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The Vampire Hunters Academy: The Shadows

Page 14

by Delizhia Jenkins

  “That vampire bitch snatched him by the throat and ripped him in half!! I will never get over that!” Dominique’s cries reached a higher level of hysteria, her wails escalating to terrifying screams of despair that left a scorching mark of pain in Archer’s psyche.

  A member of her team, a younger woman with fiery red hair, wrapped her arms around Dominique. “My name is Sasha, and my mother is from Celtic lands and passed down ancient gifts of healing unto me. Dominque, allow us to carry some of the burden that you bear. We share your grief, sister ... now sleep ...”

  Everyone looked in awe as lavender light ignited from Sasha’s palms and poured over both women. Dominque’s sobs quieted, replaced with gentle snores as Dominque went limp in Sasha’s arms.

  “Her body was on the brink of shutting itself down,” Sasha said.

  Congo, Eve, and Archer rushed over to help lift Dominique, who was no more than 110 pounds soaking wet, but the dead weight of her slumber made her feel more like a bag of bricks than the petite woman she was.

  “Thank you,” came the soft voice of another Guardian, Archer soon learned to identify as Tanya.

  “We are here to help,” Eve said, her voice gaining strength, as she turned to address the sad faces that stared back at her.

  “Yeah, we family,” Congo added. “So we ride together.”

  “Where is the Slayer?” Sasha asked. “We need her.”

  “She is still in training,” Archer answered cautiously, sharing a glance with Eve.

  “She is the only one who can stop her,” Sasha said. “We can kill the lower vampires, demons, and everything else she throws at us, but we need the Slayer ready to fight.”

  “Don’t worry,” Congo reassured her. “Baby girl is just about ready to spread her wings.”

  “I cannot wait to meet her. It will make all of this ugliness we have had to endure worth it.”

  “We will also have help from some very special women,” Archer said, his gaze returning to Sasha. “We will be hitting these streets hard tonight, people. Make peace with whatever burdens you carry because what is coming for us tonight will make you want to dig your own grave. I say we have Dominique sit this one out and a few of you stand watch over her. We aren’t leaving until we have cleaned these streets.”

  “As you all know when we come knocking, we ain’t here to play,” Congo said, “so know this: we will do everything we can to help. This ain’t the end for Louisiana. You guys have been on the front lines for the longest, fighting back The Darkness and keeping those rat bastards from gaining a stronghold here. This is New Orleans, dammit. Y’all done survived the worst of the worst of hurricanes and have felt the brunt of human tragedy and y’all still standing.”

  Congo’s speech was met with cheers, high fives, tears of hope, and hugs that were passed around from Guardian to Guardian. Archer gave Congo an appreciative nod, and a new wave of understanding passed between the two senior Guardians. As they wrapped up the meeting, Archer’s team began to file out to safe houses reserved for them. Congo carried Dominique’s unconscious body to the Ford truck that belonged to a Guardian named Dorian, gingerly laying her across the back seat.

  As soon as he stepped outside, Archer thanked the heavens for a few hours’ reprieve before real madness began. He was almost certain that Cain’s daughter was no longer in the vicinity, but his gut told him she was not the only entity they had to worry about.

  King escorted Sanaya to class, making a great effort to keep her hand tucked protectively in his own. Maya disappeared somewhere with Danny, while the rest of their team dispersed.

  “Did I tell you how much I missed you?” King told Sanaya once they made it to the Annex.

  “Yes.” Sanaya smiled. “Over breakfast, in the courtyard, just now …”

  King pulled her to him and kissed her, easing away from her lips to offer a satisfied grin when her irises flashed silver. “I pray that I can keep the silver burning in those beautiful eyes,” he said.

  “I’m not worried about that.” She lightly touched his cheek with her palm and was leaning forward to kiss him again when Professor Grizoni emerged from the doorway of his classroom.

  “All right, lovebirds,” Professor Grizoni said with a smirk. “Sanaya, you know my class starts on time. You have thirty seconds to wrap this up. Otherwise I will mark you late.”

  Sanaya’s shoulders slumped. “Yes, Professor.”

  Professor Grizoni nodded in King’s direction. “I have heard great things about you. young man. I look forward to having you in my class next term.”

