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Collision Control

Page 17

by C. A. Szarek

  “You do that, partner.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Mel turned back the covers just as her cell rang from her nightstand. She glanced at the clock and frowned.

  Ten minutes to eleven. Who the heck…?

  She plopped down on her bed and made a grab for the phone. Her heart tripped. Jared’s name and number flashed. Mel took a fortifying breath. “Hello?”

  “I didn’t think you were going to answer.”

  She could hear the smile in his voice and her stomach quivered. “It is late.”

  “I didn’t wake you?” This time concern greeted her ear, and she heard linens rustling, as if he was sitting up in bed.

  She tried to ignore the memories of his bed…him in it—naked—as they danced into her head. “No. I was about to hit the sack.”

  “Sorry for calling so late. Got home late like I figured I would, and I just wanted to hear your voice. Even your voicemail would have done.”

  Mel smiled. “I’m glad you called.”

  “Good. What’re you wearing?” Jared’s voice dripped sex now.

  She laughed, praying it didn’t sound nervous. Mel glanced down at her simple pink and purple plaid PJ boxers and pale pink tank. Despite the chill outside, she always slept in a similar outfit. Tended to overheat at night. “You can’t ask me that. It breaks the rules,” she managed.

  Jared laughed, and the sound wrapped around her like an embrace. “Rules, already?”

  “I told you I needed us to take it slow. You said all right. That you understood.”

  “I know. This is me doing that. That’s why I called instead of coming over. I can’t stop thinking about you. How beautiful you looked in that dress Saturday. How cute you looked on Sunday when we went to Dixie’s. And I’m obsessed with how your lips tasted when I kissed you.”

  Her heart skipped and she swallowed. Jared at her doorstep didn’t sound like such a bad thing, but she wasn’t going to admit it aloud. Mel forced her shoulders to relax and slid back into her bed. She gripped the phone tighter and pulled her covers over her legs.

  Jared had looked hot Saturday, too. And Sunday when he’d take her out to lunch. Both times in tight dark jeans that hugged his thighs and rear. Sunday’s pale blue polo had clung to his torso and made the darkness of his hair, eyes and skin tone even more prominent. Cowboy boots instead of the combat ones she’d seen him in every other time.


  Had it only been four days since he’d ambushed her at the party? Four blissful, wonderful days unlike any other Mel had ever experienced.

  Four days felt like four months.

  It was funny—he’d not dropped her off at her house until midnight, after the Friends First Party, but he’d called her when he’d made it back to his apartment and they’d talked until after three. Then he’d taken her out to lunch at Dixie’s—a local mom and pop diner that was an Antioch institution. They hadn’t met up on Monday, but he’d called that evening. This morning, the best Tuesday she’d had in a long time, he’d texted.

  He’d explained he was working a case and wouldn’t be home until late, but he’d talk to her if he could.

  Mel had been disappointed at the thought of not talking to him on the phone.

  She was glad he’d called now, even if it was past her bedtime.

  Getting to know him was easy. Natural. Fun. Talking to him, laughing with him. He was charming. Funny. Witty even.

  Turned out her detective wasn’t shallow. Or self-centered. He was…perfect.

  Made her feel beautiful…giddy, and petrified all wrapped into one moment after the other. She was starting to crave him.

  This could be bad.

  Mel didn’t like vulnerable.

  She kept scolding herself to take it one day at a time. They were having fun. There was no reason it would change.

  Their relationship—if they could even call it that—was in its infancy, no matter how natural it felt.

  No matter how Jared made her feel.


  “Here. Sorry.”

  “You okay, baby?”

  A tremor shot down her spine. “I’m good. What are you wearing?” she blurted.

  Way to keep it PG, Melody Nash.

  He laughed again. “Guess.”

  Mel shivered. The man was talking to her on the phone naked. He didn’t have to say it. But neither could she. “Flannel pajamas.”


  “You’re gonna keep me guessing?” she asked.

  Why are you playing along?

