The Tears of Unicorns

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The Tears of Unicorns Page 8

by Victoria Mercier

  ​“She was my mother.” She left me for two years alone in the world that wanted to eat me alive. “I’ll kill her too if I have a chance.”

  ​The faces have remained bland, but the air itself stirred. A comical sight to see Waterman bitch quiet and meek. It itched to snap at her, to provoke her, to do something. Saaron’s cold eyes held none of the rage he had displayed earlier.

  ​“That’s a lot of hate for a twenty-year-old girl,” Esiane noted.

  ​Flames called to me and their primal language propelled me to burn it all to a cinder.




  ​Three words without meaning.

  ​“Flare?” Selene’s voice penetrated a strange membrane, which seemed to affect my perception. “Are you okay?”

  ​Exhaling sharply, I realized that for a while I was holding a breath. What the hell was happening to me? Was this one of the Heads trying to sabotage the interrogation?

  ​Going against the rules, Lotian’s hand grabbed mine. I started, understanding the gravity of his gesture. They said that demi-dragons couldn’t mate with other powerful dragons due to our explosive nature.

  ​“I’m sorry. Something in this room affects me.”

  ​Nix stepped forth. He was far away from openly threatening the six people sitting in front of me and yet I knew he was ready to defend my person. It warmed my heart to know that Nix was on my side.

  ​Expecting some sort of reaction from Saaron, it was his office after all, I was surprised by Watermane.

  ​“Bullshit. If there is anything here that affects you, it is in your head. I, for one, am tired of this girl. I vote to dismiss her. We won’t learn anything new here.”

  ​The supernatural Head joined her. He had no interest in me. Ignelion added his vote making it three for leaving me alone. Watermane, what is your goal in this? Why don’t you want me to spill my secrets? Because you want me for yourself. I’ll never believe that you overcame your obsession with me.

  ​Saaron leaned on the armchair nonchalantly casting an illusion of indifference. By now, I could sense his showmanship. He gave me a thoughtful gaze, then spoke up. “As the Head of the Dragon House, I cannot agree for a dragon student of her caliber to walk unfettered. I vote for the house arrest.”

  ​Lotian tensed. I wondered what kept his rage in check, but I had more than myself to worry about. Saaron had already shown me that he was capable of using my friends as leverage.

  ​Lotian, don’t. He’s trying to provoke us. My thoughts reached him though his reply, as before, didn’t come. Muscles of his hand relaxed. Who’d guess that I was going to be the one to keep this majestic demi-dragon from trouble?

  ​Nix immediately stepped forth, aligning with me and Lotian.

  ​“I vote to dismiss her case.”

  ​Esiane’s and Saaron’s glares left no doubt, they were enemies.

  ​“Too bad, brother, but your vote means nothing in the Academy. The military isn’t here to decide about anything. Your job is to protect.”

  ​Esiane agreed with Saaron. He was overruled. Nix placed a hand on my shoulder giving me strength. I understood his desperate action. Esiane and Selen remained the last to vote. Though their votes in favor of arrest would result in the stalemate. What kind of procedure existed to resolve this?

  ​“Like Saaron, I vote to put Flare under the house arrest in order to learn her origins. My vote carries the weight of two, which makes the score three to three. Selene’s vote will decide.” The look in her eyes spoke of my impending fate. Selene was her sister, Selene belonged to her faction, Selene voted against the arrest.

  ​This time the shock on everyone’s faces was palatable. Saaron’s cold smug disappeared in a flicker. Esiane froze. They were caught off guard.

  ​“I was the one to answer warlock Raspin’s call after Flare had arrived into the city. I was with her when Elleria attacked the Academy. I gave extensive statements about the events. I believe there is nothing else to say. Despite the unclear origins, I find this girl to be a dragoness with the dragon’s blood ratio on a similar level as Elleria, but not enough to call her demi-dragoness. This entire debate is political and has nothing to do with the well-being and safety of our students.” Selene gracefully stood up, a flick and her armchair turned into hundreds of beams of bright light and then it was gone. Selene thanked everyone for the presence and teleported out.

  ​Lotian rose.

  ​“How could you do this, Saaron? This goes against everything you stood for!”

