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Box Set: The Divine Creek Ranch Collection, Volume 2 [Book 4 - Rosemary's Double Delight (MFM), Book 5 - Spurs and Heels (MF)] (Siren Publishing Romance Collection)

Page 35

by Heather Rainier

  “You take my cock so sweetly. You doing okay?”

  “Yes, can I do it again?”

  “Yes, again.”

  Juliana pushed back against him, and more of his solid, hot cock entered her ass. She wished she could see and imagined they looked hotter than hell together. He groaned and took hold of her hips as more of his cock worked into her ass. She felt the echo of an impending orgasm as he slid to the root and his hips pressed against her.

  “All of it?” she asked with a shaky sigh.

  “All inside your lovely ass.”

  “I’m on fire, Ash. I’ll come soon, and I want you to come with me.”

  “I’m going to stroke your pussy with the vibrator, too, darlin’. Would you like that?”

  Would I like that? Would I like that? I may die! She laughed throatily and said, “If you must.”

  Ash chuckled and turned on the vibrator from the bathtub and swore softly as her pussy and ass both clenched in anticipation at the sound. Hot freaking hell, I’m gonna scream for sure!

  “I can’t hold back anymore. Brace yourself, darlin’.”

  She cupped her hands over the mounds provided for them. His cock slid out over delicate, nerve-rich tissues and then back in. The bite of pain was erotic and intense as it was overcome by the pleasure that grew with each stroke. The soft jelly of the vibe stroked her pussy lightly as he zeroed in on her clit. His strokes became more assertive and demanding, and she was vaguely aware of begging for more as her body vibrated and quivered, and she rocketed to an orgasm of seismic proportions.

  “That’s right, darlin’.”

  “I love it, Ash.” I love you!

  “Let go for me, darlin’. I’m coming!”

  Juliana’s body seized and exploded all around her as the vibrator pressed firmly against her clit, and he roared as he thrust one final time. She could feel his body shaking against her as his cock pulsed within her tender ass, filling her with his cum while her cunt pulsed with her orgasm over and over.

  She groaned euphorically and went limp in the seat, and he relaxed against her. Because of their positioning in the chair, she didn’t feel like he was crushing her.

  “I think we need a loveseat like this one,” she murmured with a soft chuckle.

  “Pretty damn cool, huh?”

  “Big understatement, cowboy.”

  Ash carefully withdrew and said, “Stay here. I’ll be right back.” He covered her with a blanket and went inside, returning a minute later with a hot, wet washcloth. “Let me clean you up, and then I’ll carry you back inside.”

  “’Kay,” she murmured drowsily.

  He cleaned all the lubricant off of her and pressed the comforting heat against her anus. He lifted her into his arms and carried her to the gigantic bed inside the cabin.

  When she awoke in the morning, it was to the smell of bacon cooking, and the sight of her handsome, half-clothed man making breakfast.

  After eating, he bathed her himself in the big tub and then took her back to bed, giving her kisses so sultry she could have sworn her bones melted. He made love to her with such tenderness that she cried as her orgasm rushed over her, and then he kissed her tears away.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Juliana searched vainly for a parking space close to the rodeo arena on the Tarkett County Fairgrounds. Ash had thrown her for a loop when he’d mentioned that he had signed up to compete in bareback bronc riding at the rodeo in Morehead late that February. It had scared her a little, but she’d encouraged him to give it his all.

  She finally resigned herself to a spot some distance from the arena main entrance. The sun was setting, and she was running late as she checked the clock on the dash again.

  Work had kept her past the time she’d planned to leave the store, so she’d been forced to drive straight there from work, eating drive-thru food on the way from Divine to Morehead. Ash’s event would be one of the first, and she had no intention of disappointing him by not making it in time.

  Her high heels clicked on the asphalt as she walked up to the ticket booth and got her ticket. She heaved a sigh of relief when the man in the ticket booth assured her that she’d not missed the bareback riding event and would have plenty of time to find her friends and get settled.