  “I think you know, baby. You just don’t want to say it. Why don’t you go first?” Jared said. His voice dropped, thicker, sexier.

  “Why?” Mel smiled.

  “Are you gonna make me break the rules and come over? God knows I want to be with you right now.”

  Her heart sped into overdrive. “You’d have to get dressed first.”

  “I have a trench coat.”

  She giggled, relaxing into her bed. Mel lay down and tried not to admit to herself that she wouldn’t have a problem with Jared joining her.

  If she told him, it’d be a dare he wouldn’t refuse.


  “Slow, Jared. Slow.”

  “I love when you say my name. Say it again. And tell me what you’re wearing. You’ve kept me waiting long enough.”

  Mel’s breath caught. “I’m wearing what I always wear to bed, Jared. Shorts and a tank.”

  “What’s under it?”


  She heard his audible intake of breath. “You’re killing me,” Jared said.

  “Me? Why?”

  “Because I have a fantastic memory. That’s not what you always wear to bed.”

  Heat scorched her cheeks and her limbs warmed. It had little to do with her comforter covering her. “Let’s not talk about that.”

  “Why not?”

  Mel shook her head, even though he couldn’t see her. “Because. I—”

  “Slow or not, I want you, Melody Nash. I can be a good boy and wait until you’re ready.”

  She trembled and desire settled low in her belly. How could the man have her so hot and bothered?

  Because you have a memory, too.

  Closing her eyes, she tried not to picture his bedroom. His large bed covered by rich red and black bedding.

  Jared lying naked as the day he was born, gloriously muscled. In her mind he was touching himself.

  Mel swallowed a gasp as her thighs quivered.

  No. Way.

  Get that out of your head.


  If she didn’t, she’d beg him to get out that trench coat.

  “I want you, too.” The words tumbled from her mouth. The confession unwanted. She cringed.

  Jared groaned. “I need to respect you. But I want to come over. We’re separated by a five-minute car ride. What do you want me to do, baby?” His voice was even thicker, a croak.

  Say the word and he’ll come over.

  She looked down at her body and shook her head. Too-rounded hips. Overly thick thighs. Her belly was too soft, and her bottom too big.

  Despite desire warming her, Mel lost what little nerve his words had built up. “I need slow, Jared. Slow. Please.”

  “Okay.” If he was disappointed, he hid it well, but her stomach fluttered anyway.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered.

  “Don’t be sorry for being honest with me. Always be honest. But if I’m honest, I wish to God I could have you in my arms right now.”

  Whatever she’d planned to say dissolved.

  I want that, too.

  She couldn’t tell him. Being naked with him under the influence of alcohol was one thing.

  Totally sober?

  Mel didn’t have the guts.

  “When can I see you again?” he asked.

  “When are you free this week?”

  Jared paused, as if he hadn’t thought she’d agree. “I’m pretty involved in a c
ase right now. Can we play it by ear? I want to take you to dinner.”

  “Yes. My evenings are open.”

  “Good. I’ll call you every night. Until you let me come over and hold you. I want to touch you. I need to kiss you again.”

  Mel’s heart stuttered. Silence fell, but when he groaned, heat suffused her whole body again.


  “Mel.” He grunted her name and a tremor inched down her spine.

  “Where’s your hand, Jared?” The phone gave her some unknown courage, but she wanted to hear him say what she already knew. Mel’s picture of him in that king-sized bed pinned itself to her brain. She remembered his erection, his pecs, his six-pack. Her core throbbed.

  “Where do you want it to be?” He moaned and she closed her eyes.

  Of its own accord, her hand started at her neck and traveled downward. Mel’s palm followed the curve of her breast then her belly. But she stopped short at the waistband of her boxers.

  No way. You’re not actually thinking about doing this.

  “Don’t leave me hangin’. Where do you want my hand?”

  “On me. Touching me. Fingers in me.” Rushed, the words left her mouth as unwanted as her previous confession. Her cheeks burned.

