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Bella: The Ending: A Sagatori Family Saga

Page 9

by Kimberly Soto

Three seconds passed before her voice cracked. She was trying to speak, say something. Maybe she couldn’t. I didn’t know what situation she was in and how she’d gotten a phone. Was it a setup? It made sense, they didn’t kill us, and I wanted to know why. What did they have up their sleeves? I needed her to tell me where she was.

  “I… I’m so sorry I betrayed you. I pray that you forgive me one day, but I have to do this, Jax.” I brought my left hand to my chin wiping away the liquid that dripped from my face. “Do you trust me?” She paused. “I need to know that you trust that I can do this.”

  I couldn’t trust anyone and as of three days ago, I could no longer trust myself, not if I wanted to live another day. The facts were clear though. As much as I didn’t want to admit it even to myself, I had been the one to betray her. If I would’ve trusted her then, we wouldn’t be here now.

  “Jax? Are you there? I don’t have much time.” She hurried.

  My body then forehead went lax to the floor. “I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you the truth. I’m sorry for so much shit. But, baby, it’s not you that I blame; it’s me. I’ll never forgive myself for allowing that man to live long enough to take you from me.”

  I imagined her there with me, as the sounds of her muffled cries became all I lived in that moment. With my eyes closed, visions of hers glistened full of tears and emotion. I would’ve smoothed my hand across her cheek, kissed her forehead, held her in my arms, made her feel safe, and protected her with my own life. Why didn’t I do that? Why didn’t I stop her… them? “I don’t know what to do, baby. I don’t know how to do this without you.” My chest heaved, my cries ricocheting against the wooden floor.

  A gasped breath swirled in my ear. “Do you trust me?” She paused momentarily then continued before I could respond. “Do you believe in me?” What did I believe in? I believed in power but nothing else, until I fell in love with her. She was a fighter, the strongest. Not without mention, she was also the biggest pain in the ass, hard-headed woman I’d ever met. “In us?” she continued as I lost myself in the sound of her voice, the rise and fall of her breath.

  She was my purpose, and I was hers. I lifted my body and looked around the room seeing that everyone watched as tears covered my face. Not wanting them to see me cry, I turned and faced the windows. I cleared my throat. “There’s no one else I believe in, Bella. Yes, yes. I trust you, believe in you and in us. I swear to God I’ll never make you feel as if you need to question that again.” I closed my eyes, hoping more than anything she’d forgive me one day.

  The next words Bella spoke that day were ones that would change everything. She was my rock… She was the head of this family at that moment because we were one. King and queen.

  “Jax, me and the baby, are okay. But I need for you to get up and fight! I can’t do this without you. I need you to hold every bit of that pain in your heart, in our heart, so that we find one another again. I need you to show anyone and everyone what we are. Show them that together our love is undeniable, inconceivable, irrevocable, unyielding, and immortal. Get up, Jax! You are the strongest man I know, and I don’t want to spend another second without you by my side. God put us together for a reason. Me and you!”

  Her words evoked a fire inside my soul. I could see through it all, everything and everyone. I’d been resurrected into the beast I was. I stood to my feet with more power than I’d ever known existed inside of me. “I’m up. You and me.”

  A gush of air left her lips. “Yes.” I imagined relief washing over her expression. Her long lashes batting as she blinked rapidly, while a smile lifted her pink lips.

  “Where are you? What can you tell me?”

  “I’m in Russia, a compound; there are guards everywhere, every corner, and guns—a lot of them, one-lane roads. I think it’s a castle—it’s huge. I stole this phone from one of the guards and I don’t know how long I’ll have it.”

  Jesus, she stole from them. “Is there anything else that’ll help me?”

  “Ugh… no! But, Jax, I didn’t come here to get rescued. I came here to either confront this man, make him understand, or…” Her hesitation worried me.

  My body stiffened, “What’s the other thing?” I imagined the worst possible scenario.

  “To kill him, Jax. I’m a Sagatori. He was my father, not this monster.”

  I dropped my head and closed my eyes as a gush of air left my lips. “Stubborn, giant pain in the ass.” We were both silent for a breath.