  “Cool ... thanks,” King said, unsure of what else to say.

  “Twenty seconds, Sanaya,” the professor warned before disappearing into his classroom.

  “I gotta go, babe,” Sanaya said sadly. “I will see you at lunch?”

  “Yup.” King placed a kiss on the bridge of her nose. “See you later, boo.”

  As King sauntered off, Sanaya zipped into the classroom before Professor Grizoni closed the door. She rushed to her seat, making sure to pull out notebook and pen since the professor often jumped right into his discussions.

  Professor Grizoni took position in front of the class and opened the discussion on the history of werewolves in literature when a familiar voice filtered into Sanaya’s mind.

  You need my help, Cain said.

  Stunned but not wanting to alert Professor Grizoni, Sanaya calmly replied: Go away.

  Selene is closer than you think, Cain warned. She is in Ireland right now, planning an assault. You need my help.

  I thought you wanted me to kill her, Sanaya thought.

  Does not mean you still don’t need my help.

  Where are you exactly?

  Cain’s raspy chuckle echoed in her mind. Close but far away. Silly Slayer. You thought I would tell you when you have not agreed to our arrangement. I always make sure to remain close enough to the next Slayer. But you by far are my favorite.

  You picked a fine time to warn me ... Sanaya tried to keep her focus on the professor’s lecture, but Cain’s new insight was more important than the history of werewolves in novels.

  But I warned you, nonetheless ...

  I don’t understand why you are doing this.

  I know I will have to gain your trust, Slayer. I told you what I wanted—redemption.

  But that’s not possible, is it?

  Tell your primary Guardian to stand down. Reapers are coming ...

  Oh no! Black Angels!

  Yes. The Beast walks the earth, and Louisiana is a hot target because of Selene. Warn your Council, but don’t tell them who the source is. That is all I ask.

  But they won’t believe me if I don’t—

  I have to move again. I will reach out to you soon. Be well, Slayer ...

  His presence vanished almost quickly as he came and Professor Grizoni continued with his lecture. Sanaya rested her head on the desk and sent a telepathic SOS to Aklia, hoping that Aklia heard her. As soon as class was over, she was calling Archer. As much as her Guardian brother irked her nerves sometime, he always had her back.

  This time she would make sure she would have his.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  The sun had barely sunk beneath the horizon when the Guardians divided into groups of six and hit the streets of New Orleans, tracking the fresh turns of the vampire heiress. In two hours on the busy streets, they realized the city was teeming with vampires and agents of The Darkness. They killed six lower level vampires in first forty minutes and were now dispatching Selene’s fledglings, which were no ordinary vampires: they had the speed and strength of master.

  Congo barely missed a swipe from a sharp talon when Archer’s bullet pierced the entity’s skull.

  “What was that?” Congo asked.

  “A former Guardian,” Archer said.

  The team watched as the former Guardian turned to ash on impact, and as was custom, Asim and Tatsu collected the ashes to be prayed over before being scattered onto hallowed ground. Ar
cher, Eve, Tatsu, Asim, Congo, and a New Orleans’ Guardian named Shavonne were bent forward, sucking in the cool air through deep, labored breaths.

  “I’m getting too old for this. man,” Congo mumbled.

  “You ain’t said a mumbling word,” Shavonne agreed, wiping the sweat from her brow. “These vamps are juiced tonight.”

  “Tell me about it,” Archer grumbled as he pulled out his vibrating phone. Alarm hit his nervous system when he recognized the name on the Caller ID: Sanaya. “What’s up, kid? Are you okay?”

  Shavonne’s head whipped around at the mention of “kid,” and other Guardians circled Archer for better reception of the conversation.

  “Is that her?” Shavonne whispered to Congo, who nodded with a frown.

  “Put her on speaker,” Congo said.

  Archer hit the speaker button. “Go ahead, Sanaya.”

  “Archer,” Sanaya breathed. “Fall back. Don’t ask me how I know this, but the Reapers are coming.”

  “Reapers?” Archer asked. “Sanaya, I know your senses are all over the place, but you must be picking up—”

  “Archer, please listen to me,” Sanaya interrupted. “Wherever you guys are, you need to fall back. It’s not safe!”

