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The Perfect Comeback

Page 25

by Kacey Shea

  His laugher, that deep rumble that shakes his entire chest, prickles my irritation, but only for a moment. He steps closer and cages me between him and the kitchen counter. My breasts press against his chest as he claims my lips for a kiss. When he pulls back we’re both out of breath.

  “No, Mia. I want you to go as my date. Though it’s not a very good one when I think about it. I’ll have to meet you there, and I’ll be back with my fighters the entire time.”

  “So you’re asking me on a date, but we won’t really be together?” I lift my brow because considering all things between us, that is kind of funny.

  His brow furrows. “Yeah, I’m sorry, retract my question.”

  Now it’s my turn to laugh. “It’s perfect. Of course I’ll go.”

  His smile comes immediately and fills his face in a way that even his eyes sparkle with delight. “God, you know how much I’m going to want you? Seeing you up in the stands, cheering us on? Afterwards I’m taking you out.” His arms wrap around my waist and his lips kiss from my neck to between my breasts.

  I moan and run my hand down the front of his jeans where he’s already hard for me. “Or you could take me in?”

  He nods his head, the scruff of his beard scratching against my skin. “Yeah. Yeah, let’s do that.”

  “My place? Or we could go to yours.”

  “Yours.” He steps back and his smile dims. “Unless you don’t want to. I can book us a place downtown for the night?”

  We haven’t talked about it much, not since that one time, but I get the feeling he doesn’t have a lot of money. I don’t bring it up, though, because I don’t want him to feel badly or inferior because I have more. Besides, that’s not why I like spending time with him. I can buy my own damn food and entertainment. His company is better than what money can buy.

  “No. Let’s come back here. I’ll subject you to more Wandering Dead.” I grin and his smile is back in full force.

  “God, no! Please!”

  “You love it,” I smart. My backside presses into the counter and he hugs me close, sending a tingle of lust down my spine.


  “Yes, Matt?”

  “I’m really happy you walked into Zig’s last month.”

  I am, too. Those words are more dangerous than they should be and instead of letting them loose, I mash my lips together and nod.

  Matt takes a step back and holds my gaze. I almost think he’s going to call me out. Push for more. Ask questions about my feelings, but instead he assaults my lips with his mouth. We ignite and burn, push and pull, and by the time he pulls away from my body we’re both breathing heavily.

  “I’ve gotta go to work.” His smile pulls wide with that cocky smirk and only makes me want to drag him back to bed even more.

  “Me, too,” I say instead. “Oh, wait. When is this fight?”

  “Next Saturday.”

  “Wait, what? The one before Halloween?”

  He looks up and nods his head. “Yeah, I guess it is.”

  Shit, shit, shit. “I . . . uh . . . I can’t go.”

  “But you just said . . .”

  “I’m sorry. It’s . . . That’s the night of Jared and Rae’s big yearly bash. It’s tradition. We have themed costumes and everything.” I try to explain the importance. This is my favorite holiday, and the party is something I look forward to every year. These friends have been by my side for my entire adult life.

  Matt’s chin dips and he shoves his hands into the back of his pants. “Oh, yeah. No, that’s cool.”

  “I’m sorry, Matt. If it were any other night, I’d totally be down.”

  “It’s fine, Mia.” His frown pulls his lips into a straight line and he won’t quite meet my gaze.

  “Don’t say it’s fine if it’s not.” I wrap my arms around my waist and it’s a feeble addition to the defensiveness I feel.

  “Okay, it’s not.” His brow furrows and he leans against the counter across from me. He reaches out and catches one of my palms in his, stroking his thumb across the back of my hand. If I weren’t riled up, his touch would be a comfort. Instead, it only feels imposing. “This is really important to me, and I’d like you there. But instead you’ll be hanging out with your friends at a Halloween party.”

  “It’s not just some random party, Matt. This is something we’ve done every year. Don’t put me in a position where I have to choose you over my friends, because I’m sorry, but it won’t be you.”

  His gaze narrows and he tilts his chin. “Why does it have to be a choice? Why can’t you do both?”

