Blue Moon

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Blue Moon Page 22

by Angela Colsin

  Ashley knew they'd be well within their rights, but before she could ask anymore questions, Cade returned to the truck.

  He didn't look at all happy, and the reason became clear when he relayed to Mike that William hadn't made it. Neither one of them looked very cheerful once that news was out, and Ashley didn't know how to feel. Remorse, anger, guilt, and confusion had her knotted up inside.

  Cade handed her clothing over before grabbing his jacket from the back seat, explaining that he needed to go inside to give some of Paul's hair to Aislinn for a hazing.

  As soon as she heard Aislinn's name, Ashley impulsively let a jealous growl. It stopped Cade for a moment, but he must have figured she was simply impatient to get home because he promised he wouldn't be long.

  He was right. She had just enough time to get her clothes on and climb back into the front seat of his truck when he returned. He'd cleaned off inside, the blood on his neck gone, and thanked Mike for his help before getting behind the wheel.

  “Did you find Aislinn?” Ashley asked.

  “Yeah, she'll have something by tomorrow.”

  “What's hazing anyway?”

  “It's a way Aislinn can find that red cabin you told me about, but she needed something personal of theirs to do it. I don't know how, I just know it works.”

  That sounded interesting in a mystical sense, and Ashley hoped Aislinn would pull through for them. As long as she stays away from Cade.

  The possessive thought made her eyes roll, but after witnessing the way Cade acted around the witch earlier, she couldn't help her jealousy.

  Thankfully, Cade distracted her by relaying what happened while driving them home, but the story didn't ease the tension Ashley was feeling. It was relieving to know that Ulric wasn't actually after her, but learning that Paul and his wolves wanted her dead—though not surprising—just made her feel worse.

  She stared ahead, thinking about everything for a good bit of the ride when Cade asked, “Are you okay?”

  “Oh,” she started, snapping out of it. “Yeah, why?”

  “Ever since you changed back, you've been quiet.”

  That was true. On top of everything else, Ashley received her first memories as a wolf that evening, which were strange to say the least. She was also trying to reason with what seemed like an unreasonable interest in the man sitting next to her.

  It was a wonder she hadn't simply exploded.

  “I'm sorry, there's just a lot going on,” she whispered, forcing herself to keep a lid on her inner struggles just for the time being, unsure she had the energy to bring it all up.

  But she was curious about other things, asking, “What are you gonna do with Paul anyway?”

  “Execute him,” Cade replied certainly. “Not yet, but eventually. He owes us blood, and he's broken our laws.”

  Ashley wasn't surprised by the verdict. “Will the lupines on the police force cover it up?”

  “If it got out, they would,” he confirmed. “Do you think that's too harsh? Unjustified?”

  “No, I think he deserves whatever Hunter's Moon decides for him.”

  The line seemed to surprise Cade. “Where did you hear about them?”

  “At the salon with Sara. The girls there told me how our justice isn't human justice, and I know things have to be done differently because we are different.”

  He seemed glad to hear her saying that, pulling into the driveway of his home as he agreed. “We are. I just hope that difference doesn't cause any friction.”

  Ashley wasn't entirely sure what he meant, but decided to get inside and out of the cold before asking. She hadn't forgotten that he wanted to talk after all.

  The lights were off in the house, but she could still see well enough, going to the thermostat next to the door to get some heat going before she turned to ask Cade what he wanted to talk about.

  But the words stuck in her throat.

  Cade was watching her intently, his blue eyes heated—love that color—making everything else seem unimportant. Ashley wasn't entirely certain whether she wanted to grab and kiss him, or demand he stop looking at her like that, but something was tense in the air around them, putting her on edge in a wild, impulsive sense. Guess I didn't need to bother with the heat after all.

  As she thought, she noticed the scratches on his neck again, long and shallow, and recalled how he'd gotten them—by protecting her.

  Suddenly, controlling herself seemed impossible.

