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Myths & Magic: A Science Fiction and Fantasy Collection

Page 244

by Kerry Adrienne

  “Idiots!” Her fury knocked the majority to the ground—sending rippled waves through the plush, green grass. They stared up to her in horror.

  “We are not the conquerors of the earth…we are not the dealers of death and destruction. You would follow one fool to soil your hands in the blood those you are sworn to protect? Would those actions differ from your interpretation of mankind’s treachery? Hypocrites…all of you.”

  “We’re not hypocrites!” A defiant bystander jumped to her feet. “We’ve been stripped of our purpose—locked away within the mountain to rot!”

  Her words and their meaning were clear. The people of Evrastill had long been limited in their ability to leave the walls of their home—with their interaction with mankind nearly completely reduced, it was only natural for some animosity to form. Perhaps some had felt imprisoned, unable to act instinctually.

  “I assure you…all of you before me. You are not the pawns of Tarik. You are not capable inflicting pain on human flesh…bringing tears to human eyes…ending human life. If you feel in your truest heart you are…step forward.”

  The crowd, many of whom remained on the ground, seemed to absorb the reality within her words. None moved forward as Carrie hovered closer to her father.

  “Look upon me now, my people…my Society. Look upon your queen. Queen for but a day. This day shall be marked in our history as the end of this treachery…and the end of the echo.”

  “Carrie, what madness is this?” Tarik’s eyes widened as Carrie loomed closer.

  The scream created sent the majority of bystanders sailing from the scene. Those that anchored themselves to trees or watched from afar witnessed a scene of pure horror. Pinned beneath her extended shriek was a helpless Tarik. His struggles to escape were ineffective. Clothing, skin, blood, and entrails fled the bones of the once prominent Society member—her father—her mother’s murderer.

  And then even his bones met the surrounding trees and stone walls prior to her silence. Onlookers stared in horror—some ran—others approached as her feet met the soft grass.

  “You may…you may take me. I will not resist…I will not fight you.” Her face rested to the grass as other Society members encircled her, chattering amongst themselves.

  “Th…thank you.”

  Carrie peered upward to see a smiling face…several smiling faces.

  “Our Queen has ended the tyranny! The great Tarik is ended!”

  Carrie glanced upon a new crowd. Several Society members assisted her from the ground, lifting her to her feet.

  “Queen Carrie…you will lead us back to greatness!”

  “What? No…no I will not. The Council must reunite.” Attempting to turn her attention once more to the overwhelming sorrow festering within—she only then realized it was no longer there. “I don’t…I don’t understand.”

  “Understand what, Queen Carrie?”

  “Stop…stop calling me…my bond is unbroken? How? He breathes?”

  More members gathered in a massive crowd as an uncontrollable smile curled her lips. Something unexplainable had occurred—her bond had been resurrected.

  Looking to the entrance of Evrastill, Nyrobie appeared, toting a shivering Charlie as she raced down the steps.

  Carrie fell to her knees, sobbing relentlessly. “Go! Send a search party to collect Councilman Andre and the remainder of the group!”

  “Of course, my Queen!” Carrie didn’t even look to see the man responding. The Society seemed to crave her guidance. She rose, racing to Nyrobie.

  “What happened?”

  “We were ambushed…forest creatures within the tunnels. I fell to the waters…he followed trying to save me.”

  As Nyrobie placed him about the grass, Carrie was instantly by his side. “And you restored him? Nyrobie you—”

  “No…my gem was lost within the river, Carrie.”

  Carrie looked to Nyrobie. “How can that be? I felt our bond break…I felt him end.”

  “Elinor taught me from a text book long ago. Human medicine. Cardio pulmonary resuscitation. I’d explain it to you, but it involves the exchange of breath, so I will spare you the details.”

  She was incapable of speaking full sentences, incapable of controlling her tears. “Nyrobie…I love…I…love—l” Carrie wrapped her arms around Nyrobie’s neck.

  “I know, my friend. I love you too. Can we finally get this boy home?”

  A shivering Charlie offered a slight smile—his teeth chattering as Carrie planted kisses on him cheeks while holding his head in her lap.

