The Tears of Unicorns

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The Tears of Unicorns Page 9

by Victoria Mercier

  ​His rage torn free. With it came the power of an insane magnitude. Despite its destructiveness to the surroundings, the dragon’s fire fueled me with ecstasy. It couldn’t harm me for some unknown reason. The same was true with Lotian. When Nix’s mouth came in contact with my pussy, the world did three hundred sixty degree turn. Would Lotian’s cock be in my mouth that second I might bite him off, such a surge of power came through me. My hand mercilessly gripped his penis instead. Lotian grunted, his eyes rich with pleasure.

  ​From there I tried to focus on him, though Nix made an impressive job at distracting me. These demi-dragons possessed damn skilled tongues.

  ​Finally, Lotian’s rod found a way into my mouth. My mouth accepted him greedily. The power emitted by Nix tumbled around us, its magnitude blurred the reality.

  ​Our trio worked in harmony. But like everything, nothing could last forever. When my orgasm has started creeping closer, my pace on Lotian’s hot cock increased. He tried to slow me down, but this fight was lost. Nix must have sensed my impending explosion because his tongue’s dance changed. Rougher, harder, deeper.

  ​We went out of sync for a second. I squeezed Lotian’s penis and my thighs around Nix’s head.

  ​My orgasm hit. To the last moment, I feared, irrationally, that my rage would awake, but it remained silent. The split of a second later, Lotian’s body jerked and dumped his sizzling hot sperm into my mouth. I had known it was coming and yet I wasn’t ready for the crazy amount of his semen. It spilled on the floor that it never reached, burned by the energy radiated from Nix.

  ​Demi-dragons were strong as fuck, but something as basic as orgasm could give them a run for their money. Lotian’s mind blanked as he traversed the highest peaks of bliss. It didn’t last long, but I found myself falling headfirst. Nix’s iron grip still held my legs. His face no longer touching my pussy. That area was oversensitive now. Despite the consuming rage, Nix moved faster than my eyes could track him. His strong, muscular arms appeared beneath me and he lifted me up.

  ​His jade eyes were gone, replaced with two molted depthless points of pure white with a green tint.

  ​“My body burns to have you,” he whispered, surprisingly lucid. “But I don’t have Saaron’s control.”

  ​He carefully placed me on something soft. What so comfortable could survive this havoc?

  ​It was a sofa. Nix got a grip on his rage, dragging it deeper into his core. I felt how strongly his dragon’s blood resisted. It demanded to be realized. Dragons were children of freedom. We despised chains. And what this Academy has been doing couldn’t be called any different but imprisoning our freedom.

  ​And yet there was a destruction that even an innocent love could bring.

  ​Lotian’s fell to one knee, breathing hard. Nix struggled. His naked body looked like a masterpiece of a savant sculptor. Not a single defect. Demi-dragons were perfect and hot as fuck.

  ​“Fuck. This was intense,” Lotian grunted, shivered, grinned as the orgasm echoed within him. “I’ve never felt anything like this. It’s crazy.”

  ​I smiled at him, but my mouth only twitched. My body was in a similar state. Echoes of the orgasm rang so intensively. If I wouldn’t lie on the sofa, I’d find myself on the way to the floor. Gods, we absorbed, shared and exchanged so much power. It felt as if the moment of culmination only now reached us. Nix stood a few feet from me, but memories of his blazing tongue mixed with reality.

  ​You can do it, Nix. I thought weakly. But the other question is. What we just did?

  Chapter 11

  Our minds needed minutes to cool off. And even then, the process wasn’t unilateral. The energy dissipated first, while sexual desire lingered like a sticky mist. Spells flew left and right; our clothes returned. One day I must learn this. Way too handy.

  ​My first discovery, which shook the understanding of magic was the intact room. Nothing had been destroyed. Why? How could it be, while my room had disintegrated with much less energy released?

  ​“We didn’t destroy anything!” I said. It was a good sign. It meant that rage didn’t pose a threat the Academy has been making it out. I touched the old wooden floor, its rough surface seemed ordinary under my fingers. What was different?