  ​Saaron waited. Perhaps for other Heads to depart. Ignelion and the supernatural did it with haste. Watermane’s eyes lingered on me for a while. At least, she could change her stupid outfit. Before she left, she had murmured something to Saaron. His attention has been on me the whole time, but when she disappeared, his fingers snapped and the flames in the fireplace extinguished suddenly. The silent scream that accompanied it pierced my heart.

  ​There was something alive in his fireplace. Gods, but it spoke to me.

  ​Esiane hasn’t twitched since her sister had gone against her. Good. But it only made it harder for me to hate Selene. I despised her for being Dramer’s fiancée. By now, my relationship with Lotian had to look serious enough to dismiss any thoughts of being with Dramer. I looked silly.

  ​Twisting her nimble torso, the beautiful woman said. “Case dismissed,” and in the whirlwind of bleak flower petals she disappeared. The three brothers and I remained.

  ​Saaron shot to his feet grabbed the armchair and sent it flying against the wall. It smashed into the pieces. “You fucking idiots!” he snapped. “This game is beyond your depth. All the hard work to avert the damage made to the dragons’ reputation is threatened because you decided to ally yourself with a stray.”

  ​Enough was enough. Hissing, I rushed toward Saaron. Lotian stopped me.

  ​“Stray you say? It didn’t bother you when fucked me!”

  ​“It was a mistake, which will never happen again.” Saaron was on verge of losing his rage again. My hatred toward him didn’t waver a tad, but it hurt to hear his voice. Irrationality walked in my shadow. “Your arrival disrupted everything. Your stunt with Elleria gave the unicorns an argument to impose more control over dragons. And you Lotian… you’re as guilty as her. Losing the Green Eye, what were you thinking?”

  ​At the back of my head, screamed a common sense. Everything pointed at the unicorns. Mirenne had asked Lotian to keep it and some weeks later Elleria stole it. Only a blind couldn’t see the obvious. The unicorns were behind everything.

  ​“First of all,” Nix chipped in. “You’re the part of the reason why our reputation has been disgraced. Secondly, you came to our private clinic to collect Flare. If you’re looking for someone to blame, look in the mirror, Saaron.”

  ​Saaron’s dry laugh made my hair stand on end.

  ​“Iron Head, your political acumen is the reason why you’ve ended up in the military. Defending the impenetrable fortress, yes, this sounds like an important job. I bet, you’ve never questioned your role in the army. They let this imbecile Dramer do whatever he wants because it has no meaning. The Academy is where the true power resides and your actions are disrupting the delicate balance which had been built within these walls.”

  ​Nix was made of a harder material than Saaron expected. He shrugged his brother’s words, which I couldn’t say about Lotian who trembled with anger. An emotion that could get out of hand. In the surge of disgust, I spun toward the door. Fighting Saaron minutes after he failed to arrest me seemed like a big mistake.

  ​“There is nothing for us here,” I said. “The Head of the Dragon House sold us to the unicorns. Let’s go, boys.”

  ​Power awoke behind me. Saaron was ridiculously strong. I tried to gauge his level but it escaped my senses. Both Nix and Lotian readied themselves. If they began fighting now…

  ​“Lotian, Nix, we’re going now.”

  ​“This is how low you fell, brothers. A stray commands you now. Go, fetch, do what she tells you.”

  ​Lotian growled at him. This was getting intense. A flash of movement, Nix appeared between us, his touch felt cold. A whoosh knocked the air out of me. A stumble forward was halted by Lotian’s hand.

  ​“Where are we?” I’d asked a moment before a splitting headache exploded in my head. Gods, as if someone dropped a hammer on me. “My head…”

  ​“It’s a temporary room I received in the Academy.”

  Chapter 10

  “Drink this,” Nix handed me a glass with a purplish liquid that fizzed aggressively. “It relieves the consequences of the forced teleportation. It isn’t easy to teleport someone against its will. Now drink.”

  ​The liquid tasted off but its effects appeared right away. The headache disappeared. The room had windows. I shot to my feet and rushed to check the view, there came the first disappointment. Beyond the windows were only red bricks.

  ​“Yes. It’s a bad joke. The board can be very disrespectful.”

