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Azrael_Big Cat Shifters Looking for Fated Mates

Page 12

by Crystal Dawn

  “I know some top models I can introduce you to. I bet one of them would bite.”

  “A nibble might be alright, but bites tie you together for life.”

  “Depends on where they bite.”

  “Okay, here’s a platter of bacon and eggs.” She stood at the stove making the same amount of food her mother usually did.

  Caro joined them next, fixing her own plate and sitting near him to eat. Todd and Dillon joined them next and Maddie dragged herself into the room last. She fixed herself a plate and a cup of coffee and sat next to him to begin eating with a huge appetite. Her granddaughter stared at her as she watched her eat.

  “Hungry, Grams?” She giggled.

  “Starved to death. I don’t know that I’ve ever been so hungry before.” Maddie admitted.

  “It shouldn’t be a surprise. You’re changing, maybe already have changed. We need to go outside and see what happens.”

  “Okay, once I’m full.” She agreed. Maddie wasn’t usually agreeable and everyone just stared at her.

  “Are you sure my mom is going to be alright?” Viv asked chewing her lip.

  “She’ll be fine but we need to get her to complete the change as soon as she can. Goddess, I can’t wait to see what she looks like.” He admitted.

  “Men.” Viv mumbled.

  Maddie was shoveling food in and showing no signs of slowing and everyone else finished up their meal. He sat nursing a cup of coffee needing her to finish so they could hopefully move on to the next step. Every one of the other cat mates had been white. The rarest snow leopard could be white but most were a dirty gray color. A truly white one hadn’t been seen in centuries and as far as he knew, a pure white snow leopard shifter had never been born.

  It would be truly a miracle, and therefor too much to hope for but he couldn’t help himself. He’d had a dream years ago where a white snow leopard had come to him. Deep inside he’d known she was his mate, but was it a foretelling dream or just a romantic hope? It wouldn’t be long before he’d know.

  “I’m done now. Can we go for a run?” Maddie asked. Her eyes glowed gold with cat’s power.

  “Only if you change.” He insisted.

  “There’s no better way to run.” She agreed. Maddie wasn’t acting herself. It made him wonder if her inner cat had taken control.

  Holding the side door in the kitchen open, Maddie hurried out ahead of him. “Where do you want us to go?” She grinned like a kid at Christmas.

  “The woods are the best for this.” He indicated.

  She led the way and he followed. Caro and Viv followed along behind them. The woods weren’t far and once they made it, he pulled her into his arms. “Just relax, Baby, and let it happen.”

  His kiss would help he‘d been told. It happened so fast it amazed him and in place of Maddie, there was a snow leopard with bright white fur covered with spots. She was smaller than him in shifted form and she was gorgeous. Her eyes were blue, bright and clear.

  As soon as she got her paws working right, she took off at a run. He shifted and took off after her. The woods were in their natural state with only a few deer trails he could follow. Vines and brambles grew between the trees with exposed roots a hazard for those who went off trail. It was something she must have done or she could run much faster than he could. That, he decided, was unlikely.

  Now he stalked through the woods trying to find his mate. She was obviously hiding from him and he didn’t understand why. As he passed a briar patch with a tree in the middle. He caught a hint of her scent and hurried by. All of the sudden, he was hit from the back and he and his attacker rolled across the ground together.

  “Got you!” His mate said in human form.

  “What the hell had got into you, Maddie?”

  “Girls just want to have fun. Don’t be a spoilsport.” She replied.

  Goddess, she was beautiful and looked about twenty something. She was acting more like sixteen though. “Is this your inner cat taking control?”

  “What if I am? What can you do about it?” She stuck out her tongue and shifted as she ran away.

  Holy hell! He wasn’t sure what to do. His background was in looking good, not the relationship between the human and cat half of a shifter. While he knew these things would eventually settle, sometimes it took a long while. Waiting that long with her acting like this, wasn’t acceptable. Not only that, but she was gone and he had no idea where.

