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PIECES LOST (A Devil Call MC Book) (Talon & Everly Book Two) (Devil Call MC - Talon & Everly 2)

Page 2

by Ana W. Fawkes

  “What were you doing?” Layne asked.

  “Nothing,” I said.

  “I heard the door.”

  “I was checking on something.”


  “Yeah. He had… it doesn’t matter, Layne.”

  I had so much on the tip of my tongue. I wanted Layne to drop the towel. I wanted him to fuck me. I wanted to know what the hell it meant when Talon said he had killed Layne’s girlfriend.

  “What’s wrong?” Layne asked.

  “I keep thinking about that guy Talon killed. What’s going to happen with that?”

  “I don’t fucking know, Everly,” Layne said. “Talon walks his own path.”

  “How does that work in here?”

  “It doesn’t.”

  Layne reached up and grabbed the top of the doorjamb. That only made more muscle form. I couldn’t tell if Layne was trying to tease me, flirt with me, or if he just trusted me enough to not care. Like I was his sister or something.

  Either way, it didn’t help much for my confused heart and body.

  My mind flashed an image of Talon with that whore. His hands trying to hold her fake tits. Maybe she screamed crazily. Those stupid, fake, porno screams.

  I hate that whore.

  I hate Talon.

  I pushed from the door and approached Layne. I could do this. I could grab that towel and pull it off his body. Before he knew what was happening, my hand would be wrapped around his cock and pulling it. That’s when Layne would have no choice but to take me. The second he got hard in my hand, he would know he needed to just take me. Just one time. Just to see what it would feel like. How crazy it would feel. How good it would feel.

  When I was just a couple feet away from Layne, I froze.

  “I’m sorry you’re wrapped up in all this,” Layne said. “I should have just kept the patch on. But I wanted to show a little respect to Talon. Even if he doesn’t have any for us.”

  “I don’t get you two… I mean…”

  I licked my lips. I could reach for the towel or I could ask Layne about the death of his girlfriend.

  “What’s your story?” I ended up asking.

  “My story? Of what? My life? Please. Don’t try and give me that bullshit, Everly. This club is about life and death. This life is about surviving and staying at least one step ahead of death. Most of us live right alongside death, waiting for the motherfucker to reach out and grab us.”

  “Layne… I….”

  Layne turned and went back into the bathroom. He dropped the towel and before he closed the bathroom I got a split second glimpse of his ass.

  The door clicked shut and I hung my head.

  What was wrong with me?

  Half of me wanted to jump Layne, just to see what it would feel like. Just to indulge in that forbidden temptation kind of thing. But all of me still wanted Talon.

  Something needed to happen. Talon was lost in his own mind right now after killing Tommy. Layne was as held back as ever. And outside the room, in the clubhouse, there was a group of bikers teetering on disaster and insanity.

  There was a knock at Layne’s door, then it opened a second later. Gabel stood there and his lip curled when he saw me.

  “What?” I asked.

  “Where the hell is Layne?”

  “In the bathroom.”

  “Rinsing you off his body? Can’t imagine how much cock has climbed up inside that pussy of yours. Kind of nasty, and I’m a fucking biker.”

  “You’re a guy that rides a motorcycle that can’t even get a boner.”

  Gabel growled and stepped into the room. He opened his leather cut and showed me his gun. “I’ll bend you over right now, baby. I’ll shove my dick right up your fucking ass. How does that sound?”

  “Is it still soft? It probably wouldn’t be that bad then. Well, I mean, even if it was hard… how big could it really be?”

  “Fuck you,” Gabel said. “Hey, did you see that pretty one leaving Talon’s room? Those big tits. Perfect ass. I wonder how long he was up inside that. I wonder how many times he came. And where…”

  I stepped toward Gabel. Definitely not the right move to make. The bottom line, out of respect, was that he wore a leather cut and I didn’t. If I was truly claimed by Talon, as he said, then I would be with Talon all the time. He’d protect me from anything, including myself.

  Gabel took his gun out and the barrel of it hit me right in the jaw. The pain was so sudden, so instant, I actually saw stars. I finally understood what that expression meant. I stumbled to my left and caught myself from falling.