  Within seconds, he was lavished with warm blankets and even hot tea from various Society members.

  “The party has been dispatched, Queen Carrie.” The man’s hasty proclamation caught Nyrobie’s attention.

  “Queen Carrie?”

  “Eh…yes. We need to talk, Ny.”

  “I’m gone for but a moment and you’re now royalty? Please, tell me everything.”

  Carrie smiled as she tucked the warm blankets around Charlie’s shoulders, cradling his face in her palm. “Yes. Come home with me. The day has been eventful.”

  “Carrie…your father?”

  Carrie couldn’t control her smirk. “It would appear as though…I am an orphan, Nyrobie.” Her smile had Nyrobie’s eyes as wide as her grin.

  “Carrie! You didn’t!”

  “I did.” She bit her lip as Nyrobie covered her mouth with her hand.


  “I had no choice.”

  “You ended his followers as well?”


  “And why is that?”

  “I didn’t want to, Nyrobie. Is that wrong?”

  “No. No, I think it’s fantastic. Your father, however, was an ailment. Come, let’s get this man to bed and talk over tea and make sweet soup.”

  Carrie’s modest home was clad with spices and herbs, beautiful carrots and other roots were about the stone countertops.

  Heavy stone and wooden furniture was in the living, dining and, sleeping areas. Nyrobie, Charlie and, Carrie sat happily at the dining table. Carrie’s gaze only left Charlie’s face long enough to sip her tea. She watched him devour four bowls of hot soup.

  “Tomorrow I’ll officially introduce to your new home, my love. And perhaps some new clothing.”

  “You don’t think I look fetching in this blanket?” His mouth was full as he spoke with a smile.

  Jerrek walked through the door of Carrie’s home. Nyrobie instantly rushed to him. “My love. They are all safe within the Kingdom?”

  “Yes. Andre, Elinor, Clark, Joseph, and Irena are being fed at Council Hall as we speak.”

  “What? How odd.” Carrie stood, making her way to Jerrek. “Forgive me, my friend.”

  “Whatever for?”

  “Slamming you mercilessly into the Kingdom’s stone entry.”

  “Oh! Yes, however could I have forgotten about being tossed like a rotten radish?” His smile assured his sarcasm.

  “Tell me of these happenings at Council Hall.”

  “I will…but first.” Jerrek walked to an eating Charlie, leaning over he hugged him tightly. “My friend. I thought I would never see you again.”

  “I owe you all my life…several times over.” Charlie stood, wiping his mouth, and keeping remaining snug in the blanket.

  “We did it.” Jerrek looked to Carrie, Nyrobie, and Charlie. Only then did it occur to Carrie that he was correct—they had.

  “Yes. We did.” Carrie once again walked to Charlie, hugging him tightly around the waist. Her ear pressed flat to his chest took in the beating of his heart—young and strong.

  “There is to be a celebration, Queen Carrie. As we speak, our friends are being pampered and fed and this evening the crown of old is to be placed atop your head.”

  Carrie looked to Jerrek, unsure if his words were a witticism of some sort. “Crown?”

  “Carrie…the Society intends to see you as their true leader. Even your father’s followers are at
the Hall now, petitioning for leniency.”


  “Sentences, not words, Carrie.”

  “This makes no sense, Jerrek. A council…the Council is the only option. And what leniency? My father’s puppets have nothing to fear of me. I pity them; I do not wish to end or imprison them.”

  “Elect a guiding council, Carrie. Lead—”

  “No! I do not want this, Jerrek! I have all I want. I have you three…my family. I need nothing more.”

  Nyrobie stepped forward. “Carrie…perhaps it isn’t only about what you need.”


  “You proved today that you have the strength to control and secure the gift within you. That gift is the key to our Kingdom’s eternal safety. How can you not assume your place as our rightful leader…knowing you are of the blood?”

  Carrie turned from them, defeat pushing her toward a nearby chair. She then looked to a grinning Charlie.

  “This Society would never crown a queen unified to—”

  “They know of and support your unification, Carrie.”

