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The Virgin Madam (Dark Star Doms Book 5)

Page 7

by Ivy Barrett

  “You never allowed yourself to let go, to surrender to the pleasure.”

  He slowly removed his fingers, shifting his hand back to its earlier position with his middle finger over her clit. She jerked as his fingertip passed over the ultrasensitive nub. “That’s not what I need.”

  “I know what you need.” He caught her clit between his thumb and forefinger then added, “Do you trust me with your pleasure?”

  She held perfectly still, unsure what he would do if she said no. He’d just given her the most powerful orgasm of her life. How could she doubt his skill? “Yes.” He rolled her clit between his finger and thumb, creating a sensation she’d never experienced before. A pulling, melting sort of flow that drew heat and pressure into her pussy. She moaned and squeezed her eyes shut, half afraid she’d come again with just that one touch.

  He released her clit and she opened her eyes. A smile bowed his lips as he unbuckled his belt and lowered his zipper. There wasn’t a bed or even a chair, so he must intend to fuck her standing up. She gripped the loops, uncertainty flaring within her. What if she was too heavy? She’d die of embarrassment if he tried to…

  Rather than free his cock, he sank to his knees and grasped the back of her knee. He had her leg draped over his shoulder and his lips pressed against her sex before she understood what he intended. His tongue explored her slit, stoking her folds and her outer lips rather than working his way between.

  This wasn’t the first time a man had gone down on her, but Jericho didn’t just lick her clit with the specific purpose of triggering an orgasm. He kissed her and sucked, his mouth gentle yet thorough.

  Only after her pussy tingled and her core clenched with need did he part her folds and delve deeper. His tongue swept over and around her clit, the soft, swirling caress all she could stand. One of his hands held her steady while the other reached up and cupped her breast. Her skin felt hot and her leg trembled, threatening to collapse beneath her.

  His tongue pushed into her passage and she gasped. He was fucking her with his tongue! Over and over his tongue thrust inside her while his upper lip pressed against her clit. Tingles gathered, churning beneath his mouth. She canted her hips, wanting him deeper, needing more.

  An orgasm hovered just out of reach, but the swirling sensations felt so damn good she didn’t care. Suddenly his mouth lifted and her leg slid off his shoulder. He caught the bend of her knee with his elbow as he shot to his feet. His hand brushed against her sopping folds and she felt his hips shift, and then his cock pressed against her, parting her folds to find her opening.

  “Look at me.” His voice growled with urgency.

  She looked into his eyes and he pulled her closer, driving his cock deeper into her body. Her pussy opened for him, spreading around him until the pressure made her gasp. Her hymen was gone. Her last boyfriend tore through it with his fingers, hoping she’d allow him to fuck her once the pain subsided. He never understood what Jericho had figured out. It wasn’t fear of pain that held her back. It was all about trust, and surrender.

  “Are you…enhanced?” She shivered, stretched so tightly around his shaft that she was afraid she’d tear.

  He chuckled, male pride shining in his gaze. “It’s just the position, doll.” He stilled and the playful spark cooled. “Unless I’m hurting you.” He started to pull back, but she angled her leg and pressed her heel against his ass.

  “It doesn’t hurt.” And it didn’t. It felt intrusive, overwhelming, but there was no pain.

  “All right. Then wrap your legs around me.”

  Tightening her hold on the loops, she pushed off the mat and lifted with her arms. He helped her up and settled her legs around his waist then slowly slid her down. His shaft drove deeper and deeper, not stopping until she’d taken his entire length.

  She panted, groaning as her body quaked. For at least ten years, she tried to imagine how this would feel, the cosmic joining of male and female. Now she had a man deep inside her and she wasn’t even sure she liked it.

  “I won’t move until you’re ready.” He folded his arms beneath her hips, easing the pressure on her arms.

  “Ready?” She laughed. “I’ve been ready since we walked into this infernal thing.”

