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The Tears of Unicorns

Page 2

by Victoria Mercier

  ​The door opened.

  ​Behind it stood Lotian with a bouquet of sparkling blue flowers. He was dressed elegantly with a touch of nobility. His smoothly shaved face gleamed in the light. My eyes jumped between the flowers and his grapefruit-hued eyes.

  ​“I’m sorry for the… mysterious arrival, but I wanted this to be a surprise.”

  ​I nodded, stupid, not knowing what to say or how to react. I’ve never received flowers from anyone. It was… what the hell is that fluttery feeling in my belly? Heck, what’s the matter with the temperature jumps? My body malfunctioned all of sudden. I watched Lotian gesture, and I simultaneously knew that Rebecca was gone from the room.

  ​“I don’t want another Saaron’s intrusion.”

  ​“It’s not her fault,” I murmured.

  ​“I know. I didn’t harm her. She’ll be back after we finish here.”

  ​Finish here? Finish here what? I started to hyperventilate. This was new. There was a powerful magnetism that drew us together. But I haven’t experienced such emotions since we met for the first time six months ago. At least not before our clothes started to fly. I couldn’t believe that all it took were flowers.

  ​Lotian handed them to me. A current zapped between us and further alongside my arm to discharge into the air.

  ​“They possess some weird magical properties.”

  ​“What are you doing here?” I asked before the last remnants of control slipped away. “I told you last Sunday that I’m going to see my friends this weekend.”

  ​Lotian stepped inside as if afraid that I’d close the door before his nose. His short flame hair was nicely trimmed. I expected other students to whisper that we must be siblings of some sort, though we didn’t share the color of our eyes. Mine were green like emeralds. Lame comparison, but seriously, each time I’ve looked at myself in the mirror, these green gemstones came to my mind.

  ​“I’ve been thinking,” Lotian said. “Now, that we’re sharing blood. We should make our relationship official.”

  ​A spike of fear hit precisely between my shoulder blades and pierced my heart. Anything, I should say, was gone. I stood there watching the empty corridor, speechless and lost in the silence. Did he say an official relationship? I shook my head trying to get thoughts back into that thick stupid skull.

  ​“We aren’t in a relationship,” I replied finally.

  ​Lotian nodded. He sat down on the sofa. Elbows on his knees. He squinted at me and grinned. So, now was this a joke? Surprisingly, I felt outraged because of that. I … genuinely believed he’d wanted to make this thing between us public. Whatever this thing was.

  ​“Don’t get mad, Flare. Though I like it when you fire up,” Lotian admitted. His elegant clothes looked out of place on him. Because of his demi-dragon’s status, Lotian didn’t need to wear the student uniform. He’s usually dressed casually.

  ​Our gazes contested for primacy, and I sensed it. An intent coming through our bond. Lotian desired me. I made a step toward the other sofa, then reconsidered and took a place next to him. Why have I been feeling such a strong mutual attraction, even toward enemies? I couldn’t find any book, which could explain this phenomenon and… Lotian’s lips shut my thoughts down. His tongue gently stroke mine and they began playing. Kissing a demi-dragon sent clusters of shivers throughout my body. Intimate contact between dragons could be compared to a deep lake. From outside it looked safe and even the first steps didn’t raise an alarm. And then BANG you sank to the bottom.

  ​Lotian’s hands softly slid over my naked skin. At first, the movement seemed random. Just his way of getting acquaintance with my body. Then my clothes started to fall down. He used more sophisticated spells this time. No blunt disappearing. I felt each motion, each piece of my underwear going down. All this happened while Lotian’s sweet lips were glued to mine.

  ​When he got me naked, his mouth parted and I expected usual oral sex. He’s refused to do more than that. I knew it was his rage that could wake up at any time. We’d be in trouble…

  ​“Now is my turn,” I purred. “I don’t let you starve while you feed me.”

  ​“I think it’s the other way around. I eat your pussy—”

  ​I put a finger on his lips. I was no longer in control. My dragon’s blood took over. Of course, I didn’t know any spells to take clothes off, so I had to rely on my hands. Naked, I began stripping Lotian down. He didn’t oppose, though I sensed his tension. He understood how much was at stake here. My sex with Saaron has complicated everything.

