A Bold and Dangerous Family

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A Bold and Dangerous Family Page 47

by Caroline Moorehead

  Antibes, France 323

  Antonini, Giacomo 318, 330, 345

  Aosta 237, 238

  Aosta, Prince Amadeo, Duke d’ 34, 88, 90, 180

  Arditi (Italian army special force) 67, 68, 78, 83, 225

  Arezzo 82, 130

  Arpinati, Leandro 160

  Arturo (gardener) 141

  Ascaso column (Spanish Civil War militia) 330–32, 334, 335

  Ascoli, Max 359, 362, 364

  Asquith, H.H. (later 1st Earl of Oxford and Asquith) 122

  Assunta (housekeeper) 30, 31, 41, 59

  Astor, Nancy, Viscountess 250

  Atatürk, Mustafa Kemal 89

  Atlantic Monthly (magazine) 240

  Augustus, Roman Emperor 271

  Austria, Republic of 314–15

  Austro-Hungarian Empire: control of Venice 2–3, 6, 45; Italian War of 1859 3; under Emperor Franz Joseph 14–15; anti-Austrian feeling in Italy 45, 49; First World War 47, 48–9, 51–2, 61, 63; surrender 63; dismantled 67; see also Vienna

  Avanti! (newspaper) 26, 33, 154, 161, 167, 193; Mussolini’s editorship 36–37, 46, 49

  Aventine Secession 116–17, 118, 122, 125, 131, 161, 208

  aviation 257, 269–70, 304, 329; see also leafleting flights

  Azaña, Manuel 292

  Baden-Powell, Robert, 1st Baron 180

  Badoglio, Pietro 366

  Bagno a Ripoli 59, 73; L’Apparita 243, 244, 306, 339–40, 367, 370

  Bagnoles-de-l’Orne, France 342, 345, 346–52, 357

  Baillet, François 346, 349

  Bakunin, Mikhail 73, 111, 136, 174, 260

  Balabanoff, Angelica 181

  Balbo, Italo: ras of Ferrara 84–5, 148; aviation minister 131, 269–70, 284

  Baldwin, Stanley (later 1st Earl Baldwin of Bewdley) 333

  Balilla (fascist youth organisation) see Opera Nazionale

  Balilla Banchelli, Umberto 82–3

  Bandinelli, Napoleone 145

  Barbusse, Henri 70

  Barcelona 292, 329, 330, 334, 355

  Bari 85, 267

  Barzini, Luigi 267

  Bassanesi, Giovanni: appearance and character 255, 256, 296; background and early life 255; leafleting flight over Milan 255–8, 274, 294; secret police reports on 284, 294; visits Spain following establishment of Second Republic 292; arrested attempting further leafleting flight 294, 295, 296; later life 296, 339, 371

  Basso, Luigi 208

  Battaglie Fasciste (newspaper) 136, 144–5

  Bauer, Adele 286

  Bauer, Riccardo: appearance and character 97, 164, 280; academic career 97; editorship of Il Caffè magazine 97, 143; distribution of Non Mollare underground newspaper 134; role in escape network 164, 166; capture and imprisonment 166, 170, 193; released 216, 280; resumed anti-fascist operations 216, 280–82, 285; caught in secret police trap 285–6; trial and imprisonment 289–91, 319, 353; reaction to Rosselli brothers’ deaths 353; released 366; serves with partisans during wartime 366

