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The Virgin Madam (Dark Star Doms Book 5)

Page 2

by Ivy Barrett

  He held out his hand and grinned. “Jericho James. Glad to meet you.” Ignoring the teasing gesture, she sat as far to one side as physically possible. He sat and leaned against the padded arm, amused by her caution. Making females feel comfortable was his specialty, and this was one female who was in serious need of gentling. “I don’t bite, unless I’m bitten first, and I love a good mystery.”

  “I’m glad I can amuse you.” Her sidelong glance was filled with annoyance. “This is my life we’re talking about, not some simulation.”

  “I’m well aware of that.” He abandoned his practiced charm in lieu of sincerity. “I’m not taking this lightly, but I need more information. You have to stop being defensive if we’re going to get anywhere.”

  “I’m sorry. This has been very upsetting. I’ve never been threatened before and…” She took a deep breath and stared straight ahead as she admitted, “It’s humiliating to throw myself on the mercy of a relative stranger.”

  “I have women throwing themselves at me all the time. You’re in good company.” He softened the boast with a warm smile, and she finally began to relax. “Did you contact Matt and Serena?”

  Tamara tried not to look at Jericho. He was too damn distracting. With wavy dark hair and piercing green eyes, he was both charming and lethal. Once her emotions had run their course, she’d found herself helplessly aware of his tall, hard body pressed against hers. She’d wanted to unbutton his shirt and loosen his tie, find out if his body looked as amazing as it felt. She’d never done anything impulsive in her entire life. She’d followed the rules, accepted conventional expectation, and still her life was careening out of control. Why not choose the direction of the madness? Grab on with both hands and just enjoy the ride?

  Matt, sanity’s voice echoed through the chaos. He’d asked about Matt and Serena.

  “They’re on Temple-Tuttle visiting Serena’s family. I sent a message, but the Perrlain shun technology. A written message will have to be sent and then returned. Who knows how long that will take.” Besides, Matt’s connection to Petra might have been closer than Jericho’s, but Matt was just as much a stranger to Tamara as the man seated beside her. She hadn’t realized how isolated she was until she tried to think of anyone who would willingly involve themselves in this disaster. “I didn’t think it was wise to wait.”

  “I agree.” He paused for a moment as his assessing gaze moved over her face. Though faintly caressing, those vivid green eyes made her feel exposed, as if he could see into her mind and sense her soul.

  When they’d met eight months ago, she’d been too stunned by the unexpected announcements to feel much of anything. She’d originally been told her mother died when she was five years old, so the news that Petra had just been killed in a vicious showdown with a rival had left Tamara oddly numb. Even finding out that Petra had left behind a vast fortune acquired in the pleasure industry hadn’t penetrated Tamara’s stupor. She was rich beyond her wildest imaginings, but only if she could look past how the money had been made. The pleasure industry was notorious for excess and cruelty. People were objectified—their bodies bought and sold like mindless vessels.

  Needing a place to stash her until Petra’s killer had been apprehended, Matt had brought her to the Fantasy Forum and asked Jericho to hide her. She’d found Jericho dashing and polite yet distant, as if he wanted nothing to do with a frumpy history professor. Why would he? He was surrounded by the most beautiful women money could buy. And she was a twenty-eight year old virgin. It was humiliating.

  Jericho seemed warmer now, more approachable. She wasn’t sure if the change was good or bad. He definitely seemed more aware of her as a woman, and that could lead to all sorts of complications. Complications she really couldn’t afford right now. “Matt told me the danger had passed. He promised I had nothing more to fear.”

  “Kwinton Rizaria is dead,” Jericho reaffirmed. “That should have ended the conflict.”

  “Obviously Petra had someone else who hated her and wasn’t satisfied by her death.”

  He didn’t argue. How could he? It wasn’t opinion, it was fact. “Have you decided whether or not to sell the Dark Star?”

  “I’ve decided to sell, but I’d made no announcement regarding my intentions.”

