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Bella: The Ending: A Sagatori Family Saga

Page 12

by Kimberly Soto

  He shrugged, “My princess, Nadia, will simply think you’d forgotten all about her. By then she’ll already be happier than she’d ever been.”

  I struggled against the rope and felt the sharp threads cutting into my wrists as I lunged forward and slammed my body into Ivan’s. I was unable to cause him the pain he desperately deserved before his guards yanked me back with brute force.

  He wiped at his lip, “Take care of him,” he demanded in English purposefully. He wanted me to know I had no control.

  “I’m gonna kill you with my bare hands,” I snarled.

  “Oh?” He leaned over to pick up the cigar that had fallen. “I don’t doubt you’ll try, but… you’ll be unsuccessful.”

  His guard untied my arms from behind my back. My rage heated, ready to take another go at him.

  “I was going to leave, but… I think this will provide to be entertaining.”


  He laughed, throwing his head back.

  Two men on both sides of the chair held my arms, quickly wrapping them with rope to the chair rests. They rolled my sleeves to my elbows and strangled my right arm with an elastic rope. I shook my head knowing what was about to happen when I saw another man torching a spoon.

  Smoke rose from the spoon as a pungent metallic odor burnt my nose.


  I wasn’t naïve, I knew death would come. I never doubted I’d look it in the face when it knocked on my door. I just never considered this was how I’d go.

  “You gonna shoot me up with drugs?” I already knew the answer as I watched my veins pop to the surface of my arm.

  I thought I’d have a chance to get to her, save her.

  Kiss her one last time.

  I didn’t know, maybe… Maybe deep down I knew I wouldn’t. I was the boss of the strongest family in the States. I was rich and powerful, but my weaknesses were all I had as I sat in that chair. Weaknesses I’d never let anyone see until they took her. She was all I had. Money. Power. None of those things mattered. It was always her. I did this… everything... for her.

  “Before you kill me, answer a question.”

  He tipped his head, hesitating. “Alright.”

  “Why was she taken as an infant?”

  “Those responsible for her kidnapping intended to make me suffer. They knew what she meant to us. What her brother meant.”

  “Her brother?”

  “I suppose your boss never knew.” He lifted his cigar with thought. “She was a twin. I had a son, but he was sick at birth and died before she was taken.” He paused, taking another puff. “Nadia is heir to the Romanov Dynasty. When they took her they took that away from my family as well. She would’ve taken her place as the princess and one day, Queen of Russia. They thought they were preventing that. We see, however, that I’ve won.”

  “Queen? Seems a bit crazy.”

  “Is it? We’d planned this since before my children’s birth. Taking back our rightful place in Russia as the royal family. This is our country. A county that the Romanov family ruled for two centuries before the abdication of the last Tsar Nicholas II.”

  “Was that the reason for her kidnapping?”

  “I presume, yes.”

  “Seems like you should be dead, if you’re be putting her at risk. The entire Romanov family was executed, and now you want to risk her life just as they risked theirs?”

  His eyes wandered across the room as he spoke, “When the royal family was forced to flee Russia, my grandfather and great-grandfather before him swore Russia would see our family once more in our rightful place. On the throne. My family has been exiled for far too long.”

  “And because you say it is then you believe it is?” Why take her against her will? Why not let her decide?”

  “It isn’t her choice, you stupid man. This is her birthright… this is why she was born! She doesn’t get to choose. I choose, and it’s already done! The history of my country’s greatness must be restored, and Nadia will be the most important factor in that movement.” He rested his hands on the desk below him. “We have been invited to return to the palace in Leningrad and the Imperial House has accepted, so it’s only a matter of time.”

  “How was your family allowed to return to Russia all those years ago, after being exiled?”

  “We were allowed back into the country as private citizens. Of course, our titles held no weight then or now, but that will soon change.” He lifted his chin.

  “And you think doing this”—I motioned toward the drug-filled spoon—“will restore the morality of the Russian people?”