  Beaulieu-sur-Mer, France 343

  Becciolini, Giovanni 145, 145

  Becco Giallo, Il (Italian exiles’ newspaper) 247

  Bedford College, London 99

  Beethoven, Ludwig 298; Fifth Symphony 326; Seventh Symphony 297, 354, 359, 373

  Bellavia, Vincenzo 283, 322, 329, 342, 345, 357

  Benda, Julien 322

  Benedict XV, Pope 50

  Bennett, Arnold 22

  Berenson, Bernard 60, 142

  Berenson, Mary 142

  Bergamo 281

  Berlin 136–7, 142

  Berneri, Camillo 252, 254, 329, 330, 355

  Bertollini, Agata 209

  Besneux, Hélène 349–50, 357

  biennio rosso (1919–20) 76, 93–4

  Binazzi, Pasquale and Zelmira 210

  Bini, Livio 283

  Birmingham 107

  Bizerta, Tunisia 236 blackshirts see squadristi

  Blum, Léon 297, 333, 343, 356

  Boccherini, Luigi 2

  Bocchini, Arturo: appearance and character 162–3, 163; background and early life 162; Mussolini’s appointment as chief of police 162; protection of Mussolini and implementation of public security measures 162–3, 280; attempts to stop Filippo Turati’s escape 167; reorganisation of state police and establishment of OVRA 182, 273–4; treatment of confinati 190, 209, 234, 240; surveillance of Italian exile communities 250–53, 282–4, 311–12; and bombing of Milan trade fair 274, 282; targeting of Giustizia e Libertà movement 282–9, 310; orders surveillance of Matteotti family 305; thwarts further assassination attempts on Mussolini 310–311; deployment of spy ‘Pitigrilli’ 311–14; continued surveillance of Carlo Rosselli 334, 338–9, 342, 345; reaction to deaths of Rosselli brothers 352, 354, 356, 357; death 371

  Bocconi University, Milan 68, 101, 111–12, 157, 158

  Bologna 4, 63, 84, 85, 109, 160, 161, 268, 273

  Bolshevism 69, 75–6, 88, 105, 177–8, 343

  Bondi, Antonio (agent ‘Arsace’) 283, 339, 354

  Bongiorno, Edoardo 226, 229, 234

  Bonomi, Ivanoe 89, 247

  Bonservizi, Nicola 247–8, 253

  Bordeaux 13

  Bordello, Antonio 193

  Bordiga, Amadeo 198

  Borella, Aldo 283

  Borgo San Lorenzo 306

  Boselli, Paolo 199–200

  Boston 364

  Bouvyer, Jean-Marie 345–6, 349, 357, 368

  Bove, Lorenzo da 168 boxing (sport) 179

  Breton, André 355–6

  Briand, Aristide 168, 248

  Brichetti, Enrico 334

  British Empire Exhibition (1924–25) 121

  Browning, Elizabeth Barrett 25

  Browning, Robert 7, 21

  Bruna (nanny) 348

  Brussels 253

  Bubi (terrier) 276

  Buemi, Michele 197–8

  Burgos, Spain 333

  Buvone, Domenico 311

  Byron, George, 6th Baron 7

  Cabiati, Attilio 101

  Cadorna, Luigi 51, 61

  Caffè, Il (magazine) 97, 143, 164

  Cagliari 206

  Cagoule, La (French fascist group) 343–4; assassination of Rosselli brothers 345–6, 349–50, 357, 368, 369

  Calamandrei, Piero 74, 83, 93, 137, 161, 276, 342, 368, 371–2

  Calosso, Umberto 331, 332

  Calvi, Corsica 168–9

  Cambridge 361

  Campolini, Carlo 138

  Canale, Mauro 371

  Cannata, Francesco 210, 226, 230, 231, 234

  Cannes 135, 150

  Cantoni, Laura see Orvieto, Laura

  Cap d’Antibes, France 292

  Cap Ferrat, France 323

  Caporetto, Battle of (1917) 61, 64, 84

  Capponi, Contessa Luisa 72

  Carboni, Giacomo 367

  Carducci, Giosuè 34

  Carlo Pisacane nel Risorgimento Italiano (Nello Rosselli) 243, 264, 275

  Carlyle, Thomas 79; History of the French Revolution 204

  Carnia 54, 55

  Carrara 85, 160, 169

  Carter, Barbara 185–6, 238

  Casavolta, Nicola 316

  Caserta 60, 61

  Casina di Aldo, La (children’s home) 58–9, 62, 72

  castor oil, forcible administration of xiii, 78, 82, 84

  Catholic Church: and fascist regime 88, 91, 113, 116, 117, 266–7, 273, 320–21; and Spanish Civil War 328; see also papacy

