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Claiming Excalibur

Page 12

by LH Nicole

  It opened almost instantly. “You’re back,” he said, his bright eyes drinking her in.

  She smiled and her eyes drifted over his bare, model-perfect chest and abs. He wore a pair of blue and black checked pajama pants. His hand rose to cup her face, and she leaned into his touch gratefully. Her eyes slid shut as their sparks flowed through her.

  “Do you want to come in?” he asked, his voice rumbly and sexy.


  His arm wrapped around her waist, and he pulled her into his room, clicking the door shut behind them. “Are you all right?”

  Aliana nodded and laid her cheek against his bare chest. She gasped at the shock of having so much direct skin contact with him. She pulled back slightly and lifted her eyes to his. “Can I stay with you tonight?”

  Galahad’s eyebrows went up in questioning surprise. The darkening of his blue eyes told her where his thoughts were going.

  “That’s not…I didn’t mean…I meant…”

  Galahad chuckled and kissed her stammering lips. “I know what you meant.”

  Aliana groaned in embarrassment but relaxed into him even more. Then she yawned.

  “It’s late. We should get some sleep.” Galahad’s words were the last thing she heard.


  I came close to breaking my promise and kissing Aliana like I’ve been dreaming of doing for so long. Pulling back was one of the hardest things I’ve had to do. I should put an end to our private lessons. It doesn’t matter if we’re only dancing or telling each other stories, the temptation always rises. No. I can control myself. I fear my cravings for her may only get stronger if I don’t allow these few stolen moments. Though I may have already ruined it by pushing her to talk about her parents. I want it to be her decision to tell me their story. I went inside to apologize and instead watched her go into Galahad’s arms.


  ALIANA SAT AT HER VANITY, brushing her damp hair into a low ponytail. She’d woken up that morning tangled around Galahad like ivy, and she had yet to get rid of her stupid grin. She’d tried to slip out of his arms when the early rays of the sun woke her, but he’d pulled her even more tightly to him. She’d kissed his chest then, right above his heart, and said she needed to shower and change. Thankfully her long dress had kept her from waking up in a more…revealing situation.

  “What’s got you so damn cheery this morning?” Dawn asked, wrapped in her KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON blanket as she fell onto Aliana’s bed.

  “Morning to you too, grouchy,” Aliana teased.

  “Forget her, D,” Lacy drawled, joining Dawn on the bed. “She’s got a daaate with the White Knight today.”

  “Don’t hate,” Aliana said with a grin, adjusting her pale pink, off-the-shoulder top. “I’m finally getting a real date with Galahad!”

  Dawn and Lacy groaned loudly then fell over each other laughing.

  “What?” Aliana asked, trying not to laugh with them. It was nice to see her friends set aside their anxiety from the night before and act like themselves again.

  “It’s adorable how excited you are for this,” Dawn said, giggling.

  “Besides,” Lacy said, catching her breath. “You’re not the only one who’s got a date today. Percy and I are going to spend some time in the city after he’s done training with Arthur and the others. You know—the training you and Galahad are currently missing.”

  Aliana shrugged, her grin growing. “What can I say? Galahad’s got pull.”

  The girls continued to laugh as they made their way to the kitchen. The scent of hot cinnamon sugar, honey, and sweet dough filled their senses. Eagerly, they each grabbed one of the big, fresh cinnamon rolls and watched the guys’ practice through the large kitchen window. The knights were all shirtless again.

  “Yum, yum!” Lacy moaned around a mouthful of pastry.

  “Are you talking about the cinnamon roll or your gentle giant, Percy?” Dawn asked.

  “Why can’t it be both?” the blonde asked, putting on her best haughty girl impression. It only lasted a few seconds before the trio dissolved into giggles again.

  A short burst of chimes drew their attention to Aliana’s cell phone on the counter. She swiped her fingers over the screen to open the text message. It was from her godfather. She frowned. “He wants to know why I left the school and asked if I could stop by today.”

  Dawn and Lacy both pursed their mouths.

  “What should I tell him? We know the guys won’t like me going to see him.”

