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Hot Billionaire Sex (Billionaire BDSM Short Story Collection)

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by Honey Taylor

  A Billionaire Short Story Collection




  Honey Taylor

  Copyright © 2013 Honey Taylor

  All rights reserved.

  This collection is over 45,000 words.

  WARNING: These stories contains hot sex scenes and graphic language. For ADULTS, 18+ only.

  Check Out Honey Taylor’s Other Books

  Table of Contents

  The Billionaire’s BDSM Slave

  When her father runs into trouble paying back a business loan to a billionaire colleague, a young woman decides to plead his case to see if she can help. Attracted to the woman, the billionaire offers her a deal where her father’s loan will be reduced for each night she spends with him. At first she refuses, but when her parent’s marriage is threatened by the problems she agrees to one night, only to find herself the BDSM slave of the billionaire.

  Jet Set Love (Used by the Billionaire)

  A beautiful young woman employed as a flight attendant for a luxury jet company finds herself coming under the spell of a billionaire making a trip to Hong Kong. Unable to stop the attraction between them she submits to him during the flight and joins the mile high club as she is tied and used. The spark of passion remains and they can’t keep their hands off each other for the rest of the flight and beyond.

  Seduced by the Billionaire Bar Owner

  A female executive ends a business meeting by visiting a new restaurant with her client. When the meal is over the client leaves, but she decides to stay and relax a little. When a drink is sent over to her she accepts it and ends up chatting with the man that paid. As they chat she says she is not all that impressed with the décor of the place and then is embarrassed to find that the man she is speaking to is the owner. He asks her to come back a few times to offer some tips on improvements to make. The woman agrees and finds herself falling for the man and ends up letting herself be seduced into the bathroom for some torrid public sex.

  The Billionaire’s Seduction

  A female estate agent given the job of finding rented accommodation for a billionaire finds that he is interested in more than her house hunting skills. She resists his advances at first, but is slowly seduced by his charms until she lets him use her for some kinky bondage lovemaking in the properties they are viewing.

  Seduced by the Billionaire Benefactor

  A girl setting up a college fundraiser arranges an event to acknowledge the main benefactor. When she meets the billionaire, she finds that his interest is in more than just donating money and that he develops an obsessive attraction to her. At first she resists his attempts to take her out, but his persistence wears her down and she finally agrees to a dinner date. It ends at his home where he seduces her into a world of BDSM that teaches her the exhilaration of some painful lovemaking.

  The Billionaire’s BDSM Slave

  The sound of the silence scared Brittany. The nineteen year old girl had become used to her parents arguing over the previous couple of months, with the regular confrontations between her mother and father becoming increasingly bitter as the days and weeks passed. As bad as the arguments were, the sound of silence scared her more. It was an ominous sign that her parents were moving past the fights to not even talking and Brittany couldn’t help wondering where it would all end. Her parent’s voices were always loud enough during their screaming matches that she couldn’t help but be aware of the cause of the problems. It seemed that her father borrowed money from a wealthy business colleague to keep his business afloat and was having serious difficulties in paying the loan back. Not only did this appear to be putting his business in danger of collapse, but the family home could also be lost and what that would lead to was something that Brittany didn’t want to contemplate.

  Stepping out of her bedroom the teenage girl made her way downstairs to get something to drink, wondering exactly what she would find when she got there. Her mother was nowhere to be seen, but when she stepped into the kitchen, she saw her father sitting at the table with his head in his hands. “Hi dad,” she said, trying to keep her voice cheerful as she walked over to the refrigerator.

  Her father didn’t answer at first, seemingly lost in his thoughts, but he finally lifted his head from his hands and tried to smile in her direction. “Hi Brittany,” he answered. “How are things with you today?” Almost as soon as the words were out of his mouth, his head sank back onto his hands.

  “I’m good,” the teenage girl replied, trying to retain the cheerful note in her voice although looking at her father made her anything but happy. “How about you?”

  “Oh I’ve been better,” he went on, the weariness of his reply not lost on Brittany. She grabbed a soft drink from the refrigerator and moved across the room to sit opposite her father at the table. She wondered whether to ask the question that was playing on the tip of her tongue and in the end couldn’t help herself.

  “Still having money problems?” she asked quietly.

  Her father looked up again, not altogether surprised at his daughter’s question. “Been listening in to the arguments?” he replied.

  “It’s kind of hard not to,” Brittany said. “You and mum have been pretty loud lately.”

  Her father sighed. “Yeah, I guess it’s not been much fun around here in the last couple of months. Sorry about that.”

