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Blind Date with the Spare Heir

Page 3

by Yahrah St. John

  “And you’re among the eager masses?” His forehead creased with his doubt that that was true. A woman this beautiful had to have men lined up at her door. And if he was lucky, he would be one of them.

  Elyse cocked her head to one side and offered a self-mocking smile. “Yes, I suppose I am.”

  “Well, then, you should know the first thing about me.” Julian downed the remaining swallow of his bourbon. “This place isn’t my speed. So how about we get out of here and go someplace else?”

  “Sounds great.” She rose and Julian was right there helping to move her chair aside. He offered her his arm and she accepted. After paying for his drink, they left the restaurant.

  Once outside, Julian handed the valet his ticket, but Elyse tried to slip out of his grasp. “I should get my car and follow you.”

  He shook his head. “Since you wanted to meet me so badly, then you must know I may have a reputation, but I’m no serial killer. My family is a staple in this community and I wouldn’t do anything to damage our name. I’ll bring you back here when the evening is over.”

  Her eyes grew round and amusement flashed across them. “All right.”

  The valet eased Julian’s Bugatti Veyron to the curb and, before she could change her mind, Julian was helping her into the passenger seat. As he rounded the back of the car to the driver’s side, he contemplated the evening ahead, excited to find out exactly why Elyse Harper had wanted to meet him. Something told him he was in for a wild ride.

  * * *

  Elyse had seen pictures of Julian Lockett before. She’d watched videos of him on social media. But she had not been prepared for the effect of meeting him in person. Although he wasn’t quite six feet, he more than towered over her five-foot-four height. The restaurant had seemed far too small to hold a man like him.

  Julian was sex personified dressed in a jet-black suit covering his lean muscled frame. The black shirt beneath the superbly tailored jacket had been teamed with a sleek black tie. Add his smooth, toffee-colored skin, short, neatly cropped curly fade, bushy eyebrows, deep-set light brown eyes rimmed with dark brown lashes, and a sexy five-o’clock shadow on a square jaw... Julian Lockett was one helluva of a lethal combination. Clearly at ease with his place in the world, he exuded wealth, charm and style.

  All Elyse could do when she looked at his honed perfection was stare. Though she wasn’t around the opposite sex much other than work, she could tell attraction lurked in those sexy eyes of his. He was interested in her. That was good. She could use it to her advantage and get close, but she had to play her cards right.

  She’d done her homework. He was spoiled and used to getting his way. How could he not be when he was handsome and charming? He liked the thrill of the chase and, once he obtained what he’d wanted, he quickly grew bored. Elyse mustn’t let that happen. To keep his interest, she would have to be coy and elusive. She’d already given him the upper hand by revealing she’d sought him out, but she’d had to. She saw no way around not telling him that she’d given his date the boot. But she also wasn’t about to fall into his bed, either.

  Was she prepared to go that far?


  Her plan was to get close to Julian and find out any family secrets she could. That, combined with her ammunition about how Josiah swindled her father would ruin Josiah’s reputation and take him down a peg. It might not get her father’s shares back, but it would certainly hit Josiah where it hurt: in his pocketbook. And Elyse had been using her mother’s maiden name for years to conceal her identity so she doubted the Locketts would put two and two together. For now, she was happy where she sat—in the passenger seat of his Bugatti Veyron. Elyse had always wondered what it would be like to have money at your fingertips. Now she knew.

  “So where are you taking me?” she asked. Julian said he wasn’t into the pomp and circumstance of Bacchanalia, so she was curious as to what did move him.

  He hazarded a glance at her. “You’ll see.” And he returned his eyes to the road.

  “Aren’t you going to ask me how I found about your date tonight?”

  He shrugged. “In due time. Besides I’m just happy you saved me from another dull date with one of my mother’s minions.”

  “Ouch, sounds like you don’t have a high opinion of these women your mother is introducing you to.”

  He gave her a side glance. “In her mind, they’re all women my age or younger with the right pedigree. Yet she fails to understand that none of them is my type.”

