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Myths & Magic: A Science Fiction and Fantasy Collection

Page 286

by Kerry Adrienne

  “Mom, are you sure you’re okay keeping the kids this weekend? I can get them after my hair appointment.”

  “Nonsense. We’re making ghost sugar cookies for Halloween, and your father is pulling out his gun collection later.”

  In the background, I heard a collective cheer from my twin sons. “Are you nuts? Do not let the boys anywhere near those weapons.”

  “They’re just show pieces, honey. The boys will be fine.”

  Show pieces my ass.

  “Uh huh.” My father was a retired cop and had an unhealthy obsession with firearms. But arguing with my mother was pointless. It was a sad state of affairs when a fifteen year old was the most responsible person in residence. “Could you put Bronte on the phone?”

  Several seconds of silence passed until my daughter came on the line. “Yo.”

  “Hey, do me a favor and make sure the boys don’t touch Grandpa’s guns.”

  She gave me her perfected annoyed teenager grunt. “How? They don’t listen to me.”

  “You’re clever. Figure something out.” Bronte was more devious than both her brothers combined. It was a trait I stopped fighting and now used to my benefit. “If the boys come home unharmed, I’ll buy you those hockey skates you want.” Even though they weren’t top of the line the skates would still set me back. But my kids’ safety was worth it. “We’ll get them after I pick you up Sunday.”

  “Right after you pick us up?”

  “I promise.” I couldn’t waffle or she’d think I was bluffing. “Straight from grandma’s house to the store.”

  She was silent for a few seconds, but I had her. She’d been asking for new hockey skates since last season. “I’ll see what I can do.”

  “Thank you, sweetie. Tell Grandma I’ll call her later. And hey…Mommy loves you.”

  Bronte made a gagging sound and ended the call. I smiled, knowing nobody would be going near my father’s gun collection.

  I dropped the phone into my purse and opened my van door. It squawked in protest, the loud kind that made everybody cringe and turn to stare. I kept meaning to have my dad look at it, but then I’d be subjected to my mother’s endless affirmations on how to bounce back from losing Jeff. Like she knew anything about being a widow. Sure, it might seem like my dad was dead when he sat in his chair watching TV, but he’s just quiet. I’m almost certain my mother hadn’t drained all the life out of him—yet. So, I lived with judgmental looks and knowledge that one more thing in my life was falling apart.

  The cold October wind swirled around me and slipped between the collar of my black polar fleece jacket and neck. Shivers rippled along my shoulders. I yanked the zipper up and walked to the front door, tilting my chin toward the sky. I hated when my breath flash froze the material of my jacket to my face. It was like getting a mini wax job, and considering the lack of attention I’d given my upper lip over the last year, I wasn’t taking any chances.

  I pulled open the glass door to the convenience store and held it for a large, bald guy with bad manners and a worse looking trench coat. His dark eyes darted to me and then away again. Hunched and limping, he slumped past without as much as a thank you. Rude bastard. Normally I would have graced him with one of my famous snarky comments, but the way he skulked past sent a serious case of the heebie-jeebies up my spine. Instead, I ignored him and headed for the soda machine.

  Something about fountain pop made it better than drinking it from a plastic bottle. Maybe there’s more fizz, less sweetness. Maybe it’s the straw. A lot of things taste better with a straw. That’s not a proven scientific fact, just my personal opinion. Let’s just say I have researched soda drinking over the years.

  Mr. No Manners slinked past and around the back of the store to the refrigerated section. I focused on getting my jumbo beverage, not making eye contact with him. A cellophane wrapper crinkled behind me, drawing my attention. I glanced over my shoulder. The first thing I saw was firm, male buns. The man straightened and perused the artificial ingredients on a package of pastries.

  I silently scoffed. From his trim physique and well-rounded tush, it was obvious this guy had never enjoyed the luscious processed goodness of a mass-made pastry. He was too fit—too outdoorsy looking, with his healthy glow and casually tousled brown hair. He definitely gave off an Alaskan man vibe—I hike, compost, and brew my own beer from wild berries I picked myself. Yeah, I knew the type well. People like him rarely bought anything that contained more than three ingredients, and those pastries were only eaten by hardcore junk-foodies. I never touched them myself. The texture reminded me of soggy florist foam, or crumbling sheet rock. Not that I’ve ever eaten either.