  Pulling out his cell phone, he was glad to see he had a signal. Pushing a button, it began to ring. “Hello?”

  “Diniel? This is Azrael. I need a tracker and a guard.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Just send them and come too. I’ll explain when you get here.” It was the best he could do. Now he headed back to the house to wait for his team, the one that was going to keep his mate on lockdown until he found a way to control her.

  As he entered the house, he heard females talking and laughing. Maddie was at the table with Caro and Viv. She had beaten him back.

  “I’m so glad to see you here. Is your little kitty still in charge?” He asked.

  “What?’ Viv and Caro said together.

  “I don’t know what you mean? The girls and I were talking about cooking some meals ahead and doing some baking. They are off for a few days before they start the next building.” She explained sounding mature and reasonable. He didn’t believe it for a moment.

  Diniel arrived with the tracker and guard. He went outside to speak to them. “My mate seems to be letting her inner kitty take over and she acts about sixteen. I’m concerned for her so she needs a guard and a tracker on call.”

  “This is Norton the tracker. He’s a member of Ariel’s pack. This other guy is Dorian and he’s one of Tyne’s guys. You can assign them as you will.” Diniel observed.

  “Thank you. If you guys don’t mind, you can stay here?”

  “Sure.” They both agreed.

  “You’re to watch out for the ladies. Maddie first, then Caro and finally Viv.” He explained.

  “Why Viv after Caro?” Diniel asked.

  “Caro is a child.”

  “Why Maddie first?” Diniel asked.

  “She’s my mate.”

  “But she can probably protect herself.”

  “She’s more likely to put herself in danger. Her cat is young.” He insisted. “The whole reason for guards is she has no control yet.”

  “We’ll be fine here. I’ve worked with Norton before, Tyne uses him around here. He’s the best. You don’t have to worry about a thing.”

  Why was it every time he’d ever been told he didn’t have to worry, all hell broke loose? “Well let me take you two inside and introduce you to the ladies.” He directed.

  He led the way and the two males followed with Diniel bringing up the rear. As soon as he got the guys inside, the scent of something baking hit their noses. The guys behind him growled low in appreciation of the scent.

  “Looks like we have company.” Maddie observed. “Don’t I know you?”

  “Yes. Ma’am. I’m in Ariel’s pack and my name is Norton. This guy here is Dorian.”

  “What are you guys here for?” She asked as she cut two pieces of what looked like a pecan pie and set them on the table. “Enjoy some pie.” She winked.

  “Thank you, ma’am.” Norton said and Dorian nodded. They sat down and practically inhaled the pie.

  “Did you guys want another piece and something to drink?” She asked.

  “We don’t want to be any trouble.” Norton answered.

  ‘No trouble at all.” She got them each another piece of pie. “What do you want to drink? Maybe a glass of milk?”

  “That would be nice.” Norton said and Dorian nodded.

  He sent them an irritated look. They weren’t here to eat pie. Still, he knew Maddie would get angry if he interfered with her hospitality. She was always like this with what she considered guests even if they were employees.

  His phone buzzed and he had
a message from Cook. He had visitors at his other home. “I have to go, but I’ll be back soon.”

  That’s what he’d said but it was four hours when he made his way back. As he entered the kitchen, an odd scent hit him. He found his guards and Diniel on the floor unconscious. It took him a few minutes, but he managed to wake them.

  “Where are the females?” He demanded.

  “We don’t know. Someone threw a smoke bomb in the door and it knocked us all out. They must have taken the females while we were all unconscious.” Diniel replied.

  Pulling out his phone he immediately called Tyne. “Hello, this is Wolf Security and Investigations. How my I help you?”

  “I need to speak to Tyne.”

  “Putting you through right now.”

  “Hello. This is Tyne speaking.”

  “Tyne, this is Azrael. Someone just knocked out everyone at Maddie’s and took her, Caro, and Viv away.”

