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Myths & Magic: A Science Fiction and Fantasy Collection

Page 237

by Kerry Adrienne

  “Nyrobie…you are a traitorous fiend. You would rise against your own in the defense of a lowly mortal?”

  “Charlie is one of my own…and I have already told you, I will not ask again.”

  Tarik’s head cocked curiously as he moved in the direction of Nyrobie.

  “Do you not see what it is you do?”

  “Tarik! Do you not see? You would toss your own daughter to the wolves like scraps because you disapprove of her bond?”

  “He is a human!”

  “And are you not sworn by your blood to protect him? To ensure at all costs that we do all to protect his kind?”

  “Their kind is a plague, Nyrobie! I would love nothing more than to protect this human…to welcome him into my home and offer him sanctuary, but their species has proven themselves volatile and unredeemable.”

  “You unleashed fanged creatures of the woods upon your own daughter…what, Tarik, are you if not volatile?”

  “You know as well as I she was never truly in harm’s way.”

  Tarik turned from Nyrobie, marching toward Charlie. Charlie, tripping on the bedding he was wrapped in, fell to the ground. He watched in fear as the polished Tarik neared—his eyes boasting an undeniable rage. And then he was knocked to the ground from behind.

  “Nyrob—” Nyrobie’s foot met Tarik’s mid-section as he crawled on the ground. The force sent him upward through the air—his arms flailing as he soared above the tops of some of the evergreens. He fell back to the earth and to Nyrobie’s awaiting attack. Charlie watched in awe as Nyrobie leapt in the air—her powerful mid-air roundhouse sent Tarik crashing into the icy river, producing a splash and nothing more. She landed with grace and poise.

  “Holy shit.”

  Instantly Nyrobie rushed to Charlie. “Are you okay, my friend?”

  Charlie merely shook his head. He was instantly embraced by Nyrobie. “I feel your deep sorrow, Charlie. Carrie is alive…she is well and safe with Jerrek.”

  “He killed him, Nyrobie.”


  “That Tarik bastard killed the man that helped me. If it wasn’t for me that man would still be alive. He’s still so young—”


  Charlie removed his arm from the covering and pointed toward a lifeless Austin. Nyrobie rushed to the man; sitting beside him, she placed her hand firmly on Austin’s flaccid chest. Her lips muttered something Charlie could neither hear nor understand as Nyrobie rocked forward on the ground.

  Within seconds the man was gasping, reaching upward in scattered confusion.

  “Relax, my friend.” Nyrobie wrapped her arms tightly around Austin, securing him in place. “Just breathe…you are fine…no harm will come to you.”

  Charlie couldn’t contain his smile as he witnessed Austin’s chest rising with respirations. The confused man looked about from Nyrobie’s arms.

  “Hello there.” Nyrobie smiled sweetly at Austin—he continued to look confused as Charlie watched the interaction.

  “My…my wife…where…”

  “Your bride is fine, my friend. You are okay too.”

  “The boy…the…Charlie. Is Charlie—”

  “Charlie is fine as well. You, my friend, took a nasty fall and need rest.” Nyrobie gently wiped the snow from Austin’s face and beard. “You are entirely safe…you may rest now.”

  Austin’s eyes closed as he relaxed into Nyrobie’s cradling embrace.

  Nearly two minutes later, Charlie looked upon a snoring Austin, sleeping in the lap of Nyrobie. “You made him sleep?”

  She chuckled. “No. I hold no such magic over men. Tarik’s power is truly magnificent. When applied with good intent, he can heal the most ill of humans, much like the less inspirational power I am blessed with…much like the blue crystals of my home. When Tarik’s power is expressed with mal-intention, however, I fear the effects can be devastating and long lasting.”

  “Will Austin be okay?”

  “The strength of my healing magic is no match for what Tarik inflicted. We intervened in time, Charlie. It will take him several days if not weeks to completely recuperate, but recuperate he shall.”

  Nyrobie slid her arms completely under the soundly sleeping man, lifting him like a toddler rather than a two-hundred-twenty-pound muscular woodsman. She carried him briskly to the fire, positioning him comfortably among the bedding on the ground and resting his head on a pillow.