  Accepting the information with a nod, he lapsed into silence. Was he considering the possibilities or searching for a polite way to dismiss her? He’d said she could stay here while she figured out what she wanted to do. He knew little more than her name and occupation. It wasn’t fair to expect more than polite hospitality.

  “I should go.” She scooted to the edge of the couch. “You’ve been more than kind already.”

  “If you don’t stop running away, I’m going to think you don’t like me.”

  The low, growling quality in his voice sent tingles spinning off to all sorts of inappropriate places. Not like him? Her life was in utter turmoil, yet moving out of his arms had been almost painful. “I’m not running away. I don’t want to take advantage of your kindness.”

  He rested his hand on the couch between them and leaned toward her, a sexy smile bowing his lips. “I’ll let you in on a secret, doll. I stopped doing anything I didn’t want to do a long time ago.”

  “How nice for you.” The comment slipped out before she could stop it, and she wanted to crawl under the couch. “I’m sorry. I’m not usually such a bitch.” But her body quickened and her pulse raced in reaction to his smile.

  “Just relax. You’re among friends.” He stretched his arm along the back of the couch and said, “Did you tell anyone where you were going? For that matter, how did you get here?”

  Yes. Focus on facts. Keep things professional. “Campus security left and I was standing there alone in the debris. I was too angry to cry and too upset to face the clean-up. So, I threw some things in a suitcase, grabbed my purse and walked away.”

  “You walked from d’Arrest to Halley Prime?” Jericho laughed. “That’s quite a feat.”

  He was doing his best to disarm her, but she wasn’t quite ready to surrender. She couldn’t allow his charm to erode her fear. The threat was real. There was someone out there bent on her destruction. “I started thinking about everything the culprit had to know to pull this off. They knew my schedule, the location of my home and office, not to mention intimate details of my personal appearance. This was premeditated and carefully orchestrated. Someone set out to purposely destroy my life.”

  “What made you come here?”

  It was a fair question. She’d spent four days beneath his roof eight months ago. That barely qualified them as friends. “I couldn’t go back to that house. Security swept it for bugs, but it didn’t matter. I could feel the culprit’s hate, the rage pulsing all around me. I wanted to disappear for a few days until I figured out what to do, so I hopped a shuttle to Halley Prime. New Shardrake is massive. I figured I’d lose myself in the crowd.”

  “Go on.”

  She wasn’t sure what else he needed to hear, so she just relayed the events. “I was going to check in to a cheap motel, but cheap motels tend to be in crime-ridden sections of the city.”

  “Funny how that works.” His smile was less playful now. She’d obviously struck a nerve and she wasn’t sure how. “So you decided the Forum was a better choice than a sleazy motel?” His smile was entirely absent this time. “Am I supposed to be flattered?”

  “I didn’t mean it like that. I took the tram from the shuttle station, and as I was nearing the rougher part of town, I was finally honest enough to admit that I needed help. Whoever did this knows what they’re doing. They threatened my job, obliterated my reputation and violated my home all in a matter of hours. I’m not equipped to deal with someone who could be so cruel.”

  “Yet you presume I am?”

  She heaved a frustrated sigh. Why was he finding insult in everything she said? She felt intrusive enough without his annoyance. “You asked me to be honest.”

  “I did, and you’re right.
I rub elbows with these sorts of people every day. But seeing myself through your eyes is a little hard on the ego.”

  A smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. “I’m pretty sure your ego can take it.”

  He chuckled then glanced away. “I’m pretty sure you’re right. So, are you just looking for some peace and quiet while you decide what to do, or are you hoping to find the bastard who did this?”

  “First of all, I’m not convinced they’re finished tormenting me. ‘Are you ready to play?’ sounds like a challenge, not a goodbye.”

  “Unfortunately, I agree.”

  “As for my goals, I’m not sure yet. I can’t return to work and pretend none of this happened. Thanks to the website, this is all over campus by now. None of the respectable universities will employ the daughter of a notorious madam who spends her weekends with three men in her bed.”

