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Bye Bye Bloodsucker (Wicked Good Witches Book 3)

Page 11

by Starla Silver

  “She'll come back,” insisted Charlie.

  “I don't even know how to feel right now. I'm freaking out that she won't come back. I'm freaking out that she will, but I won't have any way to undo what happened. And... I'm so wickedly proud of her. She was a bad-ass today!”

  “She was definitely that,” Charlie agreed with ease.

  A moment later, the sonic cry stopped. He released the magical barrier in the water, freeing the mermaids. Bodies of the bloodsuckers started to sink, waterlogged and heavy.

  While Michael waited near the shore for his girlfriend, Charlie, William, and Melinda filled in the gaps of their day.

  Melinda played her part well. Kept it simple. Professional. Like it was any other day…

  William did the same.

  When finished, she stepped into a clean section of water and rinsed as much blood off her body and dress as possible. No sense in torturing William any more than necessary. Plus, ick! Covered in bloodsucker bits now topped her least pleasant memories list.

  Something nagged in Charlie's mind when it came to the vengeful mermaid that had wanted his ring, but he did not dare say it aloud; his theory would have to wait for a better moment to explain. He wished he could speak with the mermaids again, to clear up a few questions he had about the one that had wanted his ring.

  A vehicle pulled onto the edge of the beach.

  “It's Mr. Jordan,” noted Michael, his voice anxious.

  The sheriff walked down behind him.

  “Seeing as he’s trying to help ya, I let him through. Deputies are here now, keepin’ the reporters and camera-happy’s at bay.” She caught her first glimpses of the bloody beach. “Whoa, would ya look at that! What a frickin’ mess. Still blows my mind really. Standing out there by the road, didn’t see a thing. Didn’t hear a thing. And then…” she raised her hands and aimed them at the beach as if words could not express what she was trying to say.

  “Yay magic,” jested Melinda weakly. “At least it worked.”

  “That it did. So is it done?”

  “Yeah, Mack. It's done.” Charlie wished it were all finished. They still needed to find a way to save Emily from turning into a mermaid, permanently.

  “I'd better call the cleaners,” Mack announced, disappearing to make a phone call.

  “As hard as my job can be,” said Melinda, “I don't think I'd want the cleaner’s job.”

  “Our jobs would be so much harder without them,” Charlie noted. “Can you imagine if we didn't have professional cleaners, willing to keep what they do a secret?”

  “It comes to mind that I would most likely do the cleaning up.” William grinned smugly.

  “Well, you are the fastest,” Melinda returned.

  “And the best,” William confirmed. They kept their banter light.

  Michael's attention was on Mr. Jordan.

  “I am afraid I have found nothing new since our last conversation,” Mr. Jordan was saying.

  Michael's hope was fading. There seemed to be no solution to returning Emily to her human status.

  “Perhaps I should return to my study,” offered William. “There's still a couple hours until sunset. We are not yet out of time.”

  Just then, at the water's edge, a mass exodus began. This time, however, it was not bloodsuckers, but mermaids. They stayed near the only section of beach not covered in dead bloodsucker.

  Michael raced down searching for Emily. He found her lying in the water and fell into her arms. She laughed and kicked her flipper around. “I told you I’d come back.”

  He kissed her, caring less about his soaking wet clothes. Her kiss left a pleasant numbness buzzing into his lips. The blood from the suckers washed off his body, floating away in the water. She batted her eyes at him. If he hadn’t been so worried he might lose her again, he might have dried her off and made love to her right here on the sand.

  She reached up and caressed his face.

  “C’mon, Em. Let’s get you dried off.” He lifted her out of the water and onto the sand, now crowded with mermaids drying out.

  “They all wanted to come ashore,” Emily explained, while he patted her dry. “Some of them have not been on land in many years.” Michael grasped Emily's hand, unwilling now to let go. She was back on her human feet again, and totally bare ass naked he realized.

  His eyes widened and narrowed. He wanted to take her in, from head to toe. Instead, he darted to get the dress she’d torn off before diving in earlier. He slipped it over her head in a jiff.