  “We shall watch and wait for his bride to arrive…and then we too shall vanish into the surrounding.”

  “Nyrobie…where are Carrie and Jerrek? There are more of them after us.”

  “I know. I have been heavy on some of their thoughts. There are four of my kind that seek us now. Carrie and Jerrek are near. Your thoughts led me to you, my friend.”

  “Tarik…he’s really Carrie’s father? He’s the man that took my sight all those years ago. I’ll never forget that man’s face.”

  “What a foul disgrace. Charlie, the years of darkness can never be recovered. Be assured you have an eternity of fellowship and beautiful sights to behold. Your eyes will be bathed in beauty.”

  “Why didn’t you know about him, Nyrobie?”

  “About who?”

  “About Carrie’s dad. If you know people’s thoughts, how did you not know he was against Carrie and me? How did you not know he was after us?”

  “You overestimate my skill, Charlie. I do not walk about daily, collecting thoughts and invading minds freely. To enter the mind of another is comparable to entering their home. Some invite me in, they are comfortable with my presence and are insistent on my being there. Some are unaware I am there…and therefore I must lurk and sneak what I may without being noticed. And some have fortified the ability to keep me completely at bay—their thoughts are entirely inaccessible to me. Tarik is ancient, Charlie. His thoughts are locked tight.”

  “I’m glad you killed him. Carrie is better off.”

  Nyrobie laughed. “Killed him? Sweet Charlie, that wasn’t even a flesh wound. I’m certain Tarik is sitting scorned nearby, conjuring earthly beings to engage in what he cannot.”

  “He’s alive? But…you literally whooped that man’s ass.”

  “Oh…my dear friend. That was merely a jostle.”

  “And the others…are they as dead-set on ending us too? They were talking some nonsense language that I’ve never heard in my life.”

  “The others share the same desire as Tarik…to remove us from their equation. They speak the ancient language of my people. It is rarely heard presently and only spoken among the most ancient of the Society or when engaging in specific magic.”

  “I’m certain they want to kill me. He wouldn’t kill his own daughter, would he?”

  “These are former members of the Council…they will stop at nothing to preserve their idea of Evrastill and the Society. No, I do not feel he would kill Carrie. I feel there’s a darker play at hand.”

  “Nyrobie…if I go to them, I honestly think they’ll be done with it. I think they’ll let you live—”

  “I will hear nothing of such talk. You are one of us, Charlie. This is greater than you…it is greater than Carrie and all of us. Offering yourself as a gentle sacrifice would only amplify the intentions of our enemies. They claim to yearn for nothing more than the customs they so dearly cling to…yet they would desecrate our most sacred vows to obtain them. They turned nature on their own kind and even worse…Tarik took the life of a human being. If the Council learns of their actions, they will be executed. These rogues will stop at nothing to ensure we do not reach the entrance of Evrastill.”

  Charlie looked once more to the sleeping Austin below them. “I know you didn’t have to do that, Nyrobie. Thank you.”

  “If I could, I would end the death and suffering of every human of this world, but that is unnatural. This man was ended at by the magic of my people. It was my pleasure and duty to aid him. Nothing makes my heart happier than helping them.”

  “I think I hear a vehi
cle off in the distance.”

  “Climb in my back, Charlie. Let us flee to watch from the mountainside.”

  Charlie held the sleeping bag from his chest, peering down on his nudity. “I’m completely naked. I’m not climbing on anything.”

  “Your clothing?”

  “It’s wet and frozen—there by the fire.”

  At blazing speed, Nyrobie collected the drying items. She then rushed to Charlie, tucking the clothing items and his shoes inside the sleeping bag with him. “That does it.”

  “Does what?”

  Nyrobie hastily took Charlie in her arms, sleeping bag and all. He clung tightly around her neck—completely taken aback. She toted him with ease as if he were made of cotton.

  “Hold tightly, my friend.”


  And then they rushing from the scene. Charlie’s eyes pried just enough to witness numerous branches being avoided as Nyrobie ducked and weaved while racing through the evergreens and up the mountainside. Safe from view, she sat Charlie down. His mouth agape—he was at a loss for words.