  Still—I might have been a grieving widow but I wasn’t dead. After one more appreciative look at him, I returned my attention to filling the vat of soda.

  As I slid my thumbs along the edge of the plastic lid to snap it onto the cup, a deep voice shouted, “Give me all your cash.”

  My head whipped toward the front of the convenience store. Mr. Bad Manners held a shotgun pointed directly at Doug and Roger, the mini-mart cashiers. Yeah, we were on a first name basis.

  Like a heavy rock sinking into thick mud, the situation registered in my brain. Holy crap, it was a fricken’ holdup.

  My fingers dug into my soda cup, my eyes growing wide as paralyzing fear rushed through me. I think I stopped breathing, not wanting to draw the robber’s attention. My first thought was of my kids. Things were finally getting back to normal. Well, as normal as they could be. No way was I going to attempt some adrenaline inspired hero crap that would no doubt get me killed.

  From those thoughts of survival, my mind quickly jumped to the fact that I might be on the nightly news and probably should have dressed better. Random Thought Syndrome—I was one of its many sufferers.

  The snack cake guy stood unmoving. It didn’t appear any of us patrons were looking to be local heroes, or from the robber’s crazed stare, a possible fatality.

  Rock music from the local radio station filled the silence. I mentally urged Doug or Roger to start shoving cash into a bag, but neither moved. Unfortunately, it seemed I didn’t possess Jedi mind powers.

  “Money! Now!” Sweat trickled down the robber’s stubbly face and he waved the shotgun at the boys. His head flicked several times to the side, as if he had a nervous tick. Nervous tick equaled itchy trigger finger as far as I was concerned.

  “Don’t shoot, sir,” Doug finally said. He reached toward the cash register and punched a button. The till dinged and the drawer slid open. “I’m just gonna get a bag to put the money in, okay?”

  Good move, Doug.

  “Hurry up.” The robber glanced around the store, his gaze lingering on me longer than I liked, before darting back to the cashier. “And don’t trip the alarm.”

  Doug nodded. His hair, a substantial sandy blond fro with a huge comb sticking out the side, bounced up and down like a dandelion puff bobbing in the breeze. Plastic bags crackled as he attempted to work it free it from the pile. Cars sped along Glenn Highway beyond the large glass windows, completely oblivious to the ensuing robbery and the innocent patrons inside. My heart beat against my throat and my mouth went dry. Taking a sip of my soda was tempting but the scene with the tyrannosaurus rex from Jurassic Park kept playing in my mind.

  Don’t move. Don’t even breathe. Maybe this monster wouldn’t notice you.

  Seconds ticked by and still Doug fumbled under the counter. I knew these two college guys weren’t the brightest bulbs in the string of lights, but seriously, how hard was it to get a stupid grocery sack?

  Doug crouched slightly, and when he straightened, he held a big ass revolver aimed at the bald guy.

  Time seemed to slow.

  Several things happen at once. The robber’s eyes widened, comprehension that the cashier now sported some serious firepower dawning. His gun jerked up, and before I had time to drop to the floor, Doug pulled the trigger.

  The revolver exploded, catapulting the criminal b
ackward into the stand of chips. He slithered to the white tile floor in a cacophony of crumpling cellophane. The ringing in my ears ricocheted through my head and my feet seemed rooted in place. Nobody moved. We just stood there with our mouths hanging open.

  I think I spoke for everyone in the mini-mart when I finally muttered, “Holy crap.”

  An aftershock of adrenaline surged through me. I slung my soda aside and raced toward the robber. Hopefully he was injured and not dead. I’d had enough of death for a lifetime.

  Mr. Snack Cake seemed to have the same idea and sprang into action. He barreled around the corner, shouting, but I was too amped up to make sense of his gibberish. I dropped and slid the last foot, stopping when my knees plowed into the robber’s ribs.

  The good-looking guy waved his arms at me. “Don’t touch him!”

