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The Companion to the Fiery Cross, a Breath of Snow and Ashes, an Echo in the Bone, and Written in My Own Heart's Blood

Page 47

by Diana Gabaldon

  Fraser, Jared—Successful expatriate Scottish wine merchant, with ships and warehouses in Le Havre and a mansion in Paris. Jamie’s cousin and a strong Jacobite supporter. Later, his cousin Michael Murray (Jenny and Ian’s son) moves to Paris to learn the wine business from him. [Fiery Cross, Ashes, Echo, SB]

  Fraser, Joan Laoghaire Claire; Joanie—Marsali and Fergus’s oldest daughter; one of the “hell-kittens,” along with her sister, Félicité. [All]

  Fraser, Laoghaire MacKenzie (pronounced “Leery,” “L’heer,” or “L’heery,” depending on regional usage)—First seen as a young girl at Castle Leoch with designs on Jamie Fraser. In later years, following Culloden and Claire’s disappearance through the stones, she marries Jamie, at Jenny Fraser’s instigation. The marriage is unsuccessful, though, and following Jamie’s departure for Edinburgh, Laoghaire takes up with a crippled hired man named Joey—as Jamie discoveres, to his intense (and surprising) discomposure. But as Laoghaire tells Jamie, during their final conversation, when he demands to know why, “Because he needs me. And you, ye bastard, never did!” She is mother to Marsali and Joan. [All]

  Fraser, Leslie—Nephew of Bobby Fraser of Glenhelm, who was with him when they caught young Arch Bug and cut off his bow fingers; later, both Frasers of Glenhelm were found dead in a ditch, their heads caved in by an ax. [Ashes]

  Fraser, Marsali—Laoghaire’s eldest daughter by Simon MacKimmie; Jamie’s stepdaughter and Fergus’s wife; mother of Germain, Joanie, Félicité, and Henri-Christian. [All]

  Fraser, Murtagh FitzGibbons—Jamie Fraser’s godfather, killed at Culloden while saving Jamie’s life. [SP]

  Fraser, Robert Brian Gordon MacKenzie—Jamie’s infant brother who died with his mother, Ellen, in childbed. [Fiery Cross, Echo, MOBY]

  Fraser, Ronnie—The young son of Vhairi Fraser, a tenant of Balriggan. He was crushed to death by an ox; his death was predicted in the second vision that appeared to Joan. [SB]

  x Fraser, Simon, Brigadier General—(1729–1777) From Balnain, Scotland, and cousin to the Frasers of Lovat. In command of combined forces at Saratoga and as a prominent general leading his troops in the Battle of Bemis Heights, he was targeted by Morgan’s sharpshooter Tim Murphy. General Fraser was nursed through the night but died at dawn. He requested that his body be buried in the Great Redoubt at Saratoga, but General Burgoyne asked Jamie to take the brigadier’s body back to Scotland, thus allowing Jamie, Claire, and Ian to leave the Continental army. [CA, Echo, MOBY]

  x Fraser, Simon; Lord Lovat; the Old Fox—(1667–1747) Eleventh Lord Lovat and chief of clan Fraser, he was Jamie Fraser’s paternal grandfather but was beheaded for his underhanded—and treasonous—actions during the ’45. [All]

  Fraser, Vhairi—A tenant near Balriggan, mother to a young child who met an early death; the child was the second person Joan MacKimmie’s visions indicated would die. [SB]

  Fraser, William Simon Murtagh MacKenzie; Willie—Jamie’s older brother who died of smallpox when Jamie was six. He carved the cherrywood snake with “Sawny,” his nickname for Jamie, on the backside of it. [Echo, MOBY]

  x Fraser, Young Simon; Lord Lovat; the Young Fox—(1726–1782) Son of the executed Lord Lovat and younger half brother to Jamie Fraser’s father, Brian. He led Fraser clansmen at Culloden but escaped execution, though suffering the loss of most of his family property. As the nineteenth chief of clan Fraser, he was known as the MacShimidh but was unable to reclaim the title of Lord Lovat. He later regained much of his property through both legal channels and as a reward for his own efforts in raising two Highland regiments to fight in the colonies during the French and Indian War, notably the 78th Fraser Highlanders. [Fiery Cross, MOBY]

  x Frederick, King of Prussia; Frederick the Great—(1712–1786) A bold military tactician, he won military acclaim for himself and Prussia by his attack on Austria. He was also lauded for physically uniting his kingdom by conquering Polish territories after making a political and military alliance with Britain in 1756 during the Seven Years’ War; his conquests turned Prussia into an economically strong and politically reformed country. [HS, BL]