  Cattaneo, Carlo 143

  Cave, Ernest 99, 224, 229

  Cave, Marion: appearance and character 99–100, 183, 291, 324, 347, 363; background and early life 99; ill health 99, 149, 175, 218, 238, 250, 291–3, 323, 326, 358, 361; travels to Italy 99, 240; joins Circolo di Cultura group in Florence 99–100; involvement in Italia Libera movement 120, 121, 123, 138–9; works for Non Mollare underground newspaper 134; at Gaetano Salvemini’s trial 139; courtship with Carlo Rosselli 149, 150, 156; marriage and honeymoon 158, 172; travels to Stresa and Portofino with Carlo 158–9; early
married life in Milan 159, 164, 165; first pregnancy 165, 175; assists Carlo’s escape network 166; Carlo’s arrest and imprisonment 170, 174–5; birth of son Giovanni (‘Mirtillino’) 177, 183; Carlo’s trial 171, 184, 185, 186; joins Carlo during confino on Lipari 203, 210–214; visits England with son 218; returns to Lipari 218, 220, 225–6; assistance with Carlo’s escape plans 223, 224, 230, 238; second pregnancy 230, 231, 237, 250; leaves Lipari 230; arrest and imprisonment following Carlo’s escape 237; successful campaign for release 237–9; family establishes home in Paris 249–50; secret police’s surveillance of 252, 284, 299; birth of daughter Melina 255; refused passport to visit London 262; third pregnancy 263, 278; family life in Paris 278, 291, 299, 321–3, 326, 337, 341; birth of son Andrea 291–2; recuperation in south of France 292–3; Carlo arrested and imprisoned during attempted leafleting flight 295–6; deaths of Filippo Turati and Claudio Treves 301; family holidays 310, 323–7, 324, 336; in Paris while Carlo fights in Civil War in Spain 329, 330, 333; cares for Carlo on return from Spain 336; last holiday with Carlo 342–3; with Carlo on convalescence trip to Bagnoles 342, 346–8, 347; returns to Paris alone 349; learns of Carlo’s death 351; travels to Normandy 351–2; identification of body 352; at Carlo and Nello’s wake and funeral 353, 354; life as widow in Paris 355, 356–7, 358–9; stays with sister-in-law in Switzerland and England 359, 361; suffers strokes 361, 368; family leaves Europe for United States following outbreak of war 361, 362, 363; life in New York 365–6; returns to Italy after war 368–70; death 370

  Cavour, Camillo Benso, Count of 3, 10

  Ceruti (confinato on Lipari) 209

  Ceva, Elena 288, 289

  Ceva, Umberto 280, 285–6, 287–9, 288

  Chamberlain, Sir Austen 316

  Charles-Roux, François 87

  Christian Democratic Party 371

  Churchill, Sir Winston 181, 316

  Cianca, Alberto: appearance and character 248–9; journalism career 247; in exile in Paris 247, 254; founder member of Giustizia e Libertà movement 248–9, 335; involvement in plots and stunts 254, 255, 338; learns of Rosselli brothers’ deaths 351; at their funeral 354; continues work at Giustizia e Libertà 356; in New York during wartime 364, 366; returns to Italy to serve with partisans 366

  Ciano, Edda (née Mussolini) 37, 271, 272

  Ciano, Galeazzo: background, appearance and character 271, 344; marriage to Edda Mussolini 271; early political career 271, 321, 344; foreign minister 328, 333, 344, 345; and Spanish Civil War 328, 333, 337; surveillance of Carlo Rosselli in Spain 334; as potential successor to Mussolini 334, 344; and assassination of Rosselli brothers 344, 357, 367, 368; death 367

  Circolo di Cultura (intellectual cooperative group) 75, 83, 92, 93, 98–100, 111, 129–30

  Civadalli family 59, 362

  Civadalli, Gualtiero 59

  Civitavecchia 85, 210

  Clerkenwell, London 102, 103

  Clermont Ferrand, France 344

  Cocteau, Jean 322

  Cole, G.D.H. 102

  Colle Isarco 177

  Commento, Il (newspaper) 104, 121

  Communist Party (Italian) 80, 87, 113, 162, 246; members sent to internal exile 189, 192–3, 198, 208, 213–14, 273

  Como, San Donnino prison 170, 174, 175, 213

  concentration camps 302, 362

  Concentrazione Antifascista (exile organisation) 246–8, 278, 299–300, 318–19

  Condor Legion (German military unit) 333

  confino, il (internal exile) 161, 176, 188–90, 207–210, 371; pardons 221; see also penal islands