  “Kid, talk to me,” Archer said. “Did Aklia tell you?”

  “I swore I would not reveal the source of information,” Sanaya said. “You have to believe me that this is real.”

  “I don’t have time for games, Sanaya,” Archer scolded. “I’m in the middle of a—”

  “I’m not playing Archer!” Sanaya shouted. “Get out now! The Reapers are there right now!”

  All sight and sound disappeared around them. Archer heard the screams of his team as infinite darkness blanketed and threatened to suffocate their souls. His own scream became muffled as an invisible hand held him by the neck in a viselike grip and blocked the oxygen to his brain. The last memory he tucked away was Sanaya’s panicked screams from the phone.

  No one could figure out what was wrong, but Sanaya didn’t care. Her Guardian brothers and sisters were in trouble, and there was no way she was going to sit back and do nothing.

  Maya and King both responded to her distress but could not keep up as Sanaya sped across the campus to her room where she kept the Millennium sword. She was too distraught to summon it to her. Black Angels were serious trouble. She did not know much about them other than they were the appointed Princes of Darkness and for them to be topside ...

  Sanaya didn’t want to think about it. She needed to call The Council and—

  “Sanaya!” Bullet caught up with her, breathing hard. “Yo, slow down! What happened?”

  “Archer is in trouble!” Sanaya cried, fighting back tears. “Reapers!”

  “Reapers?” Bullet shouted. “What the hell are they?”

  “The Beast’s most elite,” Sanaya said. “The Dark Princes. Black Angels. No Guardian is strong enough to fight one of them.”

  “But you are,” came a familiar voice and form that manifested in her room.

  “Aklia!” Sanaya shouted, running into the original Slayer’s arms. The two embraced.

  Maya and King burst in, out of breath but ready for war. “What’s going on?” King shouted.

  “Natasha is collecting the rest of your team,” Aklia said. “This will be your first major battle as a matured Slayer, and after great debate, we decided that your team goes with you. It’s either now or never.”

  “What is she talking about?” King asked, searching both Slayers’ faces for answers.

  “The warrior angels are already amassing, and I have our sisters on the front lines,” Aklia said. “Archer has been recovered along with the rest of the Guardians, but we need your skills. This is war. The Beast violated order once again. Hold hands everyone.”

  Sanaya grabbed Aklia’s hand, and Bullet took the other. King and Maya linked with Aklia and Bullet, and in a flash of ethereal light, the group was vacuumed through the vortex of light and headed straight for New Orleans.

  Hang in there, Archer! Sanaya mentally shouted. Please hold on!

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  The group collapsed in the middle of what was supposed to be a busy New Orleans street, but pure odorless and soundless blackness surrounded them. Even with her heightened senses, Sanaya had trouble seeing what was in front of her.

  “From the feel of it, we are in a box,” Sanaya said.

  “Agreed,” Aklia said. “They sealed the area, and anything trapped in it meets an untimely demise. They are hunting something of foremost importance.”

  “What?” Bullet asked.

  “I believe the Dark Princes have been called,” Aklia said.

  Cain, Sanaya thought as she strained to see what was in front of her.

  “Get down!” a man cried in the distance.

  Sanaya dropped for cover as a sonic blast sent Aklia and some of the other Slayers flying in all directions. As a rain of black flame-tipped arrows poured down from the sky, Charlie raised her shield and covered them all.

  “Good call, Charlie!” Sanaya said, gripping her blade.

  Raya appeared and tossed modern weapons to the Guardians in training, including semi-automatics, grenades, and Bowie knives while Natasha armed each student with stakes, blessed daggers, and ammo for their rifles. With Raya and Aklia covering them, Sanaya led the team several blocks, the sounds of gunfire and explosions behind them.

  “Take cover with the rest of the Guardians,” Raya told them, pointing in the direction of a church. “Most of them are severely wounded, which is why we brought you here. Protect this stronghold!”

  Sanaya grabbed King, Maya, and Danny while Bullet covered Trent, Lisa, Charlie, Maria, and Tony behind them and burst through the church doors, making sure to bolt the doors behind them.

  “Sanaya! Over here!”