  Frobisher, Mr.—A London legal adviser for Stephan von Namtzen, involved with settling Stephan’s motherless children to live with his sister in London. [SP]

  Frye, Theo—One of the residents of Fraser’s Ridge who help to build various businesses, including Ronnie Sinclair’s cooperage, a smithy, and a general store. [Fiery Cross]


  Gabriel—Young soldier in love with and accompanying Sally-Sarah and her brother, Phillip. [MOBY]

  x Gage, Thomas, General—(ca. 1720–1787) Commander in chief of the British forces in North America from 1763–1775; after being appointed the military governor of Massachusetts Bay, he was instructed to implement several severe acts to punish Massachusetts for the Boston Tea Party and attempted to seize stores from the militia; his actions sparking several notable battles. He was replaced as the commander in chief by General Howe after the Battle of Bunker Hill in 1775. [Ashes]

  Gainsborough, Mr.—(1727–1788) Thomas Gainsborough, the portrait artist commissioned to commemorate the christening of Lady Dorothea Grey, Lord John’s niece. [BL]

  Galantine, Madame Eugenie—Léonie’s and Lillie’s aunt—Lillie being the deceased young wife of Michael Murray. [SB]

  Gallagher—A member of White’s wagering that the person lying in the gutter outside the club is dead. [BL]

  Gallegher, Henry (aka “The Glaswegian”)—A recent immigrant to the Ridge and member of Jamie’s militia unit. Not much is known about him except that his distinctive manner of speech marks him as being from or near Glasgow, with an accent so marked that others on the Ridge have a difficult time understanding him. [Fiery Cross]

  Gardner, Mrs. and Miss Gardner—dependents of British military evacuating Philadelphia. [MOBY]

  Garlock, Eldon—An ensign and the youngest member of the court hearing the court-martial case against Gerald Siverly. (Eldon was a good friend of mine from the Compuserve Literary Forum, who passed away some years ago. RIP.) [SP]

  x Garrick, Mr.—(1717–1779) Influential London playwright and actor David Garrick, who helped make acting “respectable” and whom William Ransom met briefly in London. [BL, Echo]

  Gaskins, Lieutenant—One of the soldiers sent by the Duke of Pardloe to bring Jamie to London. [SP]

  x Gates, Horatio, General—(ca. 1728–1806) Washington’s adjutant general (chief of staff) after the fall of Fort Ticonderoga. He was promoted to commander of the Northern Department under General Burgoyne, and his army combined with those of General Benedict Arnold to force the surrender of Burgoyne’s larger British army at Saratoga. Arnold disparagingly called him “Granny Gates,” due to his indecisiveness and lack of swift action in most military matters. [Echo]

  Gaugh, Barney—The train stationmaster in Inverness since Roger’s arrival as a child, and a member of Roger’s twentieth-century Masonic lodge. [Echo]

  The General—An elderly unnamed military leader and patron of Lord John’s favorite London club, the Beefsteak. [HF]

  x Gentleman Johnny—See “General John Burgoyne.”

  Geordie—One of Dougal’s men. [MOBY]

  x George III—(1738–1820) King of England from 1760–1820. Thoughts during the funeral of the King’s father, George II, cause Lord John to realize the truth about Jamie Fraser’s paternity of William. While the king was on the throne throughout the American Revolution, he has relatively little to do with our story.[BL, All]

  Gerald, Robert; Bob—Harry Quarry’s cousin by marriage, who is killed outside the Beefsteak after declining an invitation to join the Hellfire Club. [HF]

  x Germain, George, Sir—(1716–1785) British secretary of state for America in Lord North’s cabinet, Germain failed to understand both the geography and the colonists’ determination. He was Lord John’s superior during his years of espionage. [Echo]