  “I have to go…I love you.”

  The phone disconnected, leaving me to feel alone once again. When my eyes opened, I lifted my gun and walked in deafening silence to the stairs. The muscles in my arms and thighs flexed with each step. I wouldn’t give up. I’d get my shit together, and one by one I’d watch the Russians fall.


  Alessandra was right about the fact I hadn’t slept for a while. I couldn’t sleep now knowing Bella was gonna get herself killed.

  I took a quick shower, the first one in days, three to be exact. I shaved too, and when I wiped the white foamy shaving cream from my chin, I stared deep into the darkness of my eyes. I’d been lost since Bella had been gone. I went crazy, murderous. But…I’d find her.

  I was the boss of bosses, that power didn’t wash away. The number of associates I had in my pocket was what dreams were made of. This power was how I’d get my bride back into my arms. I’d use every single favor I had. I’d break everyone for everything to get what I wanted.

  I completed the task of clasping my Rolex to my wrist and then slipped into my finest pair of handmade black leather shoes. I covered my black dress shirt with my worn, brown leather holster, and slipped into my jacket concealing the two fully loaded weapons.

  I slid a few important documents into the breast of my jacket and checked my phone knowing it hadn’t rung, but hoped she would contact me again. I settled my fingers over the number she’d called me from, realizing… I could have this number tracked. Unless it was a burner, which it probably was. Either way, I’d see what Sal could do with it. We had a few people in the Chicago PD that could probably track it. Our friends at Interpol might also be able to help.

  My strides to the door were powerful. I was in control and even though I should’ve been completely exhausted and drunk at that moment, I wasn’t. Speaking to Bella woke something inside of me, something that I hadn’t felt in a long time; the same thing that got me the title as boss. Being the boss of Chicago left me focused on so many monotonous tasks. Taking over Anthony’s job as boss of bosses proved to be even more redundant. I was the shot caller, ultimately making every decision, but it wasn’t as glorious as some would think; if glorious was even the right word, which I was sure wasn’t.

  I lifted my left hand to the light switch and pulled my eyes to my wedding ring. Shiny bright gold wrapped tightly to my finger that I’d never taken off; hell, I didn’t even know if it would come off. I knew this ring would be with me to the grave, and that intensified the power that flowed through my veins. I closed the door behind me in a hurry to move forward, get to work doing what I did best. I’d forgotten for a few days what I was capable of.

  When I reached the last step, I buttoned my jacket and stepped into the mirror’s view dragging my phone from my pocket as it rang. A growl left my chest seeing it was Emily. I’d been ignoring her calls over the last three days.

  I sighed and decided answering it would assure she wouldn’t call back. “Hello?” My tone was dry.

  “Jax, have you heard from her?”



  “And what?”

  “And where the fuck is she?” she bit, her anger prevalent.

  “Where is she?” My phone was a burner; one I’d kept longer than I normally would have because I had hoped Bella would call me. I wasn’t confident the line was clear. “She’s in a bad fucking place with a bad fucking man.”

  “What are you gonna do?”

  I turned from my crew. “I’m gonn
a kill them all.”

  Emily was oddly silent for a moment. “Jax?”


  I heard a gulp. “Are you… okay?”

  “Should I answer that question?”

  “Stop answering my questions with more questions, asshole. I’m losing my mind with worry.”

  “Yeah. She’s gonna be okay.”

  She sniffled, “Thank you.”

  “Okay, I’m gonna go.” I pressed the red end button, disconnecting the call. “What?”

  Heads shook while others threw out two words, “Nothing, boss.”

  I shifted through the entryway and turned toward the windows seeing the storm had let up. The darkness of the night obscured my view, but the lights on the surrounding buildings brought out the beauty of the city I hadn’t appreciated until that moment. “I own this city!” Silence filled the room and I had to admit, the silence was wanted, needed. I lay my head back against my shoulders and closed my eyes. Shifting the weight of my feet I moved my hands inside of my pockets. Yes, the silence was amazing. “Well… it’s time for coiled chaos to ensue.” I smiled darkly. I couldn’t see my expression, but I felt it as murderous rage exploded through my veins.