  ​Nix sighed. He still was recovering from the ordeal. I guessed it had to be the fact he hadn’t come. For me, denying an orgasm at such a critical moment was unbelievable. First, I’d never manage this, secondly, why denying it?

  ​“This room is called the Void,” he said as if expected me to know what the Void meant. This was exactly the issue I’ve had with the Academy. When Saaron had shown me my first room, no explanations followed. “Here is your room…” bla bla bla. No paperwork to sign. Only a shady personal assistant and a bunch of brochures. Too much in this place was informal. I had no say in what classes I wanted to attend. I hated it. The Academy of Dragons resembled a prison more than a school. Why the citizens of this Light-blessed city agreed to it? Shouldn’t they be upset that their children couldn’t leave the Academy until their graduation? I’d be.

  ​“I have no idea what’s the Void,” I said from the sofa, feeling weirdly energized and drained at the same time. Only dragons could hold such contrary feelings at the same time.

  ​“It’s hard to describe it without explaining the Theorem of Magical Laws…”

  ​Lotian climbed onto a second sofa and said, “it’s a magical vacuum cleaner. You can throw magic at it and the energy is consumed.”

  ​Okay. It made sense. Now, why they didn’t install more of these Voids throughout the Academy? Dragons would love it.

  ​“Why can’t I have a room like this?” I asked. “None of this bullshit with rage during sex would be an issue anymore.”

  ​Demi-dragons looked away. Each one in a different direction. They weren’t ready to face themselves about what had happened a few minutes ago. I didn’t blame them. Lotian and Nix had been and perhaps still were enemies or at least rivals. And surely, in Lotian’s head our relationship wasn’t casual.

  ​“That’s why I said, talking about magic without knowing the Theorem is difficult. It works like a vacuum cleaner only in the crudest metaphor.” Nix opened a cabinet with stained glass and took out another bottle with amber liquid. By now, I knew it was alcohol. But in the Wastelands, where dwellers invented every possible color, this one I had never come across. “The Voids aren’t easily created. They require a lot of time magic, and that’s rare even among unicorns. This room is a time snapshot. We can throw our energy at it, but the way time magic works… let’s say, it spreads over a long period of time, so it is hard to overwhelm it.”

  ​“So far, it sounds fine.”

  ​“The thing is. Once you create the Void there is no way you can revert its creation. This room will remain as it is for the rest of the time.”

  ​“Wait.” I needed a minute to stomach it. Someone had created a room that couldn’t be destroyed and it sounded as if it wasn’t a good thing. Let’s build the entire wall like this over the city and Titans could go fuck themselves. “You’re making very little sense, Nix. I still like the idea of having a room like this.”

  ​Lotian chuckled as he extended his hand toward his brother. Nix handed him the bottle with amber alcohol without looking up. At least, they cooperated. This was a step in the right direction. I could work with that. My heart agreed with me. For a half of a year I’ve been a mess, and still was, I had feelings for that large pile of muscles – Dramer – and these two here. Shit, there was a space for that fucking Saaron as well, though I couldn’t understand why. It was clear that my body had its own set of rules and rationality didn’t play much of a role in this. It felt as if we connected from the first moment and our connections permeated everything. That was the reason, why having oral sex with them felt so natural. Not a grain of shame. I wondered if their emotions mirrored mine.

  ​“While it may sound appealing, Flare,” Lotian explained. “The Voids cause more issues than t
hey solve. Time magic isn’t the most stable thing in the Universe and there are other types of exotic magic, which can and do interfere with the Voids. If the Voids are too close to each other, they may collapse. It’s a very hard thing to predict, and you never know the radius. On top of that, each Void must have exhaust where all the absorbed energy will go. Because there are so many unknowns, the outcome is hard to predict.”

  ​Exhaust? Shouldn’t the energy just spread over? I had second thoughts about this. Or better put it this way: the Voids didn’t sound cool anymore. Why would they build them then?

  ​“Shit. Why is this thing in the Academy?”

  ​Lotian’s smile threatened to melt my core. I thought that after the first orgasm, my body would need a few days to recuperate. It was ready now. I pulled my gaze away lest I jump on him and start another storm. Nix didn’t look like he was able to restrain himself the second time.