  Their gazes locked and his hands cupped her behind as he began long, steady strokes. She rolled her hips and concentrated on the slide. His arms supported most of her weight, yet he didn’t miss a beat, his movements strong and sure.

  Her position accented the long, slow slide of his cock in and out of her pussy. This was so different from what she’d imagined, so raw and…physical. Pleasure built within her body, yet it felt incomplete. His skill was undeniable, yet she longed for the deep emotional connection true lovers shared.

  His eyes darkened, passion consuming the vivid green until all that remained was his ink-black pupils. It made him look wild, as if some primitive nature lurked beneath his civilized façade. He thrust harder, faster, increasing the depth of each lunge.

  She couldn’t really move—could only accept what he gave as he drove them both toward completion. Her breasts bounced and her inner muscles rippled as intensity burned away her discontent.

  “Unhook. Your. Ankles.” He punctuated each word with the rocking of his hips. “Now!”

  Her ankles uncrossed and her weight settled more fully on his arms. He adjusted his stance and shifted the angle of her pelvis. His shaft dragged across her clit, a distinct caress with each firm stroke.

  Pleasure cascaded through her body. Her womb fluttered and her pussy tightened. The sensations peaked and she cried out, shocked by the violence of her orgasm. She tossed her head and moaned as the spasms went on and on.

  Lights danced before her eyes, so she closed them, flowing with the currents of ecstasy. Images flickered within her mind, flashing and rolling in a dizzying rush. Confused and frightened, she opened her eyes and fought against the sensory downpour. But the vision stabbed into her brain, forcing the images deeper.

  Jericho thrust up into her, back arching as he came. His pelvis ground against hers, prolonging the pleasure for both of them. She felt his cock jerk inside her, but she was trapped by the vision, forced to watch the scene unfold with shocking detail. She wrapped her legs around him and released the loops as he pressed her to his chest. Gradually the images faded and her mind began to clear.

  “I just…”

  “I know. Relax and let it pass.”

  How could he know? What was happening to her?

  For a long time she just clung to him, panting and dazed.

  “I need to set you down. Are you steady enough to stand?”

  She nodded and lifted her head to look around. Reality came back into focus as he lifted her off his cock. Her legs wobbled but held. Why was she so shaky?

  “You’re still really pale.” He quickly pulled up his pants then wrapped his arm around her waist. “Do you need to sit down?”

  “Did you see what I saw? How did you know…?”

  “Let’s get out of here then we’ll talk.”

  They rushed through the main room and Jericho grabbed her clothes off the table by the door. She didn’t care that she was naked or that she’d finally had sex. Her ears were buzzing and she could barely think past the questions swarming her mind.

  He led her to the bathroom and turned on the shower. “Wash up while I fill the tub.”

  Too befuddled to argue, she stepped into the shower and let the warm water stream over her body. As her overloaded senses began to reset, she realized what had been missing from their encounter. Intimacy. Despite everything Jericho had done to her, there had been no tenderness, no affection. “Are you going to join me?”

  He turned from the tub, his gaze oddly cautious. “It’s better if I don’t.”

  His attitude reinforced her sad conclusion. He’d touched her, tasted her, then fucked her senseless, but now he couldn’t share a bath with her? She faced the spray, trying to ignore the hurt spreading through her. She’d heard r
umors that people with psychic abilities were often met with mistrust and hostility, but she’d never thought too much about it before. She’d never dreamed mystics were anything more than fanciful stories told by unsophisticated people. Anyone with a formal education knew there was no evidence supporting the existence of mystics.

  So how the hell was she supposed to accept what had just happened to her?

  And Jericho still hadn’t explained how he’d known she had a vision. This was all so strange.

  Eager for the soothing warmth of the bath, she quickly washed then turned off the shower. He helped her into the churning water then moved the vanity’s bench closer to the tub, positioning it at an angle so they faced each other.

  “Was that your first vision?”

  “I had a vision.” She needed to say it out loud, just to establish the fact in her own mind. “How is that possible when mystic abilities don’t exist?”

