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Claiming Excalibur

Page 17

by LH Nicole

  Almost there, she told herself. Talk to him and show him your surprise, then you can make out with him all you want.

  “What has you so excited, Aliana?” Galahad questioned quietly, as if he didn’t want to break the spell that was starting to weave its way around them.

  “I want to show you something special.”

  “You mean the lake?”

  She shook her head. “No, I just thought the lake would be a lovely setting for it.”

  Galahad opened his mouth, and Aliana knew he was going to try to find out what her surprise was, so she cut him off. She stopped suddenly and lifted on her toes, taking his mouth in an unexpected kiss. She’d intended for it to be nothing more than a way to stop Galahad’s question, but it blazed out of control instantly. Aliana felt herself fall into whatever bond was between them. Galahad held her tightly against him as his lips took over, his tongue sweeping into her mouth passionately.

  Maybe it was hours or only seconds, but when Aliana finally pulled away for breath, she found herself pressed up against one of the white trees. Its green, gold, and pink leaves drifted down around them. “Wow.”

  “Yeah,” he whispered back, nuzzling her neck and dropping sweet little kisses against her skin.

  Laughing, she pushed him away and continued toward the lake. When they reached it, the clouds that had dotted the early evening sky had all but vanished, and the small lights danced around the blue-green grassy area. But the most spectacular part was that with the way the lights and the stars reflected off the still water of the lake, it almost appeared as if they were standing in the very sky above them.

  Galahad opened and closed his mouth, unable to form words.

  “I know, right?” Aliana breathed.

  He finally dragged his eyes from the mesmerizing surroundings and beamed a gaze down on her. “How did you know about this?”

  She shrugged, pulling him down as she sank to the tickling grass. “I didn’t realize it would be like this. I just thought it would be beautiful under the stars.”

  He grinned. “Now we get to be among those stars. So what’s your surprise? I’m not sure it’ll stand up to all of this,” he teased.

  “It will. But there’s something I want to talk to you about first.” Her smile drooped, and his brow furrowed.

  “What? You know you can talk to me about anything.”

  She nodded, hoping she wasn’t about to ruin his great mood. “I want to talk to you about yesterday, with Oberon.”

  Galahad looked away from her, his hands clenching in the grass. “What about it?”

  Aliana hesitated. “I know why you did what you did, but Arthur was right. You lost it again, and this time it could’ve cost more than just your own safety.” Dropping her eyes to his chest she placed her hand next to his heart, right where he’d grabbed when Oberon had crushed him to the ground.

  “Arthur’s already had this conversation.” His body stiffened defensively. She traced her fingers over his chest, trying to calm him. “I apologized for my mistake. Do you want me to apologize again?”

  “No!” she said, dropping her hand to cover his clenched one. “But I’m really getting scared.”

  His head jerked toward her. “You think I’d ever hurt you? That I’d let you be hurt?” he demanded.

  “No, God no, Galahad. I know you’d never hurt me.”

  “Then why do you think what Morgana said is true?”

  “Galahad, stop!” she pleaded, fighting the burn of forming tears. “I believed you when you said it was because of losing your sister and family! But that doesn’t change the fact that you’re going berserk in situations where we can’t afford you to! Forget about me, Galahad, you or Arthur or Lacy or any of our other friends could get hurt or even…” She bit off her words, looking down at the grass.

  She heard his heavy sighs before he slipped two fingers under her chin and drew her swimming eyes to his. “What would you have me do?” he questioned, his voice as soft as the breeze.

  “I want you to let Dagg take a look at you.” Galahad stiffened but didn’t pull away. She wrapped her hand around the one he held to her chin and let the sparks of their bond wash over them. “It might not be magic that’s causing you to go into berserker mode, but maybe Dagg can help create a kind of shut off button for you. That way when you feel yourself starting to spiral, you can stop.”

  He studied her with his brilliant blue eyes. “And if Lord Daggerhorne can’t help?”