  ​Fuck Saaron and their rules.

  ​Lotian didn’t stop me, but he wasn’t going to help, either. I had no choice. I tore his shirt off his muscular torso. The sight of tautened muscles and perfect shapes made my pulse quicken and my hot core went into overdrive. I could watch him for hours.

  ​I unbuckled his belt, but there was no way I’d do anything without his hand here.

  ​“Come,” I purred as I set off toward my bedroom. My naked ass gently bumped the door.

  ​There was a limit of how much temptation Lotian could withstand before he snapped. Finally, he stirred out of his stupor and stood up. Just like that the rest of his clothes went down and I gasped. I’ve seen only Saaron’s cock. Lotian’s was as majestic as his brother’s if not more. I swallowed, but my mouth filled with more saliva. Gods, but I couldn’t wait to start sucking him. Was every dragoness such a slut?

  ​You’re not a slut, Lotian said in my mind. His usual amusement gone. You’re a free person that has the right to love and be loved. Some people treat sex no different from a good time. I take it… more personal.

  ​In a flash, I found myself in his arms. He kept me up effortlessly. Not that I weighted much. The heat from his body was both physical and magical. But the dragon’s rage slept. No destructive flames around us. I didn’t even try to hold myself back.

  ​Lotian put me down on the bed. He spread my legs and his tongue began the spectacle. I gasped, screamed, begged. The intensity of this oral sex went through the roof. Nothing like this has happened before.

  ​“Wait…” I whispered because my mind was a big puddle right now and I hardly could speak to him in my head. “It’s my turn to please you.” Maybe it was greedy on my part. Maybe I just wanted to please him. There was no way of knowing.

  ​Lotian pulled away leaving a gap between my legs, which tingled like a raw wound. I badly wanted him back there. I shook off the overpowering desire to command him to return and lifted on my elbows.

  ​“Come to me,” I said.

  ​He was an enormous man capable of pulverizing this entire room with less than a thought. He was extra careful when he climbed on the bed and positioned himself above me. His cock jutted proudly a few inches from my face. The aroma from his penis watered my mouth even more. A more jealous part of my mind wanted to ask him if any other girl had made him a blowjob, then I figured out it wasn’t the best moment for such a conversation.

  ​Sucking a demi-dragon’s dick was an experience so different even from sex. I gave him myself. Each time my head impaled itself on his member, I realized he possessed me. Each second his oversized cock puffed inside my mouth, I knew I was his. At that moment, I could be a slut or whatever he wanted me to be. Such an exhilarating feeling this was.

  ​Lotian groaned tensing and simultaneously I stopped, fearing that his rage just awakened. Then he smiled, his eyes filled with affection.

  ​“It’s so good,” he murmured. “Don’t stop.”

  ​I got back to his business. As I sucked him, my fingers played with my clit. I wasn’t exactly a fan of self-pleasure but god almighty, there had to be some resonating effect because as soon as Lotian’s began shuddering and moaning, an orgasm within my core just expanded and exploded sending my mind to the Moon.

  ​I returned to Earth with a thick load of Lotian’s cum in my mouth.

  ​Good thing that I had enchanted walls. Otherwise, the entire neighborhood would hear his
wail. I couldn’t make much of a sound with his penis deep inside my mouth.

  ​No rage or a destructive inferno descended upon us. Well, we didn’t avoid damage though. After Lotian’s orgasm, he fell on my bed snapping it in half.

  ​“I’m sorry!” he grinned. “I’ll buy you a new one and you know what! I’ll wire you enough money to your student account so you don’t need to ever rely on the Academy.”

  ​My protests were stifled by his lips. I didn’t know he was such a romantic.


  Chapter 3

  Simona was already on her way to pick me up.

  ​“I tried to contact you but your personal assistant didn’t reply.” Well, yeah, our personal assistants could send messages to each other. This was handy as much as it was a pain in the ass. Some moments should not be interrupted.

  ​“I ran into some… problems,” I told her. It baffled me that the truth didn’t come through my throat. I haven’t been one to lie or hide the truth. Was this because of the dragon’s blood in my veins? I had no idea. “Anyway. Where is Rust?”