  Dawn crossed her arms, looking out at the guys. “What those overbearing but loveable Neanderthals don’t know can’t hurt them.”

  Lacy shook her head. “Tell Joe that something came up and you’re busy for the next few days. I’m not saying Merlin’s suspicions are right, but you told us yourself that something didn’t feel right when you were at his office.”

  “And when did you become the level-headed one of our girlie triad, Lace?” Aliana sent the dismissive text. She didn’t like being rude to Joe, but for now this was what was best for everyone. “What’s your plan for today, D?” she asked, eager to shift her thoughts to another subject.

  Dawn grabbed another roll. “I’m going to do some digging about Merlin. We need to get to the truth about him and what he might be up to.”

  “How are you going to go about it?” Lacy asked.

  “I’ll start by trying to talk to Arthur then Leo and maybe Owen. They seem the closest to Merlin, outside of Lancelot.” She took a bite of breakfast, then added, “I might ask Flora too. She seems like she’d be a good source of info, and it’ll give me a chance to get to know her better.”

  Aliana nodded, watching the guys. “Sometimes I think you’re a bit too perceptive for your own good, D. It took me a week to figure all that out.”

  Lacy licked honey from her fingers. “There’s no way we’d get anything out of that sour-puss Lancelot,” Lacy huffed. “How can someone who’s supposed to be so noble and loving be such a donkey?”

  Aliana dropped her gaze to the floor. She hadn’t told them about her fight with Lancelot. Was it even her place to? That was one of the many questions she pondered during the thirty minutes she drove herself and Galahad through the heart of Downtown Charleston, across the bridge, and to the World War II naval ship turned museum.

  Galahad spent most of the ride taking in his new surroundings. He asked questions about everything from roadside fruit stands to the arching bridges they crossed.

  As they pulled into the harbor, Galahad marveled at the towering battleship. “This was used to fight wars?”

  “Yeah, I’m sure it’s strange compared to the ships you were used to in Camelot.” The knight nodded, his blue eyes sparkling as he took in the retired ship. “My dad brought me here a few times when I was younger.” Aliana smiled brightly as they got out of the car. She remembered most of what he’d told her about the ship. She paid their way into the already very crowded fair and led Galahad to the deck filled with tourists, battle guns, and fighter planes.

  “Percy said he was bringing Lacy to the city today as well,” Galahad said as he studied a decorated warplane.

  Aliana looped her arm through his. “Yeah, but I told her this was our day,” she assured her handsome knight.

  The next few hours were some of the best Aliana’d had in the last two years. Galahad’s entire demeanor shifted. He relaxed from the constant state of hyper awareness they’d all been operating in. The more he let go, the younger and hotter he looked. He ate up everything she shared with him about the naval history of Charleston. She was never more grateful for all the history her papa had drilled into her. As they made their way into the city, they stopped at a local restaurant and brewery on East Bay Street for lunch. She hid her amused smile when he tried to pronounce jambalaya and then scrunched his eyebrows, confused by the server placing their orders with his mobile phone. After they finished eating, Aliana showed him one of the many parks running along the city’s edge.

she took him through the open-air market, he said it reminded him of the markets of Camelot. She savored his look of delight as she introduced him to Southern ambrosia: pralines from the local candy shop. They wandered through the makeshift stalls of paintings and handcrafted jewelry, and she eyed a small, silver bracelet. It was set with polished, bright colored stones on a thin, twining cuff of sterling silver. Galahad surprised her when he stopped and bought it for her with a credit card Lancelot had given him.

  They ran into Percy and Lacy later in the day, and the girls dragged both guys onto the carousel at the center of a local park. The boys refused to get onto one of the plastic horses.

  “That thing barely looks stable enough to support one of you,” Galahad said. “I’ll stick to real horses and leave these toys for others to enjoy.” They’d all broken out in laughter as the guys stood next their girls. The ride twirled to carnival music while Galahad and Percy muttered about how long the ride went on. But their smiles told Aliana they were secretly having a good time. They said their good-byes shortly after that, and the couples went their separate ways—Percy and Lacy headed toward the paintings while Aliana and Galahad walked to the small stage that had been filled with performers throughout the day.

