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Myths & Magic: A Science Fiction and Fantasy Collection

Page 209

by Kerry Adrienne

  “Hmm. Is that your first name? All these years and I don’t believe I ever knew your first name.”

  Sir Lyndon covered his face with the hood and stepped away from where Beon was sitting on the ground. After a few moments, Beon began to feel more clear-headed.

  “What…did I…how did I end up down here?” He quickly rose to his feet eyeing the hooded figure suspiciously. “Am I awake? Are you truly Sir Lyndon?”

  “You are awake, you just fell victim to the curse magic. Literally.”

  “Curse magic?”

  “I cannot look upon anyone at night lest they become faint.”

  “You’re not making any sense, man…let me see your face.”

  Sir Lyndon slowly turned his face toward Beon with his eyes shut. He still looked like the Sir Lyndon he’d always known.

  “How is this possible? You died…you died from the plague.”

  “I would have died if Sir Percy hadn’t…cursed me,” Sir Lyndon said.

  “He cursed you?”

  “Or, rather, saved me. I’m still not sure. I have such powers now…you wouldn’t believe. He came to me on my deathbed and asked if I wanted to live in exchange for my service. I didn’t believe him. He wasn’t making sense. We’ve all seen what the infection does. No one survives. The next thing I knew, he was baring these awful fangs that hadn’t been there just moments before, and he bit me…right here.” Sir Lyndon indicated a spot on his neck.

  Horror struck Beon in the gut, and he instinctively backed away. “Are you telling me that you’re now the very same kind of demon as Sir Percy? The same as that creature on the south road…a blood sucker?”

  “Beon, please, I am still myself, I just—”

  “Live off the blood of innocent men!”

  “That’s why I’m here, listen to me, please! I can’t do it…I can’t kill…it’s not in me. I’ve been hunting game instead, and it has satisfied my thirst successfully.”

  “Your thirst for blood!”

  “Yes, that is the curse. The curse is that we are damned to an eternity of sucking the life out of the living. We are immortal, although our hearts stop beating at night, therefore dead, but more alive than ever we were as living men. I have the speed of six horses. I can see in the dark for miles. I can hear every sound being uttered inside the castle at this very moment. I can hear your heart beating.”

  In the note Sophia had sent him, she’d only said that Sir Percy was the demon they’d seen and that he was a vampire. She hadn’t sent a letter since—probably hadn’t been able to—so Beon found he was reeling with the weight of this information. “No man should be given that power. This is the devil’s work. No man could be trusted with the weight of that kind of responsibility.”

  “I believe you could, Sir Everard.”

  “I am no knight, Sir Lyndon, no need to address me as such.”

  “You are more a knight than any knight I’ve ever known. Kneel,” Sir Lyndon said as he drew his sword.

  Beon again took a step back as his hand flew to the hilt of his own blade. “Cautious as ever, I see. I taught you well. Beon, your training is complete. Now kneel, you arrogant git, before I change my mind,” Sir Lyndon continued.

  Beon could see a grin on the man’s face below his hood. If this was a dream, Beon figured he might as well play along, and he knelt down on one knee. Sir Lyndon touched the tip of his sword to Beon’s right shoulder, and then his left. “Do you, Beon Everard, pledge your life to the code of honor and discipline of knighthood?”

  “I do,” Beon answered solemnly. He couldn’t believe this was happening and yet, it seemed only right that Sir Lyndon would be the one to knight him, however unofficial it may be.

  “Rise, Sir Everard, and welcome to the brotherhood of knights.”

  “This is exceedingly strange,” Beon remarked.

  “No stranger than my next proposal.”

  “And what is that?”

  “Let me bite you.”

  Beon laughed out loud.

  “It is the only way to insure we get our women safely away from this place,” Sir Lyndon continued.

  “You can’t be serious.”


  “I would never… I mean how could you think that I would? Whatever you are, or think you are, you’re still bound by honor to God and country, as am I. Our debt is to humanity. That is where our responsibility lies…as knights and as men.”