  Ashley was unable to think. All she wanted to do was grab him and never let go. Maybe I can make him interested. With the intensity of her feelings in those moments, she thought she'd die if she didn't at least try.

  “Cade,” she whispered, a touch of desperation in her voice.

  Somehow, the sound seemed to spur him into action. Cade suddenly pulled her in, his mouth claiming hers with a possessive growl.

  Ashley gasped, feeling as if lightning had struck while lust scorched her blood. Something primal in her latched onto him and refused to let go, and she reciprocated desperately.

  Their kiss never broke as Cade tugged his jacket off, jerking his arms free of the sleeves with a demanding groan before wrapping them tightly around her. His mouth was hot, tongue hungrily stroking hers as if he'd been starved.

  Drawing a deep breath through her nose, she caught his scent—hot and intoxicating. Aroused. She shivered, dragging her blunt nails across his back while Cade tightened his hold around her.

  He was hard everywhere, and it felt so damned good.

  Ashley tried to mimic his movements, uncertain she'd be able to make him feel even a hint of the way she did. But worry faded away when his hands slipped down and grasped her ass tightly.

  She moaned loudly, unable to get close enough as she kept thinking this is what I've needed so badly. A sense of connection filled her, taking away all of the anxious doubts that were piling up with each passing day, rendering her completely unable—and unwilling—to stop herself.

  Her restless movements seemed to make Cade even more greedy, as if he couldn't stop either, turning to lay her back across the couch while wedging one of his knees between her thighs. Ashley shifted her fingers through his hair and then down across his chest when he broke the kiss to press his lips over her cheek and against her neck.

  Everything was spinning, and as Cade sat back, Ashley didn't even realize he'd grabbed the collar of her shirt—until she heard a rip.

  He shamelessly tore the garment open to expose her, and she snatched his wrists with a loud gasp. Had she still been human, the act would've mortified her, stopping this whole affair right then.

  Instead, she was excited by it, especially when he groaned over the sight of her breasts, cupping them in his big hands, thumbs brushing over her straining nipples.

  And all Ashley could think was more.


  Arousal flooded between her legs as her nipples hardened. She bowed up, grabbing his cheeks to kiss him hard when he leaned forward.

  In those moments, Ashley knew she wasn't the same person she used to be at all, feeling no timidity when she ran her fingers along the sinew of his arms and chest, wanting everything he had to offer, and willing to take it.

  Cade then broke the kiss, groaning, “I need you so damned bad it hurts.”

  The words were spoken on such a deep, sexy tone that Ashley nearly moaned in response to them. She was ready to give in, let him have whatever he needed, and it felt so right, as if she'd finally found something she'd wanted all her life.

  But a spike of disquiet rose in the back of her mind, one big enough to keep her from completely enjoying it. He's bonding.

  Didn't that mean he was interested in someone? She wanted to push the notion away, make herself believe nothing else mattered. But she couldn't. Jealousy was biting her harder than she'd ever experienced it.

  “Damn it, why can't I stop feeling this way!”

  Cade mistook her meaning, asking, “Why would you want to, sweetheart?”
  Because you might really want someone else. The thought was like being doused with a bucket of freezing water, giving Ashley the motivation she needed.

  “Let go!” she demanded, pushing him back. But he was so strong that she wondered just how successful she'd be. Cade didn't like it either, growling as he kissed her hard.

  Ashley gasped, clutching him tight when his mouth slanted over hers. She wanted to reciprocate, feel this new connection growing, but at the same time, she had to ask him about what she'd heard.

  Otherwise she'd never be able to enjoy this without fearing regret.

  Wrenching her mouth from his, she demanded, “Get off me!”

  Her voice lacked the conviction she wanted it to have, but Cade got hold of himself anyway. With a deep breath, he asked gruffly, “What's wrong, Ash?”

  “This is!” she growled angrily.

  Cade sat back, pulling her up and holding on to prevent any space from being put between them. “What do you mean?”