  Brittany smiled. Her father always was one for worrying more about others than himself. “That’s OK,” she went on. “So…, what exactly is the problem?” She half expected her father to go silent and say nothing, but was surprised when he sighed again and started talking. As his words tumbled out, Brittany listened to the whole story. Taking the loan from a wealthy colleague seemed like a smart move at the time, but it was slowly becoming a millstone around his neck and he was sinking deeper into debt. He confessed that the future of his business was under threat and that their home was also in danger of being lost if he couldn’t pay back the loan. It was much as Brittany suspected, but it was still a shock to hear the words coming from her father.

  “Will you be able to sort it out?” she asked. The silence wasn’t the answer she wanted to hear and was an indication of just how serious the problem was. She didn’t really want to ask the next question that suddenly came to mind, but again couldn’t hold back from doing so. “Are…, you and mum OK?”

  “Oh sure, we…,” The words tailed off quickly and her father didn’t seem to know how to end what he started. Brittany felt the slight panic that suddenly gripped her at the prospect of her parents breaking up. It was something she’d never considered in her life before, but as she sat opposite her father she couldn’t help worrying that the situation might really end up with that outcome. “Things will be OK,” her father finally said, but the lack of conviction in his voice was all too obvious to Brittany. As much as she wanted to believe him, she found it hard to do so and the slight panic continued to play on her nerves. Before she could say anything more her father stood up from the table. “I have a few things I need to sort out,” he said and Brittany watched as he walked to the kitchen door and then disappeared out of sight into the hallway. She remained sitting at the table, finishing her drink, but eventually got up to return to her bedroom. Putting on some music she tried to get her thoughts away from the problems of her parents, but the words of her father kept coming back to her. She wished there was some way she could help to make things better, but knew that it was really something that her father needed to sort out. Eventually getting up from her bed, she walked to the bathroom to have a shower and then went to bed, finally mana
ging to calm her mind a little and fall asleep.

  Over the next few weeks things got no better, with the arguments of her parents carrying on unabated and the growing silences in between them creating a terrible atmosphere at home. Brittany was coming to dread finishing college each day, unsure of exactly what she would find when she got home in the evening. She realized that if things went on as they were, it really could end in the break up of the family. The more she thought about this possibility the more she wanted to do something to help and the only option that came to her was to talk to the man that loaned her father the money. She wasn’t sure exactly what good this would do, but as time passed the idea grew on her and she knew she needed to at least try. Sitting around doing nothing as her parents tore themselves apart didn’t seen like much of an option and the teenage girl finally resolved that it was time for her to try and help.

  The business colleague her father borrowed money from was well known, not least because of his money and it was reputed that Ashton Cooper was a dollar billionaire. Brittany knew little more about him than his face, having seen his picture a few times in the newspaper, but she started to collect all the information about him that she could. Within a few days she knew the location of his home, where his offices were based, his age of forty four, the story of his marriages and divorces, and his preference for beach vacations and beautiful women. She considered the way to approach him, finally deciding that a trip to his business office afforded the best opportunity of meeting and talking to him. The following day at college she missed her last couple of lectures in the afternoon to make an effort to go and see him. Making her way to a restroom, she went inside a cubicle and changed out of her normal scruffy jeans and t-shirt look to the more sober blouse and skirt she brought with her from home that morning. When she stepped out of the cubicle, she moved over to the mirror and applied a little blusher and lipstick. Brittany stared at her reflection, wondering if she was doing the right thing and nerves started to get the better of her. Lifting a hand in front of her face, she could see the slight shake in it, but before she could talk herself out of making the trip she moved out of the restroom and headed towards the bus stop. The nerves she was feeling grew as the bus arrived and she rode it into town.

  When she finally arrived in front of the office tower and looked up at it, Brittany could sense her nervousness increasing further still and she thought about turning round and going home. She took a couple of deep breaths though and forged ahead, walking up to the building and stepping through the door into the foyer. Ashton Cooper’s business occupied the top ten floors of the building, but already knowing that the reception area was on the 30th floor the teen girl made her way to it. When the elevator stopped at the correct floor she remained standing inside the small space and needed to reach out and press the button quickly before the doors closed on her again. Stepping out she looked around and immediately saw the imposing reception desk to her left. The pretty woman behind it was looking in her direction and Brittany tried to smile as she walked over.

  “Hi, can I help you?” the woman asked.

  “Umm…, yeah, I’m here to see Mr. Cooper,” the teenage girl replied.

  The woman frowned and looked down at a book in front of her. She didn’t speak until she looked back up. “Do you have an appointment?”

  Brittany suddenly felt a little foolish at having turned up unannounced to see a billionaire businessman. “No,” she confessed. “I didn’t think to arrange one.”

  “Well he is very busy,” the woman said. “He will be unavailable for at least an hour. What exactly is it that you want to see him about.”

