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Azrael_Big Cat Shifters Looking for Fated Mates

Page 3

by Crystal Dawn

  “That sounds good.” He felt tired, maybe there was something to be said about the mental cost of a move?

  A fourth of those moving with you are already in Missouri setting up their households. Maddie has temporary shelter set up for them until the apartment complex is completed, and three families have houses she found. She has also managed to get those not in modeling into jobs. The woman is amazing and I’ve heard she’s seventy.” Lucia admitted.

  “How did you find that out?”

  “I spoke to her granddaughter, Caro. She splits her work between her mom Viv and her Grams. They both sound like amazing women.”

  “Is Viv helping her with our move?” That would explain why she’d done so well.

  “Not at all. She’s on a construction project, more than one I believe. There’s an explosion of new construction in the area. No surprise there. She may have found a place for me. Caro, that is. Her grandmother is checking it out.” Lucia admitted.

  “Will you be getting a place before me?”

  “I hope so. I’m looking for a small one bedroom studio sized apartment. Caro is talking her Gram into remodeling a storage building. I’m sure they can find one for you if you asked.” Lucia said tartly then stomped out of his office. That was the first bit of spirit he’d ever seen out of her.

  Being around these hillbillies wasn’t good for her. Lucia didn’t know how to be bold and stand up for herself. That might get her in trouble. Not that he would punish her for it unless she embarrassed him in front of customers. It sounded like even Maddie’s granddaughter had a strong personality. These females might be hard on him, but somehow he looked forward to finding out.

  Time was moving forward and he wanted to meet Maddie. He’d tried to get a different helper at one point, but Ariel hadn’t listened and her secretary Sandy had really put him in his place. “You have the best help available and you want someone else? If you’re not happy with her, help yourself.”

  That Sandy had hung up on him had stung. At that point he’d decided to work with Maddie. To himself he admitted he was drawn to the woman and that made him nervous. He’d even dreamed about her. It threw him for a loop. Sex dreams were unusual for him and to dream about a shadowy female seemed strange. Now she would have silver hair. Goddess, what was wrong with him?

  He’d always been strong willed, but he’d never been such a beast to be around. That it seemed impossible to stop his ill humor no matter what he did. It was late in the day now so he went home. His home was a penthouse apartment near Central Park. He often walked there in human form because there was nowhere outside of his home he could go in animal form in the city.

  Having access to the outside as his leopard was probably the best point in moving to Missouri. The reasonable cost of land compared to New York was another point. Gathering most of his kind in one spot was a good point as well. If it wasn’t done, they would face extinction. There was no choice if he wanted to save his kind. Some were even considering blending humans in with the strong bloods. Not even white wolves, which seemed mainly to go only for the leaders, but regular old humans.

  Maybe it worth the risk to keep his kind going. As long as the children bred back to leopards, they should be fine. How had his kind ever gotten to this point? A sad story indeed, and one he didn’t like to dwell on. He liked to say it was hunter’s and so it was, but it was more since they’d not dealt with hunters except in a rare instant in a hundred years or more.

  The other part was his beautiful people didn’t like to settle down. Fated mates were rare and the only true temptation and he included himself in that. Lately, that was changing with his cat first. Since the move had begun, he’d not had a female in the biblical sense or even been tempted by one. Partying no longer appealed in the way it had since he was a youngling of thirty years or so. While he looked in his mid-twenties, he was much older indeed. Older even than Maddie who thought she was as old as dirt.

  That thought brought a grin to his face. Old Maddie would be shocked if she knew. She’d already told him he was much too young for her. He wondered what the old girl looked like. In fact, he was almost obsessed with putting a picture to the voice. It wouldn’t be long and he would see her in person even if he had to go to her himself.

  He’d kept up with the leaders of the cat nation. Sebastian the king and the other princes in charge of their own breeds. A few princes weren’t in place yet, there was only Titus and Ciaro so far other than himself. Those two had made great gains by jumping in early, the last three would struggle even more than he was right now. Sympathy warmed him for a moment then he shook it off and concerned himself with his own people.

  Those who had gotten to Maddie early were already doing alright. He wasn’t doing so well because his requirements were extensive. She’d asked for more time, but he’d refused. After all, she worked for him not the other way around.

  Stretching, he felt his muscles unknot and his bones pop a little. Nowhere to shift and run, not right now even though he was in still his own office building. It was time to go home and see how the packing and moving of his personal items was going. That shouldn’t be too hard since the furniture was staying. This place he planned to keep, fully furnished and ready for his visits or that of any friends wanting to stay here.

  His car picked him up in front of the door. Time was a valuable commodity not made to be wasted. The driver was good and he was home thirty minutes later. The door opened and he stepped out. Walking in the door the doorman held open he was at home sweet home, for now anyway. He owned the building and the apartments rented with no problem.

  In the elevator, he put in his key so it would take him to the penthouse apartment all the way at the top. The top apartment and the rooftop were his. On his roof he had a garden, a bit of a jungle actually. His cat prowled there even though anyone watching with a telescope or a pair of binoculars might see.