  When she reached the top of the ramp he’d directed her to, she turned and looked up into the crowd, locating Teresa and Angel and their group when they all waved at her. As she joined them, she felt a wave of inexplicable happiness come over her. It felt so good to be wanted and accepted by this group. She’d always been on the periphery, limited because of her hours in how much she could do with them.

  That feeling of acceptance was tempered by the sad realization that when she saw Ash, it was usually on her turf, either at the store or her house. She rarely made time to come out to the ranch and usually only saw her friends when they came in the store. She loved being here and had to question why she did not make more time for them in her life.

  Nobody mentioned her attire, but she regretted not having the time to go home and change, wishing she’d had the forethought to bring her change of clothes with her to the store that morning in case she ran out of time. She smoothed out her skirt as she sat next to Teresa, and Teresa leaned toward her, nudging her in the shoulder.

  “You look fine.”

  “No, I should have brought my clothes so I could change.”

  “So you’ll remember tomorrow. You look great, and you know Ash likes it when you’re dressed up like a city girl.”

  “Huh? He does?” That was news to her.

  “Sure! I guarantee you he won’t mind a bit when he sees you dressed up, especially with those heels. They’re hot on you.”

  Juliana giggled and thanked her, and then their attention was drawn by the announcer as the rodeo began. It had been years since she’d been to a rodeo, and she thoroughly enjoyed the pageantry and entertainment.

  Bareback bronc-riding was one of the first major events. Teresa updated her on what had happened the night before and described in detail how Ash and Joaquin had done compared to the other riders in their respective events.

  Nerves knotted in Juliana’s stomach when the first rider climbed into the chute. Teresa pointed Ash out to her, standing on the pipe fence, helping out. Seeing him dressed in his chaps and gear with his number placard pinned to his back made her insides quiver. Damn, but he is hotter than hell.

  Teresa giggled. “I know, right? There is just something about chaps and spurs on Angel and Joaquin that gets me a little fidgety, too.”

  Had Juliana spoken out loud? She looked over at Teresa, who was blushing, and had to laugh with her and nod.

  She sent up a quick prayer for Ash when she saw him climb up on the side of the chute as a bronc was placed in it from the other side. He was completely focused. His actions were swift and sure as he tightened up his grip on the rope then signaled he was ready.

  Her body froze in place when the bucking bronc exploded from the chute, all four hooves leaving the ground. Ash kept his seat, riding the animal in swift grace, and Juliana could not help her visceral reaction as she watched his body move with the animal.

  She had intimate knowledge of the strength and agility of those finely honed, muscular thighs and that incredibly muscular torso. She felt moisture flow between her legs as his body twisted and turned each time the animal tried unsuccessfully to unseat its rider.

  “Don’t forget to breathe, Juliana,” Teresa whispered in her ear, but her eyes stayed riveted on Ash as he completed his ride. He leapt from the horse after the buzzer sounded, landing on his feet and dodging the horse as it continued to buck for a few more seconds before one of the pickup riders herded it toward the exit.

  He climbed back up onto the pipe fence with the other cowboys and scanned the crowd in their section while he waited for his score. She rose and waved at him, and he smiled happily and waved back then blew her a kiss as the crowd cheered his high score of ninety point five. By the end of the night,
both Ash and Joaquin were assured a place in the final round the following night, and Juliana was glad she’d be able to be there to see it.

  Their group was slowly making its way through the crowded concourse, toward the rear of the arena, when Juliana spied Ash in the crowd. He and Joaquin stood together, talking with a group of enthusiastic rodeo fans and signing autographs.

  Juliana was intrigued by this part of Ash she knew very little about. He and Joaquin were better known in the rodeo circuit than he’d let on.

  He smiled at her as their group approached. When she would have held back to allow him to talk with the rodeo fans, he beckoned her to his side, the same as Joaquin did with Teresa.