  I pull my hand out of his and shake my head. “I don’t really think that’d work.”

  “If you want it to, it can. Look, I’m not telling you how to live your life. Far from it, but if you want to come to the fight, come. We can go to the Halloween party afterwards. That is, unless I’m not invited, then I guess you go without me.” He shrugs and looks away.

  “Matt . . .” I hate that we’re having this argument.

  He takes a deep breath. “You asked me to be honest. This is me laying it out. Think about it and let me know if I should save you a ticket.” His phone chimes and when he pulls it from his pocket he gives me a tight smile and walks toward the door. “I gotta run. For real.”

  I think that’s it. This is the end I always saw coming, but rather than storming off or leaving me with my doubts, Matt comes back to the kitchen, lifts my chin with his fingers, and brushes his lips across mine. “Bye, Mia. Thanks again for last night.”

  “Bye, Matt,” I mumble but he’s already out of my apartment, the front door slamming shut with his escape. Am I in the wrong here? Maybe I should try and do the fights and the party? Maybe I’m being selfish and stubborn? But what about Jared and Rae? They don’t deserve to be tossed to the side just because I’m into some guy.

  Damn Matt Haywood. Damn him for making me feel things. Fucking feelings, complicating this bet and simple arrangement we’ve got going. I don’t want to give up the things I love. It starts here, but where does it end? Within a few months I’ll be trading my yearly trip to Comic Con in San Diego for a weekend of MMA in Vegas. Sitting on the sidelines while Matt lives in the limelight. No, fucking thank you. Stomping toward my shower, I push all thoughts of Matt out of my head and get ready for a productive day at work.

  Chapter Thirty


  “You’ve been really quiet today, Kitten. Everything okay?” Jared steps inside my cubicle a few minutes before it’s time to head out for the weekend. The truth is, I have been quiet. I’ve been mulling over my conversation with Matt from this morning. I still don’t know what to do about next weekend and that only irritates me more. I’m not one to second guess myself.

  Lifting my gaze to meet his, I pull my lips into a tight smile. “Got a lot on my mind, and work. You should try it.”

  “Ha! Won’t fool me with that trick.” He waggles his brows to earn a laugh but I’m not in the mood.

  Leaning back into my chair, I push away from my keyboard. “Big plans with lawyer boy this weekend?”

  “Yeah, but I’ll always make time for you. Hey, why don’t we grab drinks and appetizers at Cindy’s?”

  “I don’t know . . .” I blow out a deep breath. I’d rather go home to my sweatpants and mope, but Jared’s also a great sounding board. Maybe I should ask for his help.

  “Come on, Kitten. You can fill me in on what’s going down. I’ll text Rae, too!” He claps his hands together and bounces on the balls of his Converse.

  “Okay, fine.” I give in and point my finger at him. “Besides, I’ve got a bone to pick with your sister.”

  “Deal. Ready in five.” He winks and turns to go back to his desk.

  I close up my projects, log off my computer, and grab my jacket and bag before meeting him at the elevators. A quick bus down Michigan Avenue to the Athletic Association Hotel and we’re riding the elevator up to the rooftop bar. Rae’s already there, cozied up in one of the chairs near a hea

  I shoot a glare at Jared and he just shrugs. He played me, that much is clear because he obviously already made plans with his sister before inviting me along. I’m sure he also knows all about her ditching me at Zig’s.

  Rae glances up as we approach and she eyes me warily. “Mia.” She rubs her hands nervously in her lap. “Hey.”

  “You.” I point and she nibbles her lower lip. “What the hell were you thinking?” I plop into the empty chair at her right.

  “I’m so sorry.” She groans.

  “You made me look like an idiot! Not to mention how worried I was! I spent half an hour frantically searching for you in that bar.” Remembering the chain of events only riles me up again.

  She nods and her brow pulls with a frown. “I’m sorry, Mia, really. I was only trying to help. I thought it would bring you and Matt together.”

