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The Chronicles of Heaven's War: Burning Phoenix

Page 69

by Ava D. Dohn

  * * *

  Lowenah allowed adequate time for everyone choosing to refresh themselves, and to gather up some foodstuffs and tasty beverages before calling them back to assembly. Dried were the tears of joy she had shed witnessing the unchained love and devotion of her children, leaving heart and soul filled to overflowing with motherly pride. Still beaming in the afterglow of earlier events, Lowenah must now change times and seasons, readjust the very culture so long and deeply ingrained in her children of war, to take from the new king her power while retaining her majesty and glory.

  When all was quiet, Lowenah lifted her hands, pointing toward Mihai and calling out. “Michael Morning Star rules these heavens with majesty and glory. I have placed in her hands for all time the kingdoms above and the kingdoms below, the kingdoms that have passed and the ones yet to come. To my child does all praise for a virgin queen go, and forever and ever shall her light radiate forth upon all men and nations.”

  Everyone stood, shouting joyful support while filling the chambers with deafening applause. Lowenah smiled quietly. This was what she hoped for. When the room became quiet, she went on. “To my kingly daughter, Michael, all knees shall bend. Wherever the sole of a foot should trod, now or in long future days, all such kingly recognition belongs to this child of mine.” Again there was thunderous applause.

  Lowenah clasped her hands behind her, rocking slowly back and forth on her heels. “My child’s kingdom is new in so many ways, and to no other person shall her rulership be given. It is a holy and pure kingship, her own sacrificial blood cleansing it so long ago. Like the son of her adoptive forefather who built a holy temple to me with cleansed hands, the hands of my royal king-priest shall, with cleanliness, keep the throne of her kingdom.”

  A curious silence filled the room, the thought weighing upon everyone’s minds at how such a thing could be done if war loomed on the horizon. How could their new king remain free of bloodstains of the upcoming cataclysm that in vision they earlier observed? Lowenah did not keep them waiting long.

  “At one time, I journeyed into the Worlds Below, spreading my spirit over a woman of simple means so that the son she bore became divinely handsome and comely in appearance. This son I peered out at through a burning tree, my heart aflame over his beauty. So it was that I sent my beautiful child away to change times and seasons, he stretching his hands wide across the waters, parting seas to set my servants free. But it was by Aaron’s mouth and rod that I delivered devastation upon my child’s enemies.”

  “So much did I love this child that, upon my own daughter, Michael, I bestowed the name ‘Greater Moses’. This darling child of mine will also change times and seasons by spreading her arms wide in coming days and clutching hold of the throat of the Evil Worm, thus bringing all his works to nothing. Yet as with the former, so it is with the latter. The ‘Greater Aaron’ shall wield the rod of destruction in coming days, your king’s mouth being silent except for declaring when those days shall begin.”

  She waved a hand about in gesture. “It was Aaron’s rod that ate the enemy’s serpents, turned the waters to blood, that brought Pharaoh’s house down to the dust, and it was Aaron’s rod that budded, proving that my spirit was on him. You!” She swept her arms wide. “You are the rod of Aaron, the budded fruitage of my belly. My spirit is with you, proof that my spirit is upon my Greater Aaron!”

  The room remained quiet. This was not a riddle Mother was weaving, but something far more profound. Never had she referred to her children as ‘weapons of destruction’… obedient tools to be wielded at the discretion of another. It is the chill wind that is often the harbinger of a violent maelstrom approaching. That chill swept up the backs of many a veteran pondering the meaning of those words.

  Lowenah rested hands on hips as she bowed her head and began to slowly pace. “My Aaron is not a person, an individual, like my darling Michael. Aaron is become the power and might of this holy nation that will drive from these Realms our wicked foe. It is to this power and might… those who stand the bridge directing it… that all of you must bow in obedience without question or revolt. Not to my chosen king, but to this power will you, my weapons of destruction, be given, for that power to do with you as it chooses, for you to do its bidding without question.”

  She stopped, looking toward the ceiling. “In those hands will the fortunes of war be weighed. These agents I have personally forged to do my bidding. Only to me are they called to account, they declaring no other man their king, god, or master. They invent the destiny of nations, of worlds. No laws bind them, no ruler commands them, and no council holds them accountable. Indeed! The day of the councils is finished!”