  “Okay. Just stay calm. Maddie asked to be spelled with a tracker so if she’s wearing it, we can find her easily.”

  “When did she do that?”

  “Right after you brought them home. I’m checking right now. Yes, she’s wearing it and I see where they are. We’ll get her and bring her home.”

  “Thank you, Tyne. We’ll be here waiting.” And worrying. He’d gotten guards and she, Viv, and Caro had still been kidnapped.

  It was an hour later before they heard someone pull up to the house. No one knocked, Tyne just opened the door and the ladies walked in first with him behind them. “The two guys who did this are outside in my SUV. They’re the same two who helped the other guys kidnap them the first time. You’re mate wants to deal with them.”

  “Did Glen have them do this?” He asked.

  “They deny it. The two of them said they just wanted to complete their job. I don’t believe them but I think they’re scared of Glen so it’s no use trying to get them to admit it.” Tyne explained.

  “Glen is trying to court Viv. He’s got her feeling sorry for him.” He observed once he looked around and saw Viv and Caro had gone to lay down.

  “He’s in a bad position with no heir.” Tyne shared.

  “It’s not right for him to pressure her like he has. He’ll deny this and make her feel bad for him because he’s blamed.” He declared.

  “She’s a smart girl and will figure it out. Hopefully before she’s stuck with him.” Tyne replied.

  “Want some pie?” Maddie offered. It was obvious she didn’t like talking about Glen. She didn’t like the wolf at all.

  They sat down and finished off her pecan pie. “That was delicious Maddie.” He said and Tyne agreed.

  Tyne left and he was finally alone with his mate. Except for the kidnappers who Tyne had sent in and those already part of her household. “Hello boys.” Maddie said.

  “Hello.” The two new arrivals responded.

  “I’ve got a plan for you. Todd, get them started on the playground and they can finish it. You and Dillon can take a couple of days off. If you two don’t do a good job or take off, Tyne will recapture you and you’ll go to the council’s prison. Is that clear?”

  They both nodded and looked completely done in. He was certain they would do as they were told. Giving Todd the keys to her truck might not be a good idea, but he was ready for them to be gone so he could enjoy alone time with his mate.

  She sighed heavily once the guys were all gone. “Are you alright?” He asked concerned.

  “I am. If I were still human and old as dirt, I would be sleeping it off. How can one wolf stir up so much mischief?”

  “It’s been their way in the past to do as they wish especially regarding matings. He sees nothing wrong in what he’s doing. In his mind, he’s improving her standing by making her an alpha’s mate.” He explained.

  “What about your people?”

  “We don’t approve of forced matings or of stealing females from their families. We’ve had our problems with humans for a long time, but it’s been because they’ve hunted us. Some of them even knew we were shifters and killed our kind anyway. That’s why we moved to cities where police were everywhere. Eventually we became wealthy and trained some of our own kind to be guards and use security systems.”

  “That makes sense. It’s sad that they would hunt your kind that way.”

  He nodded, then he took her hand and led her to the back of the house where her bedroom was. His sensual side was pushing him to make love to his mate. As soon as they entered the bedroom he began to undress her. Once she was bare, he stared at her.

  “Goddess, you are gorgeous.”

  “Is that because I’m young now?” She asked.

  “No, it’s because you are you.”

  He stripped quickly and joined her where she had laid down on the bed. Heat rushed through him as he looked at his mate and she watched his every move. “I can’t hold myself back. I feared I wouldn’t get you back this time.” He admitted.

  Her smile was mischievous. “Do your worst, Lover.” She challenged. He intended to.

  Rolling on top of her, he kissed her until she was breathless and her heart beat like crazy. His hand moved down between her legs. “You feel so wet and welcoming.”

  His hand moved to position his cock at her entrance and he pushed in as slowly as he could stand. Once he was in, he released the breath he’d been holding. “Home, Baby. You’re home to me.” He admitted.