  “Well, it didn’t. It almost pushed us apart, not that it even matters because we’re too different anyway.” I grumble that last part and am thankful when neither of them pries for more.

  “Ladies, let’s kiss and make up.” Jared grabs one of her hands and one of mine to link the three of us together. “I hate it when you fight.”

  “I’m not even mad anymore,” I say because I’m not. I’m more or less relieved she apologized. “But don’t ever do that again. I was seriously scared something happened to you.”

  “Did you not get my text?”

  “Yeah. The one you sent after Matt shoved me in the back of an Uber? Rae, that’s not good enough. You can’t just take off with some stranger. It’s not responsible.”

  “I’m sorry. You’re right. I was really drunk and not thinking clearly.”

  “Obviously, neither of us was. From now on, no spur-of-the-moment outings after day drinking.”

  “Deal.” She nods and our server comes by to take our orders. I stick with water, but order the bruschetta after Rae and Jared order their food. This restaurant is a favorite spot and already full with the Friday after work crowd. I’m glad Rae came early to snag this spot near a heater.

  “So, now that you and Rae are good, tell us why you avoided me all day?” Jared’s brows rise with his smile. Gossip queen. Knowing he’s let me have my space all day without twenty questions must have been sheer torture for my nosy friend.

  I let the silence between us stretch as I gather my thoughts. I’m still irritated with Matt. He implied something by asking me to both watch his fights and go to the Halloween party. It doesn’t sit quite right and nags at my mind. “Do you think I’m selfish?”

  Jared’s smile widens with laughter. “Well, yeah. Aren’t we all. Why?”

  “I don’t think I’m cut out for relationships. I know we joke about it all the time, but I think the problem isn’t in the losers I find. I think it’s me.” I pick at the fabric of my jeans. I’m too embarrassed to meet my friends’ stares.

  “Honey, why do you say that?” Rae squeezes my hand and shakes her head. “We all deserve love.”

  “But what if my heart’s broken? Because I really like Matt. Really. But today he asked me to go support him next weekend and watch his guys at some UFC fight thingy, and I don’t want to because it’s the same night as your party. That’s not normal.”

  “Your heart’s not broken, Mia.” Jared stops short and shakes his head. “Okay, maybe it’s a little dead. But just because you don’t want to watch a bunch of half-naked men wrestle around in a cage rather than hang out with us doesn’t mean you’re not a good partner.”

  “It might mean there’s something wrong with her libido. Can he get us tickets? Because I might ditch my own party for naked wrestling.” Rae winks with her joke and I roll my eyes.

  “Rae . . .”

  “What? Just sayin’.” She holds up her hands and widens her eyes.

  Jared scoots closer to both me and the heater. His brows lift and his lips pinch with a frown. “I get it. But don’t you think your reaction has more to do with the man whose name can never be said again?”

  “Who?” Rae glances between us.

  “Jared!” I scold because he swore to never tell.

  He shrugs. “What? I’m just saying, if it weren’t for that fuckhead, your head wouldn’t be so fucked.”

  Rae stares at Jared before giving me the side eye. “I’m confused. Who’s he talking about?”

  Jared lifts his brows and though I’d love to smack that expression right off his face, it’s been enough years that I can talk about this without having a complete and total meltdown. I think. Taking a long sip of water and wishing it were something stronger, I turn to Rae. “It was freshman year. He was my first real boyfriend. Jared and I made a pact never to speak his name aloud again. Not just because he was a total tool—because he was—but because he changed me, in a forever kind of way, and I still hate him for it.”

  “What did he do?” Rae asks.

  Her question lifts my gaze and I glance at Jared, unsure of how far I should revisit my past. He gives an encouraging nod and squeezes my hand. I take a cleansing breath and continue. “He started with little comments. ‘That’s nice but why don’t you wear this?’ Not so alarming, at first. But then it moved on to, ‘Why are you wearing something so sexy? You want guys to think you’re a slut? Are you fucking someone else?’”

  “He never liked me, so that was his first strike.” Jared’s jaw works back and forth and I know he’s remembering, too.