  “Oops,” she pouted, tossing him a playful shrug.

  “Oops? That’s all you have to say for yourself?” He grinned.

  “How about… let’s try that again later. When we’re alone.” She leaned in and grabbed hold of his lips, intent heavy in her attack.

  “You are so gonna get it later,” he groaned.

  “Is that a promise?”

  Michael had never seen this side of Emily before. He yanked her body into his. “You’re driving me crazy, and you know it.”

  “I guess being a mermaid all day has made me see things from a different perspective.” A freeing one. One that made her want to claim what belonged to her.

  But there it was again. The awful truth. She was still a mermaid.

  Michael wondered, if they were not able to save her, if she’d forget about him. She had one day a month to come to dry land. Would he even get to have her for that long? Or would the ocean steal her from him completely?

  Tears stung at Emily’s eyes. She was wondering the same thing.

  Charlie, Melinda and William, plus Mr. Jordan, helped the other mermaids onto the shore and get dry. Soon, the beach was filled with naked blue-haired merladies. Most barely remembered what it felt like to walk on human legs. None cared at all they were naked.

  The two that had tricked Charlie danced toward him, playfully. He was ecstatic to have the chance he needed, to speak with them again. Equally ecstatic, watching them bounce in his direction. It was hot. And sent a lusty shiver through him.

  They had a third sister with them, a different sister than the one he had saved from the netting in the cavern.

  “This is real sister,” one of the merladies told him.

  “She needed saving.”

  “The mean one... not real,” the first one said.

  “Took our sister.”

  “Held her captive,” they took turns explaining.

  “Mean one. Not real. Not one of us.”

  “Looked wrong when came to us.”

  “Wrong?” This is what Charlie needed to confirm. “What do you mean when you say wrong?”

  “Fake. Not one of us.” They shrugged, unable to explain it better.

  “Wanted ring,” the mermaid pointed to Charlie's finger.

  “Used our sister. Took her.”

  “Said would kill her.”

  “If did not get ring.”

  “Are sorry.” They spoke as if using one voice.

  “It's okay,” said Charlie, once again. “You did what you had to do. When it comes down to it, family is the most important thing there is.”

  “Yes. Yes. Yes.” the three sisters agreed wholeheartedly, jumping up and down.

  Charlie’s held his breath. He might have had one hot night with the Guardian, Nina, but he felt as pent up as ever. Dancing, bouncing beautiful woman was so not helping him any.

  “Cannot live without sisters,” they sang together. “Love sisters.”

  “I can see that.” He shook his head as they giddily rejoined the others closer to the shoreline. They had gathered around Emily and Michael. She stood by his side, Michael’s arm around her waist, unwilling to let her go.

  His sibling’s angst, layering over his own, sent him over the edge. His grip around her waist tightened. William was prepared to leave at a moment’s notice, should they ask it of him. He’d search for a solution until the very last second.

  One of the sisters that had tricked Charlie walked up to Michael and strok
ed his smooth face. “Don’t be sad. We say thank you now.”

  His brow furrowed. He could feel nothing but sad.

  “Sister returns to you.” The mermaid shook her head, confounded. “She prefers walk. Not swim.”

  Michael just stared, not understanding what she was telling him.

  She pulled a necklace over her head, and removed the shell that dangled from it, holding it up to Emily's mouth.

  “Sing,” she instructed Emily.

  “Into the shell?”

  The merlady nodded yes.

  Emily sang softly into the opening of the shell.

  A bluish light floated out of her mouth and found its way into the shell. The merlady smiled and held the shell up to Emily's ear.


  “Yes, I do,” Emily replied, a huge smile on her face.

  “We save for sister,” she said. “One that want swim. Not walk.” She put the shell back on her necklace and secured it around her neck.

  “I don’t understand,” mumbled Michael to his girlfriend. “Are you?” the words escaped him.

  Emily wrapped her arms around him. “All yours.”

  “You’re not a mermaid anymore? You’re human again?”

  “Me human. Not mermaid,” she toyed cutely.

