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Page 18

by Roy A. Teel, Jr.

  The women stood watching Debbie as her veins started to turn black as the liquid began to race for her heart to be pushed through her body. Debbie screamed at Sara, “You’re a doctor. You’re supposed to save lives. Stop this…oh God, it hurts. Stop this, you bitch.” Sara walked over to the table and said, “No can do, kid.” She injected a clear follow up liquid into the IV and said, “Have a nice death…I have to get some dinner. I’m starving as are my guests.” The women went to walk away as the drug hit Debbie’s heart and started to rush through her body. Sara looked at the screaming girl writhing in agony and said, “Oh…I almost forgot…MAY GOD NOT HAVE MERCY ON YOUR SOUL!” Sara shut off the lights and closed the operating room door as Debbie screamed into the cold darkness and into the abyss of her own agony. Sara whispered to herself as she walked with the others, “It will take a couple of hours for you to die, kid; you might still have some breath in you if the Eagle decides to bring your lover back.”

  She closed off the secret passage to the lair and asked the others, “So, who’s hungry?” All hands went up. “Well then, Jade give Barb a call and see if she would like to join us for a little girls night out at Santiago’s.” Jade called her while Sara walked on to the bedroom to shower and change.

  Chapter Twenty

  “Holy shit…I’m dead!”

  Jim and Chris arrived at the mall at nine p.m. They walked in and showed their IDs, and one of the LAPD officers asked, “Do you have someone here at this gathering, Sheriff? A grandkid or something?” Jim laughed and said, “Yeah…something like that. Stay on your toes. I hear these high school parties can get pretty crazy.” The cop laughed as Chris and Jim disappeared into the crowd.

  The music was loud, and the screams and laughter of young boys and girls was deafening. Chris leaned in and asked, “What are we to do? Where do you want to stage?” Jim pointed to opposite sides of the upper level of the store turned nightclub and said, “Get up there. We will be across from each other. Keep your eyes peeled. You have this Pinskey guy’s photograph?” “Yeah, but I don’t need it. I have it burned into my memory.” Jim grabbed Chris’s collar and pulled him close and whispered, “They all look alike at this age, Chris. Don’t be so fuckin’ arrogant as to think that you could spot that kid so easily in this crowd. You have fucked up a lot in the past two days. You end up killing an innocent kid, and I will shoot you myself, and that’s not a threat. It’s a fuckin’ promise.” Chris pulled away but could see from the look on Jim’s face he wasn’t kidding. Chris removed the photo of Pinskey from his pocket and took a good hard look at it. Jim smiled, pointed, and walked away.

  The black Silverado pulled up at the back of the store. There was no outside security in the parking lot because all of the action was inside the mall. The Eagle pulled one duffle bag from the back of his truck along with some extra body armor plates that he put onto his chest, abdomen, and legs. There were several emergency entrances onto the roof of the mall and its stores that only police and fire knew about. He pressed one of the small remotes on his belt clip, and the ladder lowered, allowing roof access to the Anchor Store where the homecoming party was going on. He put the bag in his mouth and climbed to the rooftop then made his way across until he got to the entrance. The roof access lock was electromagnetic with a manual override keyed entry for fire or police in case they didn’t have a remote unit to unlock the doors. The Eagle pressed the button on the side of a remote scanner on his belt, and in seconds, the lock clicked open. He pulled open the roof access, and the sound of loud music and laughter escaped, letting him know he was in the right place.

  The Eagle held the bag in his mouth as he descended the ladder into the attic of the store. He pressed the night vision on his mask and quickly located an entrance. He pulled six electronic remote detonator blockers from the bag and then turned on a signal transfer detector seeking out the distinct ping that a remote detonator would put off. The unit was going crazy in his hand as it scanned frequency after frequency. There was so much chatter being picked up by the unit because of all the cell phone and electronic activity in the store below. The unit’s green screens streamed with pulses like a cardiac monitor on a heart patient, and he watched the readings until the green line went flat with one lone pulse tone, and, in that moment, the Eagle knew he had found the remote detonator signals, and much to his surprise, it was a singular pulse, which meant they were all on a single frequency. He plugged a remote detonator block into the scanner. The two units took several seconds syncing until the remote tone on the green screen had no reading, and the lights on the remote went from red to green.

