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Words of Love

Page 12

by Hazel Hunter

  She raised her eyebrows.

  “Wait?” she said. “We’re just going to leave the most important archaeological find of the millennia here, unguarded?”

  “Frederico wouldn’t have allowed any competition here,” he said, serious again. “It’ll be safe.”

  “But how can you just leave without at least investigating it?”

  Now he sat up and she did as well.

  “Because it’s not me, it’s us. When you’re well, we can catalogue, photograph, excavate and translate everything.” He was starting to get excited and his eyes had their familiar glitter. “There’ll be hundreds of people to help and experts from all over the world.” He gazed into her eyes. “We’ll even have more than beans and rice.”

  She had to smile at that but she still couldn’t help but be nervous about just leaving everything here.

  “Are you sure? The most amazing treasure ever and there’s not so much as a lock on the door?”

  “Well, there you’re wrong,” he said, as he put his arms around her. “The only real treasure, I’m taking with me.”

  As he leaned in to kiss her, a single glyph slowly floated into view. The beautiful symbol glowed like a rainbow and she recognized it immediately– the word for beloved. Though she’d meant to say it, Brett’s lips gently enveloped hers. As she closed her eyes and kissed him back, she decided she could tell him about it later.


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  Copyright © 2013 Hazel Hunter

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

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