  “I couldn’t agree more. Beon, just imagine what we could do together. We could create our own order of knights…immortal knights, fighting against the rise of cursed magic and the harm it would do humans. There is an entire magical world beyond the one that mortals can see, Beon. A world filled with powerful and terrible creatures that I have only begun to learn about. The great mortality seems to have brought this world to prevalence. We could save countless lives.”

  “But how do you know you won’t abuse such power? How do you know I wouldn’t?”

  “Would you?”

  “No, I bloody well wouldn’t!”

  “I know. And neither will I. The curse doesn’t seem to change one’s true nature.”

  Beon was thunderstruck. His head was spinning and his world upside down. “I… I need time…” he said.

  “You don’t have much. What is your plan of escape? And I must ask. How is Eva?” Sir Lyndon asked with a smile.

  “She mourns for you terribly. Good heavens, she’ll be happy to see you. Wait a minute…how do we explain this?”

  “Very carefully. First, tell me your plan.”

  Beon took a breath and began, “Sophia must request proxies for the ceremony. She will cite the fear of kidnapping by monsters along the roads in search of blood…no offense.”

  “None taken.”

  “Once the multiple brides are assembled, Eva included, we will have the old nurse deliver a veiled proxy to Lord Gall while Sophia and Eva use the secret passageway from her mother’s chambers to hide until all the men have been dispatched to hunt them down...thus the rope from the north wall to make it look like they left from here.”

  “All very clever, but how to get them out of the castle?”

  “I will leave her a page’s clothing in the passageway…then she’d catch up with me and the search party dressed as a boy. We’d eventually splinter off from the group and go into hiding.”


  “Holy Island I think is safest.”

  Sir Lyndon nodded his approval. “Not bad, Beon.”

  “Thank you, Sir Lyndon.”

  “Please, you are to call me Seth from now on.”

  “All right...Seth. What do you think?”

  “I think you forget your greatest asset.”

  “What’s that?”


  Beon’s eyes went wide. “How fast did you say you were?”

  “Hop on my back, the way we used to train you in the lists.” Beon climbed onto Seth, piggyback style.


  “I suddenly feel like a lad of ten summers once again.”

  “Feeling immature, are you?”

  “I don’t mean it like that.”

  “Feeling young and foolish again, then?”

  “I don’t mean it like that either.”

  “Are you quite finished blathering like an idiot?”

  “Do you want me to be finished?” Beon said, jesting now.

  “Do you wish to live to see tomorrow?”

  “That would be ideal, I think.”

  “Then shut up and hold on tight.”

  Chapter 17


  So upset over her failure in challenging Father, Sophia couldn’t go back to her chamber and face Eva yet. She needed some time alone to reconsider her options, if she even had any at all, that is.

  Knowing Sir Lyndon’s chamber would be empty, she took the secret passageways to the door, lifted the latch, and pushed it open.

  Sophia was surprised to find a candle burning on the bedside
table, and for a moment she feared she’d been wrong to think it remained abandoned. But as she took in the items within the chamber, she recognized them as Beon’s belongings. Beon’s armor and some of his books were stacked in the corner. There were a few wood-carvings on the table along with a quill, parchment and several more open books. Sophia felt her shoulders relax a little. While she was disappointed Beon was not in the room, she still found comfort being surrounded by his belongings. And since Father had never found out about his attempted kidnapping, she supposed she shouldn’t be surprised to discover that he’d still remained so close even though she hadn’t seen him. Clearly, he’d done as she’d asked in the letter and kept his distance.

  Thinking he was the cleverest man she’d ever known, she went and sat on the mattress. Beon will know what to do, she told herself, and she believed it with all her heart. Beon might already have a plan. She would just wait for him, and they would figure it out together.

  For the first time in a week, Sophia smiled as she tucked herself in beneath the blankets. She thought about the night Beon had taught her to ‘fly.’ How carefree life was then. Look at her now, no matter what happened today her life was going to change dramatically. She just wanted to fly away from it all like a bird in search of warm weather.