  Too late. Sorry, but when I see a scraped elbow or somebody with a hole the size of a frozen pizza in their chest, my ninja paramedic skills kick into action. I pressed my fingers to the robber’s neck, checking for a pulse. Nothing. My hands drifted across his chest, but there was no place to start compressions. Not that it would have helped. Doug’s shot had hit the man dead center—no pun intended.

  Mr. Snack Cake skidded to a stop beside me.

  I glanced at him. “He’s dead.”

  His eyes grew to the size of silver dollars. “I told you not to touch him.”

  Obviously, the sight of a corpse was completely freaking out this guy. Good thing I’d developed a rather unhealthy obsession with CSI shows after my husband died. I knew what to do. I looked over my shoulder at Doug. He still held the revolver, his hands shaking, and appeared to be in shock.

  “Call 911.” His eyes tracked to my face but I don’t think he understood me. “Doug.” I used his name, trying to snap him back to reality. “Put the gun down and call 911.”

  The weapon clattered to the floor and he fumbled for the phone. Using the dead guy’s shoulder for leverage, I tried to push to a stand. The sensation of being pulled downward tugged on my arms. I struggled to my feet and tried again, but couldn’t yank my hands off the robber.

  Mr. Snack Cakes leapt over the body and gripped me around the chest. His hands locked directly between my boobs. Granted, this was the most action the girls had seen in over a year, and normally I would have been flattered, but I preferred to be groped more privately—with fewer dead people around.

  “Hey, pal, mitts off the boobs.” I fought against his hold but my hands remained glued to the dead guy.

  “I told you not to touch him.” He tugged, but I still couldn’t straighten, or remove my palms from the robber’s body.

  What happened next was like trying to wipe sticky fingers with a paper napkin. No matter what, the napkin clung to me—just like the robber did.

  I was still bent over, as if locked in a deadly game of Twister, when the cute guy heaved himself back and finally dragged me free. I won’t swear in public, but I’m almost positive he groped my boobs again.

  I couldn’t be certain because at the same time I heard a zipper-like rasp and found myself reeling backward. Mr. Snack Cake caught me before we both fell into a postcard stand. I’d barely righted myself when the dead guy’s body lifted from the tile and hurtled toward me. I folded in on myself, bracing for impact. But instead of colliding, the mini-mart robber passed through me. Somebody screamed like a little girl—I’m pretty sure it was me.

  The man holding me gripped my hands, curling them into fists. “Hold him, Lisa!”

  Every instinct had me spinning to see where the robber had gone. Nothing made sense. Had I just imagined the man passing through me?

  “He’ll run if you let go,” the cute guy said into my ear.

  “Let go of what?”

  That question was quickly answered as the robber snapped back through my body, slicing me with an icy chill that cut through my bones. A shudder rippled through me and my mind couldn’t comprehend what I was seeing—Mr. Bad Manners.

  His translucent body flickered, and a dark aura pulsed around the form. I screamed again and attempted to violently shake off the good-looking guy’s hold. I’m certain it was one of those spastic, hyperventilating convulsions. Not pretty, but I wasn’t apologizing for my freak-out.

  “Stop fighting me,” Mr. Snack Cake yelled.

  Yeah, right. Every survival instinct screamed for me to get away from the ghostly entity glaring at me. I dug my boots into the tile floor and pushed backward, but couldn’t get traction. Any movement I made tugged the apparition of the bald guy with me. The darkness around the robber grew and enveloped me. His anger beat against me as if it was my own emotion. It invaded my personal space, choking off my breath and the scream hovering in my throat.

  The ghost yanked against my hold, which disconnected his dark aura from me. I gasped, inhaling a lungful of air. Then he jerked again, yanking me forward. I stumbled over something and when I looked down I saw the mini-mart robber’s body lying in the same place he’d fallen, except now a pool of dark blood seeped from under his back.

  My gaze darted to the ghost attached to me and then down at his body. I screamed—again. I mean, I was all about the paranormal, but in a romantic way—fallen angels—sexy vampires—pretty much any immortal who wanted me to be the focus of his world—but not an angry ghost of a violent criminal.

  The cute guy leaned in. “Whatever you do, don’t let go of him.”

