling back a little from her squashed body but not so far that I was within aiming distance of Derek’s dick. “It’s okay.” Lee looked up at me with a nervous smile. Her eyes were like saucers, and I could practically see the innocence pouring out of them. “I guess I’d be moving closer to you too, if I had to sit on your side,” she whispered pointing at Cam and Derek, who were now gone way past the point of return. Lee blushed and faced forward, focussing her eyes on the screen. I took that as my chance to study at her.

  She was so damn hot in those worn denim jeans and yellow t-shirt that it hurt to look at her. I was not used to girls who dressed like that. The women I knew wore tight little dresses and low-slung tops. They had make up plastered on their faces and orange skin from too much fake tan, and hair designed into all types of weird styles. Even Cam was guilty of the make-up and short skirts. Lee wore none of that shit. She didn’t need it. Her sun kissed skin was naked, and she had her curly hair bunched up in a messy ponytail, the odd stray curl escaping to fall around her face. I wanted to reach out and tuck those silky curls behind her ear, but that would be bad. I would be edging to close to a line I wasn’t supposed to cross.

p; I thought of the look on her face the morning she had defended me to Rachel. The way she stood up for me… It wasn’t something I was used to. I expected to feel annoyed with her for interfering in my business. Instead, I felt pleased. The smile Lee gave me in the kitchen that morning. It did something to me; it made me feel. I hadn’t felt anything in so long. The girl was fucking amazing and she didn’t even know it. That made me even more determined to stay away from her. Lee didn’t need to be marred with my bullshit. I had to remember that, she was too good for me. “Now Cam, it’s gonna be now baby.” I moved even closer to Lee than before. “Dude you’re in a movie theatre,” I growled, “Show a little restraint.” Derek didn’t know the meaning of the word.

  “Are you really this squeamish?” Lee giggled. I looked down at her. Her eyes were dancing with humour. “Oh you think it’s funny do you?” I teased. I reached out and tickled her, making her laugh harder. It was a pleasant sound, and I liked it, probably more than I should. I couldn’t help staring at the way her tits bounced as she chuckled. “Stop, Kyle I’m so ticklish,” she gushed, as she tried to wrestle my hands away from her sides. She pushed herself closer to me. “Oh Kyle, I can’t take anymore,” she groaned.

  Fuck, I was turned on and it had nothing to do with the sex noises coming from the love seat next to me and everything to do with Lee and the way her body felt when I touched her. Without thinking about what I was doing, I pulled her onto my lap. “What are you doing Kyle?” she whispered. Her eyes darkened. I could see the longing in them. Fuck, she was horny. I rubbed myself against her ass, and she whimpered. “Can you feel what you do to me princess.” She nodded, pulling her plump lower lip into her mouth. I growled. It was too much…


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