  “Honestly, Jax, who will know? What is it you actually know about me?” His eyes narrowed with curiosity. “You know what I want you to know. My expensive taste in caviar, my love for the ocean as the waves wash in just as the sun begins to fall. The fact that I’m a ruthless businessman, well… every man who has money to protect has a darkness in them don’t they, in some aspects. I make money, more than most governments see in a century, and yet you think I’d be foolish enough as to get caught for my indiscretions? You believe this would be an option? You are a stupid man.” He laughed with the men who hovered over me.

  Ivan waved his hand at the man that held the needle. “Tell her,” The sharp invasion and sudden euphoria slowed all my functions. I vomited immediately leaving me unable to finish my sentence.

  I’d been injected with heroin, and it wouldn’t take a lot to overdose. Drug dealers mixed the drugs with fillers and other drugs, selling it as heroin. The amount of actual heroin was unpredictable, so it would be impossible to know whether any given dose would be strong or weak. This significantly increased the chances of overdosing. I was certain that was his plan all along.

  Overdose me.


  I’d had to lie many times before. I didn’t make it a habit; I wasn’t a liar by nature. I was a liar for survival.

  An echo of my past vibrated in my bones reminding me of the danger I was in. Ivan had said he was my father and he’d been searching for me. Could I somehow use that to my advantage? Doubting it, I realized this was where I stood. Alone, needing to lie about the things that I’d done. White lies that could turn black very quickly.

  “What were you doing?” the man demanded.

  I was cold, shivering as I stood near the window. I appeared scared and intimidated by his presence.

  I wasn’t.

  A smile lifted at the corner of my lips as I watched the sun rise from behind the trees and hugged my chest in an attempt to keep my body from trembling with the chill and fear.

  “What is your name?”

  His response came sooner than I expected. “Alexei.”

  “And you’re the one who protected me when I was born?”

  He nodded and blinked once.

  “And you’re to protect me now?”

  He nodded again.

  “I see. Well, Alexei. You probably don’t get a lot of this, but women with babies in their bellies”—I stroked circles on my belly feeling Ennio move—“often need to pee. Is that going to be a problem?” I ignored him further as I padded my bare feet against the ice-cold floor toward the closet for warmer clothing. I turned back to his dark silhouette. “I’d like to see Ivan, immediately.”

  “That won’t be possible, he’s dealing with… business.”

  I squeezed my eyes tight. “I need to speak with him,” I said, shifting to my left while holding the closet door.

  “Dinner, he’ll be having dinner with you.” His accent was thick, making it difficult to understand him entirely.

  “Tell me, Alexei. Will I get to see my family again? Or will I forever be a prisoner here?” I shifted the weight from my feet and pressed a hand to my hip. “’Cause that’s kidnapping, and that is illegal.” I knew these people didn’t care about the law, but I needed to steer him away from the fact I’d been on the phone moments before.

  “Breakfast will be ready in thirty minutes.” Alexei ignored my question an
d demands, rushing his large body to the bedroom door; he then opened it and exited.

  A harsh, angered breath rushed from my lips as I sunk my body deeper into the closet. I wanted to scream, break something, strangle someone. I leaned against the wall and drew several relaxing breaths at attempts to calm myself.

  I lifted my eyes to the clothing in the large closet. There were several beautiful items that hung and were folded on shelves. I chose a warm sweater and leggings. Most of everything that was in the closet was something that I would’ve chosen for myself, which made me wonder how long they’d been watching and how much they knew about me. Disgust turned my stomach at the thought.

  Frustrated with my helplessness, I drew a deep breath of cold air that filled the quiet room and released my gaze into the gray sky beyond the trees.


  Five days had passed since I’d spoken with Jax. I’d only seen Ivan at meals of which I was demanded to attend. His deafening silence enraged me. I had questions that he refused to answer.

  Breakfast was early, and the sun had barely risen. Ivan sat across from me reading the paper while he sank his lips to a small teacup.