  Not that I could. My fingers ached from the living guy’s grip, and my nails gouged my palms. He turned me toward the back of the store, which automatically dragged the apparition of the robber with us. “I’m taking her to the bathroom to get cleaned up and calmed down,” he said to the boys. “Lock the doors until the police get here.”

  At this point, he frog-marched me and what I now believed was a ghost, toward the back of the mini-mart.

  The apparition fought our every step. “Let me go, you stupid bitch.”

  Wow, harsh. Logic shrieked I shouldn’t argue. I’d seen the Amityville Horror. No way did I want blood seeping out of the walls of my house. It was hard enough getting red wine stains off the carpet.

  “Shut up, Leroy,” the cute guy said.

  That silenced the robber’s ghost. Crap, were these two partners? Had I just become a criminal sandwich? Nausea rolled through me. Maybe if I puked on Snack Cake’s fancy hiking boots, he’d let me go.

  “How do you know my name?” The spirit stopped struggling. “You a cop?”

  Cute guy lowered his voice so only we could hear. “You wish I was a cop.”

  Chills slithered down my spine at his tone. Who the hell was this guy? The darkness pulsing around Leroy’s ghost intensified and my head started to swim. It felt as if he was sucking the life from me. Blackness crept around the edges of my vision.

  Don’t pass out. Don’t pass out.

  Damn it, I’d been determined to get my life on track. It looked like the first day of my new life might be my last.

  We entered the bathroom. The smell of industrial cleaner filled my nose and the flickering fluorescent lights intensified my headache. He kicked the door closed, sealing us inside the white tiled tomb.

  “My name is Nate.”

  I craned my neck to see if he was talking to me. “All right.” Nice to meet you seemed a little inappropriate for the situation. “Listen Nate, you need to tell me what the hell is going on because I am seriously about to lose it.”

  “Let me get rid of him first, and then we’ll talk.” His voice softened, the creepy killer tone lessening.

  “Get rid of him?” I scrunched my face and laced my words with my infamous sarcasm. “Where do you think he’s going? We’re in a frickin’ bathroom of a mini-mart.”

  Me and my big mouth.

  “Pick!” Nate waited a few seconds before shouting the word again. “Pick!”

  “Pick?” What was I supposed to pick? The ghost or me? Life or death? My fingers ached from his crushing grip. I wiggled, trying to get away, but he cont
inued to hold me in place. “I pick life. I want to live. Don’t kill me.”

  “Me too,” Leroy’s ghost said.

  “It’s too late for you, Badder.”

  I didn’t know who Badder was, but when Leroy began to fight me again, my keen sense of deduction kicked in, telling me it was the ghost. Several times he tried to jerk away, but kept rebounding like a rubber band. His arms passed through mine, cutting my bones with a searing cold. My head pounded, feeling like it was about to shatter. Any minute I was going to embark on a psychotic episode of epic proportion.

  A bright, blue light suddenly appeared at the end of the bathroom near the toilet. All of us stopped struggling and stared as the sink disappeared behind the elongating glow. The light widened into a rectangle and the intensity dimmed. Breath caught in my throat when an actual door appeared, and then slid open. Leroy Badder’s mouth sagged and his shoulders slumped. At least I wasn’t the only one stunned by the sight. Nate, however, appeared perfectly calm, like an elevator arriving in the Holiday bathroom was a normal occurrence.

  My attention drifted back to the far end of the bathroom and the man standing on the other side of the door. At least I thought it was a man. Something about him didn’t look completely human. Maybe it was his coal black eyes, or perhaps the tiny bumps protruding from the front of his skull that reminded me of horns. Despite what was certainly an unfortunate birth defect, the man’s head was a perfect oval. A solid sheet of sable brown hair slicked along the top and sides like glossy frosting, and the creases in his black suit were so sharp they looked as if they could cut. Mafia attorney popped into my mind.

  Beyond him the room glowed red. Not like those red-light bulbs hookers use to advertise their services, but more like a roaring fire burned nearby. My first impression? Modern Gates of Hell. But that would be ridiculous, right? I mean, I was standing in a mini-mart bathroom.

  “I’ve got him, Pick.”


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