  I touched my jaw and could feel it already swelling.

  “Jesus fuck,” Gabel said. “Christ, Everly. I was just trying…”

  “What happened?” Layne’s voice asked as he tore open the bathroom door.

  I turned and saw Layne fully dressed. I touched my jaw and tried moving. It wasn’t broken, thankfully. Just sore.

  “She needs to keep her fucking mouth shut,” Gabel said.

  “Why are you here?” Layne asked Gabel. “And what did you…”

  A gunshot echoed throughout the clubhouse.

  “Fuck,” Layne said.

  He and Gabel ran for the door.

  I should have lingered back and stayed in Layne’s room. That would have been the smart move. The easy move. Linger and wait for direction.

  But before I knew what I was doing, I was charging down after Layne.

  All I could imagine was that Talon had done something crazy. Again.



  I had a towel around my waist as I ran down the hallway. I cut the corner hard, almost losing my damn feet and hitting the floor. When I got to the main part of the clubhouse, there was already a crowd formed. I realized I didn’t have my gun. Probably a dumb move to make in case we were under attack. Deep inside, I knew why I had forgotten my gun. I was waiting for my turn. My payback on things. I had jumped the gun and killed Tommy without the necessary information. The only thing that made sense was revenge. On myself.

  That’s how it worked on the inside. You fucked up, then got fucked up.

  I pushed through a few guys and the first person I spotted was Everly. Standing right next to fucking Layne. Gabel was next to him, gun drawn. In the middle of this little circle of Devil Call members was Kade and Hollis. Kade was holding his arm, blinking fast. His mouth was open, lips damn near quivering.

  “What the fuck happened?” I screamed.

  “He shot me,” Kade said.

  “I didn’t fucking mean to,” Hollis said. “I was just taking my gun out, man. That’s all.”

  “And you pulled the fucking trigger while doing it?” Layne asked.

  “First time you ever shot a gun?” I asked.

  “Fuck off,” Hollis said.

  The entire group took a step back. They all stared wide eyed at Hollis.

  Nobody talked to me like that.

  “What did you just say?” I asked.

  “Whoa, man, Talon. Look…”

  “I’m fucking bleeding here,” Kade yelled. “Can I get some fucking help?”

  I reached for Kade and pulled him over to me. I grabbed his hand off his arm and lifted the sleeve of his shirt.

  There was a red mark. More like a burn than anything else. I squeezed Kade at his wrist and held his arm up for everyone to see.

  “This is not a fucking bullet wound,” I said. “You’re a fucking pussy, Kade. You know that?”

  “It fucking hurts, man,” Kade said.

  “Everything hurts,” I said. “Grow a pair.”

  I pushed Kade away and looked around at the crew. Buzzy, Kade, Austin, Drave, Maxen, and Hollis. Gabel was next to Layne with Everly damn near climbing up into his arms. There were other guys in the back of the main group. I felt like I was being stared at and judged. Maybe it was a chance to make a speech about Tommy and what had happened. But I didn’t want to explain myself. To anyone. If that shit started, it was a long and windin
g road of doubt and losing respect.

  “I’m sorry,” Hollis said. “I was just trying to take my piece out.”

  “You fucking moron,” Layne said.

  That’s when Layne looked at me. I stared back at him. I wondered if right now was the perfect time to take my shot at Layne. Just one really good punch to his fucking face. We could settle our checked recent past and we could settle this President situation within the club.

  Layne lifted his left hand and with his pointer and middle fingers, he pointed to his eyes. He then gave a quick head nod toward Hollis.

  I looked and saw Hollis trying to avoid all eye contact.

  “Look at me,” I said to Hollis. “Look me dead in the fucking eyes.”

  Hollis looked at me.

  He was high again.

  I should have fucking known it.

  I thought by busting up Tommy and killing him, it would end the drugs in Brocke, end the drugs in the MC, and keep my guys clean and focused. But Tommy was dead because of cock pills and vibrators. Maybe there was other shit he was selling too, but obviously Hollis was still getting his score when he needed it.