  She reached into her pocket and clutched the little wooden carving that was now and always a comfort to her, like having her mother close by.

  “Oh, mama, please guide me.”

  Sophia closed her eyes as tears of fear and exhaustion began to run down her cheeks. As self-doubts gathered in around her, she buried her face in Beon’s pillow and began to cry...disappointed in herself for not being as strong as she wanted to be.

  Beon’s eyes were watering as the cold night air blew hard against his face. He clung to Seth’s shoulders with all his might and still felt as if he’d be blown away by the wind given the sheer speed at which they were traveling. Beon was in utter disbelief.

  They’d traveled several miles in a matter of moments, and as the north wall of Bamborough came back into view, Seth slowed down.

  Suddenly, nearly scaring Beon out of his wits, Seth leaped up the castle wall as easily as if he were hopping over a fallen tree in the forest, and they landed as quiet as a fox on the parapet above. Beon immediately crouched and began looking around for the guards.

  “They’re sleeping,” Seth said.

  “How do you know?”

  “I told you, I can hear every sound in this castle, including the guards snoring.”

  “Incredible. All of this is truly incredible.”

  “So, what do you say? Will you join me?”

  “I still…I just don’t know. I need more time. You’re talking about changing who I am…forever.”

  “I’m talking about protecting Sophia and countless others from an incredible power that could be used for evil against them.”

  “I see that. It is an awesome power, this ‘curse magic.’ So much so that it could be the evilest temptation that Satan ever put forth on the earth. Perhaps I am meant to resist it as a man of honor and truth and light.”

  “Don’t you see, that is precisely the reason why you would make a good vampire?”

  “Ha, that is a contradiction in terms…good vampire.”

  “I don’t believe that. I can’t believe it.”

  “Come now, man, the curse is clearly born of evil and darkness…it is clearly born of the devil himself.”

  “No, it was born of a witch…or a sorceress rather. Actually, I’m not sure.”

  As Sir Lyndon told him a tale about a woman called Lilith and her siblings, Beon’s head was once again reeling. Sir Lyndon, Seth, that is, his closest ally, practically a brother, was a blood-sucking vampire! He still could hardly believe he wasn’t dreaming. Had he eaten something strange before going to bed?

  Sir Lyndon continued to speak, and Beon found himself clutching at his hair in shock. Did Sophia know what he now knew? And if she did, what must she be coping with? Alone.

  “What became of Lilith’s siblings?”

  “They have become very wealthy and powerful. Vampires have the unique advantage of having one foot in the world of men and one foot in the world of magic. This ‘clan’ is known as the family de Percy here in England. Sir Percy is Lilith’s eldest brother, Pothos.”

  Beon shook his head. “I suspected you were going to say that. So we’re going up against the oldest and strongest wickedness the world has ever known. What became of Lilith? Perhaps she can help us if we side with her.”

  “No one knows. Many battles have been won and lost between vampires and sorcerers in the magical world, and continue to this day. Other mythical creatures have joined the fray as well, Percy says…taken sides, as it were, over the years.”

  “Other creatures? Like what, pray tell.”

  “Werewolves, centaurs…fairies.”

  “You’ve seen these things?”

  “No, no, not at all. I’m still getting used to all this myself, but I tell you, there is a whole world of magic out there...and they are the ones with the real power.”

  “I don’t think I’ll ever get used to this. But I’m damn well glad you’re on my side, I can tell you that.”

  “From what I gather, up until now, there have been relatively few vampires. It seems the Percy’s were very greedy with their power and have only recently started to increase their numbers. I don’t know if it is a result of the Great Mortality or the cause, but the number of vampires is growing. Sir Percy is plotting a take over…he’s slowly amassing an army of warriors like myself. His ambition knows no bounds.”