  Consiglio Nazionale delle Donne (fascist women’s organisation) 111

  Consolo, Gustavo: arrest and trial 135, 136; murdered 146, 147, 149, 185

  Conti, Antonio 99

  contraception 91, 180

  Corfu incident (1923) 108

  Cornellia Africana 211

  Corre, Aristide 343, 345–6, 350

  Corriere della Sera (newspaper) 45, 88, 164, 223, 257, 267

  Corriere Italiano (newspaper) 118

  Corsica 167, 168–9, 294

  Cortina d’Ampezzo 110, 158

  Cortona 135, 146

  Costa, Andrea 177

  Courmayeur 237

  Couterne, Château de, France 349 Cremona 85, 131

  Cremonesi, Filippo 241

  Crispi, Francesco 16–17, 188

  Critica, La (magazine) 274

  Critica Fascista (journal) 143, 154

  Critica Sociale (journal) 33, 36

  Croce, Benedetto 36, 183, 215, 274, 275, 280, 289, 308, 310, 342; drafting of Manifesto of Antifascist Intellectuals 161, 162

  Cronaca, La (newspaper) 103–4

  Croton-on-Hudson, New York 362

  Cultura, La (magazine) 310

  Curzon, George, 1st Marquess Curzon of Kedleston 66

  Cyrenaica see Libya

  da Ponte, Tommaso 234

  DAGR (Divisione Affari Generali e Riservati) 182

  Daily Express (London newspaper) 238

  Daily Express (New York newspaper) 90

  Daily News (New York newspaper) 238

  d’Alton, Hélène 346

  D’Annunzio, Gabriele 22, 23–4, 67–8, 73, 75, 77, 87, 209, 293

  Dante Alighieri 3, 29; Divine Comedy 209, 269

  Darnand, Joseph 345

  Dayton, Katharine, interview with Mussolini 240

  De Bono, Emilio 114

  de Bosis, Lauro 293–4, 295, 338

  de Gasperi, Alcide 371

  De Martino, Giacomo 103

  de Rosa, Fernando 253–4, 335

  death penalty: reinstatement of 161, 162; implementation of 289

  Decalogue of Moral Hygiene (fascist) 276

  dei Cas, Rina 282

  del Re, Carlo 284–7, 289, 290

  Deloncle, Eugène 343–4, 346, 368

  Desjardins, Paul 323

  Di Stefano, Michelangelo 345

  Diaz, Armando 61

  Disperata (paramilitary squadra) 79, 85, 128

  Divisione Affari Generali e Riservati (DAGR) 182

  Divisione Polizia Politica see Polpol Dogali, Battle of (1887) 17

  Dolci, Gioacchino: appearance and character 207, 224; background and early life 207; confino on Lipari 207, 210, 211; escape plans 222–8; aborted escape attempt 228; pardoned and released 228–9; assistance with other confinati’s escape 228–9, 231; involvement in leafleting flight over Milan 256, 257, 258, 294; engagement 322

  Dollfuss, Engelbert 315

  Donatello, Marzocco 22

  Donizetti, Gaetano 17

  Dopolavoro (national labour agency) 179

  Dostoevsky, Fyodor 79, 184; The Brothers Karamazov 218

  Draper, Ruth 293, 294, 338, 364

  Dream V (boat) 229, 231, 232–4, 236

  Dumini, Amerigo xiv, 79, 81, 82, 85, 114, 181–2n

  Duse, Eleonora 24–5, 45

  earthquakes 35, 53, 206

  Eastbourne, Sussex 361

  Ebert, Friedrich 136

  Economist (newspaper) 275

  Eden, Anthony (later 1st Earl of Avon) 304, 333

  Edinburgh 121

  Edine, Djelal 229

  Ehrenburg, Ilya 329

  Einaudi, Giulio 310

  Einaudi, Luigi 112, 158, 164, 274–5, 310, 340, 373

  Eisenstein, Sergei 322

  elections, Italian: (1913) 46; (1919) 75; (1921) 80; (1924) xiii, 113–14; (1929) 266

  Elena of Montenegro, Queen consort 34, 272, 314

  Elisabeth, Empress of Austria (‘Sisi’) 14

  Emanuele, Santo 344–5, 367–8

  Emma Liona (play; Amelia Rosselli) 52, 110

  Emmy (nanny) 20

  Energie Nuove (magazine) 95

  Engels, Friedrich 158; The Communist Manifesto 214

  Eritrea 17, 315, 316

  Erizzo, Francesco 171, 185, 186

  Ethiopia 17, 35, 43; Abyssinian War (1935–36) 315–18, 328, 341

  Evening Standard (newspaper) 238 Evian, France 323

  Exhibition of th
e Fascist Revolution (1932–34) 303–4

  Fabbri, Paolo 209, 226, 232, 234, 241

  Fabians 104, 250, 262–3; summer school (London; 1923) 101–2, 104–7, 106

  Facchinetti, Cipriano 249

  Facta, Luigi 87, 89

  Faenza 154

  Farinacci, Roberto 49, 68, 131, 148, 371

  fasci movement 49, 68–9, 73, 77, 80, 81–2, 127; overseas branches 103, 121, 253, 304, 363; see also Grand Council of Fascism; National Fascist Party; squadristi