  A smile caught one corner of his mouth but failed to part his lips. “Reality is a lot more interesting than academia would have us believe.” She couldn’t quite meet his gaze and the silence lengthened. “Why didn’t you tell me you were a virgin?”

  She glanced at him, then away. “You wouldn’t have touched me and I wanted that behind me once and for all.”

  “You make it sound like a tooth extraction.” He caught her chin and turned her face back around. “I could have made it much better for you if I’d known.”

  The claim made her shake her head and feel sad all over again. “It doesn’t matter. It’s done.” She slid down as far as she could, but the water wasn’t yet deep enough to cover her breasts. “How did you know I had a vision?”

  “Both of my parents had psychic abilities. My talents are limited, but my energy is especially concentrated and compatible with mystics. Each time you came, I felt you feed. The last time I also sensed a spike in your levels. Nothing exploded or changed shape, so a vision was the most logical guess.”

  “I fed from you?” She crossed her arms over her breasts and shook her head. “That sounds so…vampiric. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to steal your energy.”

  He leaned forward, trailing his fingertips in the water. “You didn’t hurt me, and it’s nothing I haven’t done before.”

  She relaxed enough to lower her arms. Belated modesty was rather pointless. Still, if he wasn’t put off by her vision, why wouldn’t he join her in the tub? The water lapped at her breasts, teasing her nipples. “Did Petra have abilities?”

  “If she did, she didn’t broadcast the fact. But most people don’t.”

  “You can’t blame them.” She smoothed her hair back from her face, feeling restless and confused. “Mystics are treated like freaks on Halley Prime. In fact, the only settlement that treats them with respect is Temple-Tuttle. And who wants to live in the wilderness?”

  “We both agree that the prejudice against mystics is ridiculous. Will you answer my question now? Have you had visions before?”

  “No. I…don’t understand any of this.”

  “I suspect your two firsts are related. Your abilities definitely spike when you come, so it’s not really surprising that your first sexual experience unleashed a vision. What did you see?”

  Now that she’d accepted that the images were real, she was forced to give them meaning. “I’m pretty sure I saw the bastard who ruined my life. He was recording the three men and the woman who looks like me.”

  “He intentionally staged the scene?” Jericho sat up straight and ran one of his hands through his hair, eyes narrowed with speculation. “I figured he just used a random image and modified it to look like you. Did you recognize him?”

  “No. I’ve never seen him before.”

  “Describe him for me.”

  She shrugged. “He was tall and sort of gaunt. His hair was bluish-black and his eyes were freakishly blue.”

  “Unfortunately freakishly bright-colored eyes are all the rage this season. How old?”

  “I have no idea. Cosmetic enhancements have made it impossible to tell. He was at least thirty, but I’d guess older.”

  He nodded, obviously lost in though. “Soak for a while. I’m going to make some calls.”

  She splashed water onto her face and sank to her chin, unable to hide her frustration. She was thrilled that she finally had a clue about the identity of her tormentor, but couldn’t her mystic ability have waited until they were finished to kick in? Her body still tingled from Jericho’s touch, ready for more of the amazing pleasure, and he was out the door, his interest already waning.

  * * * * *

  A virgin. A goddamn virgin. Jericho sat at the workstation in his living room stunned and furious with himself. Tamara came to him desperate for support and protection. Instead of taking care of her, he shoved his useless cock inside her virgin cunt. He’d accepted that he was morally deficient a long time ago, but this was an all-time low.

  She was right. If she’d told him, he wouldn’t have touched her. Sure as hell wouldn’t have taken her in a simulation of the Dark Star. The memory made him hate himself even more and he didn’t think that was possible.

  And the worst part was he’d known, or at least suspected, and he’d fucked her anyway. He’d sensed her innocence, even asked her about it. She hadn’t lied, just evaded the question.

  What was he going to do now? His withered conscience made it seem like some sort of action was needed, but what could he offer someone like her? Her life. A safe future in which she could live without fear. That was a damn good place to start.