  “There…just there.” Nyrobie pointed as an awkward red box with wheels approached.

  “What…what the hell is that, Nyrobie?”

  “Well…that’s a vehicle, Charlie. Your people are quite fond of them. Are you not?”

  “That’s amazing. It looks like something from another planet.” The red box came to a halt.

  “You’ve yet to see your own people’s modern world…because of the actions of my people.”

  “I’ve rode in hundreds of cars, but I had no clue that was what they looked like. What do them letters read?”

  “They read Hummer, Charlie.”

  Just then a brunette woman exited the vehicle and rushed to the side of Austin. She shook the sleeping man until he finally aroused to the point she was able to assist him to the vehicle. The couple did not collect Austin’s camping gear before the red box tore from the scene.

  “Do you think he’ll tell her about us?”

  “Oh I’m sure of it. She is his bride. I’m also certain she will find his story whimsical, enchanting, and unbelievable. She will assume it the product of the elements.”

  “Yea…everyone thought I was crazy too.”

  “Come, Charlie. Let us rummage through the remnants to find you some dry clothing.”

  Chapter 8

  “Jerrek…I have a deep sorrow within me. The darkness no longer encompasses us, it moves to strike at our core.”

  Standing near a cliff’s edge, overlooking the vast beauty of the region, Carrie watched the morning sun defeat the copious clouds to express its full glory.

  “Dear friend…this sorrow…do you feel your bond to be broken? Do you feel Charlie no longer breathes?” Jerrek moved from the trees behind her, standing at her side instantly—his face scowled with deep concern.

  “No. Our bond is ever strong. I feel security and warmth within his heartbeat. I’m certain he is with Nyrobie.”

  “Why then do you worry? We will collect him once more and nothing will stop us from our destination. We will spend eternity with the ones we love most…I’m certain of this, my friend.”

  Carrie hugged Jerrek. So unwavering was his companionship and loyalty that he would risk his own eternal being for her happiness. “You are the definition of friendship, Jerrek. I feel however that I have been greatly deceived.”

  Jerrek instantly pushed away, his brows pointing downward—nostrils flared as his eyes ached to pull an explanation from Carrie.

  “No, Jerrek, this deception is neither yours…nor Nyrobie’s.”

  “Your mortal’s?”

  “Of course not. I…I feel my father’s presence near me…around me. I feel his presence in a way I can’t describe, Jerrek.”

  “Certainly not, Carrie. Your father—”

  “My father was in full support of the previous Council, you know this, Jerrek. Let us not forget it was his Restoration that failed to revive and restore my sweet Charlie just before yours did.”

  Jerrek studied the situation, his gaze settled on the snowy ground. “You truly feel Tarik could be capable of conspiring against you with such an uprising?”

  “My father holds many powers, Jerrek. Where his magic strengthens, his political power lessens. I feel he has reduced to acts of desperation. I have felt this sorrow several times over during my decades. If he is not at the helm of this attack, he is involved somehow.”

  “Carrie!” A chipper Charlie, dressed in very baggy clothing and toting the rolled sleeping bag, ran from the trees to her, followed by Nyrobie.

  “Charlie!” She cradled his scruffy face in her hands, kissing his lips and cheeks repeatedly. “I knew you would come back to me, my love.”

  “I was with you…you were with me. I felt you with me; we were back in the lilies…that day.”

  She studied his face—healthy and full of life. “There are many similar memories to be made, Charlie.”

  She accepted his excited embrace—he hugged her, lifting her from the ground.

  “Charlie…you’re well. You do not resemble a man half-drowned and recovering from the attack of a ravenous wolf.” She turned to Nyrobie as Charlie sat her down. “Your magic now mends wounds of the human flesh, Nyrobie?”

  “No, Carrie. I may only undo what dark magic has done…I did not do this.”

  “Charlie, how are you walking and well? Are you not injured?”

  His smile faded—his gaze never fell from hers. “He was going to kill me, but he healed me first.”

  “What?” She cocked her head, awaiting his response. Her breath hastened at the thought of someone intentionally harming him.