  “Then we’ll help you learn how to control it.” Aliana was determined that he’d be cured of this dangerous problem. “But it’s worth a try either way. Will you do it?” Galahad remained silent, his thumb stroking over her knuckles. “Please. For me, if nothing else.” Yeah, she was cheating by using his affections for her against him, but in this situation she was willing to use every advantage she had.

  He sighed again and brought her hand to his lips, his teeth scraping over the skin teasingly before kissing it. “If it will put you at ease, I’ll do what you ask.” He tugged her to his side, his arm wrapping around her shoulder. “You and Arthur are both right, of course. I could’ve caused immeasurable harm to any of you. I’d go mad if you were hurt because of my loss of control.”

  “I just want you safe.” He raised a brow at her. “Okay, I want everyone safe, but I’m most worried about you. You spend so much time trying to protect others that you don’t let anyone take care of you.”

  He leaned in and kissed her lips gently. “I let you worry and take care of me.” His dark mood vanished, his blue eyes brightening like the floating, magical lights around them.


  I want to hate Merlin and Lancelot for this. Wade, my best friend, the guy I…care for very much…nearly died. He still might. But then I see their anguish and I feel bad for them. Merlin has been working nonstop for the last few days, all to help Wade. And Lancelot has been helping Sabine, Flora, and the other Pixies to process herbs and powders for healing. It’s clear that they love Wade. But that doesn’t mean Merlin’s not hiding something—Flora has already confirmed that much.


  GRATEFUL THAT GALAHAD HAD AGREED to let Daggerhorne look into his control issues, Aliana decided a change in topics was very much warranted. “Stand up,” she ordered.

  He did and pulled her to her feet at the same time. Pressing herself flush against his body, she wrapped her hands around his neck and pulled his forehead down to rest on hers. His hands gripped her hips, holding her to him.

  “Wrap your arms around my waist,” she murmured.

  He did it without hesitation, letting his hands boldly travel across her body. “Now what?”

  “Now you hold on.” She gazed into his eyes that were lit by the constant sparks that ran between them. Opening her magical senses, she felt the energy she’d come to realize was the essence of the Isle and the tree palace. But there was something new—a swirling pool of pure power. She knew right away it was the ruby in her gauntlet. Gently she pulled on all of it, gathering it around her own magic and gradually pushing it out around them.

  “And what if I want to kiss you,” he whispered, leaning in to claim her lips.

  She pulled back before his lips could catch hers. “I would say look down first.”

  He looked around and then down. “We’re flying!” he gasped with an unbelieving choke of delight.

  She smiled broadly, letting out her own joyous laugh. “Watching Puck gave me the idea.” Looking for herself, she saw that their feet were several yards above the mirror-like lake. The lights danced around them as they glided smoothly over the top of the water. From this view it truly looked like they were dancing in the very heavens, like they were the gods and goddesses of old moving across the universe as if it was only there for them.

  Gazing at him, she saw the familiar blazing emotions that had once scared her with their intensity. Now they made her heart soar. Galahad’s mouth claimed hers in a kiss so deep and so fervent she felt like they were one. His lu
scious lips stole over hers again and again, his warm tongue delving into her mouth with an almost desperate need.

  Everything faded from Aliana’s mind except the intense love and the flaring sparks. She didn’t feel them dropping until a second before water closed in around them. Opening her eyes, she glanced around the surprisingly well-lit water, smiling when she saw Galahad’s eyes on her. She lunged at him and took his lips as they drifted in the Isle’s water. When her lungs pulled tight, Galahad kicked his legs and shot them up, breaking the surface. They both gasped for much needed breath.

  Aliana laughed in between panting gulps of air. “I was going to say not to kiss me, but I guess it’s too late.”

  “I could never not kiss you.” Showing off his super speed and strength, he had them standing on the shore before Aliana could even think to use her magic to get them out of the watery depths.

  “Did you like your surprise?” she asked, wringing out her soaking hair.

  When he pulled her to him, their clothes made a squishing sound as they came together, making them laugh again. “What do you think?” he asked, his hand circling her neck.