  The only thing that worried me worse than my guys fucking around with drugs was if my guys were in debt with dealers and higher ups. I wasn’t sure how anyone made money anymore. We were all so scattered, doing our own thing to survive while I was on the inside. If Hollis was high, that was one thing. But how the fuck did he pay for his fix?

  Hollis stared at me. He started to sweat. I could tell he was waiting to get his ass kicked for being high again.

  Instead, I simply put a hand to his shoulder. “Don’t fucking shoot your brothers, man. Too many stray and accidental bullets turn us into straight up assholes. I don’t want that. Do you?”

  “No, Talon. No, man.”


  I turned and looked at Layne. Now it was my turn to nod. I was passing the chips to him for a second here. I wanted to see what Layne could and would do to solve this little problem. Because I had a bigger problem right now.

  “Why the fuck is Everly out here?” I asked.

  That cut right through any calm, silent conversation Layne and I were having.

  “What?” Layne asked. “She followed…”

  “Fuck you, man. You tell her to stay put. What if we were under attack? You heard those assholes from Los Ahn, remember? They wanted her. What about Rilen Lost? You know how shit works, man. They go for the balls. The cheap move. The smart move, I guess. Where’s your fucking head, man?”

  Layne gritted his teeth and faced me. “Why was she running to my room then? What are you not doing?”

  I inched closer to Layne. “You’re going to end up getting someone killed.”

  I had more to say, but I left it go. If I said anything more, it would turn into a blowout fight.

  “Getting someone killed,” Layne said and grinned. “You’re good at that, Talon. Stray bullets make us assholes, huh? What does that make you then?”

  “At least I could take action when I feel it’s necessary.” I looked at Everly and she turned her head away. “Meeting in thirty minutes. I want the fucking table full.”

  I reached for Everly and gently touched her arm. It made me burn everywhere. Christ, I was going to get hard in front of everyone. Not a big deal, except I was wearing only a fucking towel.

  “Look at me, beautiful,” I whispered.

  Everly gave me a half glance. “What?”

  “Come with me right now.”

  “Why? Got someone else in your room to fuck?”

  Everyone around us let out a oohhh sound.

  I snapped my head back and showed my teeth to everyone. “All you fuck off.”

  The group split up.

  I looked at Layne. “You going to take care of things?”

  Layne wiped the spot on his cut where he once wore the President patch. “I don’t know. Am I taking orders from you, Talon? Or am I making my own?”

  “How about for right now, we just find a way to keep this club in order?”

  Layne looked at Everly. I could sense the burning between them. How hard Layne was pulling back. Forcing himself to pull back. And it had nothing to do with me. He’d been like that the entire time Everly was in the clubhouse. I didn’t need her to tell me to know that for sure. I could feel it between them. How bad Layne wanted to fuck her. How bad Everly wanted Layne to try it out. Just once.

  “Let’s go,” I said.

  I put my hand to Everly’s back and guided her away from the main part of the clubhouse. We made it all of ten steps before she tried to stop.

  “Talon, wait,” she said.

  “What’s wrong, beautiful?”

  “You can’t just do this to me. Call me beautiful. Get mad at Layne. Have a naked woman in your room. You can’t just tell me…”

  Everly was looking straight ahead. She wouldn’t even fucking look at me right now. Damnit, if that didn’t actually get to me. Hurt me a little. I really cared about her. There was more to Everly than a body. There was a connection.

  “Just come into my room, okay? Then we’ll talk. I don’t want to do this right here in the hallway.”

  Everly nodded.

  She started to walk again.

  When we got into my room, she hurried to stay a couple steps ahead of me. She looked straight ahead again. It was like she was trying to fucking hide from me.

  I shut my door and locked it.

  “What’s going on with you?” I asked. “You won’t even look at me right now.”

  “You killed Layne’s girlfriend?”


  One moment of feeling a little vulnerable and that’s what I give to the world. That’s what I spilled to Everly. It made me think of Mutt for a second. In his worst moment (or a few hundred) in his life, he killed his parents. Acting on raw emotion and the necessity to protect himself and his life. Feeling vulnerable and attacking. That’s what Mutt had done.