  ​“He stayed behind with Ves and Oceania.” Ves and Oceania. Now, that wasn’t the part of the plan. It supposed to be three of us. I slowed down, which Simona immediately noticed.

  ​“Listen, Flare. You don’t need to be too hard on them. They seem alright.”

  ​“Girell who turned out to be a psycho Elleria had seemed alright too.” This was a straight lie. Girell-Elleria has never seemed friendly. She has been a scheming bitch from the start.

  ​She didn’t reply and so I had no idea if Simona believed me or not. A bout of nausea twisted my stomach at the thought of what I’d just done. I lied to my best friend. A person who was having my back in the Wastelands. I’ve trusted her wholeheartedly, but somehow I couldn’t say what I should now. Since coming here, something seriously wrong has been going on with me.

  ​Unfortunately, after Elleria’s stunt, the Academy has been turned into a fortress. Though most of the City Guards had no longer patrolled the corridors, every entrance and exit was heavily guarded.

  ​As we neared the common room, my thoughts returned to Dramer. Almost six months without seeing each other. I’d spent with him maybe a couple of moments, and yet my feelings burned bright. Demi-dragons were a dangerous business. Too addictive.

  ​I didn’t notice when the corridor ahead of us has filled with students. Simona slowed down and I sensed a surge of power inside her. It made me snap back to reality. Students in uniforms. Most of them were supernaturals, though there were elementals, fairies, and one unicorn. No dragons.

  ​The way they stood made it clear, they were blocking us from passing them.

  ​“Let’s find another way,” Simona said.

  ​I shook shocked by her words.

  ​“Are you mad? I won’t back off before a bunch of pussies.”

  ​The group growled.

  ​“Says a dragon whore,” one of the supernaturals shouted. “We know who you are. You were scheming with Elleria to kill everyone except your own filthy kind.” He spat on the black tiled floor. I watched his power surge and reach level four. This guy wasn’t a joke. His brown eyes and hair, fair skin and plainly featured face put him amongst the blandest people I’ve met. Seriously, if I winked, I’d have a hard time remembering his face.

  ​“You’re wrong,” Simona hissed. Despite her earlier words, she was on the verge of turning into a panther. “Flare was the one who stopped her.”

  ​A feeling of deep gratitude filled me, but this couldn’t be.

  ​“What’s your problem?” I asked. Only twenty feet separated us. I wanted to yell at them because they hadn’t been with me in the chamber on the fifth floor when Elleria had compelled the crazy elemental to kill us. Where they were? Supernaturals were hiding. Despite Elleria’s claims to bring dragons glory, she had targeted mostly dragon students. She fled into the supernatural section after her scheme to kill Lotian had failed.

  ​“Our problem?” a unicorn student asked. “Our problem is the fact that you walk free while the Academy administration is going to interrogate every student. We’ve heard things about you. The mysterious destruction of your room, bad grades, rotten character, lousy behavior… should I say more?” He had barely more than five percent of the unicorn’s blood. In other circumstances, he could be considered a supernatural. He looked at me with a bland expression while his friends wore scowls. Maybe he could be reasoned with, though I wouldn’t say no to a good fight.

  ​“Get back to your filthy dragons,” the first supernatural hissed. “We don’t want you here.”

  ​I nodded, ready to charge him… and then Vesalius Black stood among the group. He grinned tapping their shoulders.

  ​Every head swiveled in his direction.

  ​“Why I’m not surprised to find you here, Tristran Fargo? Bullying again? That’s low of you. Especially, if it comes to Flare and her best friend Simona.”

  ​“Why are you defending her?” Tristran Fargo snapped. Already a ring of students moved away from Vesalius Black. He was stronger than everyone in the group by a large margin. And yet Tristran Fargo didn’t seem to care. His face twisted into an angry sneer. “She is in league with Elleria!”

  ​It started to get on my nerves. This idiot didn’t see the truth. In that sense, Tristran Fargo wasn’t any different from lieutenant Rox. Another meathead who couldn’t use his brain.