  “And who is your type?” Elyse asked, folding her arms across her chest and turning to study his profile. The man was so good-looking in person that she had to remind herself to breathe.


  He didn’t look at her when he said the one word. Instead, he merely gave Elyse a wolfish smile, telling her he might upend her well-thought-out plan to get even with his father. She was in public relations and knew exactly the kind of damage a scandal like Josiah swindling her father could do to his reputation because he prided himself on being a good business and family man. Elyse would need more ammo and hoped getting closer to Julian might help her obtain info she could exploit. What she hadn’t counted on was how charming Julian was or that he’d make her heart go pitter pat.

  * * *

  Julian liked that he’d given Elyse pause. She seemed very self-contained and self-assured. He wondered what it would be like to scratch below the surface to find out what really made her blood boil. And he could see she hadn’t expected his answer. That was good. It gave him the upper hand.

  Because Elyse wasn’t his usual type, either. She wasn’t tall or slender, like many of the women he dated. His last lover had been confident, sophisticated and extremely gifted with her mouth, which she’d blatantly used to her advantage. But Elyse seemed reserved and somewhat shy. Was that what made her all the more appealing? He would find out.

  After a short drive, he pulled into a nondescript parking lot full of cars on a Friday night and turned off the engine. Before he came around to assist her from his car, he removed his jacket and placed it in the trunk. Manuel’s didn’t stand on ceremony.

  “What is this—” The words died on Elyse’s lips when she saw the name of the establishment after he’d helped her out. She turned and glanced at him. “I’ve heard about this place. It’s been getting excellent reviews, but I wouldn’t—” Once again, she didn’t finish her sentence.

  “Think I’d be caught dead in a place like this?” Julian inquired, closing her door. “Well, you’d be wrong. I happen to enjoy good food and a great atmosphere, and Manuel’s has it in spades. C’mon.” He took her hand in his and led her to the front entrance.

  After opening the door for Elyse, he followed her inside. The restaurant was wall-to-wall patrons, but Julian wasn’t concerned. He knew the owner. He immediately went up to the hostess and whispered in her ear.

  “Julian.” Elyse tugged on his arm. “There’s no way we’re going to get seated. Look at all these people.”

  “Don’t worry.” He patted her hand. “I’ve got this.”

  Several minutes later, the dark-skinned Jamaican owner, dressed in a chef’s coat and wearing a smile, came out to greet him.

  “Julian, my man.” He gave Julian a one-armed hug. “It’s great to see you. Why didn’t you tell me you were stopping by?”

  Julian shrugged. “Spur of the moment, Manuel. I was hoping, if no one had the chef’s table, my beautiful date, Elyse, and I—” he glanced at the beauty by his side “—could have it.”

  “Elyse, welcome to my humble establishment.” Manuel shook her offered hand.

  “Manuel, I’ve heard nothing but great things. I look forward to sampling your food,” Elyse responded.

  “And as for you—” Manuel gave Julian a smile “—you know I have a permanent table with your name on it. Come on.” He inclined his head for them to follow him.
  Julian led Elyse back to the kitchen where Manuel and his small team of one sous-chef and two line cooks stood ready to feed the masses outside. Tucked in a corner was a two-seater table with a reserved sign, which Manuel promptly plucked behind his back. “Enjoy the meal.” And with that, he left Julian and Elyse alone.

  Once Julian assured Elyse was seated, he took the seat across from her and noticed she was shaking her head. “What?”

  “Does everyone always do what you want?”

  “Which is?”

  “Cater to your every whim.”

  Julian stared at her for several moments before he erupted into laughter. “So you think I’m entitled?” When she didn’t answer, he added, “If I’m so terrible, why were you so eager to meet me?”

  He focused his gaze on her beautiful face and watched with amazement as she flushed. A woman who still blushed. Oh, he was going to enjoy this night very much.