  May God protect my enemies because there was no one else who could.

  I released my hands from my pockets and brought my gaze back to the men who still watched me.

  “Boss?” Sal paused, “Ahhm.” He cleared his throat. I narrowed my stare, already bored by the weakness I saw linger in his expression. I wished he were more… hostile, like an animal I could unleash. “Do you have a plan?” he continued once he’d gotten the balls.

  I lifted my brows and smiled as I nodded to them all. “Yeah, we’re gonna take Ivan out and rescue my girl.”

  “Ahhh—” A few voices resonated through the room.

  “We’re gonna kill all of them. Every. Single. Person who has a hand in this,” I said through gritted teeth.

  “You okay, boss?” Wyatt looked at me as if I were crazy.

  I turned, seeing Alessandra pressing her palm to the wall as she watched me. Her expression was wide-eyed as if she had seen a ghost. I looked normal, I was normal.

  I was a sadistic killer. I hadn’t changed.

  I walked to my office with the guys following. “We need to have our guys in CPD trace the number Bella called from. Another thing”—I lifted my phone and tossed it to Sal—“Interpol. I want to see what they can tell us. Who can we trust?”

  I sat inside of my chair tracing my fingers along her photo, encased inside of an antique white and gold frame. I’d been an asshole to her more times than I wanted to admit. It killed me how true that had been, but with her I was weak. I needed for her to feel I could protect her, to believe that no matter what came at the family I’d handle it. I wanted her to know she was safe. I had large shoes to fill, larger than most. Her father had watched over her, keeping her from harm all those years, and the minute I took over she was ripped away. How fucking good of a husband was I to allow that to happen? Everything I had been, everything I tried to be was for her, to keep this from happening, and I failed.

  I gazed into the photo seeing the innocent yet snarky expression and shook my head. “Sal, I need Bella’s things.”

  His focus bounced, “Things, boss?” As he asked confused.

  “Yeah, her rings, watch, and necklace.”

  “Oh, yeah sorry, boss.” He shifted on his feet and stuck his hand in his trouser pocket.

  I shook my head. The amount of money that had been invested in the jewelry she wore had been stuffed inside the idiot’s fucking pocket.

  “Get me a drink,” I demanded of Wyatt. He lifted his brow with question. “Get me the fucking drink!”

  “Here, boss, this is what they handed over.”

  He lay her wedding bands and pink gold Cartier watch in front of me. “Where’s the rest?”

  He shrugged and lifted his brows with confusion. “That’s all they gave me, I swear.”

  “You told me they took all of her jewelry and gave it to you! You said they took everything and that you watched them do it!” I stood from the desk with pure rage boiling through my veins I was gonna kill this motherfucker. The desk shoved forward, jolting the entire room back. I dropped my eyes seeing there was one piece gone, one curtail fucking piece! “I’ll allow the first person who realizes what the fuck is missing to kill this motherfucker!” I pointed toward Sal sure the vessels in my eyes had broken into a bloody pool.

  “Uhh—” most replied, with shock.

  “Uhh? Are you kidding me? What the hell do you assholes do all day? My wife, has been gone for three days, and you didn’t realize that what she’d worn every single day of her life wasn’t here? You didn’t think about that or did you forget? ’Cause both reasons are gonna get you killed.”

  Sal closed his eyes and sagged his shoulders. “Her crucifix.” He ran a nervous hand through his hair. “I fucked up bad. I fucked up really bad, boss. Oh my God.” He slowly shook his head, falling to the chair behind him.

  “Tell me what Anthony would’ve done, and I’ll give you the same respect for your years of loyalty.”

  He drew a long, deep breath and dropped from the chair to his knees.

  “You think he would’ve wanted his dick sucked, solider boy?”

  No one laughed.

  Sal shook his head. “No, boss, he would’ve ended me right then and there.”

  I had to give the guy props for honesty.

