A Bold and Dangerous Family

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A Bold and Dangerous Family Page 46

by Caroline Moorehead

  ‘“I believe that . . .”’ Carlo to Amelia, 15 March 1928

  p211 ‘Carlo was taking . . .’ Carlo to Amelia, 16 February 1928

  ‘Carlo, she said . . .’ Marion to Zia Gì, 16 February 1928

  p212 ‘The days passed . . .’ Carlo to Amelia, 7 March 1928

  ‘In the evenings . . .’ ACS Confinati politici, Busta 883

  p213 ‘Politics was the . . .’ Ghini and Dal Pont, 1971

  p214 ‘“What we were looking . . .”’ Parri, Il Ponte, 1957

  ‘Nello, ostensibly free . . .’ Non a Ustica sola, 2002

  p215 ‘“There’s no place . . .”’ Nello to Amelia, 18 June 1928

  p218 ‘Carlo found . . .’ Carlo to Amelia, 13 December 1928

  p219 ‘but his need . . .’ Carlo to Amelia, 16 September 1928

  ‘Carlo told Zia . . .’ Carlo to Zia Gì, 28 July 1928

  ‘Late one night . . .’ Carlo to Nello, 22 July 1928

  p220 ‘“Monotony, monotony . . .”’ see Vito and Gialdroni, 2009

  Chapter Thirteen: Not Even the Flies Escape

  p221 ‘Giovanni Ansaldo . . .’ see Marzo, 1983

  ‘When Parri’s . . .’ ACS Confinati politici. Busta 755

  p222 ‘A young Tuscan . . .’ see Zogami, 1970; Pirastu, 1999

  ‘All four men . . .’ Vito and Gialdroni, 2009, p. 66; see also Carlo Rosselli, Fuga in Quattro Tempi, 1944

  p223 ‘“Have you ever . . .”’ Carlo to Amelia, 6 February 1928

  p225 ‘Bruna Pagani . . .’ ‘Il mio amico Emilio Lussu’, La Catena, Paris, 1930

  ‘he described a long-term . . .’ Carlo to Amelia, 13 December 1928

  p226 ‘On 6 October . . .’ Vito and Gialdroni, 2009, p. 274

  ‘Music brought . . .’ see Sorgi, 2009

  p228 ‘Carlo had scratched . . .’ see Pugliese, 1999; Salvemini, 1937

  p229 ‘The almanac showed . . .’ see Nitti, 1930

  p235 ‘The Lipari “raid” . . .’ Vito and Gialdroni, 2009, p. 358

  Chapter Fourteen: To Be an Exile

  p236 ‘On 29 July . . .’ Vito and Gialdroni, 2009

  p237 ‘“They have arrived! . . .”’ La Libertà, 11 August 1929

  p238 ‘Much was made . . .’ Pirastu, 1999

  p239 ‘An official told . . .’ Italy Today 1929

  ‘his friends told him . . .’ Laura Rossi, 2007, p. 48

  ‘“The persecution . . .”’ Amelia to Nello, 13 August 1929

  p241 ‘Cremonesi was . . .’ Busoni, 1980

  ‘On 27 August . . .’ Ernesto Rossi, 2001, p. 174

  p242 ‘As he wrote ruefully . . .’ Nello to Gina Lombroso, 24 September 1929

  ‘However, Ponza . . .’ Franzinelli, 2007, p. 38

  p243 ‘“It is certain . . .”’ Carlo Levi to Nello, 20 August 1929

  p245 ‘She carried . . .’ Silvia Rosselli, 2008

  ‘Long before . . .’ Tombaccini, 1988

  p246 ‘Many of these refugees . . .’ Giorgi, 1994

  p247 ‘The exiles lived . . .’ Modigliani, 1946; see also Bardi, 1932

  ‘To every new arrival . . .’ Cesare Rossi, 1960, p. 146

  ‘Turati, who . . .’ Tombaccini, 1988, p. 66

  p248 ‘In the French . . .’ L’Oeuvre, 7 August 1929

  ‘As he wrote to Amelia . . .’ Carlo to Amelia, 14 August 1929

  ‘Within two weeks . . .’ Fiori, 1999

  p249 ‘After much debate . . .’ Giustizia e Libertà, No. 1, November 1929

  ‘Carlo was indefatigable . . .’ Salvemini, 1937

  p250 ‘The new Italy . . .’ Manchester Guardian, 4 December 1929

  ‘Il Popolo d’Italia . . .’ 11 December 1929

  p251 ‘Now Mussolini announced . . .’ Francesco Lefebvre D’Ovidio, Nuova Rivista Storica, May 2012, p. 467