  I ate the food and sipped at the tea while I searched the room nonchalantly, casting my gaze. I searched for nothing in particular—so they thought. Two maids attended each meal holding their hands in front of their white cloth aprons. They didn’t move until they were asked to. I wasn’t allowed to do anything for myself. The moment I tried they were there tending to my needs.

  I attempted to speak to Ivan, ask him questions about my family, but he continued to ignore me.

  “Ivan, I’d like to talk about my husband,” I said as I dropped my teacup on the saucer below. He made no attempt at taking his attention from the paper though, and my annoyance grew. “I wasn’t asking. I demand it, Ivan.”

  He flicked his gaze in my direction. “You, my dear child, no longer need to worry yourself with that man.”

  Nervously, I palmed the mug relishing in the ceramic’s warmth. I sipped and lowered it once more. By the time the mug rested with the saucer he’d already returned his attention to the paper.

  “He’s my husband, Ivan. I demand I be returned to him.” My bravado echoed through the large dining room.

  My gaze slid to the maids who seemed fidgety. Their discomfort was palpable. Was I the only one who noticed it?

  I wouldn’t waver, “He’s my husband; you must realize that I love him.” I rested my eyes on his.

  Ivan lowered his paper again, watching me with a stoic expression. The longer he stared me down, seeing I wouldn’t give in, sparked swirls of anger in his eyes. He draped an arm on the edge of the table and leaned forward. “He isn’t good for you. Surely you understand how important it is to accept your role as…” He sucked air in through his nose before pounding on the table with his fist.

  I jumped and the dishes that sat near me clattered loudly. “What role?”

  His silence grew.

  Annoyed, I yelled, “When. Can. I. See. My. Husband?” demanding his answer.

  Ivan moved forward shifting in his chair causing it to screech against the polished wood. His expression was filled with amusement. He snarled down at me, “You do not make demands. You will not see him again, and you’d do good to remember that, Nadia!”

  “Surely you see that I don’t belong here.” I pleaded.

  Something in the look he gave… for one moment, I saw the bad man Jax spoke of, but it quickly faded with his response. “Ahmm,” he cleared his throat and rested his silver-bearded chin on his hands. “Nadia… Bella,” he said, annoyed, “I want you to be comfortable here, and I’m certain that I’ve gone about this the wrong way. I apologize. I…” he paused, blinking several times, and dropped his stare to the table. “I don’t want you to think you’re a prisoner here or that we want to take anything from you.” He pressed his lips together. “I’m protecting you.”

  “From what?” I shot.

  He moved his dark eyes around the room and with the jerk of his head everyone left. What he wanted to say was apparently private. “Nadia, You were never who you thought.” He pressed his lips together once more. “You are so much more.” He drew his left fist in front of his chest. “You, my daughter, are the heir to the Russian throne. You!” he announced pointedly.

  Huh? Ha-had… I heard him correctly? I blinked and opened my mouth to ask a question. “What? You’re mistaken. I’m definitely not! I mean… I’ve been called a mafia princess, pssh… never an actual princess,” I mostly babbled.

  “But that, my dear, is exactly why you’re here. And why you were taken from our family, from Russia all those years ago.”

  My mouth hung with surprise. “Seriously?” My forehead wrinkled with uneasiness.

  He chuckled, “Of course, I’ve never been more serious about anything in my life.”

  “I’m a… I’m a real princess?” I tilted my head with confusion.

  “Oh my dear Nadia, you’re our future queen.”

  Okay, that was… I needed to sit down. Yeah, sitting down would be a good idea. “I… I can’t be a queen. I’m just a girl from Detroit. I know nothing about being a princess, let alone a queen. Surely there’s a mistake, and I’m certain there’s someone more qualified.”

  “No,” he breathed deeply and sighed. “I’m afraid you are the only one who’s qualified.”

