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Sworn to Protect

Page 8

by Jo Davis

  Pausing, she studied herself in the mirror. Was she being an idiot? Probably. As excited as she was about their date, she had to admit to being afraid.

  I’ll call you. Maybe we’ll go to dinner sometime.

  That’s what he’d told her, months ago. And he had called—to tell her that he couldn’t see her anymore. Just like that. And his rejection had hurt so badly, she’d cried for days. She’d believed they had something real, and he’d dumped her.

  Could she trust that he wouldn’t do it again, even if he swore to it? True, he’d made no promises before. But the about-face had been so sudden, she had been left reeling. He had yet to give her a real reason for doing it, just some lame apologies.

  Maybe tonight he’d come clean.

  The doorbell interrupted her musings, and her heart jumped. “It’s stupid to be nervous.” Taking a deep breath, she went to open her door.

  As always, Shane took her breath away. He was six feet of tall, lean, melt-your-panties yumminess in jeans that hugged his thighs and ass just right, and she was human. She wanted more.

  “Hi,” she said, smiling at him. “Come in.”

  “Been a while since I was here. The place looks nice.”

  “Thanks. I painted and put up some new curtains. It seems to have helped some.”

  “Well, maybe these will add a touch of color.” From behind his back, he brought forth a bouquet of flowers, grinning like a boy.

  “They’re beautiful,” she said, taking them and inhaling the fragrant scent. “Let me put them in some water. Would you like a drink?”

  “I’ll wait until we get to the restaurant, thanks. I’m cutting back some.” He trailed her to the kitchen, where she fetched a vase from under the sink.


  “Yeah. I’m trying to set a better example for Drew.”

  Setting the vase on the counter, she began to cut the cellophane from the stems. “Well, I don’t think you drink too much, but that’s very admirable. Good for you.” He seemed pleased by the compliment. She eyed him as she arranged the flowers in the vase. “So, where are you taking me?”

  He leaned against the counter. “There’s a brand-new seafood restaurant a few miles outside Sugarland, right on the Cumberland. It’s a little more upscale than the one here in town, and I heard it’s good. I thought you might like to try it.”

  “Sounds great. Let me grab my purse.”

  She locked up, and he rested a hand at the small of her back as they crossed to his truck in the driveway. He helped her in, then went around to his side, climbed in, and started it.

  “You look beautiful, by the way,” he said, gray eyes devouring her. “I’m going to be the luckiest man in the place.”

  She warmed with pleasure from the inside out. “You’re looking pretty darned edible yourself.”

  “Maybe you’ll save me for dessert?”

  She grinned at him but didn’t give him the satisfaction of an answer. He winked and pulled onto the street, apparently not bothered by her silence. Getting along, not to mention being totally in sync when it came to sex, had never been their problem. Perhaps it was timing?

  In part, maybe. But that wasn’t all of it.

  The drive along the river was leisurely, and they chatted along the way, mostly about work. She figured they’d start light, get into the more serious stuff later. Which suited her fine. Twenty minutes later, he pulled into the parking lot of a nice restaurant that was built in a rustic lodge theme, with the river-side wall made almost completely of glass.

  Inside, Shane gave his name and they were whisked to a secluded table with a gorgeous view. The waiter immediately came and offered them wine lists along with their menus.

  “Get whatever you want, sugar.”

  Shane took one, so she did the same, looking it over. “I’ll have a glass of this cabernet, please.”

  “Make that two.”

  The waiter moved off, and she looked at him in surprise. “I didn’t think you were much of a wine drinker.”

  “I like it now and then. A country boy can be cultured.”

  She smiled. “I wouldn’t change a thing about you.”

  “Oh, I can think of one or two things about me that need work.”

  She let that slide and changed the subject. “How’s Drew?”

  “Quiet. Withdrawn.” He thought a minute. “The only time this week he’s perked up some is when he mentioned this new friend at school. His name is Ty. They’ve been spending a lot of time together, but I haven’t met the boy yet.”