  ‘In theory, these men . . .’ Franzinelli, 2001, p. 148; see also Canali, 2004

  p252 ‘His “principles” . . .’ Min Int Dir Polpol Rosselli,C. A., 4 Sep 1929

  ‘On Carlo’s personal . . .’ ACS Min Int Casellario Pol Centrale 4421

  ‘The Rossellis were reported . . .’ Pugliese, 1999, p. 126

  ‘Since the French . . .’ Archives Nationales F/7/13250, ‘Antifascistes en France’

  ‘As Lussu wrote . . .’ Emilio Lussu, La Catena, p. 39

  p254 ‘His trial . . .’ Ernesto Rossi, 1957, p. 147

  p255 ‘The new plot . . .’ Fucci, 1978

  Chapter Fifteen: Just One Heart

  p259 ‘As Piero Calamandrei . . .’ Il Ponte, Anno 1, 1945

  p260 ‘He, like Carlo . . .’ Nello to Max Ascoli, 20 February 1928

  ‘“I am wonderfully . . .”’ Nello to the Zabbans, 9 July 1930

  p261 ‘Salvemini, noted Mussolini . . .’ Vito and Gialdroni, 2009

  ‘Mindful of their . . .’ Il Popolo d’Italia, 12 November 1927

  p262 ‘“You made me . . .”’ Nello to Salvemini, 4 November 1930

  ‘Word went out . . .’ HO 144/22561

  ‘a firm hand . . .’ Journal of Contemporary History, Vol. 15, 1970, p. 156

  p263 ‘But the Italian . . .’ Baldoli, 2001

  ‘Ever slippery . . .’ Cannistraro and Sullivan, 1993, p. 336

  ‘Carlo, who had . . .’ Fiori, 1999, p.103

  ‘Amelia disliked its . . .’ Amelia to Zia Gì, 25 November 1930

  ‘“Madonna, what a . . .”’ Nello to Amelia, 20 July 1930

  p264 ‘Mussolini had granted . . .’ see Ciuffoletti, Nello Rosselli, 1979

  ‘One of his first . . .’ Amelia to Carlo, 23 December 1931

  ‘Even when softened . . .’ Belardelli, 2007, p. 130

  ‘What they did not . . .’ Min dell’Int Divisione Polizia Politica, Rosselli, Carlo Alberto

  p265 ‘Amelia too was . . .’ Min dell’Int. Divisione Polizia Politica, Rosselli, Carlo Alberto

  p266 ‘The early 1930s . . .’ see Bosworth, 1996

  ‘As Mussolini declared . . .’ ‘La Toscana nel regime fascista’, Convegno di Studi, 1969, p. 544

  ‘In return, the Vatican . . .’ see Delzell, 1961

  p267 ‘In reality, much of . . .’ Gilmour, 2011, p. 317

  p268 ‘Pot-bellied . . .’ de Grazia, 1981, p. 76

  ‘As for girls . . .’ Koon, 1985, p. 97; see also Tannenbaum, 1973

  ‘The fascists wanted . . .’ Dogliani, 2000

  p269 ‘Action, not thought . . .’ see Flora, 2003

  ‘Of all activities . . .’ see Bianda et al., 1983

  p270 ‘At the Holy Palate . . .’ Hughes, 2011, p. 479

  p271 ‘He would later say . . .’ Mack Smith, 1981, p. 109

  ‘In April 1930 . . .’ see Guerri, 1979

  ‘As important to . . .’ see Bosworth, 2005

  p273 ‘“The more Italians . . .”’ speech of 26 May 1927

  ‘“We want . . .”’ Fucci, 1985, p. 147

  ‘But the secret services . . .’ see Franzinelli, 1999

  p274 ‘When Nello managed . . .’ see Benzoni, 1985

  p275 ‘It would include articles . . . Belardelli, 2007, p. 146

  ‘“When I am with . . .”’ Nello to Carlo Silvestri, 7 January 1932

  p276 ‘“Eroticism” was to be . . .’ Palla, 1978, p. 364

  ‘Nello’s “moral . . .”’ ACS CPC 4422 Rosselli S.