  Gershon—One of the American militia under the command of Corporal Woodbine. [MOBY]
br />   Gibbs—Whisky maker from Aberdeenshire in Scotland. (Named in compliment to Mike Gibb, creator and lyricist of Outlander: The Musical CD.) [MOBY]

  Gideon—Jamie’s foul-tempered horse, who dislikes being ridden and is prone to bite and kick. Temperament notwithstanding, he is highly desired by the North Carolina Indians as a sire for their own ponies. [Fiery Cross, Ashes]

  Gill, Captain—A friend of Lord John Grey, and captain of the sloop where Bobby Higgins attempts to work as a sailor. [Ashes]

  x Gillespie—(unknown) One of the Regulators identified by Waightstill Avery in his deposition before Justice William Harris. [Fiery Cross]

  Gillespie, Graham—A Scottish soldier who died at Culloden, shot through the head. Jamie tells Claire that he saw him sit up while on a burning funeral pyre; Claire explains to Jamie that there are medical reasons for reactions like this in a corpse, i.e., postmortem contracture. [Fiery Cross]

  Gist, George—A member of the Cherokee hunting party that sets out to find the mysterious white “ghost” bear, which Jamie and Claire eventually locate after a violent mountaintop thunderstorm. [Fiery Cross]

  Glasscock, Jimmy—Jem’s classmate in twentieth-century Inverness who claims Jem, Mandy, and their mother will burn in hell for being Catholic. [Echo]

  Glaswegian (the)—See “Henry Gallegher.”

  Glendenning, Miss—Jem’s teacher in twentieth-century Inverness. A city woman from Aberdeen, she grabs Jem by the ear and scolds him for speaking Gaelic; he reacts by swearing at her in Gaelic—and is overheard by the headmaster, Mr. Menzies. [Echo]

  Glory—Young patient with extremely bad dentition, whom Claire attempts to help through multiple extractions; the anesthetic of choice is whisky, which almost kills the young girl when her mother forces a bit too much down her throat. [Echo]

  Glutton (aka Walking Elk)—Ian’s Mohawk friend who helps take care of William in the Great Dismal; Glutton received the name for killing one with his bare hands and carries the scars as signs of his totem. [Echo]

  Goldie-Locks—See “Neil Stapleton.”

  Goodwin, Mr.—A resident of Hillsborough who becomes embroiled in the local politics. While trying to protect his friend Edmund Fanning from the rioters, he is assaulted himself, forcing him to seek out medical treatment from Claire at the Gathering. [Fiery Cross]

  x Goodwin, Samuel—(ca. 1775–unknown) Loyalist mapmaker in Maine who provided Benedict Arnold’s Continental army with incorrect maps for the march to British-held Quebec City; the information delayed Arnold’s troops so badly that, instead of marching 180 miles, they actually marched about 350, and winter found them well short of their goal. [Echo]

  Goose—Tuscarora brave who escaped an attack by the Cherokee; more specifically, the Cherokee with whom Jamie has a friendship. [Ashes]

  Gore, Joe—A farmhand at Helwater. He was charged with bringing in Fanny, one of the farm horses, left in the field when a wagon wheel was damaged. [SP]

  Gormley, Herbert; Gormless—An employee of the royal laboratory at the Arsenal who is investigating the cause of the recent catastrophic cannon explosions among the royal artillery. [HS]

  Gowan, Ned—A lawyer from Edinburgh; he handles the negotiations resulting from Jamie Fraser’s invalid marriage to Laoghaire MacKenzie and the terms of cancellation of the agreement years later, as well as settling the dowries of both Marsali and Joan (Laoghaire’s daughters). [Fiery Cross, Echo]

  Graf von Erdberg—See Stephan von Namtzen.

  Gräfin von Erdberg—See Princess Louisa von Lowenstein.

  Graham, Fiona—See “Fiona Buchan.”