  Michael picked her up and swung her in a wide circle. “I was really getting scared there for a minute.” He put her feet back on the ground, his hands cupping her cheeks. “Emily Morgan, can we please, please make it at least an entire week before something else life-threatening happens to you? My heart needs a break.”

  She laughed. “I'll do my best. I promise.”

  He let go and turned to the merladies. “Thank you. I can’t thank you enough.”

  “You save us. We save you.” She came over and kissed Emily on the cheek. “We miss sister already.” She pouted, but it quickly turned to a wide grin. She giggled and raced back into the ocean. She disappeared under the surface in seconds. Her flippers shot up into the air, splashing as she dove, her figure dissolving into the shadows.

  Each merlady did the same, kissing Emily goodbye and diving back into the water.

  The two that had tricked Charlie kissed Emily and skipped over to Charlie. They each snuggled up to a side and devoured him with kisses.

  Everyone tried not to laugh at the two naked merladies almost taking him down. Even William let out a chuckle. They weren’t sure they’d ever seen Charlie Howard’s face so red in his entire life.

  “Supernatural women. Right up your…” Michael stopped. Charlie shot him a don’t you dare look.

  The mermaids stroked his chest, their eyes swimming in blue. They pushed their bodies into him. Hardened nipples scraped along his sides. He held his breath.

  “So strong.”

  “You could come.”

  “Into water.”

  “With us.”

  Charlie wriggled out of their grasp. There would be no more mesmerizing taking place today.

  “Sorry,” he told them. “I prefer dry land, ladies.”

  They pouted. And batted their eyes.

  “No more mesmerizing,” he barked in a good-natured manner.

  “If you change mind.”

  “We find you.”

  “You know where we come land.”

  “Where dry off.”

  “You’ll come.”

  “One day.”

  They seemed quite sure of this. They left Charlie and bounced back to the ocean. It was all he could do to keep his tongue in his mouth, and not join them in the water. His arms almost left his sides and dragged them back.

  Sex with a mermaid. No, two mermaids… curvaceous, toned, and… he was turning this down, why? He watched them sink into the waves. He’d never resurface is why.

  Michael gazed comically at his brother. “I cannot believe you turned that down.”

  “I will most likely regret that choice,” Charlie grumbled. Always other issues nagging at him. Keeping him from living any sort of normal life. Moreover though, to leave with them, in front of his family. It would be so obvious… yeah, no. Not going to happen.

  All that remained on the beach were drying pieces of dead bloodsuckers.

  Melinda skipped over and grasped Emily in a deep hug. Melinda tossed Michael a sympathetic smile. She did not need his empathic abilities to feel the large doses of relief and elation pouring out of him.

  The stench of warming blood on the beach however, could ruin any good mood, and turned her stomach. “How do you enjoy this stuff, William? I realize it’s your fav thing and all, but I cannot imagine living on a diet of only blood.”

  “Don't diss it until you try it.” His face turned stoic. “That is actually not a funny thought in the least.” He was horrified he’d said it.

  “Ah, C’mon. It was funny, William.” Melinda grinned. “You're permitted to make jokes, you know.” She eyed him with a pleading look that said, just forget about earlier, and let’s just be us.

  He tossed her a lifted brow, agreeing. It was funny.

  She laughed. Happy for the brief reprieve from their tension.

  Mr. Jordan sauntered up to them. He had been walking the beach, looking over the devastation, collecting blood samples for his research. “I will bid thee farewell.” He stepped closer to Emily. “Thrilled you are still amongst us in the human world my dear. Thrilled!”

  She nodded in his direction, smiling.

  “Thank you, Mr. Jordan,” said Michael. “Thank you for trying to help. I'd still love to talk more about your work sometime.”

  “Sure enough, young man. I'll be in touch.”

  There were quick introductions all around, for those that hadn’t officially met him. Charlie wanted to trust the man, but knowing he was Eva’s father, the same nagging apprehension surfaced. “Mr. Jordan. Seeing as you’re a writer and all, there’s no problem in sharing your findings, but anything you happen to see about what we do…”

  He held up his arm. “No need to explain. Complete secrecy. I know when to keep my mouth shut.”