  The Eagle sighed in relief and said to himself, “There, now all of the remote detonators are blocked and disabled. That won’t save anyone who tries to exit the store where this guy might have put standard booby traps, though.” The Eagle was talking to himself as he pulled up the blueprints to the store and all of its possible exits. His tablet was the only light in the attic, and the music droned on as he looked for access to all exits that could kill potential victims.

  Several girls were dancing and laughing only a few feet from where Jim had set himself up to look for Pinskey. He stared down over the railing and around the upper level of the store looking for his target. There were blind spots where he couldn’t see, and he mumbled to himself, “Those dark fuckers are the problem because that’s where that fucker is, hiding in a shadowy hallway, waiting for his moment to attack.”

  Chris was on one of three escalators in the store, heading to the upper level when he saw Pinskey out of the corner of his eye. He looked hard at the figure standing in the shadow of the lower level and checked the photograph again when he reached the top and was certain he had found his man. He turned around and started down the escalator for the lower level, looking over into the shadowy corner. Pinskey was standing still, too still. Chris got to the floor and started to walk in his direction while trying to keep a low profile, but at six foot six and two hundred and eighty pounds of pure muscle, he was as inconspicuous as a black dot on a white canvas. Students who were dancing and frolicking stopped in his presence and stepped out of his way.

  Chatter started all around him, and he could hear the kids talking in clipped and hushed tones, “Who the fuck is he?” “My God…look at him. He’s a fuckin’ stud. Is he a new teacher?” The chatter went on then died down, and the kids went back to their dancing and talking. He got to the corner where he had seen Jerry, but he was gone when he got there. Chris walked into the darkness, which to his surprise led into another well lit area that held janitorial closets as well as bathrooms and storage areas for store products.

  He walked the perimeter of the area, looking for Jerry, but there was no sign of him. He pushed the swinging doors that led into the storage area of the lower level, and, to his surprise, they opened freely. He walked into the dimly lit area and saw several weapons near the far back wall. He pulled his service revolver and came to a stash of M-16 rifles. He saw two of the units as well as dozens of extra capacity clips for the guns. He grabbed three clips of ammunition as well as the rifle and made his way back to the swinging doors. Just as he entered the empty hall, he heard the sound of male voices echoing off the walls of a room nearby and moved slowly, following the sound.

  Jerry Pinskey had heard the same commotion that Chris did only they were on opposite sides of the noise. He recognized Billy’s voice clearly resonating off the walls of the men’s room. “I didn’t fuckin’ stutter. Get on your knees and lick your shit off of my cock!” Jerry pulled a Taurus nine millimeter from his jacket pocket. The gun was small and easily concealed. It had also been modified by Tim and machined and tapped for a screw-on silencer, which fit in his pocket as one silent weapon. Jerry pulled back on the stock to load the gun; the extra capacity clip allowed the gun to hold double the bullets it would usually carry. He had an extra clip in the side pocket of his pants, which he felt for to make sure it was there. He pushed the door open to peek in an
d saw two boys, one was bent over a toilet while an older boy he didn’t recognize sodomized him. The kid was screaming and crying, but his head was pressed down into the bowl. The second boy was on his knees, crying and holding his lower abdomen.

  Jerry knew what he had already been through. Billy Stone was standing nude with his cock covered in a dark substance, and Jerry stepped into the room with the gun trained at Billy’s head. “It wasn’t enough that you and your sick fuck friends did that to me, Alan, Tim, and Mark? You and these new sick fucks are doing it again? You’re not getting away with it, Billy. Not this time!” Billy froze.