  Fassini, Alberto 339

  Fauran, Jacques 346, 349, 368

  Favignana 189

  Felicità Perduta (novella; Amelia Rosselli) 18

  feminism 15, 37–8, 44, 71–2, 110–111, 305

  Ferdinand and Isabella, King and Queen of Spain 2

  Ferrara 84–5, 148

  Ferrero, Gina see Lombroso, Gina

  Ferrero, Guglielmo 38, 147, 161, 275, 309, 353, 359, 369

  Ferrero, Leo 38, 39, 59, 70, 147, 173, 215, 309

  Fez, Morocco 13

  Fiat (car manufacturer) 99, 103; Fiat 18 BL 77

  fiduciari (secret police agents) 251–2

  Fiesole 22, 45, 114

  Figaro, Le (newspaper) 42

  Filippelli, Filippo 126, 134

  Filippich (confinato on Lipari) 209, 241

  Filliol, Jean 344, 346, 349–50, 357, 368

  Finzi, Ida (Haydée) 52

  First World War: outbreak 47–8; Italian entry 48–50, 51; Italian

  Front 51–2, 54–8, 61, 63; casualty

  totals 52, 61, 64, 66; rationing and shortages 59–60; refugees 61–2; end of war 63–4, 66

  Fiuggi 237

  Fiume 66, 67, 112

  Florence: civic pride and characteristics of Florentines 19, 32, 42; post-unification redevelopment 20, 32, 41–2; English-speaking community 21–2, 60; cultural life and clubs 22–3, 25–6, 38, 41–2, 60, 70; strikes and industrial unrest 32; local politics and administration 32–3, 37–8, 46; Jewish community 39–40, 52, 154, 340–41, 367; Red Week riots (1914) 46; during First World War 50, 52, 55, 59–60, 61–2, 63, 64; post-war unrest 66, 69, 72–3, 78–9, 81–2; fasci movement 68–9, 78–9, 81–2, 85, 87; first squadristi raids 79, 81–2, 99, 109, 127; seconda ondata of punitive expeditions 127–30, 128, 130, 145–9; St Bartholomew’s Night attacks 146–8; subsequent reorganisation of fascist groups 148–9, 153; fascist opponents sent to internal exile 189; cultural and intellectual life under fascists 276–7; remaining anti-fascist networks 280; during Second World War 367; post-war 372

  Florence (places and landmarks): Borgo Santi Apostoli 98, 129; British Institute 99, 240; Cemetery delle Porte Sante 123; Liceo Michelangiolo 39, 59; Lungarni 22, 62, 138, 139; main post office 87, 128; Murate prison 139, 175; National Library 54, 173, 175; Palazzo Frescobaldi 138; Palazzo Vecchio 50, 52, 55, 57, 373; Parco delle Cascine 22–3; Piazza della Signoria 22, 129, 373; Piazza Massimo d’Azeglio 69, 73; Piazza Mentana 125; Piazza Ottaviani 79; Piazza Santa Croce 46; Piazza Santa Maria Novella 128; Piazza Vittorio 49; Ponte Sospeso 81; San Frediano 70, 99, 135; Santa Maria Novella (church) 62; Santa Maria Novella railway station 61, 66; Santa Maria Nuova hospital 120, 147; Teatro della Pergola 79; Teatro Olimpia 68; telephone exchange 87; Trespiano cemetery 373–4; Via Cherubini 20; Via Ferrucci 22; Via Gianbologna 29, 62; Via Giusti 69, 140, 146, 173, 175, 297, 367, 370; Via Jacopo Nardi 124; Via Ricasoli 72; Via San Niccolò 62, 63, 69; Via Tornabuoni 21, 22, 41, 60, 146; see also Bagno a Ripoli; Fiesole; Pignone; Rignano sull’Arno; San Domenico; Settignano


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