  “What did you say, Jerrek?”

  “They know of your unification. Times are changing, my friend.”

  Boisterous voices could be heard from outside of her home—odd instruments and even singing. “They’re preparing to celebrate…me?”

  “They’re preparing to celebrate us, Carrie! And Evrastill. This is could be the home we have always wanted. Your visions, your dreams could come alive. Take this gift and this crown and Kingdom and let us prosper eternally.”

  She said nothing in response to Nyrobie’s statement. She merely stood methodically and made her way from her home and to Council Hall.

  Never before had so many eyes glanced over her. Once a prisoner of the Kingdom, now they beckoned her to the throne.

  “Please! Please, be merciful in my ending. I fear pain!” A woman named Maggie approached—red-faced and frantic. She was of the crowd supporting Tarik. The woman slumped and sobbed at Carrie’s feet as several other sobbing faces gathered around.

  Leaning to her, Carrie rested her palm atop the back of the crying woman’s head. “Please stand, Maggie, and do not fear your end by my hand.” Carrie stood to face the crowd. “The purpose of a Kingdom is not to control by death and stifle individuality by stringent law. Do not fear me…do not beg for my leniency. Support me while I support you. Let us do what we were meant to do. The world above us is not so shambled that it lies a barren wasteland. There is much beauty there.”

  Members from the Hall exited to hear Carrie’s words. Nyrobie and Jerrek were also in the crowd, as well as Charlie—wearing semi-damp clothing.

  “Let us explore ideas, effective ways to return to what we are meant to do. Let us return to the surface sporadically to assist those creatures we love so much, not to take the earth for ourselves. To rest is to rust, and to rust an eternity would be torturous…agreed?”

  Clapping and cheering became deafening. Carrie raised her hands and it was once again silent.

  “Let us delve into celebration this evening. The day has been long…we have lost members, and some are mourning those losses. Tomorrow, let us elect a knowledgeable council of effective and proven leaders…enough talk of queens and crowns—”

  Before she could finish her sentence the crowd was in outrage. As Carrie scanned the faces, she was thankful when her gaze met Andre’s. He walked swiftly to her.


  “Carrie, my Queen.” He kissed her cheek.

  “Please, you must convince them. I’m a simple—”

  “They are already convinced, Carrie. So am I.” He smiled, producing a gemmed crown, elegant and finely polished. As he placed it upon her head, she inhaled deeply and simply let it be. She was queen. Queen Carrie.

  “People of Evrastill. I present to you…our first queen in ages, Queen Carrie!”

  The crowd erupted in cheer. Of all the happy faces, Carrie sought only the face of her partner, Charlie. She made her way to him as instruments played and couples began dancing around the Hall. The celebration was in full swing.

  “You’re beautiful.”

  “You are beautiful, Charlie. Will you love me still with this silly thing dressing my head?”

  “I’d love you with a nest of woodrats dressing your head.”

  She grabbed his face with both hands, pressing his lips to hers. To feel their bond break was the worst sensation she’d ever felt. Holding him now was magical.

  The evening was wrapped in dancing, a feast of various foods of the Kingdom, beautiful music, and much fellowship.

  Carrie introduced Charlie to a plethora of delicious foods. She loved his expressions as he tried each new dish. They danced and mingled and made countless introductions until she noticed his eyelids looking heavy.

  “Might I walk you home, husband of mine?”

  The enchanted smile he gave her in response to the question would forever be painted on her memory.

  “Yea…let’s go home.”

  He patted his belly and yawned loudly as they made their way through the door. No sooner were they atop the soft bed and he was snoring softly. She knew he must have been exhausted. She kissed his cheek and climbed into bed with him, snuggling up to her unified partner at long last. She’d leveraged so much to be next to this sleeping human. She studied his scruffy face, kissing his cheek—clad with prickly stubble.

  Running her fingers through his thick, brown hair…she thought of all the memories they would make…the life they would share. Her eternity was only now beginning…and she couldn’t be happier. She too was tired—dreadfully tired, yet she found herself longing to watch him a moment more. Her face to his chest, she too succumbed to the day’s exhaustive efforts.