  Sanaya whipped her head around to see nearest the pulpit where Guardians lay either unconscious or semiconscious. The Guardians who could still stand attended those who could not. Eve sat, leaning against a pew, a stream of blood oozing from her temple. Bruises covered her smooth, flawless creamy skin.

  “Eve!” Sanaya ran over to her mentor, wrapping her arms around her to help Eve to her feet.

  “I’m fine,” Eve assured her. “I just need to rest.”

  The rest of the group came over, and Maya gasped from the sight.

  “He should have listened to you when you called,” Eve said with a sob. “Now ... now I—”

  Another blast hit the church, the ground shaking beneath them.

  “Eve, is he alive?” Sanaya asked.

  “Barely,” Eve whispered. “He was hit the hardest.”

  A deafening whine assaulted the stained-glass windows. Trent fell to his knees, covering his ears, the noise bursting precious veins in his eardrums and causing his ears to bleed. Lisa, Charlie, and Maria rushed to his side, and Charlie placed her hands on his shoulders to try to draw out some of the pain.

  Charlie screamed and fainted, and King caught her before she hit the ground.

  Sanaya rushed in and placed her hands on Trent, effortlessly drawing the pain into her.

  With her eyes burning silver, Sanaya’s eyes darted around at the Guardians who had hunkered together as the church seemed ready to be blasted off of its foundation. Through several cracked windows Sanaya caught fleeting glimpses of the highest ranking angels meeting blade for blade with dark-winged entities that had blue black skin and menacing dark eyes. She needed to get out and fight. Another blast would demolish the church and everyone inside.

  “Lay Charlie next to Eve,” Sanaya commanded, unsheathing her blade. However, Charlie rose to her feet, insisting that she was fine.

  “Where are you going?” Maya demanded.

  “To fight,” Sanaya said. “Are you with me?”

  “Fo’sho’,” Maya said. “You go, I go. It’s just that simple.”

  “I’m ready,” King said, checking his weapons.

  “Me, too,” Maria s
aid, nodding at her brother.

  “Let’s light ‘em up,” Danny said as his palms ignited.

  Trent rose as Sanaya led the team outside where the action took place. Some of the Guardians tried to protest, but Eve waved her hand for them to quiet down.

  “This is what we prepared her for,” Eve said with a grimace. “Let her fight.”

  Sirens sounded in the distance, but Sanaya knew dispatchers were having trouble telling law enforcement and the emergency response teams where to go because of the black box they were in. She needed to figure out the source of it and fast. She could sense vampires everywhere roaming the streets, and her personal vampire GPS tracking was on overload, flooding her nervous system. With eyes burning silver, she led the team through the streets.

  “We gotta somehow draw the fight to us,” Sanaya gritted through her teeth. The adrenaline made her dizzy. Her palms twitched anxiously and her heart raced as she scanned the perimeter. The screams of the innocent being savagely attacked in their homes and in the streets rattled her soul. She could smell the nauseating bittersweet scent of blood and fear in the air, forcing her to spit.

  Another blanket of infinite darkness covered the entire block, causing the team to panic.

  “I can’t see!” Maya complained.

  “We are going to die!” Bullet yelped.

  “What are we going to do?” Maria added, clutching tightly to her brother’s shoulder.

  “Man, I ain’t trying to go out like this!” Tony shouted.

  “Everyone, just calm down!” Sanaya commanded, standing completely still. “Expand your senses. Find that place within you like Archer taught us and listen ...”

  As the group calmed somewhat, Sanaya listened to the sounds of flesh being ripped away the shouts and curses of her sisters-in-arms engaged in battle. Visions of the gates of hell filtered into her psyche. The Beast was present, and all his minions had been called, which Sanaya thought was a waste of precious resources. She swallowed thickly, tightening her grip around the Millennium Sword, waiting for the visions to pass with the information she needed.

  More impressions followed including the mysterious green eyes and brown skin of the vampiress she figured had to be Selene. A full visual of three, perfectly dressed and eternally youthful vampires flashed into her psyche. She would ask Aklia about them later, but now she needed to focus on Selene. Louisiana was the last place Selene was spotted, so … so The Beast created search teams. The Beast needed her to find Cain because other than Sanaya … Selene was the only one who shared a direct link to Cain. It made perfect sense.


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