  “He healed my injuries. I’m pretty sure I had a cold, too. He took care of that.”


  “The same man…the same man that took my sight.”

  Carrie grabbed his shoulder, her grasp firm and affixed. “Charlie, who?”

  “Carrie,” Nyrobie stepped closer, “it was Tarik that I came upon when I found Charlie. He is responsible.”

  “No. It cannot be!”

  “It was, Carrie. Your father also used his magic against a human man that assisted Charlie. I was able to reverse what he had done, but the intent was clear. Tarik was set on ending the man’s life.”

  Nyrobie’s words entered her ears, yet took several seconds to penetrate and absorb. She then turned to Charlie, falling to her knees. “Forgive me! Please forgive me, my love!” She cried at his feet for but a second, and then he joined her on the ground.

  “What are you doing, Carrie? There’s nothing to forgive. You did nothing wrong.”

  “Your suffering was not only at the hands of my people…but my own father. He has taken so much from you.”

  Charlie reached for her hand, lifting it to his lips—he offered a soft kiss. “But look what he’s given me. I have you, Carrie.”

  His face, shadowed with morning stubble, and his rich, brown eyes—alive with the morning’s light, drew her into him. She wrapped her hands around him, pressing his lips to hers.

  “Charlie…I will bless you with an eternity of the most beautiful memories. I cannot give you back what he has taken, but I will give you all I have. I give you all of me.”

  He smiled, kissing her cheek. “Your face is the only thing I need to see, everything else is just icing. I have you…be that for ten minutes, years or thousands of years…I’m the happiest man alive.”

  “Your father does not act alone.” Nyrobie kneeled to the reunited couple. “There is much magic standing between us Evrastill.”

  “You’re certain he harmed a human? You witnessed this, Nyrobie?”

  “I did, Carrie. His name is Austin. The man saved my life. I watched your father just…take his life with a touch.”

  Carrie stood. “We have no choice. These members have proven they will recklessly disregard our most sacred vows to suit their own agenda. They are more wicked than the humans they condemn.”

  “Indeed, but they are ten-thousand times more powerful.”

  “That, Jerrek, is why we must stop them. We must reach Evrastill with haste and rile the Council. Aglet’s justice will be swift.”

  “Carrie…your father will be executed.”

  “Indeed he will, Jerrek. My father has made his decision. My loyalty is to my bond and my Council. He rivals both. Even the strongest magic cannot undo his choice and the consequences that will stem from it.”

  “The only way to ensure Charlie’s safety is to reach Evrastill.” Nyrobie’s realistic proclamation had the three immortals looking toward each other for guidance.

  “We have no guide, my love. How will we navigate?” Before Jerrek’s question was answered, they were interrupted.

  “Might I be of assistance?” From the trees, a dark-haired man appeared. He casually stalled in front of the tree line—keeping his distance.

  “Carrie! He was with him. He was one of them with Tarik!” Charlie stood, his expression a mixture of rage and fear.

  “Brennus…you leave your intentions unprotected.”

  “Nyrobie, I have nothing to hide. I am here to extinguish the human. Once I’ve accomplished this, perhaps we can talk reasonably.”

  Jerrek maneuvered Charlie behind him. “Brennus, this is madness. Do you not hear yourself? You would end the life of a human?”

  Brennus stepped closer. “He is but a blink, my young Jerrek. We are eternal. To stay eternal, we must preserve what has maintained us. Please do not resist, I will not bring your human friend pain.”

  “You will not bring him anything, Brennus. Once the Council learns of your betrayal, you will be executed…you know this. Why have you forsaken your own immortality for a militia that will only be dispersed?”

  “Take my immortality if it is to be spent in the presence of this vile disgrace. I will not coexist with such antics. It is as unnatural as—”

  “That is all, Brennus. Go…before I kill you.”

  “Jerrek…I have lived thirty of your lives…I have witnessed things that would leave you trembling like the sparrows you befriend. You will break in my hands…and you will watch as your human friend bleeds…cries…and begs for you. Or, you will step aside and allow him to return to the earth peacefully.” Brennus took an additional step in their direction.


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