  ​“Flare’s right. Saaron betrayed us. Yesterday, Verax was speaking about the new rules. They want to push the extinguishing of rage even harder. At this rate, this generation of dragons will lose the ability and will to fight,” Lotian said from the old sofa. He held a fancy bottle of dark liquid between his hands. “And Saaron defends their actions. Why isn’t father doing something about this?”

  ​Nix had no reply.

  ​I put the empty glass on the creaking table. The entire furniture in the room looked old, as if from the previous era. Old red gleamy wallpapers that peeled off at the corners gave testament of how deserted this place was. Certainly, Nix could use spells to fix it all. If the Academy offered extensions to dormitory rooms then this should be easy for a demi-dragon to revamp this shithole.

  ​Two doors led out of the room. Lotian whispered something between his breaths. While I glared at the crude brickwork, Nix changed his outfit. Feeling magic around me was like having another sense. I couldn’t find the exact words, but it was akin to the mix of smell and skin sensations. Haruka did his best to get me up to speed with the knowledge. Unfortunately, most dragon students had been schooled their entire lives about the magic, while the bulk of my understanding had come from Sol, self-learning, and rumors. Magic in the Wastelands usually gathered around Warlords in the form of shapeshifters like Simona, witches, and wizards. Rumors in the taverns spoke of vampires and other fantastical creatures. Luckily, we never had a chance to find it out ourselves. It had been said that the Lords of the Night were complicated beings with the power to rival the warlords themselves. I was yet to meet a vampire in the Academy.

  ​“Leave it be, Flare,” Nix said. “The board and their petty games don’t interest me. If they believe I am insulted by this state of this room, then I feel sorry for them.”

  ​I glanced at Nix. He wore a black t-shirt with a graphic of a metal band called Iron Head. So, that was where his nickname came from. Jeans balanced his dark outlook. I liked him in the uniform, but without it, Nix radiated off his primal energy. Muscles tautened the fabric of his clothes. He wasn’t as large and muscular as Dramer though.


  ​I whirled around then and realized where the sound came from. It was my heart. The temperature in my core increased as if awash in the adrenaline. Two powerful demi-dragons in the room with me. All the thoughts of conspiracy and the Academy fled.

  ​“Nix, Lotian,” I whispered.

  ​They both perked up. Their eyes intent on me. Without a doubt, they sensed what was happening to me. My emotions beamed with unchecked intensity. To these two, right now, I was an open book.

  ​The content of the bottle disappeared in Lotian’s mouth. He rose, his large chest expanded. He understood my carnal cravings more than anyone else. Who would think he was going to be the one to know me this well?

  ​“Nix, we need a moment of privacy,” Lotian said without breaking the eye contact with me. But it was too late for that. We were like three celestial bodies that caught each other in the gravitational fields. Escaping was no longer possible. But who spoke about escaping?

  ​“Let him stay.” Someone else’s words came out of my mouth. “Let him join.”

  ​Lotian started, already caught in the maelstrom of emotions and lust. Even if he wanted to stop or leave, the chance for that had passed. Dragon’s blood awoke. Its primal call coming from three sources.

  ​Nix, mesmerized by the moment, reached to his chest. Did he have difficulty staying rational? It was just the beginning of what was awaiting him.

  ​“Flare, we’re dragons… we aren’t supposed to…”

  ​“Take my hand,” I said, to no one in particular.

  ​The words worked like an igniter. Both men stepped forward. Their eyes on me. Only on me. At that moment, they weren’t aware of each other. Satisfaction bloomed inside me like a flower brought to life by the first rays of light.

  ​Alive. This is how to feel alive.

  ​Between my ragged breaths, spells flashed, and two brothers stood topless at each of my sides. Animalistic euphoria exploded within me. Suddenly, I became hyper-aware of my body. The wetness between my legs told me that I was ready. This is insane. I can’t do this with both of them at the same time.

  ​The overreaction lasted short, panic could never defeat the dragon’s blood’s hunger. When Nix’s and Lotian’s hands touched mine, the room blurred. My body discharged energy. A sliver of awareness reported it, and the fact that my power burned away all my clothes. At this rate, I’d empty my wardrobe… oh, shit. I groaned. Who cares?