  Graham, Mrs.—Reverend Wakefield’s housekeeper, Roger’s foster mother, and grandmother to Fiona, she was the leader and “caller” of the secret Craigh na Dun dancers. [All]

  Gran (née Wakefield)—Roger’s grandmother, mother of Marjorie “Dolly” MacKenzie, and sister to Reverend Reginald Wakefield, who adopted Roger after his parents were killed. [Fiery Cross, LW]

  Grannie Belly—See “Arabella Abernathy.”

  x Grant, James, Colonel—(1720–1806) One of General Howe’s leaders during the Long Island invasion; also one of the officers present at General Simon Fraser’s death, and the officer who tells William he has been promoted to the rank of captain at General Fraser’s recommendation after William’s actions at Ticonderoga. [Echo]

  Grant, Malcolm—Chieftain of clan Grant; rejected suitor of Ellen MacKenzie; received one-third of the French gold for Bonnie Prince Charlie, which his tacksman, Arch Bug, picked up in his place. [Fiery Cross, Ashes, Echo]

  Graves, Colonel—Author of a very interesting note that Lord John receives in Philadelphia, just moments before Jamie returns from the dead. [Echo, MOBY]

  x Gray, Thomas—(1716–1771) English poet, classical scholar, and Cambridge professor and close friend to Horace Walpole; he was suspected by some to be Walpole’s lover, but the unspoken allegations were never proven. [BL]

  Green, Amos—An ex-Regulator from Salisbury in the company of Richard Brown and others, whom Jamie meets on the road to Halifax while on his way to attend the meeting for the Committee of Correspondence. [Ashes]

  x Greene, Gen. Nathanael—Washington’s quartermaster, an important Revolutionary general, and a friend of Jamie’s. A lapsed Quaker, he advises Jamie on the form and customs of Quaker weddings. [MOBY]

  Greenhow, Corporal Joshua—One of Jamie’s militiamen who is injured. [MOBY]

  Greenleaf, Lieutenant—A British engineer with General Simon Fraser’s regiment who is surveying the American fortifications at Fort Ticonderoga shortly before the battle. [Echo]

  Gregory—The mechanic at the airfield near Northumbria who assures Jerry that his beloved plane, Dolly, will be back in the air in no time. [LW]

  Grendel—The calm-mannered but alert horse Lord John rides when out on patrol with Percy’s company after they’re posted to Prussia’s Rhine Valley; the horse’s keen senses prevent the patrol from blundering into a French foraging party. [BL]

  x Grenville, George—(1712–1770) Treasurer of the British navy, he was in attendance at the funeral for King George III, under whom Grenville had succeded to the office of prime minister. [SP]

  Gretchen—One of several German women in Frau Ute McGillivray’s schemes for making a match with resident Ronnie Sinclair of Fraser’s Ridge. [Ashes]

  Grey, Adam—Hal’s middle son (born 1754), Lord John’s nephew, William’s cousin, and Dottie’s older brother, also with the British army in America; goes out on a night of drinking with William and friends, only to quickly sober at witnessing the beating and burning alive of a “fireship”—a whore infected with the pox (syphilis). Later, he sends a letter to his brother Henry, telling that their other brother, Benjamin, isn’t dead. [BL, SP, Echo, MOBY]

  Grey, Benedicta; Lady Stanley—Dowager Countess of Melton, formerly Dowager Duchess of Pardloe; widow of Gerard Grey; mother to John and Harold Grey, and Paul and Edgar DeVane; married to her third husband, General Sir George Stanley. [PM, BL, SP, Echo]

  Grey, Benjamin—Lord John’s nephew (born 1752) and eldest son and heir to Hal, the Duke of Pardloe. Presumably married to Amaranthus Cowden, and the father (alleged) of Trevor, he was taken prisoner at the Battle of the Brandywine and later reported to have died in captivity. However, his cousin William investigates and finds a stranger in his grave. [BL, SP, MOBY]

  x Grey, Charles Major General—(1729–1807) British leader of a nocturnal attack at Paoli, where he ordered his men to fix bayonets and remove the flints from their muskets to avoid firing accidentally. Grey allegedly showed no quarter and many Americans were bayoneted in their beds. The Paoli Massacre, as the engagement became known, is still fresh in the minds of the Continental army and militia when Lord John is arrested; hence the militia’s acute suspicion upon hearing his surname. [Echo, MOBY]


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