  It was why he had a huge stuffed cat that looked like him. The first time the cops had been called, they been at the door, guns pointed ready to shoot. “How can I help you, Officers?”

  “We had a report that a wild cat was running loose on your roof.” The older officer said.

  “You mean that cat?” He pointed to his stuffed cat and moved him around.

  The guy who had been talking let out a stream of cuss words.

  “Should they be looking into my apartment like that?” He asked.

  “No they shouldn’t and we’re sorry to waste your time. We’ll have a talk to them.” He said as they turned and left.

  It happened several more times before the word got out and the cops stopped coming to his door. Now he didn’t worry about roaming around his roof in his cat form. That was a stress reliever especially the way he had things set up for his cat to climb and jump. By the time he was through running about his roof, he’d expended his extra energy and no longer felt stressed out.

  He’d always been a city dweller, once they’d come to the new world, anyway. Now he would adjust to the rural life and hopefully find some happiness. Naked, he shifted into his cat a huge leopard with emerald green eyes. Prowling all over, he no longer worried about calls to the cops unless there were new residents in the nearby buildings. Once they called, the police told them not to call back again. A stuffed cat was nothing to worry about and peeping at someone’s home was illegal.

  His cat grinned, its sharp fangs white in the darkness. A wild animal to hunt as prey would have been nice. That was something he missed and rarely was able to hunt, but that would change soon. He’d give up the conveniences of the city but gain a place to prowl and hunt for his cat. Life was all about give and take.

  Missouri would be perfect with the field and wooded areas to run. It already had approval as a wildlife preserve so his people could run behind the tall walls that blocked out the public except during tour hours. Some female named Moe and Sebastian had set up a business for them all that would give them a cover and earn money for some of their younger cubs.

; Surprisingly, his cat was more interested in meeting Maddie than anything else. Her voice was strong and sexy. With that thought on his mind, he finished his run around the rooftop. A hot shower and he was ready for bed. Hopefully a good night’s sleep would prepare him for all that was ahead,

  The next morning he went into the office to find Lucia there hard at work. “You’re early.” He observed.

  “Glad you noticed. I’m getting ahead then I’m taking some vacation a week before you head to Missouri. I’m going down there early.”

  “That’s actually a good idea. You can check on my place and all that.”

  “I said vacation. That means I won’t be working.”

  “How about you take two days to make sure my plans are in place and I’ll give you a bonus?”

  “What do you want me to check on?”

  “My house, the leap house, the business we have with the other cats, the houses for those Maddie knows need a place, and I wonder what this Maddie is like. I want your opinion.”

  “I’ve already given you my opinion. The lady is neat. She’s working on your house but it won’t be done in time, Moe is taking care of the business and it’s doing well, and the leap house is progressing as expected.” Lucia replied.

  “I want a detailed report. You can do that in two days or less and get a bonus. You won’t have to use vacation for the two days. It’s a sweet deal and you know it.”

  “Okay. You know Friday will be my last day in New York?”

  “I’m aware. I’ll have two weeks after that, unless I cut and run.” Azrael grinned wickedly. Lucia melted as she looked at him. He knew he looked appealing, but she had worked him out of her system. She still enjoyed a look here and there.

  “That’s up to you. Two days and I’m gone. I’m almost packed up and I have everything ready to turn off. Are you taking Cook with you or leaving her here?”

  “She comes. If I come back for a visit she comes with me.”

  Cook and her whole family worked for him. Her husband was his gardener, her daughter, the maid, her son piloted his private jet. They had a wing in his home and were part of the reason he needed such a large place.

  “That’s good. We’ll be sure to have some good food.” Lucia said.

  It wasn’t unusual for her to eat breakfast with him when they weren’t working in the office. Once he was in Missouri, there would be no office for a while. They would be working from his home. For a small leopard, Lucia had a big appetite.

  “Will you be ready to leave on time?” He asked. His pilot would be flying people down south twice a week or more.

  “I’ll be leaving after lunch Friday and we’ll fly straight down there. Maddie invited me to stay as a guest until my place is prepared. She has Caro working on it.”

  “Is it wise to have someone so young doing the work?”

  “All the difficult things like plumbing and electrical are outsourced. I may be moving in before you get down there.”

  He growled. It was difficult not having his place ready. That just wasn’t his way to be unprepared. Maddie had better get it ready or she’d have another roommate. Sighing heavily, he nodded at his PA and she left the room. Now he submersed himself fully in his work until it was lunch time. There was a knock at the door and Lucia brought his lunch in.

  “Why don’t you stay and eat lunch with me?” He asked. “Tell me a bit about what you’ve found out about the area where we’re moving.”

  She nodded sitting across from him. “There’s not much to tell. It’s a tourist area between Branson to the north and Eureka to the south. Other than farming, the biggest industry that’s close is the chicken plants in Berryville and Green Forest. Springfield which is north of Branson has many businesses. I’ve not even looked into them. It’s a doable commute, but not one most would want to do. Many of the family members not in modeling, have gotten jobs in construction or other local things like the bank, stores, or one got on in law enforcement.”