  ​“It was built here decades ago.”

  ​“What?” I snapped. The Titan War has started thirty-six years ago. By Earth’s old calendar, we currently had 2055. It couldn’t have been built decades ago! “That’s impossible.”

  ​I heard the loud gulps as both brothers emptied their bottles. No one asked me if I wanted one. I’ll remember that one, I thought mischievously.

  ​“There is something called the Time Bubble. That magic comes from Alicorn – the home planet of unicorns. It allows to create bubbles where time passes – either fast or slow. This way the alliance between dragons and unicorns was able to build many of their artifacts, as there is the Higher Law, which forbids Prime Races from moving things invented on their respective planets.”

  ​I jumped to my feet. A few minutes ago we were having the most intense sexual encounter of my life and now we were discussing… what exactly? Theorem, the Void, the Time Bubble, the Higher Law? The fucking Academy hasn’t uttered a single fucking word about this. All they’ve been talking about was bullshit about dampening my rage. Suddenly, a feeling of drowning took me in its grip. There was too much, and I… I was so insignificant in the boundless ocean of endlessness. There was no point in being here, there was no point in being alive.

  ​Lotian’s hands reached me first. He whispered concerned words into my ears. Nix held something before my face. Was it another nasty drink to take away the headache? But I had none.

  ​Drink it.

  ​Something vaguely similar about this color. Orange. Ah, yes. It was the Draught of Summer. Nix poured the content of a vial into my mouth and like the light that comes with the dawn, all the dark emotions and thoughts fled.

  ​“What the hell was that?” I sighed relieved that the murky mood had been gone.

  ​“A powerful mood swing,” Nix explained. “You must be sensitive to the Void. It can absorb your magic at random and those sensitive to it are at risk.”

  ​Lotian took me into his embrace and as he lifted me, I cuddled to his hot body. The feelings. It was amazing.

  ​“I’ll take her to her room,” Lotian said.

  ​“Wait, I have a question. How did you manage to keep your rage quiet?”

  ​The red-haired demi-dragon fell silent, but his pulse spiked. Yes. This was exactly the question I’ve had on my mind since our first oral sex. Dramer, Saaron, and Nix could not restrain their power, while Lotian had complete mastery over it. Fear stung me as I thought of the Dual Mind spell. Was he using it, too?

  ​“I can’t tell, Nix, because I don’t know. Now, can you open the pathway, so I can teleport out?”

  ​Before I could check on Nix, the world before my eyes twisted and Nix’s place turned into my room. I gasped for air and braced myself for the headache, which didn’t come.

  ​A sound of leathery wings heralded the arrival of Rebecca.

  ​“Flare…” her mouth opened and closed soundlessly. She was about to say something. Perhaps, it was important. I didn’t care. I waved her away.

  ​“Lotian,” I murmured falling back into his cozy arms. “Can you take me to a bed?”

  ​His short hair almost matched mine. I had many shades of red, while he had one, which I could compare to pepperoni red. His grapefruit eyes stayed on me the entire way to the bedroom.

  ​Throw me on the bed, I said in my mind, a little worried that the strange blockade was still in place and he wouldn’t answer.

  ​No way.

  ​“Pussy,” I murmured making sleepy eyes. The Draught of Summer worked wonders, but some people loved to sleep. It could be I was one of them.

  ​Lotian ignored my cheap taunt and lay me down on the soft bed. As he began raising, I pulled him down. Our lips met. Ecstasy magnified by the elixir of good feelings struck my core with a bullet’s velocity. Every fiber of my body craved Lotian. That smug boy, who was too smart for his own good, and yet much more mature than his older brother Saaron.

  ​Our wet kisses invited our tongues. Their entwined forms danced in our mouths. His massive bulk rested on me, not too hard, but his penis was like a wild beast, caged and hungry. I trailed my fingers, slowly, fearing Lotian’s hesitation. He’d said it after all, he didn’t know why his rage remained asleep during sex. That was troublesome. I couldn’t imagine my world without him anymore. I did my best to embraced his athletic body and while he was half the size of Dramer, he still seemed like a mountain of muscles to me.

  ​I wish we could stay here in bed, I said in my mind.