  ‘“We deluded ourselves . . .”’ Il Ponte, No. 1, 1945

  p277 ‘“How sad, my dear . . .”’ Nello to Salvemini, 17 August 1933

  Chapter Sixteen: Dancing for Liberty

  p278 ‘“I am not living . . .”’ Carlo to Amelia, 30 December 1930

  ‘He was everywhere . . .’ Fiori, 1999, p. 118

  p279 ‘Socialismo Liberale . . .’ for a good account of Carlo’s ideas, see Pugliese, 1999

  ‘There was more . . .’ Carlo Rosselli, 1944, XLV

  ‘Carlo had sent . . .’ Nello to Carlo, 19 June 1930

  ‘But he was not prepared . . .’ Tombaccini, 1988, p. 142

  p280 ‘Croce, who joined .
. .’ Pugliese, 1999, p. 114

  ‘The few young anti-fascists . . .’ Corno, 2010

  ‘In Milan, there were . . .’ Colombo, 1979

  ‘For a while, there . . .’ Gandolfo, 2010

  p283 ‘Another useful man . . .’ Franzinelli, 1999, p. 120

  ‘one of OVRA’s most . . .’ ACS CPC Fascicoli personali Vincenzio Bellavia

  ‘One report spoke . . .’ ACS Segreteria Particolare del Duce.Carteggio Ris. Busta 77, Carlo e Nello Rosselli

  ‘Another named Lussu . . .’ ACS Segreteria Particolare del Duce. b71 fascio H/R Lussu Emilio

  p284 ‘Carlo del Re was . . .’ ACS.MI DGPS.DPP Materia, bb104 and 105

  p285 ‘Despite Ceva’s . . .’ Barilli, 1991, p. 70

  p287 ‘Ernesto Rossi, meanwhile . . .’ see Ernesto Rossi, 1955, and 2001

  p289 ‘the “Trial of the intellectuals” . . .’ Italy Today, June 1931

  p291 ‘To a friend she wrote . . .’ Pajetta, 1975

  ‘An informer reported . . .’ ACS Min dell’Int Divisione Polizia Politica, Rosselli, Carlo

  p293 ‘With their friends in jail . . .’ Carlo to Marion, 10 May 1931

  ‘At 8 o’clock . . .’ Origo, 1984, p. 87

  p294 ‘The problem, he wrote . . .’ Bosis, 1948

  p296 ‘“When I am free . . .”’ Carlo to Marion, 20 November 1931

  Chapter Seventeen: A World of Moral Richness

  p297 ‘Amelia, Nello and Maria . . .’ Silvia and Paola Rosselli, conversation with author

  ‘The Italian embassy . . .’ ACS Min dell’Int. Divisione Polizia Politica, Rosselli, C. A.

  p298 ‘Nothing about the refugees . . .’ Le Petit Bleu, 9 May 1932

  ‘Though some of the exiles . . .’ Modigliani, 1946

  ‘A new young friend . . .’ Dilettoso, 2013

  p299 ‘she was heckled . . .’ Archives Nationales F/7/13250, ‘Antifascistes en France’

  p300 ‘“We have to get out . . .”’ Schiavi, 1956, p. 463

  ‘“I understand that it . . .”’ Salvemini to Carlo, 16 January 1933

  ‘Hoping to rise . . .’ Fedele, 1992

  p301 ‘Marion wrote . . .’ Marion to Amelia, 8 June 1933

  p302 ‘“La guerra che torna” . . .’ Garosci, 1948, p. 86

  p303 ‘In this too . . .’ Giustizia e Libertà, 17 May 1935

  ‘On Christmas Eve . . .’ Hibbert, 1985, p. 289

  ‘Some four million . . .’ Waterfield, 1961, p. 225

  p304 ‘Dedicating one room . . .’ Franzinelli, 2003, p. 170

  ‘Mussolini’s stranglehold . . .’ Pretelli, 2010

  ‘To many Italians . . .’ Hughes, 2011, p. 487

  p305 ‘But Velia had . . .’ Caretti, 1994

  ‘Carlo, with Salvemini’s . . .’ Pankhurst, 2001

  p308 ‘Which was not . . .’ Belardelli, 2007, p. 160

  p309 ‘He told his friend . . .’ Carlo to Leone Ginzburg, 3 August 1934

  p311 ‘As Lussu would later . . .’ Fiori, 1985, p. 156

  p312 ‘Carlo, he reported . . .’ ACS Segreteria Particolare del Duce. Carteggio riservato Busta 77