  Lucia had assumed rightly he wanted to know what was being done with his people. “Anyone still needing a job?”

  “Not anyone that has asked to be helped. Even the young ones got jobs right away. Maddie seems to have a talent for matching people up with jobs. She also helped some of the young find cars. It is amazing how many people she knows.”

  “It didn’t help her find me a house any sooner.”

  “You have the most requirements. Houses like that are hard to find in their area. The few available were snapped up by the other cats.” Lucia said.

  His assistant seemed like Maddie and her family a lot. She defended them every time he criticized them. “We’ll see how she did soon.”

  “I already know. I did a real estate search including recently sold properties. The place she found you was never advertised. I don’t know what the next groups will do. I feel bad for them.”

  “She’s a local. That makes things easy for her.” He said thoughtlessly.

  Lunch was over and they got back to work. The day went fast and they accomplished much. Lucia seemed to be psyched about her upcoming trip. Friday came fast and soon it was noon. She was leaving and he had a temporary assistant now. Many of those and even some that others in the office building had, were humans or other cat breeds.

  Lucia was an exceptional assistant and rare for a leopard. Few of their kind were any good at office work. It worried him that he had to make due with someone else. Most ended up having a crush on him and it made them unable to do the job. Lunch was over and the temp was at the desk. He’d avoid using her as much as he could. Lucia would have left specific instructions and a list of things that needed done.

  The buzzer went off. “Yes?”

  “Sir, you have someone here. They say they have an appointment, but it’s not on the list.”

  “Then they have no appointment. Send them away.”

  “Azrael, it’s Eugenia. I need to see you.”

  What could she possibly want? They’d been separated for nearly a month or more. “Send her in.”

  Eugenia came in surrounded by a cloud of perfume that nearly choked him. That was new. “Az, I’ve missed you so much.”

  “We had our time and we need to move on. What’s this about?”

  “I want us to get back together. Maybe we should consider having offspring.” She asked.

  “No. Anything else?”

  “We were together a while. Can’t you consider it?”

  “No. Why do you suddenly want offspring?”

  She sighed heavily and leaned back in the chair she’d sat in. “My father wants grandcubs. Whichever child gives him the first one takes over when he gets too old to continue.”

  “You’re a big model, successful and in demand. Why would you let him do this to you?”

  “I may not look it, but I’m burned out. I’m tired of modeling and ready to move into something else. Taking over the family advertising business is perfect. But I need to procreate with someone acceptable and you’re the only one I know for sure.”

  “You’re letting him play you. He won’t retire for a hundred years. He’s not going to play me. I’m waiting for the fated mate or until I’m at death’s door. If you insist on doing this, you’ll have to find someone else.”

  “I thought you cared.”

  “I do care. You’re a friend. That’s not enough to have cubs with you. I’m not ready yet. I wish you luck.”

  Eugenia held her head high as she swept out of his office. He didn’t think they were friends anymore. She was not a good enemy to make, but neither was he. It seemed life was not exciting enough with the great move. That was what most of his people called it. They were moving in waves according to rank. The top models all moved first with those who worked with them moving as well.

  Over the next three years, different groups would move in their time until all those planning to resettle would be there. Those moving last would have it easier as all the things they needed would already be in place. Construction would continu
e on the same fast pace until all were in housing.

  He’d heard apartments were being built and those would satisfy many of those coming later. How his people would adjust was a question because the place they were going was nothing like the place they were coming from.

  The next few days went fast and the temp did okay especially since he tried not to rely too heavily on her. He received the report from Lucia which was much like the report Maddie and the others had sent him. There was a difference only in that she gave some information about Caro who was Maddie’s granddaughter.

  It was she who was doing much of the work on Lucia’s small residence and Lucia was thrilled with the work. Caro had allowed her to select some of the options as far as colors and furnishings. She was even helping with some of the work. Caro was giving her the first month free because she’d helped so much. He had to admit they were more than fair with Lucia. Azrael suspected it was because they liked her. Lucia was a good young lady. He was learning to appreciate her more now that her crush had worked itself out of her system.

  Things were going fast as the days counted down until they would leave. He’d actually sent Abby, his cook’s daughter, ahead to set things up for them. It was more to push and poke Maddie, but she’d taken it well and Abigail liked her.

  “Maddie can cook as well as Mom, but she does different dishes. She’s a sweet person unless she’s riled.” Abby explained.

  “Riled? Where did that word come from?”

  “Maddie. She has a colorful vocabulary. Even more so if you get her started so be nice to her.”

  “I’m always nice if people do as they should.”

  “Yeah right. You forget I’ve known you for fifty years.”

  She had too. Since she was born. Abby had been born in his home when her mom had waited too long to go to the hospital. The doctor had come to her. Thankfully everything had worked out. What Abby said made him wonder if Maddie was like Cook. Two females like that in his life would be a challenge. Not that Maddie would be in his life for long. Just long enough to get him settled and then she’d be gone.


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