  ​“They’re my friends, Fargo.”

  ​This gave the supernatural pause. He squinted at me and Simona, though his hatred was exclusively aimed at me. Strong precognition filled my bones that this guy would make my life a lot harder. Another enemy. Soon, I’d need a list of them to not forget.

  ​Lieutenant Rox.



  ​Rosa Watermane.


  ​Tristran Fargo and his bunch.

  ​I wasn’t completely convinced if the Head of the Unicorn House wanted my skin. She has never gone after me directly, but someone of her status surely would use henchmen. While my ban to visit other sections has been lifted, I couldn’t go outside of the Academy. Even Lotian failed at taking me to his house. I had a vague feeling that the ring around me has started to shrink. I haven’t met Selene since the day of Elleria’s assault, but she hasn’t given up on me. The day Dramer had brought me to the city, I caught her attention. I knew that in my guts.

  ​“Black,” Tristran Fargo’s mouth made a thin line. “It’s your last six months here. I can wait.”

  ​Vesalius Black frowned.

  ​“Doesn’t the same apply to you?”

  ​Tristran Fargo shrugged, then he spun and a second later his minions followed.

  ​“Rumors reached me this morning, Flare,” Vesalius Black explained. “Fargo and other bullies have begun a hunt for a scapegoat.”

  ​Vesalius waved at us to follow.


  ​“They didn’t like the idea of being subject to a quarterly review. If you’ve ever met Rosa Watermane, then you should know that she can be a pain in the ass, oh, and she hates bullies like Fargo.”

  ​We leveled our pace with Vesalius.

  ​“Why do they keep these shitheads in the Academy then?”

  ​“Bullying isn’t something taken seriously by the Academy’s board. They believe it’s healthy for students to have elements of the survival of the fittest in practice.”

  ​“That’s bullshit,” it came from Simona. Vesalius smiled at her transforming her angered face into a love-struck expression. This girl needed a lesson on how to handle a man.

  ​“The Academy of Dragons isn’t what it seems. Though there is an informal agreement that the first-year students are exempt from the political strife that takes place here. In other words, upon returning for the second year, you’ll be delicately approached by different factions and asked to join them…”

  ​“They can go fuck themselves.” I underst
ood how the factions worked but I’ve never heard about this agreement Vesalius just had spoken of. My rage awakened and my thoughts blurred. If there was anyone stupid enough to approach me, I’d show them their place.

  ​“This is not so simple, Flare. The behavior score system is in place for a reason. It controls us, but people like Fargo balance on the borderline making some of us cross the line and face repercussions. He’s sent many students to the Slackers. Being a Slacker might sound harmless on paper, but after completing education, Slacker remains Slacker. Many companies refuse to even interview such people. It’s almost impossible to become a soldier. Demi-dragon Dramer is the sole exception, but we can’t compare ourselves to him. He’s one of the strongest in the Great York City and his father is a freaking pure dragon.”

  ​We made the rest of the way in silence. They might assume that Vesalius’s words scared me. But I simply wondered where Dramer was. He and Nix belonged to the same faction. Though they didn’t name it, their conversation confirmed it. Lotian and Saaron stood on the opposite end. What other factions existed in the city? And who would want me? Even if some of these factions appealed to me, I wouldn’t join any of them.

  ​Did these people have any idea what was beyond the walls? Well, a good life if you liked skirmishes, hunting and running from monsters. As long as you didn’t cross a Warlord or fucking Dragon Soldiers it was a nice place to live. Things were simple there. No backstabbers. Most people were either enemies or enemies. Only Rust and Simona counted as my friends. Here things looked a lot different. I’ve met a shitload of folks here and up to this day, I couldn’t say who was my enemy and who wasn’t. Maybe they all were?

  ​Rust and Oceania stood by the other exit from the common room. Elemental seemed as uncomfortable as one could be around quiet Rust.

  ​“What are they doing?” Simona asked.

  ​“Common rooms are boring. We decided to show you a few places in the Academy that fucking rocks.”

  ​I had to admit that his enthusiasm was viral. I was quite keen on going somewhere else. All common rooms had one fucking thing in common. They almost looked the same.


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