  “I think I want to show off again.” She placed her palms flat against his chest and gathered the powers. This time she bathed Galahad and herself in warm, bubbling magic, willing them both dry. Releasing the energy, she looked down to see Galahad’s deep green shirt and her pale pink dress as perfect as the moment they’d put them on. Even her hair was curly again.

  “I like it when you show off, my Aliana.” Galahad brushed a butterfly kiss over her mouth.

  “Oh, great stars. Forgive me!”

  Aliana and Galahad jerked apart to see the Fae girl with pink and purple hair. Her blue tinted face turned almost purple as she dropped her eyes to look at the grass.

  Aliana walked over and took the girl’s hands on hers. “It’s all right. You don’t have to look away.”

  Hesitantly, the girl looked up, her wide, lilac eyes meeting Aliana’s then immediately dropping again. Just as Aliana was about to assure her again, the Fae lifted her stunning pale eyes with more confidence. At Aliana’s encouraging smile, the girl straightened and smiled shyly. “Your friends are looking for you back at the celebration.” Her voice was as clear as a bell’s ring.

  “Yes, we’re probably late,” Galahad said, coming up behind Aliana.

  The Fae girl blushed.

  “This is Sir Galahad of Camelot. What’s your name?”

  “My name is Freya, my lady.”

  “Please call me Aliana.”

  Freya smiled then glanced at Galahad. “You said he was of Camelot? Do you mean the Ruined Kingdom?”

  “What is this Ruined Kingdom?” Galahad asked, his voice sharp. The Fae girl flinched and Aliana elbowed him in his side.

  “It’s a large ruin, several days ride from here. No one knows where it came from or why it was brought to the Isle of the Blessed, but there have been many stories claiming it was once Camelot, kingdom of the greatest king the mortal realm had ever known.”

  Aliana gasped, turning to Galahad. “Is that possible?”

  “I don’t know. But the Isle is the realm of forgotten heroes.” Galahad ran his hand through his wavy locks. “Camelot was a seat of unquestioned power, and the Fae queen seems to have a penchant for acquiring such strength.”

  “Can you take us to our friends, please, Freya?” Aliana asked.

  The Fae’s purple and pink head bobbed and she turned sharply, taking a different path than Aliana and Galahad had when they’d come to the lake. They returned to the party within minutes to find Arthur, Lacy, and the others waiting.

  “Looking for us?” Aliana asked.

  Lacy’s face relaxed in relief. “Don’t disappear like that on us! You were supposed to be back ten minutes ago.”

  “We apologize, Lacy,” Galahad said. “But we’ve discovered some new information.” Galahad turned to Freya. The shy girl’s head ducked, but her eyes peeking through her thick bangs.

  “Guys, this is Freya,” Aliana said, taking the Fae’s dainty blue hand. “Freya, this is King Arthur.”

  The Fae dipped into a deep curtsy. “It is an honor to meet such a noble and heroic king.”

  “Thank you. Please rise.” Arthur had once told Aliana that he’d never been fond of the formalities that go with being a king.

  “What have you learned?” Dagg asked, settling back onto Aliana’s shoulder.

  She repeated Freya’s words about the Ruined Kingdom, and everyone’s eyes lit up with surprise, disbelief, and excitement.

  “Can you show us?” Leo asked, pressing closer to the girl. Freya’s skin turned slightly purple again as she tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. She stepped to the Scot’s side when he pulled out a map of the Isle.

  Aliana looked at Lacy. The blonde wiggled her eyebrows and grinned, and Aliana knew her friend had the same thought—Leo and the sweet Fae girl would make a cute couple.

  “What’s that look?” Percy whispered.

  Lacy grinned wider. “I’ll tell you later, cowboy.”

  “So this is the area?” Arthur asked, standing on the other side of Freya.

  “Yes, your Majesty,” she answered.

  Everyone crowded around the map. The area Arthur marked was near the bottom right corner, almost at the opposite side of the map from the symbol for Notien. A spot halfway between the two areas was circled. “What’s that place?” Aliana asked. There was something about the pattern of the places marked on the map that felt familiar.