  There was an audible gasp from the crowd. The time of the councils was ancient, existing before the end of the First Age. The councils had defined the life and customs of Lowenah’s children down to this very day. Why, even Asotos claimed to hold the councils sacred, professing to follow their direction in his decision making - a lie, of course. With no councils, there would be no negotiators to sue for peace, other than… No, their new king would be powerless to stop the warring once it began. So it would fall upon the other powers – Aaron - to decide the fate of all.

  Lowenah clenched her fists, leaning toward the crowd. “So it is to my Aaron that all knees should bend in regards to war. To follow them is to follow me! Do not question what they command, or look with disgust at what they may demand of you. Remember this: in your obedience to their orders, should you even strike down one innocent and pure in heart and thought, even a favored child of mine, to you there will not be held an accounting, for you are but a willing tool in Aaron’s hands.”

  She lowered her head, hands clasped in relaxed pose. “It has not been without counsel that I have come to these decisions. True, the day of the Law Councils has passed, but always will a multitude of counselors be appropriate, for many are the beams of light a spectrum reveals, bringing clarity to a colorless world. So now, please, allow me voice to explain so that I may reveal to you secrets, so that Aaron you will understand.”

  Lowenah stared into the shadows as if searching for someone. “No longer do we find a pontifex maximus, one sole agent who rules over our military force. My daughter-king stands as the only one in my kingdom, and that in her glory and majesty. The power of the military will be - is too great for but one to any longer command it, so into several branches has it been split. The central branch is that of the Army. There you will find the field marshal. The Army is the core - the trunk, so to speak - thus all other branches are born to lend support, first, to it. This field marshal shall wield the greatest authority when decisions are made regarding coming warfare, yet may be overruled if the will of the others is greater.”

  “I have already chosen this field marshal. You witnessed her ferocity at the Prisoner Exchange. Trust me on this... Searched the hearts of all my children living and dead I have, and no greater candidate did I find other than this woman to lead my children through the coming darkness.” She extended a hand of invitation. “My daughter, ElaiaKallos - better known to you as ‘Trisha QaShaibJal’ - please come here and stand by my side.”

  Trisha slowly stood and made her way over to Lowenah. Turning to the crowd in recognition, one could not help but see tears running down the woman’s face. She had been called ‘daughter’ by the Maker of Worlds, her precious childhood name announced to all present!

  Lowenah continued, “Your admiral of the fleet is none other than our most deserving leader, Gabrielle. ‘Daughter of the Jade’, and ‘Child of the Mist’, my most precious of children returned to us from the shadow-darkness when this Rebellion was young, her sword not resting through this long and tiring contest.” Gabrielle joined Lowenah and Trisha under the lights in the middle of the room.

  There was more. “The role of our new Army is to hammer our enemy into destruction, driving him from our worlds. It must then be allowed to concentrate itsel
f in a fist wherever the need for such power is demonstrated. For this reason, changes within certain branches of the military were deemed necessary. So it is with the Marines. As is currently the responsibility of this department, the Marines will continue to support the soldiering of the Navy’s ships and garrisoning of distant outposts. Some squadrons of Marine sky fighters will continue to fight alongside Navy and Army commands.”

  “It has been decided that all Marine officers having captain’s rank or higher must also be qualified naval officers, their various ranks being somewhat equal to their Navy brethren. I need not bore you with any details. They will be forthcoming directly. The Marines will also be responsible for our lightning campaigns, where quick mobility and rapid response are required. Clandestine activities will often be placed in their hands.”

  She pointed toward someone hidden in the crowd. “The one known as the ‘Wandering Warrior’, the ‘Scalp Hunter’, Planetee has offered her services to be the Marines’ commodore general.”

  Planetee wiggled from her seat, squeezing Jebbson’s hand as she stood. As she made her way forward, Jonathan stared in disbelief. Surely this was the same woman who sat with them but the other night, repudiating her own sanity while recommending the bottle’s cure. He marveled aloud at this woman’s tenacity and inner resolve. “Into the fire...” he murmured as she approached the others.

  Lowenah went on to explain. “The Marines will act co-dependently with the Navy, its commodore general accountable to the admiral of the fleet. As I have said, its primary mission is to protect the fleet and its many outposts, but will also, when possible, become the point of the spear when forcing new attacks on the enemy.”