  I nodded and rubbed at my pulsing temples. “Her crucifix has a GPS tracker inside of it.” I paused. “So does her watch.” I picked it up, cradling it between my fingers. No one so much as breathed. I could’ve cut the tension with a butter knife. Everyone in the room knew a mistake had been made. “But I thought… all of her jewelry was with you. I fucking thought she couldn’t be found.” My lips curled. She could’ve been home by now.

  “I love Bella as if she were my sister, boss. I’ve always looked out for her.” He shook his head. “I deserve every bit of what I’ve got comin’.”

  I rolled my eyes and sighed. “Get the fuck up.” Bella would’ve been heartbroken if I had killed Sal over this. She loved him too, but don’t think for one moment I wasn’t about to overlook that shit. “Tony, you officially out rank Sal, congrats.”

  Tony stepped forward. “It’s an honor, boss, thank you.” He bowed his head.

  “Yeah, yeah.” I waved him back.

  Bella had three guards, always. Sal, who oversaw the entire show. He took the orders from me and delivered them to Tony and Dominic. Their only job was to protect her, and Sal was ultimately responsible for that. Them fucking up meant Sal fucked up. But this… this kinda fuck up was a death sentence. “You get a stay of execution…today.” I paused, lifting the two rings before sliding them onto my gold chain. “Because she loves you as if you were her blood, and that’s the only reason.”

  A large gush of air released as he stood. “Boss, I won’t mess up again.”

  “Yeah, you will.”

  Tony cleared his throat. “How far of a distance can it track her?”

  I nodded. “We could track her from anywhere, and that’s exactly what we’re gonna do.”

  One by one they’d all fall down. I’d see to it personally.



  I drew in a deep breath as I disconnected the call with Jax. I felt as if I wasn’t gonna make it. He was my strength, and I was his grace. Together we were strong, but apart… we would fall.

  As sad as my heart was that I wasn’t with him, I needed to remember I came to Russia for a reason. That reason was moments away, and I needed to ditch the phone. I deleted the number I’d called and turned the phone off. I could stash it and maybe call him later, but what if they found the phone I didn’t know what they would do. I wanted to take it with me; maybe I wouldn’t get another chance to get it if I did get away with stashing it. The man whom I took it from surely knew it was gone. It was l
ikely only a matter of time before he’d come looking for it.

  A knock on the door caused me to jump. “Miss Nadia?” My heart soothed as it was only the maid girl.

  My eyes darted across the beautiful room as I searched for a place to stash the phone. The room was three times the size of the one at the penthouse, filled with a bed and furniture. The floors were so shiny you could see your own reflection. I found an old vent on the wall near the floor. The opening was covered with an iron plate. I rushed to it and traced my fingers around the edges. No screws.

  I dug my fingernails into the sharp edges trying to pry it from the wall. If I could get it open it would be the perfect place to stash it, and I could use it later. Another tiny knock echoed from the door. The plate wasn’t coming off.

  “Miss, we must go!”

  “Shit!” I hissed.

  I pulled and pried, but the metal wouldn’t loosen. Quickly, I searched. Where wouldn’t they look? I rushed through the room and entered a large bathroom. It was updated nicely to my surprise, but still maintained the same elegantly old-world style as the rest of the room. I shut and locked the door. I bounced around, opening and closing drawers, even begging God to show me where it would be safe. Where wouldn’t they look? I questioned again as I opened a closet. There were towels and toiletries inside. More knocking ensued, and my heart banged against the wall of my chest. When I heard the door open, I panicked. I dropped my eyes to the towels on the bottom shelf and quickly stuffed it inside.

  “Miss, are you alright?” She knocked on the bathroom door that time.

  I sucked in a sharp breath, ran my hands over the dress I’d worn for the last three days, and opened the door. Feigning innocence, I pulled a smile to my lips and opened it. “I’m fine,” I lied.

  Her expression was horrifying. “Oh, you must dress! We must hurry!”

  “Dress in what?” I knew what because she had told me before leaving just moments ago.

  Her brows drew together as her eyes left mine to search the room. “The dress? Where is it?”


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