  He paused for a moment and his expression turned thoughtful. “Is there any chance this is strictly personal? Do you have a jealous coworker or a vindictive ex?”

  “No. I’m relatively popular with my coworkers and my last relationship ended amicably.”

  “Then we’ll concentrate on the skeletons in Petra’s closet.”

  Dread dropped like a rock into the pit of her stomach. She’d never been so helpless in her life, so utterly dependent on someone else’s expertise. “I don’t even know enough about her to help you narrow the list.”

  “I didn’t know Petra well, but I know a lot of people who did. We’ll get to the bottom of this.” All of a sudden he brightened and held out his hand. “Let’s get you settled in a suite upstairs. My afternoon is booked solid, but I’ll stop by for dinner and we can chip away at that list.”

  * * * * *

  After escorting Tamara to her suite, Jericho returned to his office. He hadn’t spoken with Drake in a couple of weeks. His brother was so blissfully happy with his newfound love, Miranda, that it made Jericho antsy. He didn’t begrudge the couple their happiness. It was just hard as hell to watch when his own social life was nonexistent. He was surrounded by beautiful women, most of whom were willing to share his bed, but he felt no connection to any of them, no stirring beyond superficial lust.

  He shook his head and slipped in behind his desk. Lust had always been enough in the past. In fact, he’d preferred his liaisons without emotional complications. Then he’d had a front row seat as his brother fell in love. Now all he could think about was the tenderness, the true intimacy they shared. It made casual sex seem so hollow. Jericho knew everything there was to know about carnal pleasure, but he’d never experienced anything like the soul-deep longing he’d seen when his brother looked at Miranda.

  Well, he’d avoided the happy couple long enough. Drake was an Enforcer, and his perspective, not to mention his connections, could help unravel the mystery surrounding Tamara. Jericho pivoted toward the companel and entered Drake’s official frequency. The audio page went directly to the Enforcers’ message center, so he tried Drake’s personal access code.

  “Hey.” Drake’s familiar voice emanated from the speakers, but he hadn’t activated video. “Where have you been? I was starting to think you were avoiding me—again.” In the background, Jericho could hear the drone of overlapping conversations, and muffled clatters and clangs.

  “Where are you? I can hardly hear you.”

  “I’m having a late lunch with my lovely fiancée.” He heard a distorted greeting from Miranda and couldn’t help but smile. Miranda was the free-spirited mystic who had thawed his ever-serious brother’s heart. They made a perfect couple, which was one of the reasons Jericho had been avoiding them. “Were you just checking up on me or is there a reason for your com?”

  “I wanted to make sure you were still breathing, but I do need a favor.”

  Drake chuckled. “Big surprise.”

  “Hey, you still owe me one for taking care of Miranda when she had nowhere else to turn.” Rather like Tamara. The thought rekindled Tamara’s image within his mind, her delicate features and luminous eyes.

  “You gave us a room. I took care of Miranda.”

  “Details.” Jericho waved away the subject even though his brother couldn’t see the gesture. “Do you know any of the security staff at VU?”

  “VinDerley’s a private university. They have their own security team. But I know the Enforcer all campus security teams report to. Why do you ask?”

  “A friend of mine was threatened and her house vandalized. She was less than impressed with the enthusiasm of the responding officers. Is there any way you can find out if there has been any follow-through? She’s afraid this is just the beginning of the harassment.”

  “What sort of threats are we talking about? I work homicide. If there isn’t a body, I’m stepping on jurisdictional toes.”

  “I know, but my friend is Petra’s daughter. This could get ugly fast.”

  “Petra, as in the recently deceased owner of the Dark Star?”

  “That’s the one. Tamara never really knew her mother, but she’s the sole beneficiary of Petra’s estate. We’re pretty sure one of Petra’s enemies is taking out their hostility on Tamara, but the bastards on d’Arrest aren’t taking it seriously.”

  “I’ll do some digging and see what I can find out. Is Tamara with you? I know what Petra was worth. Getting a slice of that pie is motivation enough for all sorts of crazies to misbehave.”