  * * *

  How was it possible a grown man could have dimples? Elyse wondered as she watched that incredible mouth of his slash into a devilish grin. Dimples on Julian were simply gorgeous and complemented his being an incorrigible flirt. How had the tables turned? Elyse found herself on the receiving end of questions instead of asking them. She had to turn the tide.

  “I wanted to find out if there was more substance to you or if it’s always smoke and mirrors. Do you ever show anyone your true self?”

  Julian stared at her for several beats, all trace of humor gone. Instead, there was a throb of tension. Or was it desire hanging in the air between them?

  “Why do I get the feeling you think very little of me?”

  Had she backed herself into a corner with her comment? “Whatever gave you that impression? I sought you out.”

  “And yet, I can’t seem to figure you out. One minute I think you’re interested in me, but then... I can’t put my finger on it.”

  “But you’re intrigued?”

  His eyes narrowed. “I am or I wouldn’t be here.”

  “Sorry to disturb you lovebirds,” Manuel interrupted their banter, “but I thought you might like some refreshments. I took the liberty of bringing over some Red Stripe along with a Jamaican jerk salmon tostada with grilled peach coconut salsa.”

  “This looks delicious.” Elyse’s mouth was watering.

  “Cheers!” Julian held up his bottle of beer. Elyse tapped hers against his and took a generous swig. Of all the places she’d expected Julian to take her, it hadn’t been this small Jamaican restaurant.

  “Bon appétit.” Not having had anything to eat since lunch, Elyse wasted no time diving in and reaching for a tostada on the platter. The sweet and spicy flavor bomb was something she wouldn’t mind eating again. “That was yummy,” she said as she licked her lips.

  When she looked over at Julian, she found his gaze fixed on her and an arrow of heat went straight to her core. This evening wasn’t going as she’d planned. She’d thought Julian would be a show-off, like some of the rich clients she worked with. Instead, she was finding him to be quite down-to-earth.

  Manuel followed the appetizer with a red pea soup made of red kidney beans, salted meats, dumplings and fresh herbs. And while Manuel plied Elyse with good food, including curry goat with rice and peas, followed by jerk seafood stew, Julian kept her entertained, talking about the theater, art and politics. She noticed he steered cleared of sports or football in particular. Elyse would have thought he would eagerly talk about his family’s franchise, but instead he was doing the opposite.

  “A friend of mine is debuting a new play. Perhaps I could take you to the opening?”

  “Maybe. I have a very busy schedule ahead of me,” Elyse said. “I’m in public relations.”

  “Are most of your clients corporate accounts?”

  Elyse shook her head. “No, mostly actors, entertainers, athletes. I specialize in fixing things.”

  “Like on Scandal?”

  “Sometimes.” Elyse bunched her shoulders. “I have a special skill set in figuring out how to help folks out of the messes they make and turn public opinion in their favor.”

  “I imagine that isn’t easy.”

  She laughed derisively. “You don’t know the half of it. Occasionally I want to ask them what the hell they were thinking, but I find their actions were usually based on bad decisions involving either sex or drugs.”

  “That’s a shame. One of those activities could be very pleasurable indeed with the right partner.”

  Elyse blushed. Julian had a way of throwing in little sexual innuendos and she couldn’t stop herself from reacting to them. “Or it could get them into a world of trouble. It’s best to act after you’ve made a well-thought-out decision.”

  “Sometimes life is about emotion,” Julian said. “It can’t be planned. It’s a spontaneous feeling. But wait—don’t tell me. You don’t believe in being spontaneous?”

  “I sought you out after overhearing about your date. It was spur of the moment.”

  He eyed her suspiciously for several minutes. “You’d like me to believe that’s true, but I doubt it. Anyway, it takes us back to why we’re here this evening.” Julian snapped his fingers. “How exactly did you find out about my blind date?”

  “Right place. Right time,” Elyse responded. “I was in the ladies’ room at a restaurant when Tiffany and her friend came in. They were talking rather loudly about her date with you and that you were taking her to Bacchanalia.”