  “Umm…, it’s a personal matter,” Brittany replied, suddenly feeling all the more foolish for what she was doing.

  “OK,” the woman said. “Well like I say, it will be at least an hour before he is free. You are welcome to wait, but I’ve no idea if he will be able to spare the time to see you. He is a busy man.”

  Brittany considered what to do. Being elsewhere seemed like a good idea, but she reasoned she’d come this far and another hour didn’t seem too long a wait for a chance to see the billionaire. “I’ll wait,” she finally said. She turned to look as the woman behind the desk pointed towards a small coffee table and some chairs in the corner of the reception area. Moving across to them, she sat and picked up a magazine from the table to flick through it. The next hour seemed to drag. Brittany finally gave up reading the magazines and just looked around. People came, people went, but there was no sign of the one man she wanted to see. As the hour turned to an hour-and-a-half, she finally decided she was wasting her time. Standing up, she moved across to the reception desk and was about to ask how she could go about arranging a meeting with the billionaire at another time when she heard the laughter. She turned to look and saw Ashton Cooper walking across the reception area with a couple of other men. They moved across to the elevators and stood chatting as they waited for it to arrive, Mr. Cooper shaking the men’s hands and bidding them farewell as they finally stepped into the elevator and disappeared from sight.

  He then walked towards the reception desk and Brittany just stared. The billionaire’s muscular frame was impressive and he appeared to be well over 6 foot tall, certainly towering over Brittany’s petite 5 foot 3 inch frame. His blonde hair was swept into a smart side parting and it gave him a handsome look, the cool blue eyes adding to his appeal.

  “Any messages Sally?” he asked the woman behind the reception desk when he reached it.

  “Only a couple,” Sally answered. “I left the details on your desk.”

  “OK, thanks,” Mr. Cooper said and turned to leave.

  “You also have a visitor,” the woman said and as Mr. Cooper turned back the woman pointed at Brittany who was still standing next to the reception desk.

  The billionaire frowned and stepped up to her. “Is there something I can do for you?” he asked.

  “Well…” the teenage girl started hesitantly. “I wondered if I could have five minutes of your time.”

  “For what?” he went on.

  “I wanted to discuss something private with you,” Brittany went on. The billionaire looked at his watch and then back at the teenage girl. She thought he was about to say he was too busy, but was surprised when he agreed to speak to her and led the way along to his office. He moved to sit in a comfortable looking executive chair behind the large desk that dominated the room and motioned Brittany to take the seat opposite. He looked at his watch again and it seemed a pointed gesture to show that he was busy.

  “So what can I do for you?” he asked.

  “My name is Brittany Murphy,” she started. “You know my father, he…”

  “You’re John Murphy’s daughter?” Mr. Cooper cut in. Brittany nodded her head. “Does he know you are here?” the billionaire went on.

  Brittany shook her head in answer to the second question. “He probably wouldn’t be happy if he knew I was, but I needed to come and see you. I guess you are aware of his difficulties in paying back the loan. I just wondered if there was anything you could do to help him.”

  Mr. Cooper frowned again. “Like what?” he asked.

  Brittany sat silently. “I don’t really know,” she finally answered, “but if something doesn’t give, I think it will end up in the break-up of my parents marriage. They spend their days constantly arguing about money and life at home is becoming unbearable.”

  It was Mr. Cooper’s turn to sit quietly. “I’m sorry to hear that,” he finally said. “But I’m not really a charity. I made the loan to your father in good faith and would expect him to pay it back in full. It’s nothing personal, just business.”

  “Oh,” was all that Brittany could think to say and she suddenly felt helpless. “I guess I wasted my time coming to speak to you then. I won’t waste any more of your day.” She moved to get up out of the chair, but stopped as the billionaire went on.

  “Don’t be so hasty,” he said. “If your father can’t help himself, m
aybe there is something that you can do to help him.”

  “Me?” the teenage girl exclaimed. “I’m just a college girl, it’s not like I have a pile of money stashed under my bed that I can give you to pay off a loan.”

  Mr. Cooper stood up and moved around the desk, standing behind the chair that Brittany was sitting on. “Money isn’t the only way to pay off a loan,” the billionaire said. “A pretty young thing like you has so much more to offer.”

  The hands suddenly caressing onto Brittany’s shoulders made her shudder and her nerves kicked in. She didn’t need to be a genius to work out what Mr. Cooper was talking about, but wasn’t sure it was something she wanted to give. The question played on her lips though and she finally gave in to temptation and asked. “What exactly are you talking about?” she asked. The teenage girl shuddered again as fingertips stroked up her neck and caressed onto her earlobe.

  “Let’s just say that for a night of your time, your father might find that he owes me less than he thought he did,” Mr. Cooper went on.


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