  “I hate for this day to end, but we should probably be going soon,” Galahad said a little after five o’clock.

  Aliana sighed. “I know, but one more thing first!” She led Galahad to a small stall they’d passed several times but never stopped at. It was filled with handcrafted daggers and knives. “Pick one,” she told him. “Whichever one you like best.”

  After studying the blades carefully, he selected an eight inch long silver dagger with a simple, rectangular design on the handle and leather sheath. Aliana paid the vendor and took Galahad’s hand, leading him two blocks away from the festival to a small, deserted park. She pulled him behind a large oak tree that would hide them from any passersby.

  He studied her skeptically. “You have that look that makes me nervous about what you’re planning.”

  Aliana grinned and pulled the blade from the sheath. “Merlin mentioned a spell that can assure a blade will always hit its target and then return to its owner.” She handed the dagger to Galahad.

  Closing her eyes, she drew on the energy element’s vast magic. She pictured Galahad holding the dagger. He had a faint greenish glow about him, and she coaxed the aura to stretch to the blade. Her magic danced and bubbled under her skin as she imagined it leaving her and swirling around Galahad’s hands and the blade. The green grew brighter, becoming solid and permanent.

  “Amazing!” she heard Galahad marvel as the energy magic drained from her body, robbing her of breath. Staggering back a step, she shook away her dizziness and looked at Galahad.

  “I can feel it, your magic—whatever you did. The dagger feels like an extension of my hand.” He smiled wildly, and Aliana’s heart soared as he swooped down and pulled her into a deep kiss.

  Twenty minutes later, after pulling herself from Galahad’s arms and their best make out session yet, Aliana sent a quick text to Lacy and Percy to let them know they were going back to the house. They got up from the shady spot under the tree. They were still the only two in the park.

  “This was a wonderful day, Aliana.” Galahad pulled her into his arms again.

  “Yeah it was.” She pushed up on her toes and brushed a lingering kiss on his lips.

  “Then it seems my timing is perfect!”

  Aliana and Galahad spun around toward Morgana’s leering voice. The blond witch hovered in the air, looking like an over-stylized villain from a comic book. She wore a short, ice blue dress, a matching buttoned jacket with a long tail, and shiny black boots.

  Galahad shoved Aliana behind him and drew his large broadsword from its magical case strapped to his back. Merlin had explained that the weapons were nonexistent until the guys drew them.

  “Leave now, witch, and you can live another day,” Galahad growled in a cold and deadly voice. Aliana had never seen him look so fierce, even when they’d last faced Mordrid.

  Morgana threw back her head and laughed. “Surely you know I only do what I wish to, Sir Galahad.”

  “What do you want?” Aliana demanded. She tried to step next to Galahad, but he held her in place behind him.

  “Why you, of course.” Morgana’s chin jutted out. “And your magic.”


  “It doesn’t matter,” Galahad snapped. “You’re not touching Aliana!”

  The witch’s hazel eyes narrowed. “And how are you feeling, Sir Knight? Having any problems…containing yourself?” The sorceress smirked.

  “What’s she talking about?” Aliana asked.

  Galahad didn’t move his eyes from Morgana. “She’s trying to shift our focus.”

  The blond witch-vixen laughed again. The shrill sound grated against Aliana’s nerves. “I don’t need to distract you. My black knights will do a marvelous job of that on their own.” A dozen black knights shimmered into sight, surrounding Aliana and Galahad in the secluded park.

  “One and a half against thirteen. I rather like those odds.” Morgana shifted, signaling the black knights to attack.

  Aliana bristled at Morgana’s insult and got into a fighting stance. Galahad moved faster than her eyes could track and destroyed two knights in a matter of seconds. He hacked three more to pieces a moment later. His super speed and magical strength made him a lethal killing machine. He drew the evil knights to him, not giving Aliana a chance to fight beside him.