  “And you chose to act on it?”

  Elyse smiled. Julian didn’t miss a beat, did he. “Yes, I called your office and asked if you could meet me half an hour earlier than scheduled, though I didn’t know the original time of the reservation.”

  “How did you get that info out of my assistant?” Julian asked.

  “I’m in public relations, remember? I know how to work people. I merely acted as if I was changing the time, not who you were meeting. She didn’t think anything of it, which thereby allowed me to figure when to come meet you.”

  “Normally, I’d have to give her grief, but if it wasn’t for your resourcefulness, we would have never met. And that would be a shame. I’m enjoying your company a lot better than I suspect I would have Tiffany’s.”

  Elyse grinned. She couldn’t help it. Julian knew what to say to stroke her womanly ego. “Thank you.” She glanced down at her watch. Hours had elapsed since they’d first met at Bacchanalia.

  “Can I convince you to stay for dessert? Manuel’s Jamaican rum cake is to die for.” His wide mouth curved upward and Elyse found herself unable to look away from his brown-eyed gaze.

  “Well...” The dessert did sound decadent. “All right, you convinced me.” But if Elyse wasn’t careful, she was certain Julian was capable of talking her into a lot more before the night was over.

  * * *

  As Julian drove Elyse back to Bacchanalia an hour later, he wished the night wouldn’t end. The date with Elyse had been the best he’d ever had because it hadn’t been about wowing a woman with his riches. Instead, he’d been himself, no pretenses, and taken Elyse to a place close to his heart. If he’d been with any other woman, she likely would have scoffed when he’d suggested leaving Bacchanalia. Elyse had gone with the flow. And, consequently, enjoyed the food at Manuel’s, if the way she’d licked her lips had been any indication.

  There had been times throughout the night when she had stirred a fire in his belly, making Julian want to lean over the table and take those lips. To kiss her. To taste her. To devour her. Every masculine response he had roared into life in her company.




  Yet he’d sat across from her making conversation and getting to know her. Had Elyse been right? Was he superficial—all about smoke and mirrors? He didn’t think so. It wasn’t all about sex. They’d talked during the
evening and he’d learned they shared the same political affiliation: they were Democrats. And he’d learned her interests, like how when she had downtime she enjoyed yoga and Pilates to relax.

  Eventually, he pulled into the now empty parking lot of the Michelin-star restaurant where their evening had begun. It was easy to spot her car because it was the only one remaining. He slid the Bugatti Veyron beside her Toyota Camry, but didn’t turn off the engine. He turned to her. “I enjoyed your company tonight. I’m glad you switched times with Tiffany, because I was the beneficiary.”

  “You always seem to know the right thing to say.”

  “And you like to call me out on it,” Julian responded.

  A throb of awareness pulsed between them in the sports car. When he looked at Elyse, desire slammed into him, stretching the atmosphere taut with purpose. Surely she had to sense the sizzle? There was no way he could let the night end without breaching the sexual tension to see if she’d melt at his touch.

  “Julian.” The husky way she said his name was a telltale sign she felt it, too.

  He heard her sharp intake of breath seconds before he reached for her. Sweeping his head down, Julian let his lips glide sensuously across hers, and she responded. Her mouth opened to his and their tongues engaged in a dance of mutual seduction. Unable to resist, he reached out to touch the sweet mounds of her breasts. When he molded them with his hands, Elyse released a low moan, and Julian deepened the kiss.

  They kissed madly. Wet and hot, without restraint and with such lust, Julian thought he might combust, especially when he felt her nipples pucker underneath his fingertips. He wanted to nibble, lick and suck her nipples into his mouth, but he couldn’t have her properly in this car, not the way he wanted. But she was kissing him so hard and hot, he heard the thud of his own heartbeat.

  Julian was tempted to continue kissing her, to swallow her gasps and moans, to strip her until she was bare right then and there, but he felt Elyse push against his chest, so he tore his mouth from hers. “What’s wrong?”


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