  Her legs wrapped around his hips just as he started to pump in and out of her. In so deep, they seemed to be joined completely at that moment then he pulled back out nearly all the way. Both of them were breathing hard as they crashed together then pulled apart. They began to sweat with the effort of their lovemaking and he could tell she was close to her orgasm.

  It built in both of them like a storm ready to be set free. Harder and deeper, with more feeling each time they connected their climax was close. When it hit, it seemed simultaneous as they slammed into each other and cried out their incredible pleasure. The writhed together then they started to slowly calm down.

  “Amazing my love. I can hardly move.” He observed.

  “Me too. And there’s no need to. Let’s just lie here in each other’s arms for a while.”

  “I like the way you’re thinking.” He kept her in his arms and everything seemed to be perfect for that moment.


  Things had developed naturally as far as getting the buildings built and working out their life together. She worried about Viv who was working too hard and she wished Glen would stay away. She knew that wolf wasn’t the right one for her daughter. He needed to look elsewhere.

  It was funny that the next type of cats had finally announces their intention to move here. It was the cheetahs and that always made her think of a crunchy orange snack. The leader was Channing which wasn’t the name she usually thought of when cheetahs were mentioned.

  They were having a meeting and this one included the mates. Channing was here before his people moved. It was a smart choice to oversee the move. Viv was here too since she had managed to build all but the last apartment house and had a second crew working on a triplex in town on one of her lots.

  Jobs would be no problem but housing was a mess. People were having to go further out with each group that came. Luckily, all the houses for the four groups that were already here were done. That meant the coalition house could be started on right away. It also meant Ariel had extra crews to work on other projects

  Maybe things wouldn’t be as hard for the cheetahs as she’d originally thought. The other mates had building projects going and completed too. The cougars and lynx might have the biggest problems of all. By the time the rest of the leopards, stragglers from the first three groups, and the cheetahs were settled all her available lots would be taken.

  They were all sitting around waiting when there was a knock on the door. Sebastian opened it and invited in a tall broad chested man in a three piece suit. The man was gorgeous as he nodded a greet
ing to each of them.

  “My name is Channing and I’m the leader of the cheetahs.”

  They went through introductions before the meeting started. “We’re glad you were able to organize enough to get things going. I hope you’ll consider moving here in small groups since there isn’t much real estate available here.” Sebastian said.

  “That won’t work. Now that my people are onboard, most of them want to move as soon as possible. I think a few actually have already. Some of my people found positions in areas nearby. I have one that took over a school superintendent job, two who got jobs in government offices, three that got jobs in high positions in industry, and one who got a job as a personal assistant for a politician who lives near here. They’ve managed to find housing since only one of them has job right here.” Channing explained.

  The head cheetah and Viv seemed to be exchanging looks. It made her nervous, she was worried about Viv and who she might end up with. Channing didn’t seem any better than Glen from where she sat.

  “What do you need from us?” Sebastian asked.

  “I need housing for the first group which will be here in two weeks. I also need someone who can help get my people jobs as they arrive. Not all of them, about a fourth of them work from home.”

  “Maddie, can you help out with the jobs?” Sebastian asked.

  “I can help a few. I also have four rooms available in a weekly hotel for singles or couples.” She replied.

  “The motel is done?” Titus asked.

  “Only the last room still needs a little work.” She admitted.

  “Andi, you got anything?” Seb asked.

  “I have a position coming up to manage the store. It has a place to live with it, I also invested in an old building near town that will be ready in a month.” Andi replied.

  “Beth?” Seb asked.

  “I have a position to fill at the school for an assistant manager. I also have a house we remodeled into three small apartments. There’s a three bedroom, a two bedroom, and a studio.” Beth described.


  “Nothing for right now, but we’ve begun work on a housing development and I’ll need a crew boss and an office manager in a month or so.” Mairi informed.


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