  “She is and I’ll keep her close. Any help you can give us is appreciated.”

  “I’ll com you tomorrow, unless I find out something earth-shattering tonight.”

  “Thanks. Enjoy your lunch.” Jericho deactivated the comlink and turned to his access terminal. Accepting anyone at their word wasn’t in Jericho’s nature. He’d been stung too many times by seemingly innocent deceptions. He didn’t expect to find anything damning during his search, but he needed to be sure Tamara was as wholesome and innocent as she appeared. Once he’d verified everything she’d told him, he’d focus on Petra’s enemies.

  Chapter Two

  Sensation swirled through Misty Blue, curling up her limbs and gathering in her abdomen like a menacing storm. She helplessly dragged her sculpted nails up her thighs, hoping the momentary sting would disperse the trepidation. Why did this keep happening? The feelings gathered and grew like lust, but these urges were so much more consuming.

  Paul Zettalli moved behind her, his tall, warm body wonderfully comforting. “Tell me what you see.” He caught her wrists and pulled her hands away from her thighs.

  It was a familiar command, signaling his shift from business partner to Master. Soothed by his firm grip on her wrists, she tried to focus on the surveillance grid. A bird’s eye view of the Dark Star’s main floor was centered on the wall. Four smaller images above and four below allowed them to supervise the action in the training rooms and private suites.

  Usually she could spot trouble faster than anyone else. Her transition from Mistress to head of security was what brought her to Paul’s attention. Today, however, her concentration was shot. The twisting, churning angst was making her skin crawl and her muscles spasm.

  “Speak!” He pulled her arms behind her back and held them there with one of his long-fingered hands. She shifted her weight from one foot to the other, knowing her silence had earned her the punishment she so desperately needed.

  Pressing her nipple between his finger and thumb, he pinched and pulled until pain cut through the other sensations. For just a moment, there was blessed relief from the phantom intensity. “More,” she whispered. “Please, Master, more.”

  “Then tell me what you see.”

  She looked at the top row of images, not yet ready to subject herself to the manic commotion of the main floor. “Activity in the training rooms is within accepted parameters.”

  His deep laugh sent a heated tingle down her spine. “You sound like one of our domestibots. Talk to me, Blue. Mr. Salvatore is watching their trainer go down on his wife. Is it turning him on or does he look un

  The Salvatores were in training room two. Mrs. Salvatore stood against the wall, her spa robe hanging open from her shoulders. The trainer had one of her legs draped over his arm as he knelt in front of her. All Blue could see was the movement of the trainer’s head, but Mr. Salvatore sat at an angle that allowed him to see each lick and thrust of the trainer’s tongue. Mr. Salvatore watched with rapt interest for a few moments then turned his face away. His fists clenched and he closed his eyes, but slowly his fingers relaxed and he turned back to the lurid display.

  “He looks furious and jealous yet wild with lust.” She focused on Salvatore’s face. He licked his lips and shifted his head to better view his wife’s pussy. “I don’t think he’s angry with her. He hates how much he likes what the trainer is doing.”

  “Very good.” He cupped one breast and then the other, squeezing right to the point of pain. The firm pressure held back the storm and allowed her to breathe. “Move on.”

  “The occupants of training room four have drawn blood. I’ll notify housekeeping. The room will need to be sanitized before it can be used again.”

  “Much better.” His hand slipped beneath her short skirt and teased her crease through her silk panties. He used light, random brushes of his fingertips.

  Arousal rose, blending with the storm currents tearing and twisting inside her. “The private suites look fine.” She panted then rolled her hips, increasing the pressure of his fingers, trying to bring his touch in contact with her clit.

  “Now the main floor.” One of his fingers slipped inside her panties, brushing over her folds. “Talk or you’ll lose my touch.”

  The main floor of the Dark Star was notorious for its carnality. The Masters and Mistresses urged each participant to shed their inhibitions and explore new territory. Masks were allowed but not encouraged. Part of the experience was in finding the strength to push through emotional barriers and own one’s sexuality.


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