  The Eagle moved into the upper level of the store and dropped into a storage area. The music was loud as were the kids who were partying like there was no tomorrow. He turned off his night vision and moved quietly through the storage room. He found two M-16s and extra capacity clips and quickly disabled the weapons’ firing pins and took the clips and put them into his duffle bag. “If there is this much here, he has to have more weapons in other parts of this store.”

  There was an exit sign at the end of the storage room, and the Eagle moved to it to see that the remote bombs were disabled but that Pinskey had also set up several booby traps with hand grenades with the pins pulled and jammed in between door handles. “A perfect kill. This guy knows what the hell he’s doing.” The Eagle was able to remove the grenades one by one and disable them. He looked around at the rest of the room and saw no other materials. He moved back to the vent and started through it, headed in the direction of each of the exits and emergency exits to the store to disable the rest.

  Jim’s radio crackled on his hip, and he pulled it out and said, “This is O’Brian. Over.” “There are bombs and booby traps all over this place, Jim…every exit and emergency exit. I just disabled one set and two M-16s.” The Eagle’s voice crackled over the radio, and he gave Jim a new channel setting to switch to. Jim made the change and raised the Eagle and said, “Fuck…I haven’t seen the Pinskey guy, and I have lost sight of Chris…what the fuck do you want me to do?”

  There was some static then the Eagle said, “Get to the main level. There are three exits and one emergency exit. If it’s only Pinskey, he has a shitload of fire power. You need to make sure not to start a panic. If these kids start running for the exits, it’s going to be a blood bath. You need to disable the weapons and stow the clips. If he has stayed true to what I have seen, there will be two remote detonate bombs. Don’t worry about them. I disabled them. The guy has three hand grenades in the door handles though. The minute someone hits those doors the grenades will go off, and the explosion from the grenades could set off the remote bombs.”

  Jim made his way to a service elevator at the back of the upper level. He got in and pressed for the ground floor. He spoke back into the radio and asked, “So, they are fragmentation grenades?” “Yes…three in use, pins pulled, two pressed between the double door handles and one pin out pressed between the split between the two doors for when they open at the top. It’s a perfect kill pattern. This guy knows what he’s doing.” Jim was walking through a dark corridor toward an exit sign and came to a storage room with double swinging doors. “I’m at a far end storage room. Are the doors secure?” The Eagle said yes, so Jim moved in and headed for the exit, spotting the M-16s right away. He disarmed the weapons immediately and stowed the clips in a storage locker. “Okay…I have disabled the guns and stowed the clips. This fucker is planning a blood bath.”

  The Eagle had dropped down into another storage area and made a beeline for the exits. “Roger that, Jim. I found another set up and am disarming the weapons and stowing the clips.” Jim was looking at the booby-trapped door and asked, “What if I move the remotes?” “Negative. I disabled their remote detonation capability. I don’t know if there are any other traps outside of the doors. Do you remember how to disarm a fragmentation grenade?” Jim looked at the doors and said, “Well, shit, Mr. fuckin’ Eagle, it’s only been some forty-five years since I learned it…in the corps.” The Eagle came back over the radio and said, “If you can’t do it tell me, then you will have to figure out a way to get to Chris and try to keep the calm and kill Pinskey.” Jim had already removed two of the grenades and disabled them, and he had pulled the last one from the top of the door, holding the detonator clip closed while disassembling it. Sweat was dripping down his face as he released the final pin and dropped the grenade to the floor.

  “Okay…fuck…I cleared this exit. How many have you done?” “I just finished the second one.” “How many fuckin’ more are there?” “Two more on your level and one left on mine.” The Eagle had crawled back into the duct work and was heading for the last exit when Jim said, “I’m moving to the second exit. The final exits are all the ones that are marked with red exit signs, right? Are there any secret exits that this fucker could have done this to?” Jim asked. The Eagle said, “There are several other exits, but they are not known to the general public. I know where they are, and you would know if this were a hostage or other situation, but that’s it.”