  Arthur’s golden gaze met hers. “The queen said we need to travel this road.” He traced a curved trail, stopping at the circled point. “This is a safe haven where we can make camp.”

  “What about Silzik? Did she say where we would find him? Where is Excalibur?” Owen questioned. “If we know that, we won’t even need to find the Dragon.”

  Dagg shook his pointed head. “She said we need to take this road and to not stop until we reach this landmark. After that, everything will, apparently, become clear.”

  Aliana’s brows drew together. “Jeez, vague much? Did you guys have any luck finding Puck again?”

  “I did,” Owen said as Leo stuffed the map back into the sack.

  “Did he say anything else about us being half-breed Fae?” Aliana asked, her hand gripping Galahad’s.

  Owen shrugged apologetically. “No, he disappeared before I could ask.”

  Her spirits dropped a fraction, and she leaned into Galahad who wrapped his arm around her waist. “We can’t stay much longer,” he said. “We should change into the new traveling clothes and get moving.”

  Arthur nodded in agreement, turning to Freya. “Thank you for all your help tonight. We are most grateful.”

  She curtsied again. “It would be my honor to escort the Destined One and her female friend to their chambers.”

  Aliana smiled. “Thanks, Freya. You can call me Aliana, remember?” She kissed Galahad’s cheek and stepped out of his arms. “We’ll meet up with you guys at the front entrance as soon as we can.”

  “Don’t take too long, blue eyes.” Percy nuzzled Lacy before letting her go.

  “Blue eyes?” Aliana said to Lacy, who wore a dreamy smile as they moved toward their rooms. “You two are becoming worse than me and Galahad.”

  “Forgive me for asking, but…” The Fae paused as she opened the twining elevator with a flick of her hand. “Did I hear your friend right when he said you two were part Fae?”

  “Yes,” Lacy said carefully.

  Freya blushed and stammered before she got her words out. “I’m not entirely certain about your heritage, my lady,” she said, studying Lacy. “But I have never seen another Fae, half- or full-blooded, with eyes the same color as the queen’s.”

  Freya’s words jolted Aliana. “What are you saying?” Her voice was a whisper.

  “Most Fae have pale eyes, like you, lady Lacy, and me. The only I’ve ever heard of sharing the queen’s eye coloring are those who are he
r blood kin.”

  The elevator glided to a stop. Aliana stumbled over her feet to get out. “You’re sure?” Her heart pounded in her ears, and Dagg’s wings curled around her shoulder.

  “I’m not sure of any of this,” the Fae said quickly, dropping her eyes again. “I can only tell you what I know of the queen’s line.”

  Hoping her smile was reassuring, Aliana took the girl’s hand. “Thank you for telling us.”

  Freya looked up again and smiled, a happy flush to her cheeks. They’d stopped outside Aliana’s room. “I will wait and take you both down to your friends.”

  Still looking a little pale, Lacy nodded and headed down the hall to her room. Aliana set her palm on her door, and it slid open. Stepping into the room, she took Dagg from her shoulder and set him on the bed next to her pack. “Stay here.” She ducked into the glorious bathroom to change.

  “You’re troubled thinking you might be related to the queen,” Dagg said through the curtained doorway as Aliana pulled down a pair of buttery soft, gray leather pants that were draped over a branch.

  She shivered as she started to change. “It just doesn’t make sense. The prophecy said Avalon’s lost daughter not the Isle of the Blessed’s lost daughter.”

  “Being considered a child of Avalon—of any realm—doesn’t always mean you’re born of that place. Remember, Puck said Titania used Avalon’s magic to create the prophecy.”

  Aliana pulled a deep purple shirt over her head and slipped a black, sleeveless vest over it, tying it securely at her side. “I’m just so confused. I still don’t understand why I was picked for all this.”

  Pulling her hair out from under her top, Aliana straightened her mother’s gold pendant. Looking at her reflection, her eyes dropped to the piece of jewelry. She turned it several times in her hand before lifting it to eye level to study it in the light. It was something she’d done several times since she’d taken it from her Uncle Joe’s office.


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