  “You say he’s been creating more vampires…he’s amassing an army…he’s joining houses with Gall…sounds like he’s got his eye on taking over the country.”

  “Yes Indeed, and that’s just a step to taking over all of Europe. Seth stopped abruptly as if he heard something that caught his attention.

  “What is it?” Beon whispered, thinking one of the guards must have awakened.

  “It’s Sophia, you must go to her. She is in my old quarters. She must be looking for you. She’s crying.”

  “What?” Beon said as he turned to go, but Seth stopped him.

  “Beon, I will be close by. Please think about what I have proposed. We’ve no time to lose.”

  “I will.”

  “I may have a plan to get the ladies out. It must be after Sir Percy has left the premises, however, otherwise he will be able to sense my presence. Oh, and you must tell the ladies not to speak or even whisper to each other once the plan is in effect…he will be able to hear them. Once they’ve disappeared, it would be best if they hid in the underground cellar to conceal their heartbeats. Wait, what time is the ceremony to begin?”


  “Oh, the devil take it,” Seth said as he began to pace along the stone battlement, “We must wait until nightfall before making an escape, my powers are greatly diminished during the day. My heart resumes its beating, and I am more or less human again.”

  “This is madness! How are they supposed to remain hidden from a man with supernatural powers the entire afternoon until—hold on, that means Sir Percy is weakened as well, yes?”

  “Yes. Yes, of course.”

  “So once the ladies are discovered missing, and we all go in search of them, why don’t we find the right moment to kill this devil.”

  “Since I’m still discovering what I can and cannot do, I don’t fully understand his capabilities either. Or his weaknesses. I honestly don’t know if he can be killed yet. He thinks I’m out hunting right now. When he discovers I have disappeared in the morning, he will become highly suspicious and even more alert.”

  “Even though his powers are diminished during the day? But how?”

  “Our senses are still more heightened than mortals, even during the day.”

  “All right, so if the ladies keep quiet and make their way to the cellar, you believe they can stay hidden until nightfall.”r />
  “Yes, I think that should work.”

  “I could also leave them all of our old defenses against vampires for good measure.”

  “It wouldn’t hurt. Until we know what works against them, I think it’s best to try everything.”

  “All right then, we have our plan,” Beon said as he turned to leave.

  “Do you think Eva will still…want to be with me?” Seth asked weakly.

  Beon forced a smile. “What makes you think she’ll want to marry a dead person, old man?”

  “Not dead,” Seth said defensively, “just not exactly living—oh, I don’t bloody well know, but I have to try. I love her.”

  Beon nodded and put a hand on Seth’s shoulder before leaving.

  Making his way back to Seth’s old quarters, the night’s events were still a whir inside his head. Even though he was feeling overwhelmed with all of this new information, he set that aside to prepare himself for seeing Sophia again and attending to her needs before opening the door.

  The chamber was cast in an orange glow from the last of the embers simmering in the hearth. Still, Beon could make out Sophia’s dark form on the bed. She had her back to the door and appeared to be sleeping.

  He slowly walked over, in disbelief that the woman of his dreams could possibly be in his bed. When he leaned over and saw her angelic face, Beon was becoming more and more convinced the entire evening was a dream. How did Sophia know he was staying in this room? How could Seth have known she was here? Was Seth even real? Beon felt exhaustion wash over him at all the overwhelming and nonsensical thoughts. He wanted this to be real. He wanted Sir Lyndon to be alive, he wanted Sophia to be in his bed, he wanted to believe all this could be a reality, but there was no way. This was most definitely a dream. It was the only explanation that made any sense.

  As the weight of a week of sleepless nights hit him squarely in the head, he decided to indulge the beautiful apparition before him and lay down beside Sophia. Cupping the curve of her warm body, Beon put his arm around her. He was in heaven. Beon breathed in the scent of her hair, sea salt, and lavender. He remembered their ride in the night all those years ago and squeezed her to him tightly. Beon began to feel himself drift off into blissful oblivion when a soft voice said, “Beon?”


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