  “Shit, baby. Don’t tempt me. I thought we decided I couldn’t come over.”

  “Touch yourself, Jared.”

  The order shocked them both, if his silence was any indication. Then he moaned again, and Mel’s breath hitched.

  She could see that powerful body writhing on the sea of red sheets. His back arched, muscles of his wrist taut as he pumped himself.

  Thinking of her. Wanting her.

  The pulse between her legs grew insistent, and Mel’s hand wandered. Her nipples strained against the soft cotton of her tank and her skin was hot, damp.

  She wanted to be naked. With Jared.

  “Baby,” Jared grunted. “Where are your hands?”

  “Where do you want them?” Mel shut out all her insecurities. It didn’t matter that she’d never contemplated phone sex in her life. Had never really even masturbated. Sure, she’d touched herself in the shower, who hadn’t?

  But this…


  This gorgeous man wanted her. The night they’d been together, he’d treated her with respect. Had been concerned with her pleasure, had been a fantastic lover.

  One night and he’d showed her more care than David had over the years they’d been together.

  She’d be with Jared like this for now. Until she could work up the guts to ask him to come to her house and take her for real.

  It wasn’t going to be as good as the real thing.

  It broke the slow rule she’d locked down.

  Mel didn’t care.

  “Take off your shorts.”

  She didn’t hesitate. “Hold on.” When he said okay, Mel set the phone on her pillow. She shoved her boxers off her hips and down, kicking them across her bedroom. She whipped off her tank top and spiked it to the carpet. “Jared?”

  He grunted her name. “Take your top off.”

  “I’m already naked.”

  “Oh, God,” he groaned.

  Her whole body was on fire with just those two words. She had the power to make his voice wobble and they weren’t even in the same room.

  “You’re going to come for me. You’re gonna scream my name.”

  Heat rolled over Mel’s body at Jared’s deep voice, as sure as a caress. Her clit throbbed, begging for a touch.

  Grasping for courage and a clear head, she took a breath. “You’re going to come for me, too, Jared.”

  He panted. “Oh, God.” The repetition made her even hotter for him.

  Mel grinned. “Does that do something to you?”

  “Fuck yes…” The rest of his statement was garbled, but her name was in there somewhere. Jared cleared his throat. “Baby, if I was there with you right now, do you know what I’d do to you?”

  She remembered the play of his defined muscles as he rose above her the night they’d met. Mel thought about the feel of his skin under her seeking fingers and the ache in her loins shot up a notch. “No, tell me.”

  Jared moaned before he continued. “I’d kiss you. Deep. Until you begged for more. Then I’d kiss my way down your neck. Tease your nipples and suck on them until you called my name and pulled my hair. Then I’d work my way downward, touch your thighs, kiss them before I have my first taste of you. You’ll be hot and wet for me. Are you wet now, Mel?”

  Waves of heat and desire rolled over her form and she rocked her hips. Undulated and whispered his name. Her fingers shook as she parted her own folds. She was slick and her clit throbbed at the barest pass over it. “Yes…”

  Mel caressed herself and called his name, remembering the blunt tips of his fingers sliding into her. She inserted one finger and thrust, teasing the swollen bundle of nerves at the top of herself with her thumb.

  “God, you taste so good. I remember it. I want more. If I was there, I’d suck your clit into my mouth. Rub my tongue all over it until you screamed. I’d shove my fingers in you and make you beg me to thrust. Then I would lick you and suck you until you came in my mouth. All over my face. Are you touching yourself? Rub your clit, baby. Tell me what it feels like.”

  “Jared…” Mel threw her head back on a moan, adding a finger to her sex and thrusting both harder. “God…it feels good.”

  He chuckled, it was deep, satisfied sound that made a tremor slide down her spine. “Baby, you have me so hot…”

  “Are you hard?”

  “Yes. Aching for you.”

  “Pump your hand and tell me what it feels like.” Mel whimpered, circling her clit with her thumb. She bit her lip to keep from crying out when she pressed down. Pleasure shot through her body and her inner thighs quaked.