  Reinforcing his composure with a deep breath, he activated the communications console then entered his brother’s access code. Drake responded to the first pulse of Jericho’s page, almost as if he’d been waiting for the call. “Where the hell have you been? Is your com grid offline or something?” He looked as impatient as he sounded.

  Jericho scooted closer to the screen. “Did you learn something about Tamara’s assailant? Why were you trying to contact me?”

  “A man name Morton Tulain is dead and Tamara is their prime suspect. The murder took place on d’Arrest, so I’m not lead investigator. But needless to say, I can’t be involved in helping her. How well do you know this woman? The timeline they’ve assembled makes her look guilty as sin.”

  “She’s been with me since early this afternoon. What’s the time of death?”

  “Spaceport security caught her exiting a shuttle here on Halley Prime at twelve-thirty. They traced her steps backward from there and have accounted for all but ninety minutes of her morning. Unfortunately, the murder took place within that window, so unless she has an alibi, she better get a damn good lawyer.”

  “Who is Morton Tulain? Do they have a motive?”

  “I haven’t been officially briefed yet, so I don’t have many details.”

  Jericho shook his head as tension gripped his stomach. “There is no way she did this. She’s being set up.”

  “Bill Mercer is lead investigator. I don’t know him well, but his reputation is good. Last I heard, he was headed to the Dark Star, relatively sure he’d find her there.” Drake sighed. “If Mercer requests backup, I’m the most logical choice. As you predicted, this is getting ugly fast.”

  “I hear you. Thanks for the warning.”

  “I’m going way out on a limb here. If you find out anything that points to her guilt and choose not to turn her in, you could be arrested as an accessory after the fact.”

  “Yes, Officer O’Bannon.” Jericho ended the call and sagged back in his chair. What the fuck was he supposed to do now? He didn’t believe Tamara was capable of murder, but how could they prove it without revealing her location? He needed more information. Navigating out of the communications menu, he accessed the data functions and ran a quick search for Morton Tulain. He had no criminal record. In fact, other than basic logistical statistics, the search came up empty. Jericho powered down the computer and headed back to the bathroom.

  He pushed open the door and Tamara
gasped, quickly covering herself with the towel she’d been using to dry off. The tub was draining and she had combed her hair back from her face. “Did you find out anything interesting?” she asked with a cautious smile.

  There was no way to ease her into this, so he just asked, “Do you know a man named Morton Tulain?”

  She shook her head. “Is there some reason why I should?”

  He watched her closely. After years in a service industry, he could generally spot a lie. “He was murdered on d’Arrest shortly before you left the outpost.”

  “They don’t think… Do they think I did it?” She clutched the towel to her chest, eyes wide, face pale. Her shock certainly seemed genuine.

  “Get dressed and throw your things back in your suitcase. We can’t stay here.”

  To her credit, she didn’t argue. She rushed into the bedroom and did as he asked.

  Jericho went through the rest of the suite, making sure she left nothing behind. He let his assistant Ranyn know he was leaving for the night then impatiently waited for Tamara. She emerged a few minutes later in jeans and a short-sleeved sweater, small suitcase trailing behind.

  “Where are we going?”

  He took the suitcase from her and led her out into the corridor. “I’m not sure yet. My shuttle’s on the roof. If all else fails, it has a small cabin.”

  “Are the Enforcers searching for me? Wouldn’t it be better to turn myself in and explain what really happened?”

  He glanced at her, amazed by her misplaced faith in authority. “What really happened? Why don’t you start by explaining it to me?”

  Her steps faltered and she grabbed his arm. “Do you think I killed that man?”

  The hurt in her eyes made his mouth go dry. Why would she care what he thought? She was growing way too attached to him, way too fast. No, they were becoming attached to each other. “I’ve looked into the eyes of murderers enough times to know you’re not one. This is all part of some twisted fuck’s master plan. But Enforcers tend to take the path of least resistance, and you’ve been offered up to them on a plate.”


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