  ‘A police trap . . .’ see Segre, 1987

  ‘The women among them . . .’ see Allason, 1976

  ‘a Jewish conspiracy . . .’ Stille, 1992, p. 101

  ‘Nello’s good fortune . . .’ Belardelli, 2007, p. 176

  p314 ‘On 14 June . . .’ Lamb, 1997, p. 105

  p315 ‘Italians, he told . . .’ Hughes, 2011, p. 488

  p316 ‘“For fascism . . .”’ Franzinelli, 2007, p. 43

  ‘An unnerving incident . . .’ see Salvemini, 1937

  p317 ‘The delegate of the . . .’ Caroline Moorehead, Dunant’s Dream, New York, 1999, p. 310

  ‘In England . . .’ Bernabei, 1997, p. 130

  ‘As one English . . .’ ACS Min DGPS.AGR C1b14

  p318 ‘“The war in Africa . . .”’ Segreteria Particolare del Duce, Carteggio riservato Rosselli, Carlo and Nello, Busta 77

  A new pact of unity . . . Bechelloni, 2001, p. 98

  p319 ‘Carlo was also having . . .’ (ed.) Grasso, 2004, p. XXXIV

  ‘One of the many . . .’ see Bardi, 1932

  p320 ‘What Carlo did not know . . .’ ACS Min Int Direzione Polizia Politica Fasc b 141 K/10

  ‘With the bickering . . .’ Carlo to Dolci, 17 September 1935

  ‘It was time for . . .’ Quaderni di Giustizia e Libertà, 12 January 1935

  ‘He wanted, he said . . .’ (ed.) Bagnoli, 2007, p. 16

  p321 ‘“In our life . . .”’ Marion to Carlo, 18 July 1934

  p322 ‘Bellavia, spy no. . . .’ ACS Min Int Direzione Polizia Politica, Rosselli C. A.

  p326 ‘As a present . . .’ ACS Min Int Casetta Politica centrale, Busta 1205

  ‘There were walks . . .’ Silvia and Paola Rosselli, conversation with author

  p327 ‘“Otherwise, tell me . . .”’ Amelia to Marion, 5 October 1935

  Chapter Eighteen: A Free Man Again

  p328 ‘Ciano, newly elected . . .’ see Bosworth, 2002, see also Attanasio, 1974; Mangilli-Climpson, 1985

  p329 ‘“We declare . . .”’ Giustizia e Libertà, 31 July 1936

  p330 ‘Borrowing a white . . .’ see Carlo Rosselli, 1988

  p333 ‘He would return . . .’ Carlo to Marion, 31 August 1936

  ‘While Britain and France . . .’ Giustizia e Libertà, 3 July 1936

  p334 ‘“Companions, brothers . . .”’ Carlo Rosselli, 1938

  ‘Four days later . . .’ Guerri, 1979, p. 249

  p336 ‘“Do you think . . .”’ Marion to Amelia, 4 January 1937

  p337 ‘Mussolini cut short . . .’ Il Popolo d’Italia, 19 June 1937

  p338 ‘He spoke wistfully . . .’ Carlo Rosselli, 1944, p. LXVIII

  p339 ‘Carlo’s dossier . . .’ Franzinelli, 2007, p. 427

  ‘Report after report . . .’ Archives Nationales, F/7/14747, ‘Organisations italiennes’

  ‘In Florence . . .’ ACS Rosselli, Sabatino, Enrico, CPC4422

  p340 ‘For all his chronic . . .’ Fiori, 1999, p. 193

  p341 ‘In Florence, fascist . . .’ Hainsworth, 2000

  p342 ‘He compared the . . .’ Pugliese, 1999, p. 211

  p343 ‘The French political . . .’ Archives Nationales, F/7/14683–4

  p346 ‘Carlo was writing . . .’ Giustizia e Libertà, 9 June 1937

  p348 ‘On 4 June . . .’ ACS Min Int Casellare Politico Centrale 4421

  p349 ‘On Wednesday . . .’ see Franzinelli, 2007

  Chapter Nineteen: A Corneillian Tragedy

  p351 Mirtillino, hearing . . . John Rosselli, ‘Death of My Father’, August 1960, private papers