  But me?

  I had a moment and I looked into Everly’s pretty eyes and I dumped on her with something heavy. I only told her because I trusted her to know. Because I wanted her to have that. It was like something we could share together.

  Fuck, that sounds romantic. I was not romantic. Fuck that.

  “I’m not going there right now,” I said. “I’m sorry. There’s a past with myself and Layne. I want you to just understand that. There’s not going to be you between us, trying to make peace.”

  “Can I at least understand why?”

  “Sure. We were tight like brothers, now we’re not. The biggest decision that needs to be made is who will be the President of the club.”

  “I want more… Talon…”

  I walked to Everly. I put my hands to her shoulders. “I know you do, beautiful.”

  I put my nose to her hair and smelled. For a second, I thought it was going to smell like sweat, sex, and Layne. But it didn’t. It smelled like Everly. Some fruity or flowery shit shampoo, conditioner, hair gel, whatever. But it was Everly.

  After I took a deep breath, I squeezed at her shoulders. Everly put a hand to one of my hands.

  “Why her?” Everly whispered.

  Now, I didn’t feel an ounce of regret for having some chick climb into the shower and jerk me off. That was part of my life. It’s what I wanted. But there was a lot more to it.

  “You saw what I did,” I said. “You were on the back of my ride. We rolled right up on Tommy and I thought I had the world right at my fingertips. I thought if I could take some motherfucker down right away, I could make damn sure the club knew I was out and I was back. But what did I do, Everly? I killed some guy selling sex stuff out of the trunk of his beat up car.”

  “Are you ashamed? Are you guilty?”

  “No,” I said. “Tommy was a piece of shit. You’ve been lingering around Layne’s room since it happened. I don’t give a shit what you decide for your life, babe. You want to play games with Layne, go do it. If you want to be here, in thi
s room, then you stay the fuck here.”

  “You’ve been distant. Thinking.”

  “Has Layne fucked you?” I asked.

  Just asking that made me angry.

  “No,” Everly said.

  “That’s right. You’re still so tight, babe. All for me. My taking. My need.”

  “Then why did you have someone else here?”

  “To take the edge off,” I admitted. “You were gone. I was in the shower.”

  “What did… she… do?”

  I smiled. I smelled Everly’s hair again. Sweet. Innocent.

  I was getting hard again.

  “I wouldn’t even look at her,” I whispered to Everly. I brushed my lips against her right cheek. I kissed her. “I wouldn’t even let her touch me. Well, other than her left hand…” I kissed Everly’s neck. My tongue flickered, tasting her skin. “That’s all, babe. She stroked my cock. I spilled right into the drain. Then I made her leave.”

  Everly eased her body back to mine.

  I had her. She was all mine again.

  Not that I ever lost her.

  Not that I would ever fucking lose her…



  I felt Talon’s thickness pressing against me. All he had on was a towel. Nothing else. His shoulders were gripped tight to my shoulders, one of my hands squeezing at his. The second he smelled my hair, my knees felt weak. When his breath danced and tickled along my cheek and neck, it made me wet. Just like that. Instant wetness.

  That didn’t happen with Layne.

  There was a feeling there with Layne, but it wasn’t this.

  With Talon it was total passion. Wild lust. A desperate sense of need, like I had never been touched before. That feeling of being untouched, that virginal sense of curiosity and tingling up and down my body like a wicked high.

  My mouth opened and I exhaled a breath as Talon kept kissing my neck.

  I forced my mind to focus and remember what we had just been talking about. Which was, Talon having another woman in his room. A woman with fake tits, wearing nothing but a towel. A woman that went into the shower with him and jerked him off. A woman that he simply used just for that and nothing else.

  He didn’t want me to do that and I couldn’t figure out why. It pissed me off more than it hurt me. I felt for Talon, I really did, but it wasn’t like we were married. Being around Devil Call MC, I had seen enough of the life to get it. To understand why these guys did what they did.


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