  ​Right now, I stood naked, my skin ablaze with fire. Nix and Lotian didn’t care about the heat. Their gazes locked on me, but their sight transcended the physical realm. A storm of jade and grapefruit eyes snatched me. I couldn’t tell where it’d taken us. I felt their fingers, which worked in unison, tracing alongside my arms, getting closer to my shoulders. I wanted to scream and beg to just penetrate me. But my throat contracted leaving me speechless.

  ​Every inch of my skin turned into gooseflesh.

  ​“It is only fair if you get rid of the rest of your clothes,” a vaguely familiar voice said. I remembered it. A girl from the Wastelands who possessed a similar one. Now, in her place stood an avatar of fire and a dragon’s power. My skin started to glow as their hands reached the shoulders. They kissed my neck working together, every movement perfectly balanced.

  ​“Gods…” I moaned. “Take me.” Or did I say demi-dragons? Was there a difference?

  ​Awash in ecstasy, I let my fingers play their own melody. My clit, damp with desire, didn’t hinder their slide. Patterns of chaos, patterns of love, patterns of fire. My fingers did them all. A spike of elation brought a new current of life. It led to uncharted places. Somewhere within me. Somewhere I have never been to.

  ​Nix and Lotian squeezed my breasts at the same time dragging my awareness back to the room. Places. So many places I was at the same time. I arched.

  ​Slaps sparked jolts of energy. I liked being spanked by demi-dragons. I didn’t mind the pain, which evoked so much pleasure. My asscheeks itched for another round of slaps.

  ​Their lips chose to attack my neck again. This time, they didn’t retreat. The same blood of a pure dragon circulated in their vessels, and yet their kisses couldn’t be more different.

  ​Lotian’s was delicate but confident, while Nix hard and possessive. With my eyes closed, I saw their faces clearly in my mind. Intensity and focus seemed unbelievable.

  ​In a flash, their kisses took a turn and from the neck got to my tits. I had pinched one of the nipples before it was taken by Lotian’s greed mouth. His teeth grazed at it just enough to kick my stimuli into motion.

  ​I think, I wetted myself just then. It felt as if I slid my fingers into a cup of hot water.

  ​A scream escaped me. It showed how raw and hungry my throat was in anticipation to ta
ste their cocks. I’m not myself… A flitting thought crossed my mind. I knew how badly I’ve tried to stay in denial about myself and demi-dragons. Whatever bounded us, transcended the limits of flesh and the physical world. I could deny the truth, but it wouldn’t make it any less real.

  ​Hot ragged breaths of two demi-dragons joined mine. They kept their rages at bay, but this… this was more than we could handle. What about this room? What about the Academy? If our joined energies would discharge, the true inferno was going to be unleashed. No spell in the Academy could withstand that.

  ​Who cares? Was it Lotian’s voice or mine?

  ​Who cares?

  ​Yes. I didn’t. For now, rationality dissipated in the storm of lust.

  ​“Do you want it?” Lotian asked. His voice strained as his cock in his jeans. My free hand touched the bulge and in an instant, his spell disintegrated his pants. The texture of his cock, temperature, rhythms of his blood flow, hunger, I remembered it all. A memory that has seared itself in my mind.

  ​“This is too much,” Nix groaned. “My rage… I can’t hold it off anymore. Flare, I fucking want you so much, but—”

  ​Letting go of my clit required titanic effort. My soaked hand took hold of Nix’s blonde mane and pressed his head against my perky breast, cutting his little speech.

  ​Lotian gently pressed me down. He was ready.

  ​“Get my pussy,” I said to Nix who jerked instinctively as if awoken from sleep. My body was caught in the maelstrom of two monstrous powers. Lotian held my upper body up, while Nix took care of my waist and legs. Sort of hanging in the horizontally in the air, I twisted my neck and met thickly veined and shuddering cock that belonged to Lotian. My mouth instantly salivated. Slowly, I tautened the thin skin on his rod revealing the hidden purple head. Its aroma beckoned me. My tongue snaked forward, touched its tip. Waves of excitement spasmed my body. But my demi-dragons held me without hesitation. Two large and strong hands kept my ass up. Nix’s head was between my thighs. Ready to ravage my pussy.


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