  Ashley got right to the point, tugging her torn shirt around herself again while demanding, “Tell me exactly what bonding is.”

  She stared at him in wait of an answer, hoping she could handle whatever he would say.

  Cade didn't expect that question.

  He'd meant to start off by telling Ashley how damned worried he'd been that night, then let everything out of the bag finally. Instead, he found himself grabbing her without control, kissing her, even ripping her clothing off because he'd denied his instincts for too damned long.

  Fuck holding back, she's mine. That was all he could think as his eyes drank in the sight of her smooth skin and round breasts, pink nipples tight and high set, straining for his touch.

  He wanted to suck them into his mouth, show her how damned much he needed her, opting at the last moment to grasp them instead. He hadn't forgotten how innocent she was, and didn't want to scare her anymore than he probably already had.

  But she was so aroused, and her responses were desperate, proving she was just as starved for him as he was for her. It made him forget his plans, unable take another moment without showing her how badly he wanted her.

  The connection he'd craved had finally formed, their bond growing, that aching distance blissfully closing up.

  Then everything changed.

  Ashley became unreceptive, pushing him away, and he damned near couldn't stand it. But he'd die before hurting her, no matter how ravenous he felt. So when she insisted, he stopped.

  Cade's eyes locked on hers as she demanded to know what bonding was. He had no idea where she'd heard of it, but answered, “It's what happens when our primal nature finds our mate.”

  “Go on,” she urged.

  Summoning logical thought was a little difficult just then, but he managed to get out a thorough explanation. “Our instincts recognize our mate before we do. You start to fixate, grow possessive of them, and territorial.”

  He spoke the words on a low, gruff tone, leaning back in slowly as he added, “Bonding is exactly what it's called, sweetheart, a growing connection that brings the urge to mark.”

  His lips were a breath away from hers, ready to show her what he meant much more slowly now.

  But Ashley grabbed his shoulders and pushed him back.

  “Don't you dare! How could you anyway?” she snapped angrily.

  Cade felt as if she may as well have struck him, ire bubbling over when he couldn't figure out why she was being so unreceptive.

  “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “You! You're bonding with Aislinn, aren't you?” Ashley growled when she next suggested, “So what, is her shop closed? Cut off from your witch's brew or something?”

  The words were accusatory, jealous. Cade stared at her, unable to figure out how the hell Aislinn was a factor in all of this.

  When Ashley turned to escape his grasp, Cade caught her arm and pulled her back over, asking, “Says who?”

  Struggling to get free, Ashley shot back, “Caleb did! I overheard him talking to Joe, saying that the reason you can't stand it when I'm around is because you're bonding!”

  Ashley grew more angry with each word, adding bitterly, “So am I just good enough for now?”

  Now Cade was completely confused—and furious. “Caleb knows good and damned well you're the one I'm bonding with! Damn it, stay still, Ashley!”

  He yanked her back against himself, and she finally stopped struggling. Apparently, she hadn't expected him to say that, staring up with confusion in her hazel eyes.

  “Wait, what?”

  “Yeah, it's you I'm bonding with, damn it! I have no fucking idea why you heard Caleb saying I was interested in Aislinn.” Then he stopped himself, giving her a scrutinizing look. “Tell me what you heard precisely.”

  Ashley pursed her lips almost sheepishly. “Well, I didn't hear him saying Aislinn, or anyone else, but what was I supposed to think?” Then she snapped out, “With the way you've been acting, I thought I was irritating you!”

  Finally, Cade knew what was going on. He had to tell her everything before this misunderstanding got any worse.

  “No, I was short because I wanted to make a move, but your life was turned upside down, and from the moment I met you, I kept thinking about getting to know you better, getting closer. It drove me insane when I couldn't.”

  Cade exhaled his breath, then grumbled, “Damn it, I'm no good at subtlety, and waiting this long to say anything made me lose control.”

  He hoped that would calm her down. Cade couldn't blame her for jealously accusing him either. He'd brought it on himself, and he knew it.