  She dragged her eyes from Galahad back to Morgana, and opened her magical senses. But Morgana must’ve felt her pull on the elements because the evil sorceress called her own icy blue magic to her hands.

  “I’ve wanted another match with you. Time to pay you back for London!” Morgana launched her deadly magic straight at Aliana.

  She blocked it with her barrier shield and threw a spear of pink magic infused with the power of air. But Morgana leaped to the side, avoiding the soaring attack. With a shriek, she came at Aliana with kicks and magic-coated punches.

  Aliana’s mind told her to run, but if she did, she might lead Morgana to a more populated area and innocent people could get hurt. She fell back on her training, attacking her enemy in an assault of fists and kicks. Morgana blocked most of her attacks and landed a forceful kick to Aliana’s side and a charged punch to her shield.

  Aliana absorbed the magical force of the blow and hurled it back, following it up with a high kick that nailed the witch on her cheek. Morgana answered with a short burst of blue electric power that slammed Aliana onto the ground. The witch held a dagger of icy energy in her hand, aimed straight at Aliana’s chest.

  Galahad collided with the evil blonde, sending blue cloth and limbs crashing into a tree. He helped Aliana to her feet and moved so that his back was against hers as more black knights closed in on them. The undead knights attacked fiercely, their blades jabbing and swiping to separate the pair. Morgana was back on her feet, zeroing in on Aliana. A spear of icy, charged magic slammed the brunette into the side of a bench.

  Galahad roared with berserker-like fury. He used his super magical abilities to annihilate the knights. Despite the powerful magic surrounding her, he grabbed Morgana’s arm and hurled her into a light post. The metal pole creaked and bent under the force, and shattered glass rained down on the witch.

  Aliana looked up at in Galahad in fear and astonishment. A terrifying wildness swirled in his eyes, like clouds of black. It reminded her of when she’d freed him from the Sidhe’s chamber back in Avalon. But he was so much more terrifying now. His hands gripped hers and pulled her to her feet. The force of his hold hurt.

  “Behind you!” Aliana shrieked as a re-formed knight raised its sword to attack.

  Another sword clashed with the black knight’s rusted blade before it could come down on them. Aliana and Galahad both looked to see Percy force the evil creature back before decapitating it.

  “Lia, are you
okay?” Lacy rushed to her friend’s side.

  “You insignificant rodents. How dare you!” Morgana shrieked, sweeping her hand in an arc and creating a whip of electric blue magic that raced toward them.

  Aliana forced her way in front of her friends and grabbed all the magic she could. She pushed it out, forming a large barrier and deflecting the nasty attack at Morgana and the black knights.

  The tortured demons crumpled to the ground in rotting pieces. The vile smell they emitted caused the girls to gag. Morgana’s own attack sent her soaring over the bent pole and onto the hard ground. The sorceress pulled herself to her feet, her cold hazel eyes sweeping over the battlefield. “You win this time,” she snarled and then vanished as quickly as she’d come.

  Galahad’s hand wrapped around Aliana’s arm. He turned her to face him. “Why did you not fight harder? I know you’re capable of defending yourself better than that!” His breath came in short, heaving bursts.

  Aliana gaped as his harsh words cut at her. The intensity in his eyes swelled and expanded in uncontrolled rage. Terrified, Aliana gripped his face in her hands and focused on their sparking bond.

  The darkness relented from his eyes. He finally calmed enough to take a full breath. A moment later his hands came up and gently covered hers. “Are you hurt?” he asked, his voice rough and low.

  “I’m fine. How do you feel? I’m worried.”

  He breathed deeply. “Better.”

  Percy interrupted them. “I’m glad whatever that was is settled, but we need to get going before that crazy witch decides to come back with reinforcements.”

  Aliana shared a worried look with Lacy as their boyfriends led them toward their cars. Even with shaky hands, Aliana made the drive back to her house in record time. Percy and Lacy were close behind. The others were already outside waiting, looking very worried. Aliana guessed that Percy and Lacy must have called them on the way back. Then Aliana caught sight of the little silver Dragon hovering at Dawn’s side.


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