  “Mel,” Jared breathed. “This is supposed to be about you.”

  “No,” she whispered, still moving her hand. “It’s about us.”

  “Oh, God.” His breathing was strained, and Mel pictured his palm moving fast, the plump head disappearing and reappearing as he moved up and down.

  Her breasts rose and fell as their conversation faded and she stroked herself to the sound of his panting. She saw that huge, defined chest moving up and down as he struggled for normal breath. He worked himself and made her blood boil. Her body jerked as climax crested.

  “Close,” Jared grunted.

  Mel whispered his name when he called hers, closing her eyes and pushing her head into her pillow as orgasm roared over her.

  “I’m coming for you, baby.” The words were guttural, broken, and somehow made Mel even hotter.

  “Me too. Now,” she breathed. Her hips jerked up off her bed and she screamed his name.

  “Come hard for me.”

  She couldn’t find her voice to answer, but her core pulsed, as if his words made her body follow his command. The intensity of her orgasm stole her breath as aftershocks of pleasure traveled down her limbs. Mel collapsed into her sweat-damp sheets, trembling. “Oh, God,” she croaked.

  Jared chuckled. “I wish I was there to see your face, baby. Your skin flushed. Glowing pink. Because of me. Your hair all over your pillow. Your lips begging for a kiss.”

  Mel whimpered and wiggled.

  I want that, too.

  The cool air of her bedroom caressing her naked body was a relief. Cleared her head. She shut down the embarrassment at the thought of what she’d just done. Focused on what Jared was saying to her. Sweet words that she clung to like a blanket.

  “Holding my cell to my ear isn’t as good as holding you. I want to make love to you again, Mel. Sleep with you in my arms.”

  She sighed as unexpected emotion hit her chest. Her heart skipped. She wanted to believe his words.

  What the heck was she supposed to say to him?


  “I won’t push you, baby.” The whisper had a touch of sadness that flipped her stomach.

  “I can’t wait to see you again.” A rush of the truth fell from her lips and Mel closed her eyes. Fear of getting hurt by this gorgeous cop warred with her desire for him.

  Jared isn’t David. She chanted it, but insecurities about her body chided.

  Words David had said to her over and over and the blame she’d always brought onto herself for his choice to cheat pushed away Jared’s praise. Her detective told her she was beautiful.

  Could Mel believe he meant it?

  She had the sudden urge to ask what his plans were for Christmas but then lost her nerve.

  Thanks to the countdown she was doing with her kids, Mel recalled that the big day was eight days away, and they’d been on two dates, not including talking on the phone daily. He’d think she was either nosy or clingy.

  Mel didn’t have to be an expert on men to know neither would work for a guy like Jared.

  “I can’t wait to see you either. Do you like Italian food?” Jared’s voice yanked her from her thoughts and she hollered at herself to talk to him.

  Be normal. “I do. How about Rizzoli’s? I love that place.”


  Mel heard the smile in his voice again. For some reason, she wanted to cry.

  “Tomorrow night? Unless work changes it? I’ll let you know as soon as I can,” he said.

  “Sounds good.” She closed her eyes and took a breath. “Well, it’s late.”

  “It is. I have to hop in the shower.”

  Mel shivered at the thought of what he had to clean up, as well as his beautiful body with rivulets of water running all over it. “Goodnight, Jared.” She forced her voice to remain even.

  “’Night, baby.”

  Right when her thumb hovered over the end icon, she heard him call her name.


  “Dream of me, baby.”

  Mel grinned. “Like I have a choice about that.”

  Jared laughed and her heart fluttered.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Cole Lucas said nothing as he sat in the passenger seat of her Impala, but both of his fists were clenched tight on his lap.

  Taylor licked her lips and took a breath. It wasn’t often she was speechless, but what the heck could she say to the guy? He’d said “Show me.” She had. Lucas obviously didn’t like it.


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