  He should never have held back, at least, not in complete silence.

  Ashley seemed to be working everything out in her mind, glancing down before whispering, “I don't know what to say, Cade. I've never been told anything like this before.”

  “Good,” he replied, because he had a curiosity about her current interests as well. “So tell me why the hell you asked Joe for a ride home tonight?”

  Like Ashley, he was jealous of the thought that she was interested in anyone but him.

  Ashley's face darted up, her eyes going wide. “I thought you were frustrated with me, so I wanted get a little off your plate to worry about.”

  “That's all?”

  Hesitantly, she replied, “Yes,” and he wasn't certain it was the truth.

  “I'm not gonna hurt him, Ash. I just need to know how you feel.”

  “Well I'm not ready to go throw myself at him,” she retorted. “Maybe I thought he could be a good alternative, but I didn't—oh!”

  Ashley stopped, surprised when she heard a loud snap inside of the upholstery lining the back of the couch—the wood had cracked under Cade's grip.

  Jealousy was scalding him as he tried to remember that he'd driven her to it. Still, her next statement didn't help matters.

  “So am I just supposed to accept us as being an item now?”

  “Why the hell not?”

  Ashley didn't seem to appreciate his tone, which he knew was more forceful than he'd intended for it to be. “Maybe because it's so damned sudden?” she countered. “Maybe because I only just met you this week?”

  “Things go fast for us, Ashley. Sometimes a week is all it takes, and sometimes even less. Besides, you'll get sick if you keep denying yourself.”

  She frowned, asking, “Don't I even get a choice?”

  “Do you want one? A few minutes ago you were livid over the thought of me being interested in Aislinn,” he pointed out.

  Ashley looked away, knowing it was true. He gave her a moment to think about it without speaking though, waiting to see what she might decide.

  The entire while, he held his breath.

  Finally, Ashley looked back, shaking her head. “It's too much, Cade. You said this leads to marking, and that's permanent. I can't accept it this quickly. I just can't.”

  That was the last thing Cade wanted to hear, but there was some part of him that expect
ed it.

  Like Caleb said, Ashley was born a human, seeing things differently than a lupine who didn't want to let go of a mate for anything. She wouldn't be so quick to accept this even though her instincts were apparently clawing at her just as much as his were.

  Logically, Cade knew that arguing any further now would be pointless, and only get him into trouble. But logic was fleeting, and instinctively, he was ready to kiss her again, seduce her if he had to, until she realized how right things felt between them.

  The connection he'd been craving started building when she'd yielded to his advances earlier, and it felt so damned good that he couldn't imagine ever having the same thing with anyone else.

  So he was loath to let her go for a moment longer than he already had, and without thinking, muttered irritably, “You're looking at this like a damned human.”

  As soon as the annoyed words were out of his mouth, he knew he'd made a mistake. Surely enough, Ashley was glaring as she pushed at him and yelled, “Maybe because I was a damned human, Cade!”

  Cade let go without stopping her, merely rubbing a hand over his eyes while she stormed to the stairs.

  “You didn't tell me about bonding because you knew my life had changed so drastically, but when you do, you expect me to handle it like a lupine?” she railed. “I need time, and if that isn't good enough for you, then you're barking up the wrong tree!”

  She ascended the stairs quickly, and a moment later, the door in the hall slammed shut while Cade let a low, irritated growl. Real smooth, Cade.

  He sat there quietly, wondering how the hell he could patch this up when he'd literally done the one thing Caleb warned him not to. He also remembered what Aislinn told him about Ashley being receptive of their bonding if he laid his cards out on the table.

  Guess even legitimate psychics can be wrong sometimes.

  Chapter 27

  Ashley never felt so confused.

  She took a hot bath, dressing in a black camisole and matching cotton shorts before heading to her room to attempt getting some sleep. But she only managed to doze on and off as her thoughts centered around Cade and everything going on between them.


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