  “I’m glad he’s met someone he clicks with. Maybe you could suggest inviting the kid over?”

  “Actually, that’s a great idea,” he said slowly. “I’ll suggest that to Drew when Tommy brings him home tomorrow.”

  “Glad I could help.”

  Their wine arrived, and Shane picked up his glass. “A toast. To new beginnings.”

  “I like that.” After clinking glasses, they sipped. She observed him, thinking he seemed so sincere. Then again, he had before. She squashed the thought, determined not to let fear ruin the evening.

  “Then what’s with the sadness on your gorgeous face?” he asked, setting down his glass.

  She shook her head. “It’s nothing.”

  “That wasn’t very convincing.” He paused. “It’s me, isn’t it?”

  “Maybe we shouldn’t get into this right now. . . .”

  “I hurt you, and you want to know why,” he guessed. “Where my turnaround is coming from.”

  If he was willing to open up, then she knew she needed to hear it. “Okay. Yes, I’d very much like to know. Was it something I did?”

  “God, no.” He gave a rueful laugh. “You’re perfect to me. I was the problem.”

  The waiter interrupted to take their order, and they quickly made selections. When he was gone again, she urged him to continue.

  “So, is this the old ‘It’s not you, it’s me’ speech?”

  “I promise it’s not a line. But for it to make sense, I have to start at the beginning, when I was eighteen.” He paused, fiddling with his menu. “That’s the year Shea and I lost our parents. But we’d already been through a hell of a lot of trauma as a family before they were killed.”

  She took a deep breath. “I know your sister was date-raped when she was in high school and got pregnant as a result. She confided in me a few months ago.”

  He looked relieved not to have to broach the subject and possibly break his sister’s confidence. “Then you know a little about what those months were like, she and my parents arguing all the time, and me in the middle, trying to mediate. Then they were killed, and she lost the baby.”

  “And you were a heartbroken eighteen-year-old who was suddenly forced to become a man.” She began to see where he was going.

  “It was the hardest thing I’d ever done.” Old sadness and regret shadowed his striking eyes. “Our parents had money, and we were left with enough from insurance and the sale of their business to be able to stay in our house and take care of expenses while we figured out what careers we wanted to pursue, but that wasn’t the biggest mountain we had to climb. Shea was almost destroyed by what she went through, and I took care of her. Got her back on her feet and into nursing school. For years, I was her protector, her champion.”

  “And you never stopped being that for her. Did you?” she asked quietly.

  “No, not really. Even when Tommy came along, I wasn’t sure how to relinquish the role I’d had in her life for so long. But somehow, I started to learn to let go. And gradually I found that it was nice, having nobody to take care of but myself.” The last he admitted with such guilt, as though it was the most terrible confession he could’ve made.

  “I think that’s a completely normal feeling to have after being so strong for so many years. Now add your job to that. And as much as you love being a cop, serving the public and protecting others is stressful.”

  “Then you came along.” He fell silent for a moment

  “What happened? Did you feel that I was one more person you had to take care of?”

  “At first it seemed that way,” he admitted. “I got scared. I thought to myself that maybe my life wasn’t ever supposed to be my own. That I would be taking care of people until the day I died, with never any time for myself. Does that sound selfish?”

  She gave him a half smile, though the first part of what he said hurt. “It might if I didn’t know the whole story. But I understand where you’re coming from, why you must’ve felt like you couldn’t breathe.”

  “That’s it exactly. But what I learned was that I can’t breathe without the people I love in my life. That letting them in, taking care of them, isn’t an obligation, it’s a joy. I’m just sorry it took Brad’s death to open my eyes,” he said hoarsely.

  “Oh, honey.” Reaching across the table, she squeezed his hand. He gripped hers tightly, and they didn’t speak as the waiter served their dinners. Once he was gone, she asked, “When did you change your mind about me?”