  ​Flare, once you graduate the Academy, we could move into my apartment…

  ​The magic of the moment disappeared. Our mouths parted and I sighed.

  ​“I will not graduate, Lotian. The first exam is six months away and I’m the worst in the class at controlling my rage.”

  ​“To me, it looks like you’re doing a damn good job,” he said with warm amusement.

  ​I squeezed his body, not expecting him to even notice it, but he grunted.

  ​“Be careful, you’re stronger than you think.” Lotian rolled on his back and I sensed the true cocktail of emotions hidden beneath the façade – pride, passion, joy, perturbation and the two strongest ones – thrill and shame.

  ​He groaned as my elbow poked his ribs. “Damn powerful.”

  ​“Tell me, what are your feelings about this thing with Nix?”

  ​Lotian was one of the most powerful beings on this planet, but when his hand went through his hair, I saw him as vulnerable as he could ever be. It was like a slam against my heart. So far, my feelings were dwelling mostly on physical attraction. Until now.

  ​“I can’t describe it.” Lotian’s words were etched with charged electricity. “I feel overwhelmed by it. When I try to be angry with myself for allowing Nix to touch you, I can’t because it excites me, thrills even, and then when I finally accept the truth, a fucking shit load of shame and confusion comes down me.”

  ​“Oh, come on, have you never had a threesome?” I thought I made it clear it was a taunt, but Lotian’s frown showed his naivety.

  ​“Isn’t that your first time?”

  ​I slapped his thigh. “Of course it is.”

  ​“Ah,” he caught up with a joke. “So, what have we been talking about?”

  ​“Everything and nothing.”


  Chapter 12

  My lovely personal assistant didn’t give us much time. She started shouting from the living room. The little creature wouldn’t risk entering the bedroom. One spell could turn her into a stone or a frog. For me my room was spellbound, but Lotian was exempt from that rule.

  ​“It’s time for your class!”

  ​I had only three classes today. All in the afternoon.

  ​“You don’t need to go,” Lotian murmured. We both knew the truth. The moss-headed asshole wouldn’t let me off the hook. There had been an attempt on my life and he didn’t give a damn. “Any points that are taken off, can be reinstated with a few tricks.”

  ​Oh really?! I perked up. Not that I was too much into the shortcuts, but useful knowl
edge was handy. And there was something else I had planned to speak about with Lotian.

  ​“I hope you’re going to teach me these tricks. Plus. I need you to borrow a few books for me. I’m fed up with learning basics. Haruka runs low on ideas. I’m already so far in his class.” I decided against asking Vesalius and Oceania.

  ​Lotian sat down on the edge of the bed. It groaned under him but didn’t fall apart like the last one.

  ​“I’m an idiot, Flare! I should think of it right after the fight with Rosa and Elleria. I am going to teach you magic and other stuff…”

  ​“Theorem of Magical Laws.”

  ​“Yes. The other stuff. You see, I don’t want it to sound bad, but I have my own side-faction. There are some truly loyal people there, maybe a little fanatical at times, but they will love you. Another thing we can do is combat training. It had used to start in the first year, but after the Saaron-Dramer incident, they changed it.


  ​Rebecca was a relentless creature.

  ​His offer sounded so good.

  ​“But isn’t this against the Academy’s rules? Not that I care much about them.”

  ​Demi-dragon stood up, his wide back to me. “There are some rules, but they mostly apply to complex and dangerous spells and runes. Don’t worry, I know what I’m doing.”

  ​“Flare! Five minutes till the class!”

  ​“Can you tell me about those tricks of yours? I don’t feel like going to the classes today?”

  ​“Sure. The thing here is. The academy like the rest of the world uses runes and complex spells to automate everything. I’m not sure if you’re aware that this mimics the pre-Titan War computer coding. However, magic is way more efficient. If you understand how the system works, then you can easily find loopholes…” Lotian turned toward me, his hands making strange gestures in front of him. As he continued, the air above the bed stirred and seconds later the first runes came to life. Their meaning escaped me. Lotian didn’t stop until the three feet long sequence of bright yellow runes hung in the air. Each rune was of the size of my thumb.


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