  Juliana smiled warmly as Teresa gave Joaquin a kiss, wrapping her arms around his waist and tucking herself to his side. He obviously enjoyed her attention, and Juliana was bowled over again, seeing how much Teresa had changed in the last few months. Her three year old son Michael whooped and hollered as Joaquin gathered him up in his other arm, and Michael hugged his neck as Angel joined them.

  She turned to look up into Ash’s twinkling, turquoise eyes and allowed him to pull her to him for a passionate kiss. Some of the fans giggled and snickered, and one of them spoke up.

  “That your wife, Ash?”

  Ash surprised Juliana, looking into her eyes and saying, “If I have anything to say about it, she will be someday.” Juliana was struck speechless, a rarity for her, but couldn’t find it in herself to speak up and put the positively assumptive cowboy in his place. He chuckled and said, “Naw, Buck, this is my girlfriend, Juliana.”

  A blonde-haired buckle bunny murmured critically from the crowd, “Looks like nothing but a damned city girl to me, dressed like that. Who’s she trying to impress?”

  Ash pierced the blonde with his fierce gaze and replied, “Yeah, Judith. I’ve got a thing for a city girl who works hard for a living as opposed to a gal who follows the rodeo circuit like a gypsy. Especially a city girl as beautiful and sexy as Juliana.” He held her gently to his side as he said it, and the blonde huffed and stomped away.

  The fans eventually dispersed, and Ash turned to her. “Sorry about that, darlin’. I couldn’t let that remark go unanswered.”

  “Which one? The one about me being your wife or the comment about me being a damned city girl?”

  Ash smiled slowly, a sexy gleam in his eyes as he leaned down and kissed her again. “Both. Sorry about the mouthy blonde. There are a whole slew of them that view the cowboys as their community property and don’t like outsiders.”

  “That sounds like an understatement, judging by the dirty look she gave me.”

  “Some of them are pretty flagrant. But that was nothing compared to the hard time she’s given Teresa for being with both Joaquin and Angel. Teresa seems to be handling it okay, though.”

  These women were going after Teresa? Juliana turned to Teresa and Joaquin to ask but noticed that Michael was still on Joaquin’s arm, so she didn’t say anything. Teresa shrugged and said, “It’s not like we’ll have to deal with people like her on a regular basis, so I try to not worry about it. She was ugly to you because you’re with us. Weren’t Joaquin and Ash incredible?” Teresa asked, caressing Joaquin’s chest.

  Juliana smiled at her change of subject, and they talked as they made their way to the large pavilion where the rodeo dance was being held. Juliana was glad her high heels were comfortable because Ash kept her on the dance floor most of the evening. She did notice throughout the night that both Grace and Teresa garnered more than their fair share of ugly looks from some of the women who showed up for the dance.

  Juliana and Ash sat out the line dances, and she allowed Ash to pull her into his lap for a kiss and a little cuddle. Ash offered to get her a beer or soda, but she declined, explaining that her stomach had been a little queasy but did accept a bottle of water when he offered her one. Concerned, he helped her resume her perch in his lap.

  “You’re not feeling good, darlin’?”

  “It comes and goes. I think it’s just worry about the store and the stress everyone is under. Honestly, I’m ready for a break from it.” The discontent and fatigue she felt draped her like a blanket.

  “You know, Grace and Teresa have been talking about a new little boutique somewhere on this side of Morehead. They’ve gotten friendly with the owners, and I heard Grace mention that they were open to the possibility for investment or expansion in their business. You should ask them about it. They sounded excited about the place.”

  She honestly couldn’t drum up much enthusiasm for the idea. “Actually I’m thinking of getting away from traditional retail sales. The hours and the stress have worn me down.”

  “Yeah, but what if you could set your own hours, have a stake in the store’s success beyond just a paycheck? Plus, I think this store is anything but ‘traditional,’ judging by what they’re saying. It’s an ‘adults only’ sort of store but only sells things for ladies.”

  She was willing to admit to a spark of interest, but only a spark. “I wonder what kinds of things they sell?”

  “All I can tell you is that their men seem to like it when they go shopping there. Maybe you can tag along next time they go.”