  “He didn’t want me to spend time with Jared. He got jealous so easily, plus Jared encouraged me to be independent. He was threatened by that.”

  “So, what happened? You broke it off?”

  “Every time I was going to, he’d change, you know? He’d be super sweet or romantic. Surprise weekend away from the city. Night out just the two of us. New clothes for me to wear. A pair of expensive earrings. At the time I didn’t see what he was doing.” This is it. The first time in years I’ve allowed myself to recount these things. The old wounds sting, but for once they don’t bleed. “On our two-month anniversary, he hit me.”

  “Oh, Mia . . .” Rae’s eyes fill with tears.

  Jared waves his hand. “Her makeup skills are crap now, but can you imagine back then? The black eye didn’t get by me.”

  “You ended it.” Rae says, almost begging.

  Shame. A little embarrassment too, sneaks under my well-built wall that guards what’s left of my heart. I shake my head. “No, I didn’t. He was so sorry and he promised not to do it again. He promised so many things.”

  Rae turns to her brother. “Jared, how could you let her?”

  His gaze burns into mine but neither of us backs away. “I had no choice. I told her she was an idiot for staying with him. I pointed out every little thing he did to control her. But she said he loved her.”

  “I was young. I was stupid. I was so easily manipulated,” I plead.

  He holds my hand and smiles, though it doesn’t reach his eyes. “Hey, it was a mistake. We all have those.”

  “I still hate how weak I was. I hate my former self.” I pull my hands back into my lap. Heaviness, thick and weighted, settles between us.

  Rae’s voice cuts the tension. “So, when did it . . . How long ’til you—?”

  “Another month,” I cut her off. “It was right before finals. Jared and I were up late studying for that stupid bio exam. Do you remember how horrible that class was?”

  Jared laughs and I know it’s only to make me feel better. He’s always been such a good friend. Always. “Oh, God! Yes, that teacher was the worst.”

  I could skim over this part, but now that I’m unleashing the ghosts from my past I can’t seem to stop. “He kept trying to get hold of me. I guess he tried all my usual spots. My dorm room. The library. The MU.” My eyes burn and then fill with tears. I don’t want to cry. I haven’t thought about this night in years, and saying the words aloud somehow splits open the past. But I’m done crying over what he did to me, it’s the damage he caused around me that hurts anew.
br />   I’m so thankful when Jared picks up where I can’t. “When he couldn’t find her he came to my dorm. Only we’d been at it for hours by then, studying for this stupid final, and both of us had fallen asleep on my bed. You can imagine how well that went, him walking in with Mia curled up next to me.” Jared rolls his eyes.

  I nod and roll mine too. “He lost his mind. I tried to get in the way and got hit. He went for Jared . . .” I gulp because that was it, the moment I knew I couldn’t continue to let this man exist in my life. I tolerated him hurting me, but with Jared it was too much.

  “He beat the shit out of me. Thank God, Campus Police came. We pressed charges. He was arrested, suspended, and ended up transferring. Best punch to the face I ever took.” Jared blows me a kiss and for the thousandth time I’m hit with how lucky I am to have him as my best friend.

  “I’m so sorry this happened to you. I can’t believe you never said anything!” Rae slinks back into her seat.

  “You were in your awkward pubescent years, li’l sis.” Jared laughs.

  “Honestly, Rae, it’s behind me. After that I swore I’d never change for a man and I haven’t looked back. Not until Matt.”

  “He’s not hurting you, is he? Because I’ll kill that motherfucker!” Jared’s shout draws the attention of everyone sitting near our table. I shake my head and lift one brow, because really?

  Jared meets my stare and scoffs. “Okay, I’d at least hire someone bigger and stronger to kill him.”

  I shake my head because that’s not it. “Matt’s not the problem. It’s me! I haven’t done a relationship since my fucked up college one, so I don’t know how to be considerate. I don’t want to change who I am for anyone.”

  “Is that what Matt’s asking you to do?” Rae asks.

  “No, but I’m scared I’ll do it anyway.”


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