  Lowenah now revealed an entirely new aspect of the military. “Clandestine activities are not new to you, but up ‘til this day have been inventions of the moment, when deemed necessary, and orchestrated by local command. We also have oft depended on any friendly Wildcatters to act as commerce raiders, carrying on our deep space warring while our navies sallied forth in mighty fleets to confront the enemy. Well, all that is about to change! After studying the recent history in the Lower Realms, and hearing persuasive dissertations by a certain Richard Finhardt, it has been concluded that a new branch of military must be instituted to meet upcoming needs.”

  She pointed into the shadows again. “Allow me please, to introduce you to the commander over the Beowulf, our Special Forces - Centurion General Sarah Cnidus.”

  The room was silent, no one moved. Soon people were looking about to see who this new centurion general was. A few had heard Sarah’s name whispered, and a few others had assumed the person to be an Off-worlder, but only a small handful knew her. Slowly and silently, as if rising up from the depths of death itself, Sarah stood, pausing to readjust her uniform, and then quietly made her way over to Lowenah.

  Lowenah beamed with the pride of a new mother. She hugged Sarah, and then made the woman bend down to receive a tender kiss on her lips. Still holding Sarah’s hand, Lowenah explained, “Long have I worked with this child. She is the ‘serpent hiding under the rocks’, the ‘assassin who puts the hemlock in the wine’, and the ‘thief who searches for treasure in secreted places’. Long have you heard whispers of her intrigues, but today you come face to face with the one you have called the ‘Gravemaker’.”

  There was an audible gasp followed by deathly silence as the stunned crowd stared in amazement at this ‘god revealed’. Rumor had long sounded the exploits of this person, but few believed them really true, or to be the work of but one, yet Mother was declaring it to be so with proof.

  Sarah did little more than bow her head when introduced. Trisha reached out and squeezed her hand, smiling as she looked up into the woman’s face. Lowenah grinned. “The Beowulf will reach out beyond your frontiers, deep into enemy territory to bring war to them. Their trade routes will burn bright with the wreckage of flaming transports while their outposts will be laid waste, forcing the enemy to expend vast amounts of resources protecting its home front.”

  “Although the Beowulf is independent of the other military branches, it remains part of it and will act in accordance with the needs of it. General Richard Finhardt…” she motioned for the man to stand, “and his team will work with Army and Navy Intelligence to make the Beowulf into an effective fighting machine. Often you will find Beowulf forces entrenched with the other military branches when need dictates.”

  While the others remained standing with her, Lowenah went on. “This is not to say that the Children’s Empire fights the upcoming war alone. No, Indeed! Thanks to the tireless efforts of certain negotiators, we have acquired the allegiance of several independent colonies - the major Wildcatter Guilds, and even the Witches of KordianHasur, Ancients who have sworn eternal vengeance upon Legion and his hordes!”

  Many in the crowd were amazed. True, reports from the Prisoner Exchange whispered rumors regarding the Witches of KordianHasur, and since many Wildcatters considered themselves allies of the Children’s Empire, that came as little surprise. But to hear they had offered their allegiance? Well, that was something to celebrate!

  Lowenah did not give them time, though. “As you know, the Stasis Pirates have been a constant threat to our eastern colonies. They harry our citizens and attack our shipping, ever waiting with a hungry eye to devour the innocent with their corvettes and luggers, gifts of our Enemy Worm. Well, this will no longer be tolerated! See! Now has come the gathering of the cave wasps who will search out the spiders of the Trizentine to bring them to a finish.”

  The room went silent in anticipation. Lowenah excitedly exclaimed, “Behold! The Cave Wasps! From the distant ranges of Tarezabar Jeiriea, the Ring-of-Fire, the Crimson Fleets have come to join us!”

  Two men and a woman stood. As they made their way forward, Lowenah called out, “My wild children, so long ago forgotten, have returned to us in this late hour of need to offer up their souls in our behalf. Welcome, please, the admirals of the Crimson Fleet who join us on our flanks!”

  Dressed only in long capes, sandals and morion-shaped helms, the three admirals gathered themselves to the others standing around Lowenah. Treston leaned over, whispering in Sirion’s ear, “If I didn’t know better, I’d say that Apollonius was one of them...” They both laughed quietly.