  Charlie nodded. “Sorry. I hope I wasn’t being rude. We have to be careful.”

  “Understood.” He lifted his hand and saluted the group. Mr. Jordan turned and got into his car and drove off. Just seconds later, they heard the beep beep beep of a truck backing up.

  “The cleaners,” said Charlie, rubbing his hands together. “Our work here is nearly done.” A large truck came to a stop, with the words, “Demon Isle Cleaning Service” painted on the side. Above it was their slogan. “Dirty? Get our DICS on it!” He laughed every time he saw it.

  A young man around Charlie's age hopped out of the cab. Charlie met him, holding out his hand. The young man grabbed it, shaking it.

  “Charlie Frickin’ Howard. It is never a pleasure to see you,” the young man sparred jokingly.

  Charlie pretended to hit the young man in the arm. “Yeah, afraid we left you a doozy today, Josh.”

  “Someone's gotta clean up this shite!” an older voice called out. “And the pay ain't bad neither.” An older, scruffy looking man walked around the front of the vehicle.

  “Where you want me to start today, Dad?” Josh asked him.

  “Survey the scene. Always survey the scene first,” he reminded his son. “I’d start down the beach apiece. See how far down we gotta clean.” His voice was kind, but gruff, like he’d smoked one too many cigarettes.

  “I'm on it,” the young man called back eagerly. “Catch ya later,” he aimed at Charlie, passing by, opening the back of the truck.

  “I'll owe ya beer,” Charlie shouted after him.

  “Ha, from the looks of this mess, you'll owe me a six pack.”

  Charlie thought, maybe an entire case…

  “Ah, he's a wicked good kid,” the older man boasted. “Glad he finally ‘cided to come into the family business. I'm thinkin’ on retirin’.”

  Mack joined them. “I didn't picture you as the retirin’ type, Earl Skidgel.”

  “There c
omes a day in every man's life when he realizes he'd rather be catching some wicked friggin’ big’uns on his boat. ‘Sides, I been doin’ this on forty years.”

  “Well, this Isle is indebted to you,” said Charlie.

  “As I said, someone's gotta clean up this heeah supah-natral messes get left behind. Looks like we got a hell of a mess goin’ on today.”

  Melinda had a hard time not laughing at Earl’s accent. It was the quintessential coastal accent that you often heard done poorly in any movie, set in Maine. Only he was the real deal.

  Earl didn’t question what happened on the beach. Or what the bodies were. Why there was so much blood. He just joined his son at the back of the truck and prepped for the cleanup.

  “I'm gonna stick around, wrap things up here,” said Mack. “Why don't you guys go ahead and take off. Been a pretty long day.”

  “Mack, lately, every day has been a long day.” Melinda smirked.

  “Ain't that the truth!” she agreed, wiping her brow.

  “I'll just fill in the Skidgel's on the beach barrier before I go,” said Charlie. “It will start to fade in about an hour.”

  “Good. Good. I'll check in with you guys tonight.” She headed back out to check on her deputies.


  A short while later, after showering, the Howard brothers sat in their kitchen having a well-earned dinner of beer and pizza.

  Melinda was just joining them, disappointed that her new dress was ruined by sucker blood. She’d tried to wash it out, but it was no use. She’d really enjoyed wearing that dress. What a bummer. She tossed it in the trash. She was not surprised to see Michael’s already filling the garbage can as well as William’s.

  “Should we really throw these bloody clothes away? I think we should just burn them. Does the garbage man know about the Isle, or us?” she wondered.

  Charlie finished his bite. “I’m not honestly sure about that. Probably better not to risk it.”

  “Give them to me, Melinda. I’ll burn them in my fireplace,” offered William. He’d just come into the kitchen from his study. She grabbed the bag and handed it to him. They passed a gentle smile between each other. The vampire disappeared, but before she helped herself to a slice of pizza, he’d returned.


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