  She snuggled closer, wriggling in his lap a little, and felt his hardening erection against her backside. “Seems to me like you’re intrigued by the idea as well, honey.”

  “Playing with fire, darlin’, and yes, I’m very intrigued.” He nuzzled her throat as his hand slid over her knee and caressed her thigh beneath the hem of her knee-length black skirt.

  “I’ll make a point of doing that. Plus, it would be nice to spend some time with Grace and Teresa. I haven’t done that near enough.”

  She was changing that.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Ash helped Juliana from her Camaro then lifted her garment bag and overnight case from the trunk and loaded them into Adam’s SUV for her. As he turned to Juliana, Charity pulled up and joined their group. Adam, Juliana, Rosemary, Charity, and Eli were making the three-hour trip to Tillman that afternoon.

  Angel, Teresa, Joaquin, and Michael had left the night before and made it to Tillman in time, before Teresa’s mother passed away due to complications from a stroke. The five of them were going to Tillman as a show of support for their friends but also to help out in a much more concrete way. Teresa had been victimized three years before by the son of a couple who had a lot of power in the town of Tillman. There was strength in numbers.

  Ash appreciated how this close-knit family closed ranks around Teresa. In his way, he was doing what he could to help by holding things down at the ranch so that all the other men could be in Tillman. Juliana was going, as well, because she was close to Teresa and had grown up knowing the Palacios family and mourned Mrs. Palacios passing.

  “Call me tonight?” Ash asked as he took her in his arms. She looked tired, and he wondered if she’d gotten much sleep the night before.

  “I’ll call you after the visitation and let you know how it all went.”

  “I’ll look forward to your call.”

  Ash was slipping into bed later that night when his phone rang.

  “Hello, cowboy.” Juliana sounded thoroughly wrung out.

  “Hey, city girl. Everything okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m just…” Her voice trailed off, and he heard her sigh. “I’m just grateful.”


  “Yeah, grateful for the life I have. For you. For wonderful friends like we have. You would not believe what happened tonight.”

  Juliana gave him a few details of how the visitation went and what it had been like to watch Teresa speak up for herself, with all her friends at her back, defending her with their presence.

  “I was proud to be a part of that group. The Ferraros never even got a glimpse of Michael. I think Angel and Joaquin are planning to bring Teresa’s dad back with them when they come home.”

  “How are you feeling?”

But exhilarated, as well. We should be home by lunchtime tomorrow.”

  “Are you getting ready for bed?”

  “I’m already in bed.”

  “Are you sharing a room?”

  “No. I booked my own so I could stay up and read if I wanted to. The others were exhausted. I’m sure they’re already asleep. I also wanted to be able to call you.” Her voice had taken on a husky, sexy quality, like she was stretching out naked.

  “I see. Are you under the covers?”


  “And if you’re by yourself, you’re either wearing that scandalous lace nightgown, or you’re wearing nothing at all.”

  “I brought the gown, but it’s still in my luggage.”

  “So, you’re in bed, talking on the phone with me, and you don’t have a stitch on?”

  “Not even half a stitch. I’m naked,” she whispered in a sultry tone.

  Hot fucking hell, if his dick didn’t sit up and beg. He checked that his bedroom door was locked and then lay back down on the bed, his cock perpendicular and demanding.

  Juliana asked, “What about you?”

  “You know how I sleep, darlin’.” He stroked his engorging shaft as it hardened and tingled almost painfully.

  “Mmm, yes I do. Is your cock hard?”

  He groaned as his dick responded to her voice, swelling further. “Just talking to you makes it hard. I wish you were here so I could touch you right now.”

  “Is that all you would do? Touch me?” she asked, sounding breathless.

  “No, first I’d lick your pussy.”

  “But you’d let me suck your cock for you, too, wouldn’t you?”

  “Darlin’, I’d let you do whatever you wanted to. I’m all about pleasing my lady.” He stroked his shaft from root to tip, groaning when it twitched as she murmured in approval.


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