  The morning came with the crystals shining as brightly as Carrie had ever remembered. She awoke in the same position. She looked to see Charlie staring at her.

  “Oh…good morning, my love.”

  “Awe…my arm…there we go.”

  “Are you injured, Charlie?”

  “No…my arm was asleep but I didn’t want to wake you.”

  He kissed her forehead and offered a sleepy smile. She wasted no time, her hand worked its way beneath the quilt and between his legs.

  “Oh. Well…good morning to you too, my Queen.” He grinned, resting his hands behind his head.

  “Clearly, you do not object.” She toyed gently with his nether parts while casually working free of the bedding.

  “No ma’am. Do you mind wearing the crown?”

  “Oh, hush, silly thing.”

  As she climbed atop him, maneuvering him within her, his eyes instantly fluttered in ecstasy.

  “Go…go easy on me.”

  “As you wish, my love.”

  “No…we do not have bacon or any other meat here…so silly.”

  His dramatic, saddened expression had her laughing. “How could you eat salted flesh, fried within its own fat? That sounds absolutely awful.”

  “It’s absolutely delicious.”

  “Do you not enjoy the food here, Charlie?”

  “Holy shit, yes. I’ve never tasted anything as…there is nothing that tastes like that up there. Everything here is so damn good.”

  “Splendid. Are you done eating now? We can head to the hot springs.”

  “Hot springs?”

  “Yes. The springs. Unless you enjoy bathing in chilled rivers. The hot springs are—”

  “You all just bathe naked in front of each other?”

  His comment had her chuckling. “No, silly. There is privacy there, and a constant supply of fresh-running, hot spring water.”

  “Oh. Okay.”

  “I’ll grab us some coal and a cleansing bar.” She kissed his cheek and left the kitchen. A pounding on the front door had her hastily returning.

  She wasn’t surprised to find Andre and Elinor there; rather, she was taken aback by the look of concern upon either of their faces.

come in, my friends. Whatever is the matter?”

  “It is Elinor. I fear she is ill.”


  “No herbs are working. She’s been lightheaded and…I fear she came across something humanly during our venture to the outside world and within the tunnels.”

  Elinor boasted a pale, exhausted look.

  “Andre, human illness of any sort cannot flourish here. Please, fetch Nyrobie.”

  Andre left to fetch Nyrobie as Carrie situated Elinor upon cushioned seating piece.

  “Carrie…I’ve never felt…I feel awful.”

  Moments later Nyrobie and Andre returned—both completely concerned.

  “This makes no sense, Nyrobie. She appears ill. How might illness be here now? There is no pestilence in Evrastill.”

  “I know this, Carrie.” Nyrobie, cautious in her approach, kneeled to Elinor, placing the back of her hand to her forehead. “She is without fever.”

  Nyrobie closed her eyes, they fluttered beneath her lids. Her eyes then opened wide, her hand slapped across her mouth. “It…it cannot be.”

  “What? Nyrobie…what is it?” Andre leaned, pleading with Nyrobie for answers.


  “What is impossible, Nyrobie?”

  “Andre…your bride is with child. I feel his tiny thoughts.”

  Gasps overtook the room as Elinor leaned forward—grinning largely. “With child…I am pregnant?”

  “Yes. You are. Andre…how can this be? We cannot—”

  “My theory is correct!”

  “What theory, Andre?” Nyrobie’s question had all eyes settled on Andre, waiting on the man’s response.

  “All this time…for ages the Council has led us to believe we are completely different. We are not. We are the same, only at different points on the evolutionary scale.”

  “You’re…you’re saying this baby will actually happen?” Elinor wept as she asked this.

  “Yes…I believe so, my love.”

  Carrie looked to Charlie—they shared a wide-eyed whimsical grin.

  “Which leads me to believe the remainder of theory to be true as well. Our kind cannot leave the mountain to take the earth and expect our immortality to follow us. We are powerful and immortal only because our environment allows us to be. We are forever eighteen years aged only because of the odd, blue crystals shining down on us. We are human…advanced…but human.”


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