  Jim was walking into the storage room and to the emergency exit doors. He found the same gun setup, disabled the weapons and the grenades, and moved on to the final exit. There was radio silence as they worked to try and clear the scene. Jim made his way to the emergency exit, and the Eagle dropped down into the final room and had everything disabled in a matter of minutes. There was a crackle over the radio, and Jim must have had the button on his radio pressed because the Eagle heard him say in a soft voice, “Holy shit…I’m dead!”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  “I just saw my fuckin’ life pass

  before MY FUCKIN’ EYES.”

  You could hear a pin drop in the bathroom on the upper level. Pinskey stood with his gun trained on Billy, and the others were cowering in a corner of the men’s room. He pulled out a small gray box and said, “You see this, asshole…when I’m finished killing you, I’m going to kill everyone in the goddamn building. What do you think of that, you fuckin’ piece of shit?” Silence and tears met Jerry’s revelation. “Down on your knees, assholes.” They didn’t move, and Pinskey fired the weapon above their heads. There was no sound from the gun just the ricochet of the bullet off the white tile walls and into the leg of one of the guys with Stone who let out a loud yelp.

  “Oh, shut the fuck up,” Jerry said, pointing the gun at another overweight thug and shooting him in the head. Stone slowly went to his knees as did the others, looking at the blood and brains of their friend dripping down the walls of the toilet stall.

  “Oh, Jesus, Jerry, we were just kidding around, man…I’m sorry. What can I do to make it up to you?” Billy was trembling with his hands over his head. “Make it up to me…how the fuck can you make it up to me…you raping and bullying bastard?” Jerry was trembling himself, not with fear, but anger. “Take off your clothes, you prick.” Billy shook his head, and Jerry wasted no time putting a bullet into the head of another one of Billy’s friends.

  Billy screamed. “Now…take off your goddamn clothes. Strip nude or the next one is going between your eyes.” Stone started taking off his clothes as the others watched. He was shaking violently as piece by piece his clothing came off, and he stood nude before Jerry. “Now turn around and get into the toilet stall.” Billy didn’t move fast enough, and Jerry shot all of the people in the room. He ordered Stone to bend over the toilet, and as he did, Pinskey dropped his pants.

  Chris heard a yelp coming from the bathroom and moved fast in that direction with his weapon in his hand. He didn’t see the three girls coming out of the restroom next door, but they saw him running for the men’s room door with a gun in his hand. The girls screamed in unison and ran for the dance floor, crying and screaming, “Gun…gun…there’s a man with a gun!”

  The Eagle had made it onto the landing near the bathroom, heard the screaming girls, and saw Chris running with his gun drawn. He grabbed his radio and called out to J
im, “Jim…Chris just sent this place into a panic. Where are you?” Silence met his call.

  Chris made his way to the bathroom and burst through the doors as the whole store erupted into total panic and kids started running for the exits as police, armed with heavy weapons, descended on the store’s entrance.

  Chris pushed open the door to the inner men’s room and saw Jerry Pinskey sodomizing a boy at gunpoint. “Freeze!” Chris cried, pointing his weapon at Jerry. Chris had his back nearly against the entrance door to the bathroom, and Pinskey turned his body with his cock still up Stone’s ass and said, “You’re not taking this away from me, cop. You so much as blink, and I will blow his head off.” Chris stood frozen with his gun on Pinskey, helpless to stop what he was doing to Stone. Jerry pumped and grunted until his body shuddered in orgasm.

  “How did you like that, Billy? Did you like feeling my cock cum then throb and fill your ass, you dirt bag?” Jerry pulled away from Billy with his back to Chris and said, “You don’t know it, cop…but you just killed everyone in this place including yourself.” Jerry jerked forward and fell to the floor. Chris fired, missing Jerry and striking Billy Stone right in the anus. Billy hit the floor, blood gushing from his wound. Pinskey turned to fire at Chris when a giant dressed in black rammed open the doors, throwing Chris to the floor, knocking him unconscious. The towering figure walked slowly toward Jerry who fired three shots, but the Eagle kept moving as if nothing had happened.


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