  “I was already close to giving in, if you must know. Having you nearby and knowing I couldn’t have you, that I’d screwed up so badly, was driving me insane.”

  “And then?”

  “Then I had that horrible call with Drew. When we rushed there and I pulled him into my arms, right then I was reminded that time was precious and never guaranteed. That I’d do anything at all to protect the ones I love, and that it’s my calling. It’s what I was born to do.” He cleared his throat. “And that’s when I knew, deep down, I’d do whatever it took to earn your forgiveness.”

  “Those are some beautiful words.”

  “I can back them up, I promise you.”

  She really wanted to believe. But although she understood where his head was when he broke things off, it still hurt. “Why don’t we take things one day at a time?”

  Disappointment flashed in his eyes, but he quickly recovered. “I’ll gladly accept whatever you’re willing to give me.”

  The man was saying all the right things. Time would tell if he could walk the walk.

  She enjoyed the meal, which was exceptional, and he vowed to bring her back as often as she wanted. After sharing a crème brûlée for dessert, he paid the check and guided her to the truck.

  He opened the door for her, helped her in. But this time he didn’t step back. Instead he leaned inside and cupped her face in his hands. Their gazes met, and he simply stared at her as though she held all the secrets to his universe.

  He smelled so good, and she loved his strong hands on her. She was addicted to his touch, his warmth. When he lowered his mouth to capture her lips, she moaned, pushing into him. She snaked her arms around his middle, clutching the shirt at his back. His tongue tangled with hers and she relished his taste, wine and sweet cream. And all Shane.

  He pulled back with a smile. “If I don’t let go, I’ll end up ravishing you right here and now.”

  “That doesn’t sound so bad.”

  Chuckling, he kissed her cheek and shut the door. He climbed in the other side, and they took the long way home, enjoying the sight of the river in the moonlight. She knew they both wanted this night to end the same way, but she was glad he didn’t rush the trip. One thing Shane was very good at was savoring a moment.

  Half an hour later, they arrived at her little house in town. “May I come in for a while?”

  “I’d be sad if you didn’t.”

  “We can’t have that.”

  She let them in, only bothering to turn on a small table lamp in the living room so they could see well enough on the way to her bedroom. She took his hand, leading the way. Once there, she began to unbutton his dark shirt.

  “I’ve missed you, my sexy cop.”

  “God, I’ve missed you, too.”

  She parted the material and he hissed as she bent and licked one of his nipples. Took it in her teeth and worried it, making the nub stand out proudly. His fingers combed through her loose hair as she gave the other equal attention. Then he went to work on her blouse.

  “My turn.”

  He pulled it over her head and then unclasped her bra. She let the straps slide off, and the garment fell to the floor. She loved being bared to him, because he always gazed at her as though she was the moon and stars. As if it was more than lust between them. As though he truly cared for her.

  And it showed in his lovemaking. Like now, the tender way he guided her to the bed to lie on her back, never breaking eye contact. How he slowly unzipped her capris and made sliding the material down her legs seem like an art. Then he hooked her panties, taking them down as well, making male noises of appreciation in his throat. She loved those sounds.

  “Can I taste you, sugar? It’s been so long.”

  “Too long. Please . . .”

  Parting her thighs, he dipped his head. One flick of his tongue and she melted, opening for him with an abandon she’d never felt with anyone else. Shane made her fly.

  He licked and sucked, causing little tremors to zip to every nerve ending. Until she was squirming underneath him, practically begging. “Tell me you came prepared.”

  That sexy grin showed his white teeth against his tanned face, feral in the darkness. Exciting. “I brought the gun, the bullets, and the holster, baby.”

  She laughed as he fished a foil packet from the front pocket of his jeans and tossed it onto the bed. Then he stood and toed off his shoes and hiked up one leg of his jeans to remove his weapon and ankle holster. After placing it carefully on the dresser, he quickly removed the rest of his clothes.