  p352 The first telegram . . . Silvia and Paola Rosselli, conversation with author

  p353 ‘In Regina Coeli . . .’ Ernesto Rossi, 2001, p. 157

  ‘Writing about Carlo . . .’ Emilio Lussu, Il Ponte, June 1947

  p354 ‘The funeral . . .’ Levi, 2002, p. 208

  p355 ‘These rumours . . .’ The Times, 12 June 1937

  p356 ‘In letter after letter . . .’ Milza, Le fascisme italien, p. 335

  ‘It was by becoming . . .’ Max Ascoli, The Nation, July 1937

  p357 ‘From Alberto Moravia . . .’ Silvia and Paola Rosselli, conversation with author

  p359 ‘Amelia, wrote Sandro . . .’ Pugliese, 1999, p. 221

  ‘Her first decision . . .’ Amelia to Gina Lombroso, 26 June 1937

  ‘She told friends . . .’ Amelia to the Ferreros, 28 August 1938

  p361 ‘“She sought vengeance . . .”’ John Rosselli, op. cit.

  ‘“There is no good . . .”’ Marion to Max Ascoli, 22 February 1939

  p362 ‘Early in May . . .’ see Cannistraro and Sullivan, 1995

  p363 ‘The Duce himself . . .’ Diggins, 1972, p. 62

  p364 ‘Max Ascoli had turned . . .’ Max Ascoli papers, Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Centre, Box 203, Folder 1

  ‘Salvemini had spent . . .’ Salv
emini, 1936, p.xii

  p365 ‘If Amelia worried . . .’ Marion to Cividallis, 10 October 1940

  ‘She regarded her own . . .’ see Aldo Rosselli, 1983

  p366 ‘Over time, schisms . . .’ Guistizia e Libertà, IRT, sezione V1, Fasc.1, Scatola 13

  p367 ‘In September 1944 . . .’ see Moseley, 1999

  p369 ‘But then Moravia . . .’ Moravia, 1951, p. 250

  Prepared to sacrifice . . . Moravia, 1951, p. 217

  p370 ‘Every one of . . .’ Gilmour, 2011, p. 305

  p372 ‘But, Calamandrei . . .’ Calamandrei, 1977, p. 73


  The pagination of this electronic edition does not match the edition from which it was created. To locate a specific entry, please use your e-book reader’s search tools.

  Italic page numbers refer to illustrations

  Abyssinian wars: (1895–96) 17, 35, 43; (1935–36) 315–18, 328, 341

  Acerbo, Giacomo 113

  Acerbo Law 113, 114

  Acton, Sir Harold 60

  Ada (cook) 140–41, 146

  Addis Ababa 316, 318

  Addis Ababa, Treaty of (1896) 17

  Adowa, Battle of (1896) 17, 43

  Aeolus, King of Winds (mythological figure) 203

  aeronautics see aviation Albania 50, 108

  Albertini, Luigi 88, 164

  Albini, Ettore 167, 210

  Alençon, France 349

  Alfonso XIII, King of Spain 292

  Allason, Barbara 310, 312, 340

  Alleanza Nationale 293

  Almanacco della Donna Italiana, prize-giving committee 110

  Almudévar, Spain 335

  Alpini military corps 53, 55–7, 74, 120, 330

  Amendola, Giovanni: appearance and character 36, 117, 144; rising political star 36; attacked by Mussolini’s supporters 109, 124; Aventine Secession 116–17; Unione Nazionale movement 118; publication of memorandum on Matteotti murder 134; further violent attacks by fascists 143–4; death 150; reactions and aftermath 155, 177, 319

  Amsterdam, Olympic Games (1928) 268

  Ancona 46, 85

  Andermatt, Switzerland 257

  Andrea Doria (warship) 67

  Anfuso, Filippo 344–5, 367–8

  Angeloni, Giale 209

  Angeloni, Mario 209, 330, 332

  Anima (play; Amelia Rosselli) 15–16, 17–18, 20, 27, 38

  Ansaldo, Giovanni 165, 166, 170, 174, 221, 355

  anti-clericalism 32, 36, 49

  anti-semitism 9, 15, 85, 111, 297–8, 312, 340–41, 362, 367; in France 297–8, 343; in Germany 137, 340


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