  Ice covered with ice. I swallowed wanting to say something, but what would I say? There were many things in this life I wanted to achieve and had always felt capable of. Even after being told I couldn’t because I was a woman. I always knew I was more than that. I ignored the stupidity of the men who spoke to me as if I didn’t matter because of my sex. But here, with him, as he confessed I was a princess… I was certain I didn’t want to be any of that. I wanted to be my husband’s wife. Yes, I didn’t care about conquering the world or proving that I could do what the men could do any longer. I just wanted to be Mrs. Jax Moretti. I wanted to be what he wanted and needed. His love was the only thing that mattered. “I get that you lost your daughter… I do, I’d do everything to get my son back as well if it were me who’d lost a child. But I won’t live without my husband, and I won’t be a princess. I will get back to him one way or another, Ivan. And I’m sorry that you have to feel that pain, but I can do nothing for you or your country.”

  “I see.” His head bounced as he closed the gap between us. “Well, in that case, I’ll have to take away your reason for wanting to leave.”

  My face, hands, and heart grew cold; fear chilled every inch of my body. I knew what he was declaring. “You can’t kill my husband. I-I won’t allow it!”

  He snickered. “You can do nothing to stop it.” He shrugged in the chair and clapped his hands once alerting the staff that he required their attention.

  He had said that I’d never see the love of my life again, but I wasn’t going to tolerate that answer. I was done with him. If he didn’t want to meet me at least halfway, I wouldn’t meet him at all.

  The staff entered and stood against the wall, risking fleeting glances to one another. I wondered as I had eaten every meal if they were here against their will as well.

  I cleared my throat and waved Albina over.


  “I’d like to go back to my room.”

  “Of course, miss.” her eyes rested on my newfound father. “Sir?”

  “Very well.” He waved his hand.

  Once out of the room I asked, “Would there be somewhere in the palace I could go other than my room?

  “The library,” She offered.

  “The… library? Is that all? I’ve already seen that room.”

  She nodded. “I’m afraid so, miss. We’ve been given explicit instruction.”

  “Of course you have.”

  Thirty minutes later I ran my fingers along the leathery spines as I blinked up at the skyward walls. The room circled with a large skylight in the center allowing the gray sky to fall into the ro
om. The echo of my footfalls was silenced by the bookshelf-lined walls. I slid a book from the shelf as I smoothed my hand over the title Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte.

  I cradled the book into my chest and walked to the wide leather chair. This was the only place I’d been allowed to go within the entire palace. But it was near a window, and I was happy that I at least had that as I pressed into the cool leather, wanting so badly to lose myself.



  I was shaken awake. My eyes opened, slowly adjusting to the darkness as Albina’s small, round face came into focus. “Miss, you must come with me, now. We must hurry.”

  I lifted on my right elbow trying to understand what she was talking about as she spoke too quickly. “What’s going on?”

  Her hand pressed lightly to my shoulder while fear filled her eyes, slight wrinkles at the corners which surprised me since she was so young. “You must dress and hurry. I have something to show you. Hurry, please.” She turned watching the door as her hand that lay on my shoulder trembled. She was most definitely terrified of something.

  “Tell me what’s wrong? I’m not going anywhere until I know.” I reached for my shoulder where her hand rested.

  Her head shook relaxing her expression as she continued, “There’s no time. Dress.” she ordered after I’d sat on the edge of the bed dangling my feet above the cold floor. “Quickly.”

  “Will a robe do?” I covered a yawn, seeing the moon shining in the darkened sky.

  She shook her head. “No, wear something warm.” She rushed to the closet pulling a sweater from a hanger, a pair of thick leggings from the shelf, and boots. “Here, hurry.” She shoved the clothing at me.

  I dressed, unable to deny the concern I saw in her eyes; I felt compelled to go. I stood with an apprehensive twitch in my hands because she was making me nervous.

  She bowed her head and waved me closer to the door. “You must make no noise. Quiet as a mouse,” she said, lifting her index finger to her mouth.

  I nodded as she slowly opened the door. When she was comfortable that no one was in the hallway, she waved me out. “Follow close.” Again, she lifted her finger to her lips. “Quiet as a mouse.”


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