  The man was quite simply beautiful. Sable hair fell around his angular face in layers, covering his ears and brushing his neck. His gray eyes were large and stunning, framed by thick, dark lashes. His chest was sculpted but not too muscular, as was the rest of his tall, lean body. His sex was long and thick, heavy balls nestled underneath.

  As she ogled him, he retrieved the packet and tore it open, then rolled the condom down his straining shaft before joining her again.

  “Where were we?” he murmured, slipping a hand between her legs to finger her mound. “Right about here, I think.”

  She wiggled, needing him. “I want you inside me.”

  “I need you, too.”

  Covering her body with his, he positioned himself between her thighs and used a hand to guide the head of his cock to her entrance. Then he slowly pushed inside, giving her time to adjust. The stretch and fullness of him were wonderful. She opened farther and arched her back, wanting him deeper.

  Taking his cue from her, he rose to a kneeling position, cradling her thighs and taking her with him to keep them connected. She loved when he thrust in as deeply as possible, and he knew this. He gave it to her just how she wanted.

  He began to move, using a slow, steady rhythm at first. Slide in, balls to her ass. Then out, his rigid length glistening. In again, a bit faster. Harder. Out again. Repeating the thrust over and over until she was moaning, writhing, lost in his body owning hers, taking her to greater heights.

  Now he was fucking her, hard and deep, and she couldn’t hold on much longer. It was so damned good. Fire spread from her sex to her limbs, and her body quickened. Ready for release.

  The orgasm burst over her, wave after wave of ecstasy as she cried out for him. Rode his cock. In the next moment he stilled, burying himself to the hilt with a hoarse shout as he filled the condom. She experienced a moment of regret that he wasn’t spilling inside her, but pushed it away. If all went well, maybe someday.

  Rolling to the side, he gathered her in his arms, kissed her long and sensually. Then he tucked her against his chest, where she was quite happy to snuggle and listen to the strong beat of his heart.

  “You’re incredible,” he whispered. “And I don’t just mean in bed.”

  She smiled, kissed his chest. “How so?”

  “You’re brave and smart. You take care of people, too, and you love what you do.”

  The praise wrapped around
her heart. “I love kids, and I hate seeing people hurt or neglect them. Someone has to show them there’s a better life, and sometimes I’m the only role model around.” She flushed. “Listen to me, getting all preachy.”

  “You’re not. You’re passionate, and I admire that. You’re an amazing woman, Daisy Callahan.”

  “And you’re an amazing man.”

  He rolled on top of her, pinning her underneath him, suddenly playful. “Then it stands to reason that we’d make a superamazing couple that would have all of our friends bowing down in awe at our awesome mojo.”

  “You’re crazy.” He nibbled at her neck, and she giggled. “Stop! That tickles.”

  The nibbles became kisses that trailed to her breasts. Her stomach and beyond. Gasping, she gripped his hair as he pleasured her with his mouth, licking and sucking until he brought her to a second shattering orgasm. She bucked, clinging to him, crying out with her release.

  He kissed her tummy. “Rest here.”

  He was gone for a few minutes, splashing and making noises of washing up. When he returned, he brought a washcloth and cleaned her between her thighs with such gentle care it almost brought tears to her eyes. He disappeared for a few seconds to get rid of the cloth, then he was back, holding her close, spooning her from behind.

  “Can I stay tonight?”

  Stay forever. “Yes.”

  She was still frightened by how much she wanted this man, needed him.

  But just maybe not quite as frightened as before.

  • • •

  Drew lay wide awake in the guest room at Tommy and Shea’s house, tense and waiting. He still wasn’t too sure about this harebrained scheme of Ty’s, but he was committed. If he backed out now, his friend would think he was a chickenshit.

  Ty had texted him earlier, asking for the Skylers’ address, because he was planning to show at two in the morning and they were going to have some fun. Who’d be awake to spot them?

  “Um, the police for one, dipstick,” Drew had pointed out. “And my adopted Daddy Dearest is a cop, remember?”


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