  Ancient these children were, among the oldest of those born to Lowenah. Even Chasileah could little recall these people. Scant, at best, were the stories of these sojourners, their tales often told as little more than bedtime stories, if ever told at all. Yet here they were, returned from their self-imposed exile, a people innocent as regards this Rebellion, to support their Mother in her desperate hour. Standing before them, representing all the Tarezabarian people were Admirals TaqaEsem, Zabinea Tizkertina, and UtechPhorsumai, all come at this critical juncture.

  (Author’s Note: During one of my visits upon a certain Chasileah, a person to whom I’m greatly indebted in her assisting me with these Chronicles, we chanced upon a discussion of these people called the ‘Tarezabarians’. She confessed she was born into their world shortly after their departure, and grew up far too busy chasing the handsome bucks across fields of lilies to bother learning the stories told about such a mysterious people. But she did add some insight into the world of that time.

  ‘Those days were filled with the excitement of exploration and adventure. Only did our universe exist for us then, there being no knowledge of any other Realm and, for us, the universe was only this galaxy. Oh yes, we well knew of so many other galaxies, but had no knowledge of how to explore them, if it was even possible. At the time of the Tarezabarians, little we really knew about our quadrant of space, not yet even aware of jump portals. Oh yes, a few star systems had been mapped and there were a few distant colonies but, for the most part, life still revolved around EdenEsonbar.’

  ‘So it came to be - at least as told me by aged companions as we sat about the firelight on moonless nights - a la
rge number of restless children gathered themselves together on the shores of a huge lake east of the Obeb Mountains, on the plains of Oros below a great tower claimed to have been built by the Ones Who Came Before. There they toiled for centuries, building a huge fleet of ships to sail the skies into the unknown.’

  ‘When the day of departure arrived, they gathered themselves together along with a great crowd of well-wishers, casting off after many long days of festive celebration. Along with them went the seeds of life - every form of plant and animal they could possibly pack aboard their giant ships - though I imagine them to be quite small in comparison to ships we have today. Naught did we ever hear from them again until the day of the Council when Mother revealed they were returned to give us their support.’

  I would like to add this one final note: Few of you born during this Age of Peace have heard of these strange and wonderful people. Restless they are, ever wandering the universe to find - or in search of…it is uncertain what they search for, lest it be knowledge of the unknown itself. When the Fourth Age finally arrived and their lost kindred returned to them from the Web of the Minds, these people again departed, this time into the Immortal Lands, to continue their searching ways. May they one day find what their hearts so deeply long for...)

  After everyone had returned to their seats, Lowenah pointed to the coming hour. “Little more do I have to say, the remainder of this day belonging to others. Allow me then to conclude with these words of counsel: My children, my darling children, I fear not your lack of loyalty toward me. No! No, indeed! It is just the opposite that I dread, for, in this upcoming hour of distress, it may well betray you, your hearts breaking over the destruction done to my wonderful things. No! You must not fight this upcoming war for me - or for what you believe will please me. An, evil tempestuous storm is sweeping in upon us - a storm that will test heart, mind and spirit to the limit! Love for me - my heart - will not see you through this time...”

  She looked into bewildered faces. “Oh yes, Love again will save us, will give us the strength to endure every privation and sacrifice we must endure, but it must be through a love greater than one for me. Love through right, because it is the right thing to do… Yes! Love for right is what will give you the power and strength to carry out what I am requesting of you this day. Though the rivers and seas may turn red with the blood of the innocent and guilty, your love for righteousness will preserve your resolve to see things through to the end.”

  “So, my children, learn from the mother eagle. To help her children grow, she must throw them from the nest. On their own wings, by their own might, do they learn to fly, do they learn to become the hunter of the skies. So to you… today I cast you from my nest. Some may fall, others may falter for a little while, but all of you will grow, must grow. The universe now belongs to you, its future rests in your hands - the battle to win or lose yours to decide...”

  Lowenah bowed graciously, her children standing in respectful honor. Sighing, satisfied, she stepped into the shadows as announcement was made that a dinner was soon to be served, inviting all to gather in the dining hall. The remainder of the day belonged to the children, to strategize and make plans. Oh yes, Lowenah had a few other items she wished to discuss, but not to take away from the children’s hour. A nap, yes a nap was what she desired, slipping away behind secreted doors to take a much deserved doze.


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